A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Side Story 2: The movements of two factions.

At the same moment the newly born dragon whelp finally received her name, two gods churned at this event.

The gods of Peolynca usually wouldn’t worry this much for a single mortal, as their duty, to keep the world stable, would preoccupy most of their time.

The origin gods of Peolynca comprised of six, each overseeing one of the 6 basic elemental magic that this world is composed of.

Still, gods are gods because they have followers. Their believers. As mighty as they are, even they require a steady stream of faith to replenish the energy needed to fulfill their duty. So, each god must manage their religions well, fostering and promoting their source of power.

Besides prayer and other religious activities performed in their name, the simple usage of the element the god controls is enough to be a source of power. While a single use was as inconsequential as dropping a drop of water into the sea, the combined arcane usage of a whole world is nothing to scoff about.

At this very moment the Goddess of Light, Aurena, and the God of Dragons, Kargryxmor were discussing the newest events concerning this little dragon.

“I have received the missive from the System. The child has evolved but it would seem she has once again taken a different evolution.” Said the God of Dragons, while he was inspecting his Divine Window, designed to help his administrative duties.

“Oh my, this doesn’t seem very promising, Kargryxmor. As the God of Dragons, I would have thought your power would have been sufficient to control a single mortal. The girl was just born, after all.” This graceful voice belonged to the Goddess of Light herself, one of the six origin gods of Peolynca.

“I apologize for my lackluster ability, Goddess Aurena. However, compared to you, my power not only has dwindled but lacks the experience, age would have brought.”

Unlike Aurena, Kargryxmor was not an origin god. He was once a simple dragon who wandered the surface of this world. An emperor among dragons who commanded both respect and fear from his brethren and the other races of Peolynca.

There was none during his mortal life who could have contended against his rule, so instead of antagonizing him, some of the other races started to worship him, in hopes to appease and find solace under his wings. These worshippers are the ancestors of the Dragonewts and Dragonkins.

Eventually, Kargryxmor experienced apotheosis and ascended the steps towards divinity due to the acceptance of the origin gods. His duty as a newly appointed god was to turn the dragons into the protectors of this world. Peacekeepers and defenders, if you will.

“My descendants have become pitiful! Sitting on the laurels and riches their elders have acquired, denying their duty and isolating themselves from the world…”

Alas, this was the current situation for the God of Dragon. Unfaithful draconic children who have forgotten their original duty, turning them into history and simple myths for the dragon whelps to enjoy.

“You are too harsh. Those spawns of humans and dragons still revere you, don’t they?” Aurena put a hand on her cheek, clearly not understanding the God of Dragon’s frustration about the fall of dragon pride.

“True, but it isn’t enough. I have created this child, so she can bring back the glory that is dragon kind! She has received both my blessing and a part of my power, but both my control and vision have been severed. Without these missives, I wouldn’t even have the ability to learn which evolutions she took.” Kargryxmor pointed at his Divine Window, showing Hestia’s current status board.

“That does seem quite problematic for you. Have you learned how she severed the connection with you?” Curiosity begged Aurena to ask.

“No, I have not. How a mortal can do such a thing is beyond my comprehension.”

“He, I would have thought a former mortal would be able to understand.”

With a laugh that mocks the God of Dragons for a statement he personally knew made no sense, Kargryxmor could only be silent. It has been quite some time since his ascension but even he knew he has no way to argue back.

“Anyways, you must do your best to hurry up. Recently, I have heard the God of Fire and Goddess of Earth have noticed that a certain little girl has been fueling them with a massive source of power in a very short time.”

Due to Hestia’s growth in power, her usage of magical spells has grown to the point that it has attracted the attention of two gods. Such an impressive rate of improvement, resulting in Hestia awakening both the advance forms of these elements and also their hybrid version.

“It has even piqued the interest of the Goddess of Wind. A potential candidate to become a spearhead to lead their faith into a new golden age.”

Under the constant mockery from the Goddess, even the usually patient Kargryxmor was not able to keep silent any longer. Whether he has become a god or not, his instinct and mindset shall always be that of a dragon. A capricious and hot-blooded dragon.

“I understand your worry, but I care not if she were to become a champion for the other gods. Whether she becomes one or not, does not concern me, for I care only that she can motivate those imbeciles I call my kin to finally act their station. I do not understand why you are so worried, Goddess Aurena? Perhaps, it’s because the girl was able to sever the connection with you, too?”

“…Do your duty, Kargryxmor. Get control over her and make her rid us of those abominable demonkins.”

With those cold words, the goddess turned into a stream of light and vanished. Her presence nowhere to be felt anymore. Kargryxmor let out a laugh, as his words must have wounded the pride of a goddess, who’s existence is so ancient, even his own could not compare.

“I expected the girl to catch the attention of the God of Fire and Earth but having Aurena meddle should have been expected also. I was too naïve with calling for her aid. Still, how was this possible? How could a newly born whelp be able to contest against my own will? The process should have been perfect. She should have fully turned into my avatar.”

It was no lie that Kargryxmor had no idea how the connection between two gods was severed by a being, both help mold.

“Could it have been due to the divine blessings of two gods? …No, mortals who are able to cast hybrid versions of elements would receive the blessing of the two corresponding gods.”

No matter how much Kargryxmor pondered this question, the answer he seeks was nowhere to be found.

“I can ponder on this when more information arrives. I should first address the problem of having no insight on her travels. Although trials are good to mold the character into a righteous one, I cannot feel at ease leaving her in that accursed forest alone. She might be a pawn, but she still bears my blood. A dragon does not abandon their kin…no matter how despicable, incapable or detestable those very kin are!”

In his rage, the divine realm he lives in shook due to the soul-shattering roar he gave off. The various aids and angels cowered at this show of emotions.

“…Considering she survived that near-death encounter and has progressed this far; she shows enough potential. There is still one more chance before she reaches the rank A evolution. I must have her right her path and evolve into one of my spawns until then. My lack of power will make ordering a dragon impossible. To the south of that place…are the “Wyvern Heights”, correct? An escort of wyverns should be enough. With that, I can at least supervise her through the eyes of those wyverns.”

With his plan settled, the God of Dragon made himself active.


Meanwhile, as the gods continue their duties in the realms above humanity, in the darkness of the world, the scheming of destruction can be heard.

Demonkins. Not demons. Demonkins, a species created through the racial intertwinement between a demon and the races of this world.

Besides the gods, nobody truly knows where demons originated but everybody knows what they were from legends and stories. Warmongers, lecherous, conniving, sinful. In history, there existed only 7 demons, each representing a certain sin.

Sloth. Envy. Greed. Gluttony. Lust. Pride. Wrath.

The demons procreated during their existence and spread their bloodline before they perished. A demonkin’s personality is determined by the ancestor of that demonkin, a personality that they cannot rid themselves of easily.

A demonkin of greed will think only of fulfilling an urge of theirs at the cost of others. A demonkin of wrath relishes the moment he can strike down an opponent who has insulted him. While demonkins aren’t necessarily evil, the personality of a demonkin is heavily influenced by the highest purity of blood that demonkin has of a certain demon ancestor.

At a location north of the Belzac Forest, a demonkin is conspiring with an ogre. A humanoid monster that can be considered one of the most fearsome creatures that man knows, at least they are the most fearsome creature that is common enough to wander into the sights of man and beastman. These hunkering beasts of muscles show no fear in their pursuit to further their goals of the destruction of mankind and the glory of ogrekind.

Ogres, usually, aren’t very cooperative with other races, especially, not with the races that share blood with humans. However, this cooperation is done through a mutual enemy. Both factions desire the destruction and extermination of humankind and beastmen of all sorts, and to do that, the ogre king has accepted this demonkin’s aid.

“The time is soon, ogre. I hope you have assembled a strong enough army for our plan.” This arrogant and pompous voice was audible for only those speaking with this demonkin.

“I am king, demon! You shall address me as the ogre king, while you are here in my home.” The voice of the powerful king of ogres, on the other hand, could be heard throughout the cave, none who lives inside it could possibly forget it.

“As you wish… “King”. Now, tell me. Have your army assembled or not?” Despite his acceptance to address the ogre king properly, his dismissive tone states otherwise.

“Hmph! My ogres, orcs, goblins, and kobolds have come. We still need armor and weapons. The trolls and their shaman have not shown themselves yet.”

“…Sigh, so you are not ready. It matters not, the deadline for the start of my plan hasn’t been reached yet, so you still have time. However, I would like to remind you that despite the support we have given you, you are just here to aid in my plans, so I would ask you to not ruin it with your incompetence.”

“Graaaaaah! I don’t take it kindly when some midget threatens me!”

Raising his hammer, the ogre strikes down at the demonkin with all his rage. A booming echo began to travel through the cave, produced by the now cracked ground.


“…Tch, no wonder you are just a monster. Getting dirt on my poor suit, what uncivilized behavior but nothing surprising for Edna’s children.” Despite casually brushing off the dust from his suit, the demonkin’s mood was at a dire state now.

“I will crush you for insulting the name of our ancestor mother!”

“Hoho, sometimes I do wonder how monster’s even gain a race title like “king”. Does it appear due to all the flesh around the head that grow into horns and adornments, needed to mimic a real king’s crown?”

The surrounding ogres were lucky that none of them were present in the throne room at this moment. No foot soldier would be able to stay sane at the combined aura output between these two individuals. The clash between the regal aura of the [Ogre King] and the demonic aura of the demonkin, causes even the ground to shake and crack at the intensity of it. The sheer bloodthirst would be able to incapacitate most B rank monsters.

“…Enough. You tire me, ogre. The operation will start at the beginning of AutumnSun…pardon, I meant in three months, when the leaves have grown golden brown and the chill of the cold demand the humans to prepare for winter. Do make sure to follow the plan. Now, I must bid you farewell.”

With that said, the demonkin disappeared, leaving only a black haze behind. The ogre king was still enraged from the confrontation of his “ally” but even he knew that releasing this pent-up anger on somebody that isn’t here anymore was a futile endeavor.


…So, his throne suffered.

“Bring me a new throne!”

A group of ogres entered the throne room with a giant stone chair chiseled in the form of a throne. They replaced the smashed throne with the new one and promptly left their king to his thoughts.

“That demonkin angers me every time he comes. Acting all high and mighty, when I can just crush his bones in my hand. I would feed his prideful ego to my wolves and kobolds if we wouldn’t need his aid.”

Finally calmed, the ogre retreated back into his mind and pondered.

“Three months until we can finally launch an attack against the humans. It will only be a settlement, instead of the capital, but we will need the armor and food before we can launch a larger attack. I must admit, if that demonkin can lead us to the kingdom without, actually, going through the Belzac forest, then I will tolerate his further impudence. That Fenrir was finally slain but I will lose too many soldiers in that accursed place if I were foolish enough to wander into it.”

Humans and others of their ilk have hunted down monsters since time memorial. Whether due to fear or for pure greed, this has never changed. Although, this can be purely called “the law of nature”, some more intelligent species of monsters can’t simply accept this unfair treatment. If humans steal and murder what is theirs, then it should be natural for ogres to prey on these, supposedly, inferior species.

“By my race name [Ogre King], I shall fulfill my duty to lead my army towards and slaughter every single hated human and beastmen for the glory of all of Edna’s children. I pray that you watch over me, my venerable mother and father…”

The ogre king kneeled and struck a praying pose. For he must pray now.

“…Edna, Goddess of Monsters and Fertility; and Marsven, God of Darkness.”

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