

The furious three-headed dragon continued its onslaught, slamming the ground constantly with its claws and tail. It was barely able to move properly, as the three goddesses within were incapable of foreseeing they would end up becoming so huge.

But that added to our advantage. As it was so huge, its entire body was barely able to move through the hall, and whenever it moved, it would often trip down and fall, giving us even more time to hit it with our lightning strikes.


With the power of [Thunderstorm Aura] overflowing through my body and that of my friends, we began jumping around thanks to the enhanced speed given by the aura, slashing at the dragon's body. Any part worked, as the attacks granted deadly wounds that wouldn't regenerate.


"W-We're doing it!" Aquarina said in disbelief. "It is huge and powerful, but thanks to these powers… We're somehow managing! Sylphy, what sort of magic is this?!"

"It's something that the giant dragon I befriended some time ago taught to me, I've been mastering it in secret." I said with a confident smile, making up a little lie.

"It's amazing, but don't lower your guards!" Zack said, as the dragon's tails suddenly divided into three out of nowhere and began slamming at us from three different positions.


With Aquarina at my side, we managed to evade the first two but a third one reached us. I quickly jumped in front of Aquarina and put-up Sapphire in front of me.

"[Iron Defenses]! [Fortress]! [Lightning Shield]!"


The enormous hit was still incredibly powerful, throwing me and Aquarina way. We hit the walls at the other side of the room while I ended vomiting blood, my entire body seemed like it was breaking apart even with all the buffs I had put over me.

"Uunnggh… Fuck…" I muttered, slowly taking out an Elixir. I only had two more before I emptied them completely.

"Sylphy!" Aquarina ran to my side as she saw me.

"I-I am fine, don't worry." I muttered, putting all the effort I could into standing back up to confront the monster.

Zack and Celeste, with everyone else's support wouldn't be enough to hold onto that monster for longer. My spirits were already helping me with their abilities and powers, but Curses and Poison were useless against a Dragon's scales unless I were to change classes to something that specialized on that, so Curse and Beelzebub couldn't do much anyways.

Ignatius flames were useless as well, and only Alice's light and Naturia's Life elements merged with my Lightning to create Divine Lightning were enough to deal some damage. Meanwhile, Furoh was too tired to fight in the frontlines, he was healed but still very tired and weakened, so he was supporting everyone in the backlines.

To say the least, our options were very few.

"Sylphy, we should run away!" Aquarina said. "That thing's defenses are insane, and its body keeps mutating, we've dealt so much damage yet it still moving… This is not something we can handle."

"I know." I sighed. "But I… I want to do this myself." I looked back at Aquarina's eyes. "I don't want to rely on my parents for everything. One day, they may not even be for us anymore. If we don't overcome these trials and tribulations, how will we grow strong enough to one day… confront the gods themselves?"

"Sylphy, you…?!" Aquarina felt shocked of realizing my true intentions.

"I told you I won't let anybody control you. I told you I will even beat the Gods to protect you, Aquarina…" I looked into her eyes, holding her hands. "Because I love you…"

"S-Sylphy… Agh, this is not the time for this!" Aquarina got completely red, blushing in embarrassment at my bold words.

"They're not real gods, they're but a remnant of their true minds. And that body is already falling apart. You may think this might never end, but I can see the future." I told her. "And we need to evade right now!"

I quickly grabbed her with my arms and then jumped off the ground before two enormous tails with sharp, spear tips were to fall where we were standing.


"GRRRHHHH! You damn brats!"

"What were you chattering about in there?!"

"I read that white haired girl's mind… the divinely blessed! So disgusting, does she truly loves another girl?!"

"UGH! Only disgusting slaves like them would have such sinful thoughts!"

"We would be doing a favor to these slave's society if we kill them! GAHAHAHAHA!"

"Disgusting! DISGUSTING! DIE!"

The damned bitches began talking nonsense, which only pissed me off more. I quickly called out my Beast Aura and combined it with my [Thunderstorm Aura], transforming the blazing dragon into a powerful lightning dragon. Scarlet and Sapphire began glowing brightly, angered at our opponent's words as well.

"Will you let them get away after saying something like that?" I asked Aquarina.

"Of course not!" Aquarina groaned, her body began overflowing with darkness as she quickly shapeshifted into her Abyssal Embodiment form. "RAAAAHHH!!!"

"LET'S GO!" I roared, as my body began to transform. This was time, now or never. "[Draconification]!"


My Dragon Heart began beating faster and faster, as it imbued all of its powers into my body. Long dragon wings grew behind my back, and a gigantic heat started spreading across my body as I gained a beautiful armor made of red scales, a long tail, dragon-like horns, draconic eyes, sharp claws, and even a third draconic eye in my forehead.

"W-What with that power?!"

"One is a Vampyr?! One of the descendants of the Shadow Slaves!"

"And the other- What? That's… we've never seen something like that before…"

"What… WHAT IS SHE?!"

"I am your fucking doom!" I roared, raising my sword as it suddenly began growing larger and larger. Divine Flames stared converging with Divine Lightning, as I unleashed all the leftover power I had within Heavenly Sun!



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