Han Xifeng knew that these thoughts were not right, but she couldn't stop them. She felt a surge of power within her as if the darkness that had taken over her heart was now empowering her. She knew that she had to reign in these thoughts before they consumed her completely, but she couldn't resist the temptation of revenge.

With a heavy heart, Han Xifeng finally managed to calm herself down. She looked at her wings, which were now a shade of grey, and sighed. She knew that she had to find another way to deal with the Night Dagger Clan, one that did not involve becoming a monster herself.

At this moment, she recalled that voice again.

"…What if that voice was telling the truth? Can I get my vengeance if I trust that voice?" Han Xifeng wondered aloud.

Naturally, she was curious how that voice seemed to know of her predicament. However, this curiousness was far too little compared to her desire for vengeance.

"Alright. I will take this risk," Han Xifeng spoke while clenching her fist.

Her feet moved quickly as she headed towards the spot where she had initially heard the voice.

"I have come! I need your help to get my vengeance!" Han Xifeng shouted.

A mysterious voice resounded after a few seconds, "…Very good. Then you should be ready to pay the price of this task."

"What is it?" Han Xifeng asked.

"I want you to sign this binding contract," the voice responded.

As Han Xifeng's eyes scanned the yellowish scroll, her heart pounded with anxiety. She knew that whatever was written on this piece of paper could potentially change the course of her life forever.

As she read through the binding agreement, she could feel her palms getting sweaty and her breath getting shallow. The demand written on the scroll was outrageous and sinister, and Han Xifeng couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust at the person who had written it.

This binding agreement stated that in exchange for Fen Gen and his entourage's lives, Han Xifeng had to secretly spread the news that Lin Feng killed them.

"What kind of demand is this?" she exclaimed, her voice shaking with disbelief and anger.

But as soon as she finished speaking, a cold voice replied, "This is my only condition. Agree to that, and I will immediately head to kill Fen Gen."

Han Xifeng couldn't help but begin to overthink at this moment. Was this really happening? Was she actually being given a chance to avenge her tribe?

But then, doubts started creeping in. Could she really trust this person? What if it was a trap? What if she ended up being betrayed?

She couldn't help but hesitate, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

"What's wrong?" the voice asked impatiently. "Do you want to avenge your tribe or not?"

Han Xifeng felt a pang of anger at the person's tone, but she knew that this was her only chance. With a deep breath, she made a decision.

"I agree," she said, her voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions inside her.

"Then sign the contract with your blood."

Han Xifeng bit her thumb, and blood instantly gushed out of it. She signed the contract with a heavy heart.

As she signed that sinister contract, she felt a strange sensation in her back. Looking over her shoulder, she gasped in horror as she saw her angelic wings darken and turn into a deep shade of black.

What had she just done? What kind of path was she embarking on? The weight of her decision began to settle heavily on her shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding about what was to come.

'Interesting. I never expected to see fallen angel wings here. It seems that this woman's bloodline is closely related to the true angel bloodline,' Wang Jian thought as he gazed at Han Xifeng's dark wings.

The True Angel Bloodline that Han Xifeng possessed actually possessed two paths. One was the Holy Path, whose branch was known as the Sacred Angel Bloodline, while the other was the Demonic Path and its branch was known as the Fallen Angel Bloodline.

The Miracle Angel Tribe possessed the Sacred Angel Bloodline, so Han Xifeng's bloodline shouldn't have transformed into the Fallen Angel Bloodline like that.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The only possible reason Wang Jian could think of was that Han Xifeng's bloodline was very pure and could nearly rival the True Angel Bloodline. And her emotions had darkened enough, which resulted in her bloodline transforming.

Naturally, this transformation wasn't merely of the wings.

Her once pure bloodline Holy Angel physique began to transform. Her skin, already fair and luminous, took on an almost ethereal glow, radiating an otherworldly beauty.

As her body mutated into a fallen angel, dark qi began to leak out of her, giving her an ominous aura that could send shivers down anyone's spine.

Her once slender frame became even more so, with her curves becoming more pronounced, causing her to appear more attractive to men. Her clothes now clung to her body in a way that was almost seductive, revealing just enough to leave the mind to wonder.

Despite the transformation, her hair remained the same vibrant shade of black as before, cascading down her back in luxurious waves. Her eyes, still the same piercing shade of brown now had a dark tint to them that made them even more mesmerizing.

As her transformation began, Wang Jian had no choice but to come out of hiding and shroud that massive qi.

He knew that if this dark qi continued to gush out of her body, Lin Feng would soon detect it. Once he discovers something is wrong, he would immediately heads to this location.

Although Wang Jian wasn't afraid of Lin Feng, he was still a bit mindful of their confrontation.

He felt that it wasn't time to confront Lin Feng just yet. It was crucial that he concealed his presence to execute his plan perfectly.

Wang Jian was rather impressed as he witnessed Han Xifeng's transformation.

He received a notification on the system.

[Congratulations, Host. Your schemes have completely transformed Heroine Han Xifeng's mentality and forced a bloodline mutation. You receive 20,000 Destiny Points.]

That wasn't all. Han Xifeng's cultivation actually advanced to the Origin Realm after successfully becoming a fallen angel.

After three hours, Han Xifeng slowly stirred awake. Her head throbbed painfully as she opened her eyes. At first, her vision was blurry, but as her gaze sharpened, a flash of silver caught her attention.

Her eyes traced the source of the glimmer, settling on a man with a head of lustrous silver hair and piercing blue irises that held a calm and serene demeanour.

As she struggled to sit up, she found herself locked in the man's intense gaze. He appeared to be studying her, and Han Xifeng couldn't help but feel a rush of unease at the intensity of his scrutiny.

She swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry, and spoke softly, "Who are you?"

Wang Jian's response was as swift as a well-aimed arrow.

"The owner of that binding contract," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Han Xifeng's heart leapt into her throat. She had anticipated an aged warrior to be the holder of such power, but the young man before her belied that assumption. His piercing blue gaze was cool and collected, belying his apparent youthfulness.

"Surely, you cannot be a Lord Realm warrior," Han Xifeng stammered in disbelief, her eyes scanning his handsome features for any indication of deception.

Despite her scepticism, she was struck by the sense of power that emanated from Wang Jian, like an aura that pulsed from deep within him.

Wang Jian's expression remained placid, though Han Xifeng detected a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Looks can be deceiving," he said simply, leaving her to ponder his enigmatic words.

Han Xifeng's curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Wang Jian," came his calm reply.


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