A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 64: Take that damn Wyvern down!

[“Caszcur, Apsala, Aksmias!”] I called out to the lizardmen, as I ran towards them. [“Are you guys, ok?! Are you alright?”]

The groans and coughing of the lizardmen were audible enough that it slowly reassured me that most of them were alive. Looking through the vomit-saliva covered lizardmen, I couldn't detect anybody dead which was a massive relief.

As I was approaching the lizardmen, one of them jumped on their feet and screamed, “Ahhhhhhh, stay away from me! A monster, a monster!”


Hearing this, the other lizardmen exactly copied what he just did, screaming from the top of their lungs that I should "stay away", while holding their arms in front of them, slowly crawling backward.

[“Wait, everybody! It’s me, it’s me, Hestia!”] noticing what they were panicking about it, I quickly responded back as the mana mist from [Humanize] covered me.

[Humanized (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Spark Inferno Dragon, Hestia Atsuko]

[“Everybody, see. It’s me, it’s me! I’m not here to hurt you,”] doing my best to control the situation, I stopped coming closer to give them all a chance to cool down.

Fuck…why did I just do that?! I’m leaving myself exposed right now!

That wyvern, Astalos, stood there and watched the scene with benign curiosity, however, I have to admit that being a dragonewt in his presence was sending goosebumps throughout my body. I could only gulp down my saliva, as the combined eyes from the giant snakes, Astalos, and the massive monster crocodile relaxing in the background gave me a grim reminder that transforming back into this form was the worst move I could have done.

I did it reflexively, but I seriously needed to reflect on this. Despite my intention to calm the lizardmen, letting my guard down was a terrible mistake. I should be better than that!

“Little Lady?” the first to recognize me was Caszcur, who cleaned the spit from his face.

[“Yes, yes, it’s me! Your lovable dragon girl and idol! Are you alright?”] I said, reaching my hand up to my head to pinch on Tasianna’s skirt, who was clutching my horns, shaking them as she froze at the sight of the monsters in front of us. [“Tasianna, please, we need to clean them. Tasianna!”]

[“Oh, oh, Lady Hestia! I-I-I apologize. I’ll get right to it,”] with that said, my fairy companion flew through the sky and began casting [Create Greater Water] to wash away the remnants of them being in that snake’s mouth.

[“Hmm, interesting dragonewt form, Princess Hestia Atsuko. Most dragons and wyverns around your age should have a smaller body, but I guess your blood make you grow faster?”] the wyvern, Astalos, commented.

Well, my body certainly was pretty small when I started using this. I guess I really do grow fast?

Looking at the lizardmen, they don’t seem to be panicking or anything, which probably meant that they couldn’t hear what Astalos said. Having another voice that they didn’t know appear in their head should be reason enough for them to start questioning it.

While silently thanking him for not taking advantage of my mistake and allowing me to help the lizardmen, I went over to help the beastmen with Saori, who also transformed back. While they seemed to have calmed down a bit, it still didn’t change the fact that all the lizardmen had the [Terror (Moderate)] status affliction.

Shivering as we tried to clean them was a normal reaction towards the amount of high-rank monster in the area. We had a gigantic A rank that had an uncountable amount of snake heads, while two B rank wyverns were chilling on the side. The only B rank that didn't respond was the one lying unconscious after I zapped it.

The venom doesn’t seem to want to stop anytime soon…she’s gonna die if nobody does anything.

While the other [Drifting Snow Wyvern] was looking after her, the [Boltreaver Wyvern] wasn’t. I didn’t know what they wanted to do about it but that’s none of my business.

Yes, all of this happened ‘cause of my misunderstanding but I was earnestly trying to defend myself there. Apologizing was all I could do, but I still wasn’t sure what to do about all of this. In any case, I had to make sure that the people I actually cared about were alright.

As the three of us kept on helping them, it quickly became clear that the lizardmen were also scared of us. Seeing Saori and me in our true form transforming into our humanized forms must have shocked them.

They knew that I was a dragon, seeing as the quintuplets asked me to show them it but looking at them now, they were cowering like small children. If it had been in any other situation, I think they would've shown some enthusiasm but this just wasn't it. It hurts to be rejected like this, but I didn't let it linger that long.

[“Hey, Apsala are you al-woah!”] walking towards Apsala, she suddenly jumped up and began clutching my hand, hard.

“Hestia…your form…it was beautiful! Your dragon form was truly brilliant,” Apsala said with excitement but looking at her shaking legs made me think otherwise. Was she scared of me?

[“Apsala, are you alright?”] I asked her.

“Y-Yes, yes of course! I’m alright, all fine. My scales are in tip-top shape! Nothing for you to worry about…L-Lady Hestia,” Apsala said as she glanced over at Astalos. “Praise Kargryxmor and his rulership over the skies!”

She shouted as if her life was at stake. Was she trying to appease me with this nonsense or was it for the wyverns? Whether it was or not was unimportant now ‘cause after Apsala released my hand, she sat on her knees and began praying, reciting stuff like “Marsven, I beg your veil of shadows these dark days” and “I beg of you, oh, grand dragon of the age of old. I beseech your protection”.

I was honestly expecting Tasianna to stop her from praying just like before, but she simply glanced over it. What was making her so serious before?

[“Now, Princess Hestia Atsuko. I believe you have done enough for these lesser beings,”] Astalos called us out after I finished cleaning the lizardmen. [“Now that is done, let us go. Our lord has requested us to escort you to safety and to speak to him.”]

“Lesser beings”? Really?

[“I apologize, but as I have said before, I cannot join you,”] seeing as he saw me as a princess, I tried my best to keep up a proper appearance this time, although, that might have been too late. [“I promised these lizardmen that I would aid them in their travels towards the elven kingdom up north. I cannot leave them.”]

[“What? That is your reason to reject your ancestor’s calling?”] Astalos began laughing creepily before continuing to speak. [“Ehehe, ah that cannot be, Princess. Your lord calls for you and as a dragon, you must abide by it. So, now come. No more defiance, please. We have wasted too much time already."]

Leaving them? Yeah, in your dreams. I made promises with these lizardmen and I plan on keeping them!

[“As I have said, I will not,”] nervously swallowing my spit, I retorted. [“I gave them my word. I promise to help them. You can’t expect me to throw that away now, right? Why can’t you give me some time, huh?”]

[“Hestia, what are you doing?”] Saori asked anxiously.

[“Saori, I can’t break what I told these lizardmen. I gave them my word,”] I responded. [“I don’t know why but something inside me was telling me that I shouldn’t break this promise. No, that I shouldn’t break any promises. I’m sorry…but I can’t let it go.”]

[“Goodness…t-this is honestly a terrible part of your personality. You are negotiating with something that could kill us right now just because you wanted to keep a simple promise?”] although her words were harsh, it didn’t last long, as she gave a sigh and scratched her head in exasperation. [“Honestly…this is giving me a terrible headache…hey, do you still remember when I called you a ‘good person’?”]

[“When I was questioning my own worth as a person?”] I answered back.

With a wry smile, Saori nodded, [“Yeah, seeing you now, I find it absolutely ridiculous that you even questioned me back then, but still…I will get you out of here. I do not trust these wyverns and risking everything for these lizardmen is not worth it in my book, regardless of the promise. Hestia, I want you to know this as I will get all three of us out of here no matter what…”]

[“…Got it.”]

With a short answer, I transformed back into a dragon with a single goal in mind.

[“Hmm, interesting. I suggest that you do not resist, Princess Hestia Atsuko. My duty is to bring you back safely…but if you wish to invoke the law of the strong…”] Astalos mumbled.

[“I’m sorry but I won’t. As somebody who worships Kargryxmor, shouldn’t you know that I can’t break this promise?”] I stated.

As he questioned me about it, I continued, ["Kargryxmor, the god that oversees over all dragonkins and also the god of oaths. I made a promise with these people and I intend to keep it. You can’t be seriously demanding me that I should break it, no?”]

One thing that I remembered from Apsala’s constant religious talks was that Kargryxmor was also considered the god of oaths. A promise was exactly what an oath was, albeit, not as formal. I can’t win against this wyvern, not even with my whole party. We were outmatched and Saori was already feeling exhausted after her solo battle with the other [Drifting Snow Wyvern].

I was declining to come peacefully ‘cause they were essentially forcing me into it. I expected Kargryxmor, just like Aurena, wanted to tell me my real purpose but couldn’t he have waited? Aurena contacted me and I am willing to talk with her so why is he doing this?

If I wanted to stay free, then I had to persuade Astalos. He seemed to show me some amount of respect due to my [Princess] title, so I’ll use that against him.

[“An oath, you say? Ridiculous. That is a petty promise, not an oath, Princess. There is a stark difference between those two. For example, I have made an oath to our lord to bring you to him at all costs…I believe I have made myself clear that I was fully committed to it, no?”] Astalos said, spreading his wing as if he was prancing about the fact that he brought he called for help.

Looking at the snakes and the giant crocodile monster, I couldn’t help but nod. We couldn’t flee in any direction, even if Saori somehow did teleport me out with [Shadow Dash]. We would be easily found again just ‘cause of the leviathan’s and wyvern’s combined efforts.

[“Whether you consider a promise an oath or not, is irrevelant in this situation. In the first place, I have given my word and do you expect a ‘dragon princess’ like me, a descendant of the mighty dragon god, Kargryxmor, to so easily cast it aside just because of the situation?”] I stated, activating [Noble Aura] in hopes of moving him.

[“Goodness…honestly? No, I do not care if you are a perfect representation of our lord or not,”] Astalos answered, dropping a huge bombshell.

[“W-What?!”] I exclaimed in surprise.

["All I care about is that I fulfil my oath to my lord by bringing you to him. Ahhhhh, the divine quest that he has given me demands me to do so! Oooooh, the sweet experience that I will gain if I do exactly that will help me reach the level cap for a B rank monster! Ahhahaha, I will finally be able to evolve!”] Astalos admitted.

D-Divine quest! Are you serious?!

The concept of a divine quest wasn't something that I didn't know. Video games or anime also depicted some hero receiving a quest from the gods, requiring him to fulfill a grand task. This would usually be the story quest or some end game stuff in those types of media.

Tasianna has already explained to me that quests were a natural part of this world. “Requests” or commission acted exactly like how you would imagine a fetch quest would function.

For example, a “quest giver” or customer would ask an artisan to build something for them. The artisan accepts it and they then deliver the product after finishing it after a few days. The “quest” would be finish and the transaction of money and goods would be initiated.

It seems like this divine quest demanded me to be “escorted” so I may speak with the client, who was Kargryxmor. It honestly sounded too similar to what a bounty was. Was Kargryxmor so desperate that he had to put a bounty of my head?

Wanted: Hestia Atsuko. Only Alive. Reward: 1 million berry, uh, experience. Something like that?

["However, if you feel like this 'promise' is holding your back, then allow me to reduce your burdens. That is my job as a lesser wyvern, correct?"] Astalos snapped his head aside, his eyes glaring the lizardmen as lighting started to form around his mouth. [“Allow this humble wyvern to free you from your chains!”]

Verdammt, now!

Pouring in as much mana as I could, the ground under Astalos and the other wyvern started to light up, eventually blowing up, stopping Astalos’ hostile actions.

Heilige scheiße, Saori’s [Shadow Snake] is fucking amazing!

What exploded under Astalos were the bombs that I created. Although I didn’t know when she did it, Saori did somehow place the bombs under the wyvern without them noticing. As she was here the whole time, it had to be from her spell [Shadow Snake].

Seeing as I couldn’t see any of my bombs on Caszcur and that Tasianna was somehow not around, I suspected mid-way in this negotiation that those two must have done something. It was purely ‘cause my parallel minds seemed to have felt something weird under the ground that I found my bombs hidden beneath their feet.

Props to them ‘cause that gave me the time to renew my buffs.

Those guys couldn't have died from that attack. I need to give it my all! All buffs activated! All parallel minds begin casting fire spells!

Send out hellfire, burn everything to ashes and ruins! Spark Inferno Blast! Spiral Hellfire x 3! Blazing Twister x 2! Inferno Beam! Lava Stream! Maximum Scorching Sun!

Searing hot flames surrounded me and with a simple command, all of them started bombarding the area where the [Boltreaver Wyvern] was. The hellfire exploded as they collided with the twisting inferno that suddenly appeared in front of me.

The water around us was literally evaporating while every single tree burned to ashes. Destruction and carnage enveloped the area as the lizardmen were having trouble even breathing in this sweltering heatwave forcing them to back off if they wanted to not be turned into grilled lizard. Even Saori, who now had Tasianna standing on her shoulders, had to move away as even the fur on her arms began to singe.

[“Hahaha, amazing power! I thank you, I thank you, Princess Hestia Atsuko! I have finally increased my [Fire Resistance]! Ahhhh, the pain that is coursing through my body is truly supreme, raising my stagnating resistance towards fire by two whole levels! Absolutely magnificent!”]

Just as he said, his [Fire Resistance Lv. 6] did indeed become [Fire Resistance Lv. 8].

I knew that he had [Absolute Pain Tolerance], which it possible for him to ignore pain, however, I really thought that he would be pissing his pants or do something else besides screaming aloud as if he was climaxing!

Ewwww, gross! Continue shooting at this pervert! Spiral Hellfire!

Shooting at the perverted wyvern felt like shooting at a dummy but without any of the anger release. It didn’t feel good at all nor did it make me less wary. That wyvern not only had a Wisdom stat that surpassed my base Intelligence, but he also had about four times my Health.

This thing was not only a tank, but he also had the stats to absolutely murderize me! Gulping my own saliva as I watched his Health lower wasn’t an exaggeration ‘cause this is actually nerve-wracking!

[“Ahhhhhh, 80% of my Health! Urrrrgh, only a dragon like you could do this to a B rank like me. Princess Hestia Atsuko, you are a wonderful C rank…but playtime is over."]

“Grooooooooooooooooooooarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh!” a thunderous roar resounded throughout the air, as lighting and thunder escaped the grey mist that surrounded the wyverns.


Barely able to register the spark that appeared, a sudden force sent me flying to the side as my head started to feel a massive pain as if a truck had just hit it. Twisting through the air, the next thing I felt was a fierce hit that struck my chest with enough force that my [Draconic Barrier] was barely able to protect me, probably breaking a few bones as I landed on the ground.

While I, original mind, was unable to do anything, my parallel minds, on the other hand, were desperately trying their best to heal my wounds, keeping my Health at a good range.

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 3] evolved into [Physical SUper-Resistance Lv. 4]

[“Amazing, I was holding back to not endanger your life, but this is unprecedented. How interesting that your [Sacred Magic] can keep up with my attacks- huh?”]

Bedrock Blades!

[“Ahaha, that nearly caught me off-guard! But earth magic is far too slow to catch me, Princess!”]

Verdammt! Spiral Hell-!

[“No, no, Lightning Bolt.”]

Obeying [Prediction], I held myself back from going on the offensive and instead decided to dodge it. The crackling thunder caused the mud to explode as it landed on the place that I just stood but that just exposed me for the next attack.

[Prediction] was sending me signals that the same attack that sent me flying in the first place was coming again. He twisted his body and was about to hit me with his tail before shadow tendrils constricted around him.

[“Hmm, oh my, do we some interference from outside participants?”] Astalos stated as he quizzically looked at Saori who was in her cadejo form. [“Ahh, that wolf from before. What is a fodder interfering in a battle between dragonkin? Were you not satisfied that I gave you the privilege of listening to this prestigious talk that went over your intelligence?”]

[“How rude, you bastard. Tasianna, now!”] Saori shouted after swearing.

“Level three [Ice magic] spell! Water in my palms, freeze with my will. Oh, winds of the gods, cry forward! Frost Ray!” Tasianna called out, activating her new spell that sent a hail of ice at Astalos, the wyvern.

Blocking it with his wings, the wyvern couldn’t help but resume his scumbag personality, [“Uhhh, ice? Weak compared to my two subordinates.”]

[“Fuck you!”] I insulted him, as I spewed out a poisonous cloud out of my mouth.

[“Cough, kuck, ahhhh, Princess…now this is making me a bit angry…”] he said as he continued to cough.

Before he could do anything, I activated [Earthen Shackles] to shackle him even further. While Saori’s [Shadow Tendrils] were flexible, they were still fragile. My [Earthen Shackles] were unwieldy and slow but once they caught somebody, they would instantly harden, making it hard for anybody to break out of it while Tasianna bombarded him with ice.

This is a risk but I need to try! I know the words, I just need to bring them up! I’ve seen your power so please appear again! Please!


To me, gather my embers, to me

From shadows to embers

From embers to flame

From flame to inferno

Cast away the darkness, burn brightly, oh, dear flames

Arise inferno hellfire, engulf the world in a sea of flames

For that is my Decree!


With my incantations readied, a massive red magical circle appeared above the imprisoned [Boltreaver Wyvern].

Tasianna translated my incantation into Common tongue while also helping with me with the pronunciation. In addition, as the original magic system of this world, custom spells, demanded that you knew the runes of a magic circle, I was also given a crash course in Common tongue vocabulary.

I did all of that for this very moment. All I could do now was to go through the magic theory tat Tasianna taught me. The basics! The foundation!

I got them all!

[“Ahhh, I can feel the power coming from this spell! Princess, bask me in your inferno grasp and I shall embrace it! I challenge you to lower my Health below 75% with this spell! Lower it and I shall grant you your request, ahahhaha!”] Astalos shouted out in a mad laugh.

My mana surged through my body as it escaped my body to be used as a resource to fuel the giant magic circle. The red brightened as if it was telling me that it was ready. Ready to turn this wyvern into cinders.


Shine red my custom spell, send this guy into the light! Imperial Hellfire!



[“Hmm, Princess? Why is your magic not activating, actually, the magic circle is disappearing even…what is this?] Astalos asked me disappointingly.

N-No-No-No! D-Did I fail…again?

My eyes widened at the sudden realization. I didn’t know if my [Imperial Hellfire] could do enough damage to harm him but I knew that my other spells couldn’t…at least not in a single cast.

They were only able to lower his Health to 80% in the first place ‘cause I was spamming all my powerful fire spells at once…

[“No, no, no, no…I was so excited. Reaching level nine with my [Fire Resistance] would be grandiose. Ha, three levels in a single day would be glorious…but, alas, you failed, Princess Hestia Atsuko.”] he said with a sigh. [“You did well but…I need to fulfill my quest now. Boltreaver!”]

Lighting surrounded his horn as he called out his attack, growing in size until it turned into a crackling thunder blade that was longer than his body. Swiping it down, not only did he break out of his bondage, but he also caused a rupture in the ground, cleaving through like a knife.

With most things pulverized to atoms, only mud exploded into the air and began raining down on me. Saori, Tasianna, and I were completely unharmed as Astalos never had a reason to seriously harm me…luckily, as I was only able to see a flash.

Once the mud rain stopped, the wyvern pranced proudly with his still energized thunder blade, flying in the sky as he looked down on us, [“Well, enough play. Let me rid you of what bonded you here, Princess. That is my thanks for an impressive first round…but a disastrous second round…”]

Turning away from me, Astalos directed his eyes back to the lizardmen as he swiped down his blade

Huh?! Nooooooooo! Wind Blast!

[“Hestia, no, don’t!”]

Boosting my body with my spell, I sent it flying towards the lizardmen intending to protect them by casting [Sanctuary] around them…but it wasn’t enough.



[“Wyvern…this is enough. Do not continue.”]

Huh? Where did this voice come from?

[“Tch…yes, honored leviathan. I am a simple wyvern compared to an ocean dragon like you, so I shall obey,”] Astalos responded with dissent.


Looking up, I could see that one of the white snakes moved and blocked the attack from the wyvern, which left a clear mark on it.

Why did it do that? Wasn't it on their side? What is going on? Why am I asking so many questions today?

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 6] [Mental Stability Lv. 5] [Unarmed Technique Lv. 5] [Draconic Roar Lv. 3] [Body Temperature Control Lv. 2] gained

A note from AbyssRaven

We are close to the end of the Swamp Arc and, soon, ready to journey into a new area with Hestia. The question is, where to? The Elfen kingdom like everybody originally planned, or to the southern mountain ranges of Belzac forest, the Avitor Peaks.

Or maybe, we will go somewhere else?! Or maybe I'm bamboozling all my readers like a mischievous kid.

Find out next time on "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale"

P.S. RIP Hestia failing to cast a spell without the System's help in a real battle

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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Saturday, May 30, 2020 8:11:32 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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