Book 22 Chapter 11 - Clearing All Misunderstanding

When Xiang Shaolong woke up, it was already well into the day. In fact, it was Xiao Yuetan who extracted him from his slumber.

By now, Xiang Shaolong enjoys special privileges within the Troupe. After ordering his breakfast to be served to his room, both men sat down to talk and eat intermittently.

After Xiang Shaolong told Xiao Yuetan his story, Xiao Yuetan could not help but wipe off his own sweat, affirming: “It is a blessing that Li Yuan is a man who values your friendship. Otherwise, it will be curtains for you last night. With Li Yuan’s support, the circumstances are now highly favourable. Even if you reveal your identity, the people of Qi dare not offend you and moreover, Li Yuan will not allow it to happen.”

Xiang Shaolong quizzed: “Did you gain any new information?”

Xiao Yuetan divulged: “Compared to yours, my job is relatively easy. Grandmaster Zou (Yan) is still alive and is currently residing at Qixia College. The people of Qi worship him like a living deity and if you ever choose to reveal your identity, you should reveal it with his blessings. If Grandmaster Zou informs the King of Qi about the unbearable consequences of your demise, I guarantee that even if someone points a sword at his (King of Qi) throat, he would not dare to harm you.”

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: “Let me first meet up with him before we decide what to do next. Can Brother Xiao make the necessary arrangements?”

Xiao Yuetan swore: “You can count on me. I will act on it by today. Lu Buwei is due to arrive this afternoon. I will send my men to put Zhang Quan under strict surveillance. The moment he gets the money will also be his unlucky moment.”

Xiang Shaolong reminded: “Do not inflict serious injuries on him. I still need him to indirectly gain knowledge about Lu Buwei’s plans.”

Xiao Yuetan coldly hissed: “Killing someone like him will only dirty my hands. Shaolong can put your mind at ease.”

He laughed: “Do you remember my colleague Zongsun Heji? He happened to be Zongsun Long’s nephew and I will seek his assistance in spying on Zongsun Long’s strategies. Since young, he has been disgruntled with this uncle of his. Moreover, he is a great admirer of Feng Fei and we can appeal to his sense of justice to help us out. But if Shaolong is willing to come out into the open with your original identity, I am certain that even the powerful and reckless Zongsun Long would not dare to do anything rash. Ai. Now that you are alive and can return to Qin, there is no one who will risk antagonizing you, especially the Three States of Han, Zhao and Wei. Each State wishes for the other States to make a move against you and bear the crime of killing you. What wishful thinking!”

Xiang Shaolong nodded in agreement.

Ever since he was on the run, the Three States have combined efforts to hunt and kill himself. Now that the window of opportunity is over and they are seeking peace with Xiao Pan, who, in their right mind, would want to cause trouble for him, Xiang Shaolong. The best thing about this is on the surface; the people of Qi have to put up a show of doing their best to safeguard him, in order to maintain the cordial relationship between Qi and Qin.

In the eyes of the people of Qi, their primary target is their longstanding nemesis Yan, not Qin nor Xiang Shaolong.

With the support of the influential Li Yuan, Xiang Shaolong felt that he can become himself again whenever he chooses to and not live life in constant fear of being discovered.

Xiang Shaolong can gingerly feel his natural outstanding aura revitalizing his body but is slightly reluctant to give up the present role he is playing. He laughed: “Li Yuan is representing Chu, from Han we have Han Chuang and Qin is of course Lu Buwei. Who are the other three representatives from the other three states?”

Xiao Yuetan updated: “Coming from Wei is obviously your old friend Lord Longyang. From Zhao comes Guo Kai. For Yan, Prince Dan dare not make the trip in person but sent his Chief General Xu Yizhe. This man has been promoted and awarded the title of Lord Yangle by the King of Yan.”

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: “It is truly a congregation of old friends. Which is the most famous brothel around here? We should reserve two tables there and hold a gathering for old time’s sake!”

Xiao Yuetan is elated: “Shaolong is finally in the mood to crack jokes!”

In this instance, the sound of knocking can be heard. A maid reported: “Shi Sufang’s Boss Jin is here and wishes to see Manager Shen.”

Xiang Shaolong was caught by surprise but Xiao Yuetan assured: “He is a bit of a hero to some extent and is definitely not a scum. Shaolong, there is no harm in seeing what he wants.”

After putting the fruit seed underneath his tongue, he proceeded to the front hall to meet Boss Jin.

Boss Jin may have met Xiang Shaolong in Xianyang before but he obviously failed to recognize him. In addition, Xiang Shaolong’s speech is now littered with occasional odd stuttering, erasing any potential doubts.

Once the usual pleasantries have been exchanged, both men sat down according to their status as host and guest while serving maids offered hot tea. Using his ‘fruit seed voice’, Xiang Shaolong stuttered in phases: “I wonder what instructions does Boss Jin have for Little Brother?”

Boss Jin boisterously laughed: “Of course I am here to congratulate Brother Shen on your promotion to Manager. If that fella Zhang Quan is still manager, you will never catch me alive in this place.”

Xiang Shaolong is not the least bit surprised because Zhang Quan is indeed a detestable *******. But Boss Jin is someone who is exposed to worldly affairs and by right; he would not speak badly of someone in such a straightforward manner. For him to make this comment, his real intention is to test Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong laughed in return: “I pray that in the future, I, Shen Liang, will not be the reason for Boss Jin to ignore us.”

Boss Jin leaned over slightly and whispered: “There are rumours flying all over, prophesizing that Miss Feng will retire back to her hometown after her Lin Zi tour. I wonder if the rumour is true?”

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: “How do you expect me to answer you? Are you forcing me to lie to you?”

Boss Jin is greatly pleased: “I got it. I specially paid you a visit because I wanted to arrange a meeting between Sufang and Miss Feng. Sufang has always admired Miss Feng’s talent.”

Xiang Shaolong accepted: “Although I cannot decide for my Mistress, I do not foresee any problems with the appointment. Can Boss tell me what is a good time to meet?”

Boss Jin proposed: “Let’s meet again this afternoon. It would be better if we are both around during the meeting.”

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong raised a red flag, knowing that it will not be an ordinary conversation. Otherwise, Boss Jin need not be around.

Although Boss Jin shares the same status as him, which is the post of a Troupe General Manager, in reality, their standing is worlds apart.

After all, he is the owner of the Troupe. Although Shi Sufang enjoys more prestige than him, she is legally just the leading female actress under his banner. On the other hand, he, Xiang Shaolong, is just a highly ranked runner.

Boss Jin is only being polite when he asks for Xiang Shaolong to be present as well.

Xiang Shaolong acknowledged: “I got your point. However, can Boss reveal some traces of the discussion topic? It will be easier for me talk to my Mistress.”

Boss Jin nodded: “I will have to trouble you to tell Miss Feng that somebody is plotting to win the Song & Dance competition at all costs.”

Recalling the Soft-Boned Beauty Lan Gongyuan, Xiang Shaolong immediately understood his point: “I got it. I will inform Mistress right away.”

Boss Jin cheerfully bade farewell and took his leave.

Xiang Shaolong wanted to look for Xiao Yuetan first but he has already left his room. Zhang Quan intercepted him once again and began badgering him with questions but Xiang Shaolong dismissed him with vague answers before excusing himself and headed to Feng Fei’s building.

Feng Fei and her fellow performers are busy rehearsing in the inner hall and Dong Shuzen, Zhu Xiuzhen appeared to be slightly haggard. Xiang Shaolong believed that after leaving his room, Dong Shuzen probably went to look for Zhu Xiuzhen to discuss the latest develoments. It is likely that they even engaged in lesbian 5ex, explaining their present lethargy.

Noticing his arrival, Little Ping’er intentionally hid at a corner, refusing to face him.

Alternatively, Xinyue is batting her eyes at him seductively, as if she is hinting him to make love to her. The attitude of the other courtesans has improved significantly, signifying the newfound respect he has gained after last night’s episode.

Feng Fei happened to be giving instructions to Yun Niang and her musicians. Noting Xiang Shaolong’s presence, she gracefully sashayed to his side, questioning in a low voice: “What does Boss Jin wants with you?”

After Xiang Shaolong told her the details, he plainly asked in return: “What does Han Chuang wants with you?”

From the corner of his eye, he observed that everyone, especially Dong Shuzen, is secretly paying attention to the two of them.

Feng Fei unhappily complained: “The things that you are interfering with seems to be increasing every time I talk to you.”

Annoyed, Xiang Shaolong coldly retaliated: “My ability to interfere lies in the hands of Mistress (you). If you would kindly give the order, I will pack my belongings and sleep in the streets tonight.”

Giving him an icy stare, Feng Fei scorned: “With the likes of Xie Ziyuan and Li Yuan looking after your well-being, does Master Shen need to resort to sleeping in the streets?”

Xiang Shaolong knows that in her heart, she is actually afraid that he will desert her. Softening his tone, he apologized: “It is my fault for using such strong language but it is natural for me to be upset after realizing that you are hiding things from me.”

Dazed, Feng Fei wailed: “You are behaving as if you are my husband. Why should I report everything to you?”

It is Xiang Shaolong’s turn to feel bad for his overbearing behavior.

Logically, Feng Fei does not need to notify him about her meetings.

The problem lies with the fact that this meeting with Han Chuang has implications on the future of Dong Shuzen and the courtesans, attracting his attention.

It is basically a matter of perception.

Xiang Shaolong helplessly surrendered: “All right. In the future, I will not poke my nose into your businesses.”

After a short spell of silence, Feng Fei lamented: “Why are the two of us quarrelling the first thing in the morning?”

Xiang Shaolong replied without thinking: “It is because we care a lot about each other.”

Just as Xiang Shaolong can feel his head numbing, Feng Fei gladly commanded: “Invite the Lord in at once!”

Observing Feng Fei’s outlook, Xiang Shaolong is certain that she is on intimate terms with Lord Longyang.

Lord Longyang is probably the only ‘man’ Feng Fei need not worry about that is lusting after herself.

There is no way Xiang Shaolong can hide as Lord Longyang stepped into the inner hall under a heavy escort of family warriors.

Everybody including Feng Fei, her courtesans, musicians and serving maids half-kneel, half bow to welcome this influential person from Wei.

Only Xiang Shaolong is unwilling to kneel or bow down.

When Lord Longyang first laid his eyes on him, he trembled violently and was stunned on the spot, unable to believe his very own eyes.

Feng Fei and the rest of the crowd were flabbergasted.

Letting out a long laugh, Xiang Shaolong put his fists together and greeted: “How are you doing my Lord? I can still remember the times when I, Shen Liang, was serving Prince Wuji as a family warrior and I have had the honour of drinking and chatting with Your Lordship until the wee hours. Time really flies, evoking countless emotions. Those who are meant to depart have departed. Those who are meant to die are dead. Shen Liang has nearly forgotten about the past (when you betrayed me).”

With a flash of embarrassment across his face, Lord Longyang respectfully returned his greetings: “Even though Brother Shen is willing to let go of the past, Lordship (I) will never forget what happened. Regarding Prince Wuji’s demise, Lordship (I) is forced by circumstances to act. After the deed is done, I even contemplated suicide. Aye. I do not know what to say next.”

Making use of Prince Xinling, Wei Wuji’s episode, both men have resolved this mental burden, with one party expressing forgiveness and the other party admitting to the mistake and begging for pardon. Except for Lord Longyang’s expert swordsman cum bodyguard Jiaoxi who is familiar with Xiang Shaolong, everyone else is in a state of confusion, not knowing if they had inferred their conversation correctly or incorrectly.

Feng Fei and her Troupe members are still greatly astonished, finally realizing that Shen Liang is such a reputable and prominent person. On the other hand, Lord Longyang’s subordinates are still feeling perplexed, unable to comprehend Lord Longyang contradiction. When their master got rid of Prince Xinling, he even threw a banquet to celebrate the event but right now, he is expressing deep regrets over the same incident.

It is amazing how things eventually work out.

Feng Fei straightened her body and merrily smiled: “Your Lordship and my manager Mister Shen are old friends. How wonderful!”

Xiang Shaolong did a quick scan of the crowd. From Feng Fei to Little Ping’er, everyone is wearing a funny expression on his or her face. He instantaneously felt awkward and wronged, conscious that everyone is suspecting that Lord Longyang shares a gay relationship with him.

The crucial point is that he has never proven to any of the ladies that he is ‘a normal man’, but has proven himself on several occasions to be ‘abnormal’, leading to such an ambiguous scenario.

The most conspicuous look of astonishment is exhibited on the face of Little Ping’er, as if she had suddenly found the answer to her problems, causing Xiang Shaolong further embarrassment.

He could never imagine himself being caught in a situation such as this.

His demeanor significantly relaxed, Lord Longyang came forward and announced to the courtesans: “Dear ladies, do not allow Lordship’s (my) presence to affect your rehearsal. Please treat me like an ordinary spectator.”

Dong Shuzen viciously shot Xiang Shaolong a glare before resuming the dance practice with the other courtesans.

Coming to Xiang Shaolong’s front, Lord Longyang firstly reached out his hand to grip Xiang Shaolong’s hand tightly before releasing his grasp and faced Feng Fei, assuring: “With Brother Shen assisting Miss Feng, all your problems will certainly be solved.”

Xiang Shaolong was shaken, finally realizing that Lord Longyang is Feng Fei’s actual protector. Han Chuang is just another pawn of hers. If he were in Feng Fei’s shoes, he too, would rather place his trust in Lord Longyang than the lustful Han Chuang.

Moreover, if Feng Fei wishes to travel to Xianyang to rendezvous with her mystery lover, it would be ideal to seek protection from influential people from Wei and Han. Besides, Lord Longyang has the authority to keep an eye on Han Chuang.

Feng Fei shivered slightly, gazing at Xiang Shaolong first, followed by Lord Longyang, behaving as if she did not understand the meaning of Lord Longyang’s words. She whispered: “Has Your Lordship seen Duke Han?” Xiang Shaolong recognizes that she is implicitly asking Lord Longyang if he has been updated about the latest developments: Lu Buwei’s involvement. As anticipated, Lord Longyang guaranteed: “Of course I have and I am aware of Miss’s concerns. With this bright strategist Brother Shen guiding you, Lu Buwei will surely be biting off more than he can chew.”

Feng Fei’s initial state of puzzlement turned into a state of shock and virtually fell into a daze.

Lord Longyang realizes that he was overly excited after receiving Xiang Shaolong’s pardon, and as a result, his words are ‘too honest’ for Feng Fei to stomach. He explained: “As an ex-opponent, I have nothing but respect for Brother Shen’s talent and wisdom.”

Jiaoxi, who had accompanied Lord Longyang to step forward, grabbed Xiang Shaolong’s shoulder in a brotherly manner, highlighting his admiration of Xiang Shaolong’s capabilities and heroic deeds.

After experiencing numerous trials and tribulations, Xiang Shaolong can feel his old emotions surging.

Once again, he visualizes the scene when the Eagle King sacrificed itself for its owner.

Noticing the extreme anguish glowing from his piercing eyes, Feng Fei thought that he is grieving for his ex-owner and her own heart is filled with an indescribable feeling.

Taking a look at the rehearsing courtesans, Lord Longyang asked of Feng Fei: “Lordship (I) wish to speak with Brother Shen privately before I come back to you.” Feng Fei could not reject his request and acquiesced. Moving to a side room and dismissing all their men, his eyes welled up with hot tears as Lord Longyang pitifully cried: “I am worse than a beast. Shaolong treated me so well and yet I...”

Xiang Shaolong did his best to comfort him and after Lord Longyang recomposed himself slightly, he faced Xiang Shaolong with a pair of red and swollen eyes, recounting: “I told Han Chuang about this matter and he gave me a piece of his mind. He scolded me, saying that on the battlefield, there is no right or wrong but how can I not help you when you are obviously in trouble?”

Xiang Shaolong was mystified: “Why did you tell Han Chuang this secret? You believe he can be trusted?”

Lord Longyang was guilt-ridden: “Keeping the secret to myself is unbearable. I would rather someone scold and blame me as a way of atoning for my sin. For me, besides Shaolong, hey, besides Shaolong, he is the only person I can confide in. He cannot do without me just yet as I am assisting him with several matters.”

Never in his dreams would he imagine Han Chuang to be such a loyal friend but he dared not voice it out, fearing that it would hurt Lord Longyang’s feelings. He requested: “In this case, can you kindly inform him about my present status, because I will need to ask him to show mercy in releasing Dong Shuzen and the other girls from his control.”

Lord Longyang seems to know about the agreement between Feng Fei and Han Chuang. He nodded in agreement: “Besides guarding yourself against Tian Dan and Lu Buwei, you must not neglect Guo Kai. This cunning brought your strange weapon here to Qi, intending to present it to King Xiang as a birthday gift, scheming to drag Qi down with them. King Xiang is now in a dilemma; if he accepts the gift, he will offend Yingzheng, if he rejects the gift, tongues will wag, saying that he is afraid of Qin.”

Xiang Shaolong gnashed his teeth, savagely swearing: “Can you find out the location of my Hundred Battle Sabre? No matter what it takes, I have got to get it back.”

Lord Longyang sighed: “Your King (Xiao Pan) has just send a special emissary, warning us, the Three States (Han Zhao Wei) that whoever lays a finger on you will suffer his wrath and revenge at all costs. All of us are frightened into ceasing all efforts in hunting you down. The people of Zhao are the worst hit, losing five cities in succession. Li Mu dared not abandon his camp at Zhongmou while we have suffered a fresh defeat. Thus, we are unable to come to Zhao’s aid even if we wanted to. As a result, Guo Kai hates us to the core and during Feng Fei’s welcoming banquet last night, he kept making snide remarks, jeering and insulting Han Chuang and I. His attitude is simply intolerable.”

Xiang Shaolong questioned: “What is Tian Dan’s current standing?”

Lord Longyang summarized: “He still wields considerable influence in Qi and his weakest link is the lousy bum Tian Sheng whom he is supporting to become the Crown Prince of Qi. Tian Sheng is lagging far behind Prince Tian Jian, who is well loved by the people of Qi. This Tian Jian cannot be considered a man of talent but he is adept at using schemes to gather support for himself, unlike the arrogant and self-serving Tian Sheng. Until today, the successor to the throne of Qi remains a mystery.”

Pausing, he awkwardly inquired: “How did Shaolong have the foresight to leave my residence and ended up as Feng Fei’s manager?”

Xiang Shaolong originally did not want to reveal the truth but does not want Lord Longyang to misunderstand him, thinking that he is still bearing grudges. He used a simple reason to satisfy Lord Longyang’s curiosity and obviously did not mention about his trip to the Palace of Wei.

After hearing his explanation and feeling remorseful for some time, Lord Longyang quizzed: “When does Shaolong plan to declare your true identity and openly ask for the return of your precious weapon?”

Xiang Shaolong contemplated: “It may be inappropriate to reveal my true identity for the time being. Let’s observe the situation further!”

Lord Longyang warned: “If revealing the truth is not a necessity, I would advise you to keep your identity a secret all the way. There is a local saying here: The Extremists of Qixia, meaning that Qixia students are generally very egoistic, doing whatever they please and looking at others with contempt. It is the same regardless whether they are scholars or warriors. Moreover, Cao Quidao will defend some of his top students against persecution. There are indeed a few of his students who have learnt the essence of his skills and go about creating chaos in Lin Zi. Presently, Shaolong has the reputation of being the top swordsman, only second to Cao Quidao. If word goes out about your presence, it will only invite endless trouble. The King of Qi cannot intervene in private duels and if you happened to be killed in a fair fight, even Yingzheng do not have the right to hold Qi to it.”

Xiang Shaolong is definitely not interested in using his fighting abilities to gain fame for himself. He nodded: “Your Lordship is right. Tian Dan, Lu Buwei and even Guo Kai will use this opportunity to incite more chaos. If I get involved with Cao Cuidao, I will be just like Lu Buwei, biting off more than I can chew. That will be disastrous.”

With a ‘Pu Ci’ sound, Lord Longyang could not help but break out into a girly giggle. He contentedly voiced: “I can finally sleep well tonight. Ever since that fateful night, my heart is so painful it seemed to have broken into pieces.”

Xiang Shaolong saw that he has indeed lost a fair bit of weight over the incident. Showing concern, he vouched: “From the beginning until the end, I have never forgotten about you, my friend.”

Lord Longyang is still reluctant to take his leave and Xiang Shaolong persuaded: “It is not ideal for us to spend too much time talking in private. You should visit Feng Fei on your own while I have to attend to a few of my men who were injured by Zongsun Long.”

Lord Longyang was appalled: “Zongsun Long already made a move?”

Xiang Shaolong went to the extent of repeating the entire story to him. An embarrassed Lord Longyang lamented: “Even Li Yuan is a better friend than me. I am not fit to be human.”

After Xiang Shaolong coaxed him with many kind words did Lord Longyang finally left in an unwilling manner.

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