After registering at the library, Lucius didn't walk away and instead carried on speaking with the librarian.

"Erm.. excuse me." Called Lucius

"I'm currently looking for books about mana training for fighters and the basics that you need to know about them. Can you tell me where to find these books.

Hearing Lucius's description of the books he was a looking for, a faint smile appeared on the lips of the librarian girl.

She just quickly flickers through the book in front of her before she found the information Lucius was looking for.

"Based on your requirements, the books you're looking for would be found in section C, Row 2"

After receiving the news, Lucius wasn't ungrateful and quickly thanked the librarian before going into the library to retrieve those particular books

After taking the books off the shelf, Lucius found a rather secluded area and began reading.

It didn't take him too long for him to understand how mana worked in this world.

Mana was a sort of omnipresent energy abundant in everything in this world. From stones and trees to the very air you breathe.

Technically speaking all people in this world had mana.

Even Lucius, whose mana reading was big fat 0, still had mana.

Trace amounts of mana inside him were melted into his body and flesh and blood.

It was the presence of these trace amounts of mana in the human body that allowed regular humans in this world to show Olympic athlete levels of fitness and strength despite being just regular farmers and militia men.

The reason people were deemed as having no mana was that they had not formed a mana core meaning that they couldn't manipulate mana freely.

See, whether it was casting world ending spells or simply strengthening your body, having a mana core was a must.

And to form mana core you must have a mana technique.

These mana techniques could come in all sorts of variations and with special effects and abilities.

But right now, Lucius didn't have any special mana technique and even if he did he probably wouldn't even try it.

Practising a mana technique would take a lot of experience and practice. These special mana techniques can often be dangerous and leave permanent damage if even a slight mistake is made.

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Instead of this mana technique, Lucius was planning to use a different one, the most simple and basic mana technique, the Essence Gathering technique.

The Essence gathering technique is a widely circulated technique to the point where most villages have it.

Hell, it was even shown and perfectly recorded in the book Lucius was reading, completely free of charge!

It was unknown who first made the Essence gathering technique but it had been passed down over the years until it could embody two characteristics, mild and simple.

The mild nature meant that even if mistakes were made, no injuries would occur and its simple nature made it so that it would be easy for anyone to get started with it.

Naturally, with such benefits there would also be some downsides, that was, due to its easy mild nature the mana gathered was also particularly mild and not too powerful. It also lacked any special features or abilities of other mana techniques.

This didn't make it useless though.

These qualities made it the best mana technique to get started with and used to familiarise yourself with mana.

Even noble children use this as the technique used to build a solid foundation, as even after practising it you easily switched to another mana technique without much hassle.

Lucius spent several more minutes reading up on the Essence gathering technique when…


The bell went off, signalling the end of the period and the beginning of lunch.

Feeling his stomach grumble, Lucius knew that it wasn't that it was time to listen to it and headed out to lunch but not before signing out of the library and borrowing the book first.


A few minutes later,

Lucius was waiting in the dinner line, looking at the available menu with his mouth slightly watering .

The lunch menu in the academy could be considered less like a school lunch menu and more like a restaurant.

He didn't know if it was because the god this world wrote the book with modern knowledge e or simply the vast territory that the Empire managed to control, but on the menu, Lucius could see all kinds of foods from both Western and Eastern cuisines

When it got to Lucius's turn in the line, he didn't spend too much scrolling through the menu and picked something he was familiar with

"1 chicken katsu curry please."

It didn't even take more than 5 minutes before Lucius came to pick up his meal.

Sanctuary assured all its students that all the food was freshly cooked right after the order, so with such fast cooking times he could only chalk it up to the wonderful use of magic.

Lucius came to pick up his meal but when it came to choosing his drinks, he couldn't help but sigh.

Right now Lucius's throat was burning for a carbonated drink, but unfortunately such a thing was too far beyond the technology of this world.

It may be possible with magic but no Mage was bored enough to invent magical sodas yet so Lucius could only settle for some freshly squeezed apple juice which in all honesty, wasn't all that bad.

Holding the tray in his hands, Lucius was looking for a place to sit when suddenly-

"What are you looking for?"

Suddenly hearing a voice to his side, Lucius nearly jumped out of his skin.

Looking to the side, he could see the calm purple eyes of Camilla looking back at him.

'Damn! What is she, a ghost?' Cursed Lucius

She creeped up on him and he didn't even feel anything!

Camilla's Assassin talent was a little scary.

Lucius looked at the beautiful Camilla and could see that she picked up an exquisitely plated spaghetti dish.

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