323 A Hard Worker

Indri couldn’t sleep all night after returning from James’ birthday party. To be precise, she was forced by Leopard to study ethics.

She had never seen an ethics book this thick before!

She didn’t want to study anymore. She was tired.

But what can she do? Leopard is Christian’s guard and the Adisurya Family didn’t dare complain at all.

Even Haikal had no intention of helping her. Do these people even care about her life and death?

Even everyday, the servants in this house always treat her coldly. If Indri reprimanded some new servants, a senior servant would immediately reprimand her back, saying that she did not understand the rules in this house.

After that, the senior servants will report it to Haikal and make Indri have to learn more etiquette.

She endured it almost every day and her head felt so dizzy. Indri shook her head and looked at Leopard. “Allow me to rest for a bit. I’m really sleepy.”

Indri yawned and looked at Leopard pleadingly. But unfortunately, Leopard just looked at her coldly and said, “I can’t disobey my Master’s order.”


‘He told you to teach me etiquette, not to bully me like this.’

Unfortunately, Indri could only complain in her heart. She didn’t even dare say it in front of Leopard. The man also remained unmoved, having no intention of letting go at all.

All night, Indri kept begging Leopard so she could rest.

“I have been with my Master for a long time and I know how he works. I know what you want,” Leopard’s face remained as flat as a lifeless robot. He looked at Indri closely, not caring even though Indri was suffering.

How could Christian tell him to teach this woman etiquette? To be more precise, Christian told him to teach Indri a lesson so she would be deterred.

Indri’s face paled. She looked at Leopard reluctantly and said, “You really are ruthless. Aren’t you afraid of karma?”

“If you’re not afraid of karma, then I shouldn’t be afraid either.”

Leopard is one of Christian’s trusted bodyguards. From the very beginning at the party, he had always protected Christian and Ella. Of course he could see the discord between Ella and Indri clearly. He knew very well who was causing trouble in the first place.

Leopard’s words made Indri suddenly think of Ella’s dead child.

For several nights after the incident, Indri had nightmares. Even now, when she had to remember the past, she still felt panicked.

Panic immediately overtook her. She had to move as fast as possible. She had to get rid of Ella as quickly as possible. Getting rid of Ella was the same as getting rid of that nightmare.

Suddenly, Indri’s body felt weak and she fell to the floor.

Maybe because she was too tired, Indri finally passed out. Like a person in a coma, no matter how many times she was awakened, she would not be able to wake up.

Leopard just glanced at her and left the room.

A servant came and suddenly splashed cold water on Indri’s face. The cold water immediately surprised Indri. She opened her eyes and saw the maid, screaming so loudly. “How dare you! How dare you splash my face with water.”

Unfortunately, the maid who came was the most senior maid in this house, Sari. Even the Adisurya Family really appreciated her loyalty and devotion to their family.

Sari immediately slapped Indri’s face without warning. “Is this how you talk to me? What about all the ethics lessons I’ve ever taught you?”

Sari’s attitude was so firm and cruel that Indri cowered in fear. She didn’t dare to fight her. After refuting her once, she had already received a hard slap.

“Aunt Sari, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you,” Indri’s face looked reluctant when she said it.

At the same time, she had made up her mind. After she got rid of Ella and regained Haikal’s love, she would teach a lesson to all the servants who dared to mistreat her in this house.

She wanted to tell everyone in this house that she was not a woman to be taken lightly.

With determination, Indri ignored her tiredness and took her bag, then went to meet someone. She must approach Nadia and make her a partner.

That way, she had a greater chance of winning!

In the morning, as soon as Ella turned on her cellphone, a lot of news immediately flooded her cellphone. Ella caught a glimpse of it, realizing that all the news was about her attendance with Christian last night.

The reporters took a lot of photos. Even her dispute with Indri did not go unnoticed by all of them.

Perhaps to please Christian, all of Ella’s faces look beautiful in the photo as if people chose her best photo. Meanwhile, Indri’s pictures looked very ugly.

All this news showed Indri’s ugliness and how worse she was compared to Ella.

When Ella opened one of her stories, Christian suddenly snatched the phone from her hand. He looked at the photo with raised eyebrows and said casually, “That’s a great photo.”

Christian didn’t lie. Ella’s photo was very beautiful indeed.

Ella’s lips twitched, holding back a smile. She took the phone back from Christian’s hand and asked, “You’re not going to work?”

She thought Christian was gone.

“I’m not in a rush,” Christian replied.

This time, Ella returned to his side. The man wanted to spend a lot of time with Ella, not wanting to leave her like before.

Christian seemed to have been poisoned by Ella and there was no antidote to cure him.

Ella looked at Christian questioningly, but she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t guess what this man was thinking.

After a while, Christian finally said, “Come with me to the office.”

Christian imagined that the time would feel too long without Ella.

Ella shook her head and refused. “You promised to let me go to the studio.”

Ella was afraid Christian would change his mind so she said seriously, “I’ve always wanted to be a painter. Now, I got a rare opportunity. The studio owner was very kind to me. He taught me many things and let me work in his place. I will increase my skill very fast there.”

When Christian was about to open his mouth, Ella could already guess what the man was going to say. She immediately said, “I know that if you help me, I will instantly become a famous painter in this country. But Christian, that’s not me. I don’t want to use that kind of trick to achieve it. I want to use my own strength.”

Ella held Christian’s hand. “I know you hate to be belittled by other people too, right? Because you are also a hard worker.”

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