Book 12 Chapter 12 – Heartbroken Over A Silk Painting

Passing through the corridor, he came to the outer hall and saw Qin Qing’s beautiful figure standing right in front of the window. She is staring at the garden beyond the window and seems to be thinking about something.

Xiang Shaolong could not resist going up to her back and softly asked: “A penny for your thoughts?”

Qin Qing must have predicted that he will past by and wasn’t surprised at all. She did not turn around but plainly state: “Is Grand Tutor Xiang interested to find out?”

Based on these words, Xiang Shaolong affirms that she has feelings for him as these words have crossed the line on an ordinary conversation. Moreover, she is someone who is not into relationships, making it even more striking.

Xiang Shaolong is stunned and wanted to cower back but he likes her special attention towards him. Summoning his courage, he answered: “Hei! If I am not interested, I would not have asked in the first place.”

Qin Qing turned her slender frame around and her icy face is just an arm’s length away from Xiang Shaolong’s own face. Her eyes shining sharply, she simply remarked: “I am thinking, if Official Xiang knows that I am here, would he take a detour and avoid me?”

Xiang Shaolong could not take it anymore and dryly laughed: “Grand Tutor is thinking too much. Oh! Have you seen Yanran and the rest?”

This strong-willed woman refused to back down and scolded: “Don’t change the subject. The people I hate the most are the traitors who bring harm to the King. The other types of people I also hate are those who have a high opinion about themselves, pretending to protect women but actually regard women like us to be nothing more than goods. Have I wronged you?”

Xiang Shaolong had a taste of her temper before and bitterly laughed: “It seems that I am not any better than Lu Buwei. Ai! I have apologised to you already and only made a mistake by advising you to accompany Lady Hua Yang in Bashu! Until now, you are still unwilling to let me off?”

Due to Xiang Shaolong, Qin Qing may have cultivated a new habit, which is to maintain her icy expression but wanted to laugh out at the same time. Finally, she gave up and burst into giggles and her cold expression begin to thaw. She viciously shot him a look and declared: “Yes! I am dissatisfied. And I will never forgive you!”

This is the first time she is flirting with him. Xiang Shaolong’s heart warmed up and was about to retort when footsteps were heard.

Both of them knew that the Crown Prince has arrived and quickly parted.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly bade her farewell but Qin Qing’s teasing expression has been engraved into his heart forever.

Under the protection of the Eighteen Guardians, Xiang Shaolong rode towards the outer palace. Coincidently, he ran into Lord Changping who is deploying the palace guards guarding the palace gates. Lord Changping pulled him aside and whispered: “The Yan ladies are really something!”

Xiang Shaolong could only mumble a reply.

Lord Changping is young and curious, asking: “Premier Lu’s third daughter is delicate-looking and well-skilled with the sword. When I woke up this morning, her performance is still fresh in my memory. Hei! How is she related to you? Why did she test your reaction with that stance?”

Xiang Shaolong felt extremely intimate, as if he is chatting with his army buddies in the 21st century. Their conversations will be filled with women, fighting and curses at the instructors. He smiled: “I think that this is called a large tree attracts the most wind!”

Lord Changping chortled: “Well said. Your newly created proverb suits you very well. My stubborn sister has come to know about our friendship and demanded that we bring you home to meet her.”

Xiang Shaolong can feel a headache coming: “Can we talk about this later? You know that I have many things to attend to.”

Lord Changping smiled: “You cannot escape from her grasp. Just show her a few strokes and make her happy on account of our friendship. Otherwise, she will give you a hard time during the hunting fair.”

Xiang Shaolong was startled: “She is taking part as well?”

Lord Changping replied: “It is her big day! She will lead her female army in a grand and imposing parade.”

Xiang Shaolong was swept off his feet, exclaiming: “Female army!”

Lord Changping sighed: “It is an army of aggressive ladies just like my sister. Normally, they will look for expert swordsmen to compete their sword fighting skills. Even Wang Jian is terrified of them. Personally, I think this is the main reason he slipped off to guard the Northern Border. If not for the fact that you are at the farms most of the time, you will not be spared too.”

Xiang Shaolong finally understood and burst out in guffaws. Lord Changping added: “An Gu is leaving tomorrow to guard the eastern Passes. We have always been on good terms and will organize a farewell dinner tonight. Why don’t you come along too and humour sister Ying Ying?”

Xiang Shaolong has always like Lord Changping for he does not put on any airs and is easy to get along with. Moreover, it is An Gu’s farewell dinner. He consented immediately.

Lord Changping is pleased and left him.

Back at the Command Centre, he was detained by Jing Jun. Jing Jun excitedly reported: “There are three things! Ah!” He yawned.

Xiang Shaolong stared at him, asking: “You have been busy the whole night?”

Jing Jun nonchalantly replied: “As Third Brother instructed, I spent half a night chatting and coaxing her and the other half indulging her. That’s why I am so tired.”

Xiang Shaolong was tongue tied and did not know how to advise him. Embarrassed, he asked: “What are the three things?”

Awkwardly, Jing Jun began: “First, the three sister-in-laws mentioned that if you can afford the time, please join them for lunch at Qin Qing’s residence. Xiang Bao’er misses you too. I would suggest you spend the night there with them.”

Xiang Shaolong glared at him: “Little Jun, why are you such a busybody today?”

Jing Jun modestly answered: “I will not have the guts. But I noticed that Third Brother has been smiling more and could not help but pay more attention to you.” Finishing, his eyes became red and he lowered his head.

Xiang Shaolong can feel the deep brotherly love that exists between them. Hugging him by his shoulder, he kept quiet.

It may be due to King Zhuangxiang’s death that he gathered his courage and fighting spirit, pushing the sad memories of Zhao Qian’s and the maids’ deaths out of his daily thoughts.

After all, everything happened more than a year ago.

Jing Jun reported: “The other two matters are Lord Longyang is waiting for you in the main hall and Tian Dan have sent someone to summon you urgently to his guesthouse.”

Xiang Shaolong was puzzled.

Why is Tian Dan looking for him?

Based on his wide network of spies, he should know about Lu Buwei’s enmity with himself. If he wants to stay in Lu Buwei’s good books, he should avoid him instead.

Thinking about this, his heart began to beat wildly.

After he sat down with Lord Longyang in a resting room, Lord Longyang congratulated: “My heartiest congratulations to Brother Xiang for being promoted to be the powerful Imperial Cavalry Commander.”

His face darkened and he added: “Thinking that we have to face each other in the battlefield one day, I am really filled with dread. Why is life filled with so many things beyond our control?”

Xiang Shaolong sincerely state: “Relax! I will do my best to avoid such a situation from happening. In these turbulent times, even parents fight their children and brothers fight among themselves. Lord must be more open-minded.”

Lord Longyang emotionally commented: “Back in the past at Daliang, we were as irreconcilable as water and fire. Now, Shaolong is my true and best friend. I will be leaving tomorrow and we may never meet again. I am tormented and agonized at such a separation.”

Xiang Shaolong was stunned: “Lord is not participating in the hunting fair?”

Lord Longyang’s eyes shone with a murderous look. Unhappily, he replied: “Lu Buwei is openly working with Qi and Chu against the allied states. Why would I spend more time here and receive more cold treatment? I am not so foolish.”

Xiang Shaolong knew this is the truth as well and did not bother to pacify him. He recollected Zhengguo’s canal project and disclosed: “Lord need not worry for the time being. For the next eight to ten years, Qin will be unable to mount an eastern campaign. As long as everyone continues to work together, this should be a peaceful period. At the most, you will lose small pieces of territory!”

Lord Longyang’s eyes shone sharply and inquired: “What makes Shaolong say so?”

Xiang Shaolong sighed and told him everything about Zhengguo Canal.

Lord Longyang was extremely moved: “Shaolong actually told me such a big secret. I will keep it confidential even from my King to show my gratitude.”

He realised: “No wonder Han Chuang is so confident and flamboyant. I was worried till I cannot eat or drink but he is partying and visiting the courtesans every night. So this is the reason.”

He lowered his voice: “Why don’t Shaolong remind the Crown Prince and score a big merit. It will also underscore Lu Buwei’s influence.”

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: “I do not want Qin to attack Daliang so quickly!”

Lord Longyang was deep in thoughts for a while and added: “There is something I initially did not want to tell you but I am touched by your kindness and will feel guilty if I continue to hide it from you.”

He gritted his teeth, disclosing: “Han Jing (Zhao’s Empress Jing)that 13itch does not look at the big picture and I need not help her keep this secret.”

Xiang Shaolong was astonished: “What is it?”

Lord Longyang replied in a deep voice: “You have met Pang Nuan (Junyu). He is the spokesman and confidante of Han Jing. Not only is he a devious schemer, he is very articulate as well. This time, he came to Qin with ulterior motives. Recently, he has been in constant contact with Lord Gaoling Yinghou. You should know better than me that something is afoot!”

Lord Gaoling is the prince who was overridden by King Zhuangxiang to be the new King of Qin. All along, he has been dissatisfied and has the intention to rebel. Unexpectedly, he is in cahoots with Zhao.

Xiang Shaolong understood that since Lord Longyang knew about Han’s scheming and put aside his worry about Qin’s attack, the next person he hated is Zhao’s Empress Han Jing and took this chance to backstab her. If Pang Nuan died in Xianyang City, Han Jing will be devastated.

Politics is dirty and complicated.

People fight openly and also secretly.

Among all the various schemes, no one will know the clear winner until the end.

Although this has no effect on Xiang Shaolong who knows the ending, personal fights and schemes are still unknown to him. For example, he still does not know if he will be killed by Lu Buwei.

Xiang Shaolong thought for a while and enquired: “Tian Dan wishes to see me; does Lord know the reason behind this?”

Lord Longyang was surprised: “Is that so? From my observations, Lu Buwei and Tian Dan must have a secret agreement. They are likely to follow the Eastern and Western Emperors example, with the allied states belonging to Qin and Yan belonging to Qi. Although they know that they are deceiving each other, there are advantages to both parties in the short term. Now, they are best buddies. I really have no idea why Tian Dan is looking for you.”

Xiang Shaolong is sure that Lord Longyang is as puzzled as him. Ending their conversation, he sent him out of the Command Centre personally. Under the escort of the Eighteen Guardians, he went to see Tian Dan.

The guesthouse is heavily guarded.

Dan Chu welcomed him at the main door and has a serious expression on his face. He only exchanged some courtesy words.

When he brought him into Tian Dan’s inner chamber, this Chancellor of Qi is playing a tune on the ancient qin instrument.

Like waves hitting endlessly upon the shore, the ‘Male Immortal’ piece he was playing filled the entire hall with music.

The Liu brothers who never left his side were staring at Xiang Shaolong menacingly.

Dan Chu retreated a few steps but did not leave the room.

Xiang Shaolong knew that this is inappropriate but no matter how daring Tian Dan is, he dared not assassinate him in Xianyang City.

But if Tian Dan has the support of Lu Buwei to kill him, the Eighteen Guardians and himself will perish in this guesthouse.

Tian Dan suddenly stopped playing and laughed: “How is Dong Horse Fanatic?”

He stood up and faced him, his eyes shining sharp like an eagle’s eyes.

Xiang Shaolong knows that he cannot hide his identity for long but is certain that Tian Dan is not fully confident of this truth. Thus, Tian Dan is trying to trick him with this sentence.

No matter how intimate Tian Dan is to Lu Buwei, Lu Buwei will not be so foolish to tell him this secret. After all, everything is planned by Lu Buwei, causing Tian Dan’s scheme to fail, his army suffering losses and returning to Qi in disgrace.

He feigned surprise and replied: “I do not know what Chancellor Tian is talking about.”

Tian Dan confidently walked over towards him. When he is pretty close, he challenged: “The earth-shattering Xiang Shaolong did not dare to admit his past actions? You may have deceived others but you can never deceive me!”

The corners of his mouth curled up in a devious smile and he gestured with his right hand, adding: “Let me show you something interesting.”

Dan Chu reacted to his gesture and came between them. From his bosom, he retrieved a silk drawing and spread it open.

At the same time, the Liu Brothers came forward to Tian Dan’s sides and strike a defensive posture in case there is an attack from Xiang Shaolong.

The atmosphere became very tense.

When Xiang Shaolong glanced at the drawing, his limbs turned cold and his whole body shook uncontrollably, as if he has fallen into a ice lake.

On the silk painting was someone who looks similar to Shan Rou, except for the eyes. The person in the painting has weak looking eyes unlike the determined eyes of Shan Rou.

Tian Dan coldly laughed: “Needless to say, Brother Xiang should know this lady. She came to assassinate me and was captured by me. I believe she was once the wife of Dong Horse Fanatic. Does Brother Xiang still want to deny?”

Xiang Shaolong is at a disadvantageous position and is feeling tremendously uncomfortable. Thinking that Shan Rou is in his hands, he has lost his bearings and cannot think properly.

Tian Dan plainly state: “It is only a woman and I can give her back to you anytime. As long as Brother Xiang can do something for me, this woman will return back into your arms.”

Xiang Shaolong was hit by realization and figured out the problem that bothering him.

His heart was filled with utmost grief.

He knew that Shan Rou has failed to assassinate Tian Dan and committed suicide. That is why the artist cannot paint her eyes with the determined look.

With his eyes glowing with hatred, he roared: “You need not speak further. If you, Tian Dan, can return back to Qi alive, I will write my name in inversely.”

As the four men were flabbergasted, Xiang Shaolong left with a pained expression.

Finally, he has a reason to kill Tian Dan.

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