White Online

Chapter 598 Isaac's War (4)

Chapter 598 Isaac's War (4)

''Sir, General!'' A brown-coated soldier entered a green-colored tent. Inside, he saw four, grumpy, and old soldiers, gathered around a strategy table. They were deciding the next course of attack.

''What is it?''

''Our soldiers can't advance!''

''They have an overwhelming advantage!'' The General screamed, and smashed his fist into the table, ''I sent a big portion of our division there! If even they can't break through their defense, then why the fuck are we even here!''

The soldier gulped, and mentioned, ''We heard from an eyewitness that they had White Death in their side. He is currently killing all of our snipers. Our men are too afraid to move!''

The other high-ranked officers turned silent. They turned to the General, and saw his beef-red face.

''Do you have any idea of his general location!''

''W-Well, somewhere in the northeast forest of Kollaa!''

''Focus all artillery fire there!'' The General ordered, and moved the figures on the strategy table. The artillery rounds moved to the northeast forest in the map, ''They want to have a hero? Very well, they will get a martyr instead!''


Isaac pulled the trigger, and as soon as another skiing soldier fell to the wet snowy ground, he reloaded, and fired again. That continued until the advancement of the brown-coated soldiers entirely stopped.

Everyone stopped firing their weapons. The artillery fire stopped. The whole forest turned silent, and the wind stopped. It was as if the whole world turned silent.

Isaac frowned, and whipped his head around. Even the Captain seemed to be confused. All the white-coated soldiers lay still, waiting for the enemy army to do their move first.

However, then they all heard a whisling coming from the sky. Artillery rounds shredded through the air, and landed on the forest. The trees exploded, and sent snow everywhere.

Several screams of white-coated soldiers rang in the forest. They all missed limbs, and some even had their guts out!

''Watch out!'' Their Captain's scream followed.

Isaac's eyes widened in a shock as he raised his head to the sky. Several artillery rounds flew straight towards him. It was like they were specifically targeting him!

He jumped to his feet, and ran further into the forest. As soon as his silhouette zoomed past the trees, the gunfire resounded beside him. The bullets flew over him.

Isaac rolled on the ground, and after stopping beside a broken-in-half tree, he found a target, a brown-coated soldier aiming with his rifle, trying to kill him. He immediately pulled his trigger, and watched as the bullet tore through the soldier's eye.

Swoosh... Once again, the artillery fire continued destroying the forest. However, Isaac managed to dodge them all, and continued to get rid of the brown-coated soldiers. After ten minutes, the artillery fire stopped.

Isaac, sweating heavily, watched as the brown-coated soldiers ran away with their tails tucked between their legs. The white-coated soldiers screamed in celebration. This time, they didn't chase after them. They were only defending their current post.

''Whew...'' Isaac returned to his fellow soldiers, and left the forest with them. As they picked up their skiis, they left the destroyed forest. A cloud of smoke lingered in the air, and most of the trees were broken in half, and the ground flipped upside down.


Time passed quickly. A month... two months...Until, finally, a decisive day happened.

Isaac trekked down the snowy forest, alone. He had lost track of time, and eventually became completely used to the army routine. He wasn't even sure anymore whether he was Simo Häyhä or Isaac Whitelock.

He had forgotten about the Tournament of Champions, and everyone who waited for his return. There was only one thing in his mind, to win this war.

Isaac soon reached his position He sought last night for this day. The place was surrounded by frozen snow. He froze it so that the snow wouldn't expose his position after firing his weapon.

After kneeling down, Isaac put a mouthful of snow into his mouth. It was to keep his breath from giving off his position. Then, lastly, he took a comfortable position in a kneeling position while placing the rifle's stock against his shoulder.

He became more used to this kind of firing position. Kneeling, and not lying. He found it more comfortable, strangely enough.

Now, the waiting began.

A hundred meters away, a brown-coated man hid between two trees. He yawned while holding a sniper with a scope. The previous night, he barely slept, and didn't receive any food either. He was starving, and would want to just lay down and sleep.

'M-maybe... little... bit, doesn't hurt...' The soldier's head hung low as his heavy eyelids closed shut. However, at that moment, he accidentally pulled the trigger.


''Ah!'' The soldier woke up, and noticed his bullet flying across the air, 'No, I have to go before my position is found!'

Isaac, who was seeking for his next prey, flinched after hearing the loud bang. A quick projectile flew through the air, and landed on his left cheek!

The bullet exploded, sending broken shards across his face.

''?!'' Isaac's eyes widened in shock, and half of his white mask ripped apart. Beneath the mask, a face that didn't belong to him appeared. Instead, it was Simo's face, which was now bleeding heavily with skull showing cracks!

''W-Where?!'' With his vision swimming, Isaac screamed while trying to find who shot him. In the distance, he saw a silhouette of brown-coated man running away. After grunting in pain, and adrenaline fueling his body, he placed his rifle into a firing position, and pulled the trigger.


The bullet flew across the air, and landed on the brown-coated soldier's head. After a hole appeared in the middle of the soldier's face, he fell down, dead.

Isaac clumsily staggered to his feet, and started stumbling backward. He slowly turned around, half of his face gone. The vision grew dim as he started stepping forth.

He didn't know how long he walked for, or where. But, after a time that seemed eternity, he felt hands touching his body with screams entering his ears.

After opening his heavy eyes, he was standing in the middle of the camping area. A shocked-looked soldiers screamed for a medic while they bandaged his bleeding face. Shortly afterward, a pale-faced medic appeared, and looked as if he had seen a ghost!

''How the hell is he still alive?!''

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