6 Times a Day

Chapter 143 Kath+Kim=Danger

When Alan woke up on Monday, the main thing on his mind was the thought of painting Katherine's butt and pussy again, and painting Kim's as well.

Every day for the past week or so, something had put him in close proximity with his sister's pussy. First he'd watched her frig herself, then he'd put suntan lotion on it, then he'd painted it, then he'd rubbed it with a brush and soap and fondled it, then he'd fingered it at the movies, then he'd shaved it and fingered it some more. And now today he was sure that things would continue, or go even further, even with Kim there.

He stroked himself while he thought about that. It didn't take him long to cum. What mental barriers he still had against incestuous fucking were collapsing rapidly.

Katherine was doing everything she could to help speed that collapse. For instance, after Alan had showered that morning, he'd heard his sister call for him from within her room. So he went in to see what she wanted. She lay nude on the floor, on top of the clothes she had set out to wear to school.

"Brother, I was just changing my clothes, but I suddenly got soooo tired. I need some help putting them on. I've got an energy problem too. With my energy problem, you're going to have to give me six orgasms a day from now on to get my energy back," she joked.

Alan had under-appreciated his sister's body for so long that now every time he saw her in a compromising position, he was staggered as if he were discovering her beauty for the first time. But still, his responsible side forced him to say, "Sis, what's come over you?" He was worried about both their parents, who were milling about elsewhere in the house at that very moment.

Katherine stared him in the eyes intently and replied, "You. You're what's come over me. I love you, Big Brother." She ran her hands all over her freshly shaved pussy. She dropped her seriousness, and giggled, "You could cum over me, but I'd rather you cum inside me." She moaned needfully and suggestively, "I need your love!"

"I love you too, Sis, you know that, but there's a right way and a wrong way to express that. Now please get dressed! There's also a right time and a wrong time to be sexy as hell and this is REALLY the wrong time! I've got to go." He left the room, not waiting to hear her sounds of frustration.

That incident hardly surprised him or freaked him out (although it did give him a hard-on). Strange things were now happening to him on such a regular basis that he was starting to take it all in stride. His heart would still pound wildly at such occurrences, but intellectually his mind was now better at handling such surprises.

Katherine left for school early because Kim had called the night before and told her that she wanted them to meet before school to talk about something important.

Katherine was not looking forward to that meeting, but she really had no choice. As Kim had put it on Friday, she was Kim's "bitch" now because of what Kim knew.

As soon as Katherine left, Alan went back into the bathroom and shot another load while thinking about what she'd just said and shown him.

— — —

Kim saw Katherine walking from the bike racks and intercepted her. "Hey, Katherine. How goes it? Why don't we take a little walk?"

"Okay." Katherine was unhappy. She just wanted to get this over with, whatever it was.

Kim waited until they were headed to one of the grassy sports fields, far from anyone who might overhear. "Relax. Don't look so glum. I'm not out to get you."

"That's what it feels like," Katherine muttered unhappily.

"Look. This isn't your trial or anything. I've been doing some thinking. The other day I said some things like 'You're my bitch. You're my slave.' I'm not too proud of that. I'll admit that I got a rush out of having this power over you. But then I got to thinking: W-W-H-D."


"'What Would Heather Do?' I realized that if Heather were in my shoes, she'd take full advantage of her secret knowledge and make your life absolutely miserable. So I don't want to do that. I want to be the anti-Heather! If I go the blackmail route, that'll make me into her evil minion or something. I don't want to be that. I hate her! Besides, I'm just not cut out for blackmailing people; I'm too nice. I see how you look at me resentfully and I don't want you to feel that way. I'd like for us to be friends."

Katherine's hopes soared, but she was cautious. She was very mindful of how she'd gotten into this predicament in the first place, by revealing too much about activities between herself and Alan. So she merely said, "I'd like that too."

"Here's the thing. I know that you and Alan have a sexual relationship."

Katherine came to a complete stop, forcing Kim to stop too. She played dumb, very dumb. "Whaaaat?! I have NO idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on. The evidence is obvious. First off, there's the painting of the fake panties. That's pretty odd. Then there's him watching you in your fake panties with his binoculars."

Katherine cut in. "He was just-"

But Kim raised a hand and interrupted her in turn. "Hold on. That's just for starters. I didn't say more before, because I still didn't know where I wanted to go with this, and I certainly didn't want people like Heather to figure things out. But the fact is, you've been way too careless. Actually, I don't blame you much because you probably don't even realize what you're doing. But ever since this painting-of-panties thing started, whenever his name comes up, you should see your face every time it does. Girl, it's like the words 'I'm in love with my brother' are written in big letters all across your face!"

Katherine decided it was safer not to say anything.

Kim pointed at her face. "A-ha! See? Right there! You didn't say anything, but your face just did. You couldn't look any more guilty. Every time he's mentioned, you look damn horny. There's like this HUNGER in your eyes."

Katherine realized that she'd been caught. She tried to minimize the damage. "So... maybe I have a secret thing for him. Big deal. You knew that already. He's handsome and an all-around great guy. It would be kind of weird NOT to have a little harmless crush on him. Besides, we're not even genetically related, since we're both adopted. Did you know that?"

Kim shook her head 'No'.

"So that's all it is: harmless!"

"Fair enough," Kim said. "But I also had a chance to talk to him on Friday. I wanted to see if my hunch was right. So while I asked him a few questions about some meaningless stuff, I mentioned your name. And guess what? He had that SAME hungry look! Furthermore, he wears those short shorts that don't hide too much, and seconds after I said 'Katherine' he had a full-on boner! The two of you have the hots for each other!"

Katherine realized her face was red with an embarrassed blush. She knew that was another clue; she hated how her body kept giving her away. Still, she was determined to admit as little as possible. "Have you ever heard the word 'unrequited'? He's handsome and I'm beautiful. Okay? I know that's boasting, but it's true. So I've got a crush on him and he has one on me. But that's ALL IT IS! Okay? We're siblings! To do anything about it would be sick!"

Kim said, "Very clever. I have to admit that I can't prove anything beyond that, but I just know. Even a week ago, you weren't like this. It's not like you both just discovered you're attractive people in the last week. Something happened!"

Katherine stayed silent but gave her a withering look.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Kim shook her head in exasperation. "Look, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm accusing you. Let me come at this from another direction. I know the truth, no matter how you try to deny it. But I'm not your enemy! I'm not going to blackmail you or tell anyone about it. I swear! If that was my plan, I'd do things in an entirely different way: I'd keep my mouth shut and wait until I had some really damning evidence. I'd probably even be able to get photos, if I was really devious. Then you'd REALLY be my slave! And Alan would too. But by telling you what I know now, I'm tipping you off so you'll be extra careful around others. Not exactly smart, huh?"

Katherine stood there stone-faced. She was very frightened, fearing that anything she said would be an admission of guilt.

Kim could see Katherine's fear written all over her face and body, so she tried to dispel it. "But I'm NOT trying to blackmail you. Like I said before, I don't want to turn into Heather. I'm not a mean person. I'm going to free you now from any hold I might have had over you. You don't have to do ANYTHING for me, and I really mean that!"

Katherine looked at her through narrowed eyes. "I don't get it."

"That's because I acted like a jerk before, and now you rightly think I can't be trusted. I wish I could somehow prove to you I AM a good person, and I can keep your big secret. You see, the thing is, even though I don't have a brother or sister of my own, I think sibling incest is really HOT!"

Katherine frowned skeptically.

"Maybe because I don't have any real siblings who act like total dipwads all the time, I can idealize it. Let me tell you a little bit about me to help even things out and kind of balance the scales, if only a little bit. It's not easy being a lesbian. I've had a pretty frustrated sex life. It was only relatively recently when I came out, so prior to that I had to go through the motions of dating guys, which didn't do anything for me. So for my sexual excitement I turned to the Internet. Pictures didn't do much for me either, but I really got off on the erotic stories. It didn't take me long before I found that the incest stories were the hottest! I swear, you can take any random crappy story, change it a little so it's between siblings, and suddenly it's hot as FUCK!"

She grinned. "Sorry. I was getting a little carried away there. But just thinking about some of my favorite stories gets me really excited. Naturally, I prefer the sister-sister ones, but to be honest there aren't a lot of those. So I read the brother-sister ones and just change it in my mind so it's between two sisters, because the better brother-sister stories generally are hotter than the run-of-the-mill lesbian stories. My point here is, I get off on incest in a big way. But I didn't know how I'd react to real incest. If you'd have asked me, I would have guessed it probably would have turned me off. But seeing how you and Alan are so hot for each other is just about the hottest thing EVER! I love it!"

Katherine, still trying not to give anything away, just asked skeptically, "Where are you going with this? I still don't get it."

"To be honest, I don't know exactly. But I don't want to be your enemy; I want to be your friend. Your confidante, even. I want to help you and your brother get it on! What I'd love most is to be allowed to watch. You probably don't have anyone you can talk to about this. Well, you can talk to me. I want to earn your trust so you can tell me everything! We could have so much fun! I could help deflect suspicions, help you dress extra sexy for him, and all kinds of other stuff!"

Katherine remained determined not to admit anything. Still attempting her best poker face, she said, "You know what? I think this is all some kind of elaborate trick. I know you're not a bad person like Heather, and that's why I was surprised when you came up with this 'you're my bitch' crap. But I still don't trust you!"

Kim said, "I figured as much. And that's smart. But don't worry; I'll earn your trust over time. I pretty much know the truth, I think. Just what you've admitted to is pretty damning, if I wanted to use that. But in time you'll see that I haven't told anyone else and I'm not blackmailing you or anything, and you'll start to see I really mean what I say."

Katherine was frustrated. Her gut instinct told her that Kim was being honest, but she'd been burned already with loose talk around Kim. She wracked her brain, trying to think of some test that would show that Kim was being sincere.

Then an idea came to her. "So... you really love those sibling incest stories, do you?"

"I do. Some of the good ones I've read over and over again."

"Have you ever heard of a story called 'Big Sister Is Horny?'"

"Sure! I love that one!"

"Okay, tell me about it."

"Let's see. I think the sister's name is Mindy. Mindy Masters, as a matter of fact. She's home for the summer, it's a small town with nothing to do, so she's bored out of her mind. And she's a sex maniac who's just gotta have it, if you know what I mean. Before long, she happens to see her brother masturbating in the bathroom. I think his name is Eddie. And-"

"Hold it right there," Katherine said in a new, more relaxed tone. "You're for real, aren't you? That story is pretty obscure, and you even got the names right! There's no way you could know that if you weren't..."

"Really into incest," Kim completed her sentence. "I told you, I'm for real. Test me some more. Even now, I spend way more time getting off from Internet stories than actual sex with girls."

Katherine smiled for the first time. "Don't worry, I'll test you. It just so happens that I know those sibling incest stories pretty damn well myself. Do you know a story called 'Reciprocal Needs?'"

"Do I ever! That's one of my favorites. Not only does it have lots of hot sib' sex, it's got love. It ends with Carrie and her brother Darrin getting married. So beautiful!"

Katherine shook her head in disbelief. "My God. This is too bizarre. Reading those stories has been my secret shame. Well, one of them, anyway. What if... God! What if I can trust you?"

Kim stepped forward and hugged Katherine.

Katherine bent down and hugged her back tightly. She said, "Fuck it! You've already figured everything out anyway. I'm going to take a risk and confide in you. We've got a LOT to talk about!"

Kim giggled with glee. "Cool! It's a good thing there's still a lot more time before class starts!"

They talked. Katherine actually didn't reveal much in the way of specifics, because she still wasn't sure just how much she could trust Kim. But just confessing her incestuous desires in a general way was a huge relief for her. She literally felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders.


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