Across the ocean, in the main continent, there was a range of massive active volcanoes that constantly spewed volcanic ash. Every so often, a volcano would erupt fiercely, inundating the area with lava.

The people living nearby called this volcanic range "Flaming Death Ring" None who entered the range had made it back out alive. Some were killed by the sporadic explosions. But most were killed by the undead orcs that were known to live in it.

These massive volcanoes were interconnected and shared the same magma core which was riddled with passageways that led all the way down, through the hardened layer of magma bedrock.

The passageways opened up into a blistering hot cavern. The magma above it heated up the cavern like a pressure cooker.

"He actually survived the poison?" A raspy voice rang out and echoed eerily within the massive cavern that served as its throne room. "Only another God's power could break the poison which I had given you. Investigate."

"As you command, Lich King." Aldrian bowed deeply.

"Be gone." The Lich King severed the connection and the flames which contained the image of Aldrian disappeared.


"Yes, my Liege." A formidable looking orc in full body armor stepped forward and kneeled before the Lich King. His face was covered with grotesque scars and both his eyes glowed an unnatural red.

"Lead your orcs and take over the Southern Campaign. You have 5 winters to get the job done." The Lich King rasped.

"It shall be done, my Liege." Tazog prostrated himself and left the throne room along with the generals of his million-strong clan.


"SEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE!!" A banshee's mournful wail responded.

"Go to Rin-Turah and kill Aloxandros. Bring me his corpse intact."

"SEEEEEEEE SEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE eeeee!!!" The banshee's wail receeded quickly and then disappeared.

The Lich King closed his glowing red eyes and silence reigned once more within the throne room.

Before him, a thousand other undead closed their eyes as well. The remaining thousand living orcs quietly filed out of the room.

The day's most dreaded meeting was over. And for once, no orc chieftains were killed.


Alexander sat happily upon a monstrous 'horse'.

The first thing he had asked for after leaving the Testing Area was a mount. He loved horses, that was an undeniable fact.

Back on Earth, he had once owned a powerful black stallion which he named Bucephalus. It had accompanied him through countless battles, charging down enemies and trampling many to their deaths. Bucephalus had died of grievous wounds in his final battle, and he had missed it's presence ever since.

In Arcanus, there was a special breed called the Demon Horse. Standing at 3 meters, they were much larger than the largest horse on Earth. Instead of fur, beautiful iron-hard scales covered its body and two curved horns protruded from its head, much like demons. They were extremely fast and extremely powerful.

Alexander could already imagine an entire cavalry of Archmages riding Demon Horses. At full charge, with magical barriers protecting them, these horses would smash everything in its path. Alexander was sure he could destroy any army and flatten any obstacle. Even castle walls would not be able to withstand a thousand demon horses crashing into it like so many cannonballs. Very, very large cannonballs.

Demon Companion Cavalry, he decided.

Yes, that would be the perfect name. This name would strike fear into the hearts of all the generals and commanders in Arcanus.

There was only 1 problem. Rin-Turah only had 1 Demon Horse.

"Not much of a problem!" Alexander thought. "I could simply extort that damned Belirio for more. A thousand should do just fine. Within a couple of years, I would have at least 5000. Within 5 years, I would have around 30,000. Enough for a full regiment. Thank goodness these demon horse stallions are a lustful bunch. They spend so much time caraousing and they give birth so quickly that breeding them would be simplicity itself!"

Alexander looked down again and admired the monstrosity that was his horse. This particular Demon Horse was 4 meters tall with fully black scales. His horns protruded forward in an elegant yet deadly curve. It was love at first sight for Alexander.

It was a gift from King Belirio of Byzentia to King Aloxandros, to congratulate him upon his ascension. King Belirio had chosen the largest, strongest, and most unruly Demon Horse stallion in his possesion.

For one thing, only the best could do for his close ally. For another, it was to tease King Aloxandros by reminding him that Byzentia had a stronger mounted army compared to Rin-Turah. Much stronger.

"Not for long! Unlike that fool Aloxandros who disdained to use anything apart from magical units in his army, I love heavy cavalry and heavy infantry. Artillery too, for that matter. I will remake Rin-Turah's army and combine magic with cold steel. It would be an army Arcanus had never seen before. Arcanus is mine!" Alexander rubbed his hands gleefuly.

As Alexander was lost in his beautiful daydream, Aleyria, her three guards and an elite squad of Red Archmages had left his side and entered the Topaz Guest Palace.

They were about to capture King Dirz'On of Zan.


Aleyria glanced at Alexander. He was looking at his mount and patting it lovingly with a foolish smile on his face, like a little boy playing with his new pet. She fought down an urge to berate him. I'll just leave him be, she sighed to herself.

She transferred her glance to Alexander's Head Personal Guard who was standing behind Alexander with 9 other handpicked guards.

An old but heavyset man, Dubaza, Red Archmage of Lightning was once a renowned assassin with a fearsome reputation. There was no mistaking a Dubaza kill. His target would always become a charred corpse in a completely obliterated surrounding. God of Destruction, they had named him. They named him well.

Dubaza's cold eyes met Aleyria's and understood her intention. He nodded slightly. No harm would befall Alexander.

As if on cue, a blue robed archmage appeared and saluted to Aleyria. "The Topaz Guest Palace is surrounded, Princess."

The Royal Palace of Rin-Turah had 15 Guest Palaces. 11 for each of the other 11 Kings of the Conclave, and 4 for guests beyond the continent. King Dirz'On had been given the Topaz Guest Palace.

The Topaz Guest Palace was not a complex estate. The large ornate gate opened into a large courtyard which spanned the entire breadth of the estate. Directly beyond it was a beautiful garden, complete with a small lake with a waterfall feature. The large square building overlooking the garden was the main building of the Guest Palace.

That would be where King Dirz'On was. It was big enough to fit the many servants that come with the Palace as well as King Dirz'On's personal guard.

"Shira, Dari, Liz'An. On me. The rest of you, form up behind and follow us." Aleyria sent her horse cantering forward and pointed at the gate of the Topaz Guest Palace. Immediately the space around the gate warped and the gates were flung inwards.

Within the courtyard, a full squad of 50 Zantrolls were standing in formation. They roared out their defiance and shook their raised scimitars. Apparently someone had tipped them off.

Aleyria frowned. She gave a small hand signal and her own squad of Archmages surged forward.

Earth golems rose from within the Zantroll formation, instantly causing the formation to crumble. Fire balls, ice spears and windblades flew towards the Zantrolls. There was even a rarely seen lightning bolt smashing into once unfortunate troll. Fortunately, the caster was only a blue robe. Instead of killing him, the Zantroll was only paralyzed. The difference, however was moot. He was effectively out of the battle.

Facing the incoming magical onslaught, the Zantrolls charged forward, trying their best to dodge the barrage and close in on the archmages.

The archmages never gave them a chance. Earthen walls rose around the charging Zantrolls and trapped them in the middle. Platforms bearing the archmages quickly rose up as well, allowing the archmages to cast their spells directly into the mass of Zantrolls.

It was a one-sided massacre.

And it was way too easy.

Something was definitely wrong.

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