Chapter 161 Rescue Mission

Chapter 161 Rescue Mission

A lightning spear flew to Blood Demon in the air.

Bang! A shield made up of blood appears in front of Blood Demon.

Blood is coming out of the magic circle that appears over the space ring.

Blood Demon looks at Eric with a grin.

Gin is floating in the air as he observes the warehouse and the guards. It is located a few kilometers away from the warehouse that traps Edgar. It is the real hiding place of the kidnapped victims and magic materials for smuggling.

Gin moves down and starts his rescue mission.

In another warehouse, a few kilometers away, where Melody is fighting Sigler, rescue is also being carried out.

Gan looks at the humvee while floating in the air. He quickly moves down from the air as he puts more aura on his right arm.


BANG! A big tiger aura arm crushed the humvee.

Toda jumped from the car door and rolled to the ground. He stands up as he releases his aura and looks at Gan with huge killing intent.

Fin, a hyperbeing with blue hair, heard the noise. He walks toward the source, but he is blocked by someone.

"You must stay here, and you will stay here forever," said Mike with burning fists.

Fin laughed when he heard Mike. He thinks that his pets will have another hyperbeing as food.

Emily moves to the warehouse and starts eliminating the guards.

Within the dimensional lock, Vyron has been trying to hit Edgar with his steel staff.

Boom! Boom! Steel staffs missed Edgar and stabbed the floor.

Steel staffs are moving down again to Edgar.

Vyron grins as he sees Edgar preparing to dodge.

The steel staffs turned into many small pyramid-shaped steels.

The dense, sharp steels are rapidly moving to Edgar.

"DIEEE!!!" shouts Vyron as he laughs.

More lightning flashes on Edgar's body, then he swiftly avoided the steels. The sharp steels keep attacking, but he dodges them with ease.

Vyron's face turned ugly. All the steel staffs turned into small pyramid shapes, then they moved to Vyron's arms and formed big steel arms. He clad the steel arms with an aura and attacked Edgar from the air.

Edgar formed an armored earthen arm, and then he flew toward Vyron.

They both raised their arms, then struck.

Vyron has a hideous smile.

Many sharp steels suddenly flew from his steel arm and attacked Edgar, but they missed.

Edgar has already jumped forward as he rotates his body in mid-air. His right foot, with flashing lightning, is moving on Vyron's head.

Bang! "Ahhh!" screams Vyron as he is pushed to the ground.

Edgar attacks from the air.


CLANG! A steel shield blocked the attack. Sharp steel attacks Edgar. He moved away and dodged the attack.

Don is sipping wine as he watches the show. He drank all the wine, then his butler took out a wine bottle from his storage ring and filled the glass.

Don chuckles as he observes Edgar.

"Vacuum was hiding his true power. He even has a magic cape. There is only one group that can give Vacuum a magic cape and benefit from all the actions of vigilantes, the PHA," said Don with a playful smile.

"Master, his magic skills do not match anyone in the database," said the butler named Gibra.

"PHA has a collection of secret magic skills that they reward or entice to hyperbeings. They came from Viel or hyperbeings that failed the trial. Vacuum could have received one of them," said Don.

"Aren't we going to take revenge on PHA, Master?" asked Gibra.

Don smiles and says,"It's fine, PHA has felt frustrated for so long. It is better for them to vent on dogs rather than to us. The actions of vigilantes do not hurt our foundation. Their actions are actually useless. What they are eliminating are disposable pawns. Soon, the law that will put gps on hyperbeings will pass. Sensors will also be put everywhere. Any hyperbeing without gps will be detained."

"Isn't that also disadvantageous to us? I heard that a government body will be responsible for selecting the technology and monitoring of GPS,"asked Gibra with confusion.

"How will it be disadvantageous to us if black sheeps work for us? They will ensure that we will be in our house while doing something elsewhere. I'm Don Maywire. Why would I hit my own foot? Hahahaha"

Meanwhile, Emily has just eliminated the last guard in the warehouse.

"Are there others?" asked Emily.

"No, the women and children can now be taken outside. Anne is waiting with a bus," answered Oscar in the earpiece. He is controlling a remote-controlled flying bug and drone with a video camera.

Gin also successfully eliminated the guards.

He and Emily quickly led the women and children to the electric bus. They left them for Yuno and Anne, then they rush back to help the other dragon guards. They run and activated cloaking.

Anne is guiding the kidnapped victims.

"Let the children go first. Help them get up and be quick!" said Anne.

The women nodded.

A woman who has teary eyes approaches Anne.

"T-Thank you. I-I thought I'm never going to see my parents again," said a woman. She hugs Anne and cries.

Anne feels awkward.

The woman put her head on Anne and sniffled, but she is grinning as her face turned hideous. She put her left hand on her jacket, then she pulled out a dagger laced with strong poison that works even for strong hyperbeing. She stabbed the dagger toward Anne's neck, but Anne had a quick reaction.

Anne's right hand holds the woman's wrist. Her hand is clad with aura.

"Phew, that's dangerous," said Anne.

The other women are shocked that one of them is attacking their savior.

The attacking woman grits her teeth and tries to jump away.

Anne holds the woman's head with her left hand, then jumped and hit the woman's face with her right knee.

The woman passed out.

The other women look worried. Their savior might change their mind because of the woman.

"P-Please don't abandon us. W-We didn't know that she will do that," said a woman with teary eyes.

"I know, she is probably sent by the guild to ambush us. Go, we need to hurry," said Anne.

Yuno was also ambushed, and she threw the woman to the ground.

A GPS is found on the women who attack. They are supposed to stay to ensure that they will be tracked and intercepted in case the captives are rescued, but they thought that they could kill Yuno and Anne. Oscar let the spy bug carry the GPS back to the warehouse.

Polaris controlled the bus to move away from the scene.

Gin is rushing back, then a big fist made up of black smoke suddenly comes out behind an abandoned container.

Boom! The fist hit the ground causing a crack to appear.

The black fist moved back to the hyperbeing name Boltes. The black smoke lifts Boltes to the air, then they start molding into a five-meter-tall black giant that looks like a golem. Boltes grins at Gin.

Emily is running toward Gan, then a rotating silver disc with wind blades suddenly attacks.

She jumped up. Another disc attacked her in the air. She jumped back with a somersault and landed on the ground.

A man with silver hair is chuckling while coming out of a shadow.

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