Book 25 Chapter 07 - Unorthodox Interrogation

Lord Changwen chased up to Xiang Shaolong from the back. Riding side by side, their horses unhurriedly galloped along the road while the Guardians and Lord Changwen’s bodyguards carefully scrutinized their surroundings for any signs of danger. Armed with human-sized shields and holding their bows, they kept a strict lookout for possible assassins. It was a tense atmosphere.

Xiang Shaolong casually checked: “Don’t you need to attend to Crown Prince?”

Lord Changwen shook his head and probed: “What are Shaolong’s plans against the rebels? Can you share some information with me? I may be able to lend you a hand.”

With an air of indifference, Xiang Shaolong grilled: “Was it Crown Prince who ordered you to chase up to me and ask these questions?”

Revealing a stunned look, Lord Changwen is unable to answer him.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: “You can save it. I understand your difficulties.”

His face darkening, Lord Changwen shamefully implored: “Can Shaolong help me out?”

Xiang Shaolong narrated: “You can report to Crown Prince that I have laid my hands on a bunch of clues, allowing me to take down Guan Zhongxie and the assassins of the six States in one fell swoop. Nevertheless, I would need to operate under full secrecy for my strategy to succeed. Therefore, with lesser people aware of my plans, the better it is for me.”

Lord Changwen hastily enquired: “What’s the purpose behind Shaolong’s request for the Tiger Seal?”

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought: Of course it is a life preservation tactic. Instead, he answered: “Because I would need to deploy thirty thousand Imperial Cavalry soldiers in my quest to exterminate these trespassing invaders.”

Pausing, he asked in return: “What is Wei Liao’s present rank?”

With a look of dilemma on his face, Lord Changwen lowered his head and responded: “I am not very sure.”

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. Ultimately, Lord Changwen is inferior to his elder brother in terms of brotherhood loyalty. Sharing weal is easy; sharing woe is a different story.

Thinking about this, Xiang Shaolong cannot be bothered with his company.

With a “Please return!” Xiang Shaolong and the Guardians sped away. Back at his Command Centre, he immediately summoned the three men: Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Wu Guo. After updating them about the Tiger Seal incident, he asserted: “Presently, we are considered untouchable. Unless Yingzheng personally leads an army against me, nobody else can lay a finger on us.”

Teng Yi frowned: “However, Yingzheng can issue a decree to confiscate Third Brother’s military authority.”

Xiang Shaolong grinned: “That’s the best part. To make sure that I get rid of Guan Zhongxie, Yingzheng would not recall the Tiger Seal before the coronation. By the time he wishes to act against my interests, he would discover my absence at Yongdu. During that period, we could enjoy a few days of complete freedom and focus all our energies on countering Lu Buwei.”

Wu Guo nodded: “In this case, I must make my getaway before the end of the coronation ceremony.”

Jing Jun wondered: “Are we really going after Guan Zhongxie?”

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath: “Just take it that we are giving Yingzheng a huge farewell present before our departure!”

Teng Yi agreed: “We must do it; otherwise, if Traitor Lu happens to succeed in his scheme, we can forget about enjoying our days in peace.”

Xiang Shaolong proposed: “As long as we can capture all the members of one of the assassination teams that are concealed in the mountains or wilderness, and with Tu Xian concealing this development from Lu Buwei, we could execute our torturous interrogation methods and discover the location of Guan Zhongxie.”

Wu Guo was puzzled: “I am still confused; instead of using the opportunity to head to Yongdu, why are the assassins still loitering near Xianyang.”

Jing Jun questioned: “Three days later, Yingzheng shall proceed to Yongdu. When does Third Brother plan to strike?”

Revealing a self-satisfying and self-confident smile, Xiang Shaolong simply decided: “Tonight! Let these men have a taste of our well-trained and seasoned Wu Family Special Forces.”

The three men stammered in shock: “Special Forces?”

Xiang Shaolong contentedly nodded.

Because of his 21st century scientific knowledge, Xiang Shaolong is able to recreate this ancient Special Forces team that employs the best battle techniques, allowing him to accomplish many missions that were originally insurmountable. Out of the blue, he can feel his chest swelling with infinite fighting spirit.

Under the brilliance of the bright moon, Xiang Shaolong who was disguised as Wu Guo is in a prone position with Ji Yanran beside him. They are waiting patiently on a cliff about six miles south of Xianyang City.

Armed with foldable crossbows, they are dressed in light jungle clothes. Underneath their clothes is a special armored vest, something similar to the 21st century bulletproof vest.

Now lying on the soft grass of the cliff, Xiang Shaolong reached out and patted the thigh of Ji Yanran who is sitting beside him. He softly remarked: “I hope Wu Guo don’t screw up.”

Tonight is the first time Wu Guo is entering the limelight with his Xiang Shaolong disguise. Accompanied by Teng Yi, they are meeting Xu Shang for a discussion, analyzing how the Imperial Cavalry and Imperial Infantry can work hand in hand when Yingzheng is absent from Xianyang.

This tactic is to allay the suspicions of Xu Shang.

If Xu Shang learns that Xiang Shaolong has left the City, it will set off alarms in his head.

Lightly whining and brushing off Xiang Shaolong’s invading hand, Ji Yanran frowned her brows: “Don’t touch me. With your Wu Guo disguise, I forbid any intimacy.”

Xiang Shaolong was humoured: “Outer beauty is deceptive; inner beauty is genuine. Even our Talented Lady doesn’t realize this?”

Ji Yanran faintly sighed: “It is easier said than done. How many people can really forgo one’s appearance? If a choice is available, who would choose ugliness over beauty.”

At this juncture, Jing Jun crept towards both of them and whispered: “The enemies numbered between twelve to fifteen men and they have set up camp in the forest. Their only defense is a sentry. I have casted sky-wide nets (chinese idiom 天罗地网), guaranteed to capture each and every one of them.”

This time round, it is truly a case of using sky-wide nets. The outstanding hunter, Jing Jun, has specially crafted dozens of large nets that can be placed on the ground or casted from the trees above.

These assassins who have sneaked into Qin are the elite warriors of the six States. Without a good strategy, killing them is easy but capturing them alive is going to be a challenge.

Jumping to his feet, Xiang Shaolong commanded: “Do it!”

Jing Jun sneaked away.

Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran ascended the summit of the hill and prostrated themselves among the thick grass, overlooking the huge stretch of thick forests that lie below them.

If not for Tu Xian’s accurate information, even with a massive army combing the area, it would be impossible to corner their targets like the present situation.

Out of a sudden, the sound of hoof beats can be heard about a mile away. It gradually became louder and louder, signaling its approach and is advancing towards the forest from far. Of course Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran are not the least surprised, for it is part of their scheme to force the enemies to run in the opposite direction towards the ensnaring nets.

As anticipated, the enemies reacted instantaneously. By observing the stationary birds suddenly taking flight due to the commotion, Xiang Shaolong deduced that they are fleeing in the southeast direction where the nets are.

Continuous cries of astonishment and exclamation can be heard from the forest. Minutes later, the forest resumed its natural silence.

Exchanging a smile, Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran knew that they had succeeded. Now, all they have to do is wait for Xiao Yuetan’s interrogation methods.

Altogether, thirteen men were captured. Despite their varying appearances, all of them are tall and strapping characters. In an open skirmish, Xiang Shaolong and his men may suffer injuries or even death. But with their clever tactics against these unprepared criminals, no losses were reported and the entire operation was a piece of cake.

The apprehended men obviously had a pre-arrangement, with each person holding his tongue and radiating a strong determination as if death is nothing.

After smuggling them back to Wu Residence, Xiao Yuetan gave instructions to lock them up separately. Concluding a round of observation, he chose one of the assassins to be his interrogation target. To the crowd, he explained: “This man is rather handsome looking. I am sure his lifestyle is much more enriching than the others and he would certainly enjoy the attention of many ladies. For a person like him to be willing to risk his life for this mission, I am positive he is doing it for the money and also to win the affections of a beauty. Needless to say, he is somebody who treasures his body and life.”

Ji Yanran complimented: “Mister is truly an expert in human psychology. No wonder you are Manager Tu’s most capable assistant.”

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: “I am just someone who uses my brain more often! It’s really nothing.”

He then pleaded in a low voice: “Can Yanran excuse yourself?”

Ji Yanran realizes that he is up to something that is unsuitable for a female spectator. Despite her unwillingness, she could only compliantly retreat from the room.

When the room is only left with the three men, namely Xiang Shaolong, Jing Jun and Xiao Yuetan, two Wu Family Warriors escorted the selected assassin in.

The lanky and fine-looking man is in the prime of his youth. Currently, his face is portraying a ghastly look and his body is exuding an air of despondency. With mud all over him, several parts of his clothes are torn and tattered. His hands are bounded behind him and his feet are locked together by an iron chain.

The three pairs of sharp eyes are scanning his face, keeping a lookout for any changes in his facial expression.

Xiao Yuetan lightly snickered: “The person beside me is the earth-shattering figure Xiang Shaolong. Since Brother has the guts to come here, you should know what kind of person he is.”

The man peeped at Xiang Shaolong once. Initially exhibiting a strange look, he then slowly nodded his head.

In their hearts, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun are full of admiration for Xiao Yuetan’s choice of interrogation suspect. The other men would probably remain immobile. Since this person is willing to nod his head, there is a good chance of a confession.

Xiao Yuetan gently questioned: “How do I address Brother and where are you from?”

The face of the suspect revealed traces of an internal struggle and obvious signs of distress. Eventually, he vehemently shook his head once, indicating his refusal to speak.

Xiao Yuetan burst out laughing: “Let me show you something first. Afterwards, you can decide if you want to cooperate with us or not. Strip him.”

Receiving his order, the two warriors jumped into action. In the blink of an eye, the man is standing there in his birthday suit and his face is carrying a horrified expression.

At this moment, even the two men Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun cannot predict Xiao Yuetan’s next move.

Xiao Yuetan gave another order and from outside the door, the sound of a trolley wheeling can be heard. There are also bizarre ‘ji ji’ noises, sending shivers down the spine of Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun.

Entering their sight was two Guardians pushing a huge, six feet by six feet iron cage. Inside the cage is about a hundred rats of all sizes, busily scampering around and making the ‘ji ji’ cries.

Jing Jun exclaimed: “Oh boy!”

On the other hand, Xiang Shaolong can literally feel all his hair standing on their ends and nearly wanted to excuse himself.

Blood fully drained from his face, the man’s legs softened as he kneeled down on the floor. Simultaneously, his body started trembling all over as he visualized his looming torture.

Xiao Yuetan casually remarked: “Without my explanation, Brother should have guessed the purpose of these rats. I heard these rats are especially good at digging holes. Ha!”

With a wheezing sound, the suspect nearly fainted.

Lowering his head, the good-looking man asked in a quivering voice: “Are you telling the truth?”

Xiang Shaolong challenged in an unfriendly voice: “Have you ever heard of one incident when I failed to keep my word? Nonetheless, we must be able to prove that Brother is not lying to us before we will set you free.”

The man submissively nodded: “I confess.”

After obtaining precious information from the suspect, Wu Guo, Teng Yi and the other Guardians happened to return. In the highest of spirits, they must be feeling gratified at successfully deceiving Xu Shang.

Wu Yan Zhe commended: “Elder Brother Guo is brilliant indeed; whenever he gets stuck in the discussion, he would start coughing. With one hand supporting his head and a bitter expression, the resemblance is uncanny.”

Having excused herself earlier, Ji Yanran stepped into the hall and frowned: “Make sure you do not overdo it.”

Teng Yi assured: “You can set your mind at ease. Even I had to keep reminding myself that he is not Third Brother. Their only difference is the glow in their eyes. Fortunately, others will attribute it to Shaolong’s lingering sickness and will not think much of it.”

Turning to Xiang Shaolong, he inquired: “How is the interrogation?”

Xiang Shaolong cheerfully flashed the ‘Victory’ sign.

The Guardians and Wu Guo shouted and cheered in unison, nearly bringing the house down.

Jing Jun updated: “Luckily, we have Mister Xiao heading the interrogation, scaring that fellow into cooperating with us obediently. He even revealed details and answers that went beyond our questioning. It turns out that this is not some secret collaboration between the six States; it was Tian Dan masterminding the assassination all along. All the warriors are from Qi and some of them are impersonating as assassins from the other five States. Their leader is Bian Dongshan, Cao Qiudao’s top disciple and he reportedly has learnt the essence of Cao Qiudao’s skills. Lan Gongyuan was personally trained by him and he is currently residing at Yongdu.”

Xiao Yuetan supplemented: “This man is a master assassin. We cannot afford to be negligent.”

Teng Yi wondered: “I thought Guan Zhongxie’s Sect and Qixia Sword Sect are sworn enemies? Why would he collaborate with the disciple of Cao Qiudao?”

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: “Of course there is Lao Ai’s powerful henchman Han Jie who is linking and mediating between the two parties. This man is likely to be receiving bribes from Lu Buwei and has become Traitor Lu’s spy within the camp of Lao Ai.”

Ji Yanran probed: “Right now, what are Hubby’s plans regarding Guan Zhongxie?”

Remembering Lu Niangrong, Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. In a deep voice, he declared: “Given the present circumstances, where it is kill or be killed, I have to chop him down with Hundred Battle Sabre before he has the chance to pick up his giant steel bow.”

Xiao Yuetan quizzed: “When does Shaolong plan to strike?”

Xiang Shaolong seriously enquired: “Can we get our hands on two ordinary fishing boats? It must be secretly acquired.”

Tao Fang answered: “Leave this to me. When does Shaolong want the boats?”

Xiang Shaolong avowed: “Tomorrow! The earlier the better! I want to cut off the head on his neck before he receives any updates and present it to Yingzheng as our farewell gift.”

Everyone cheered in response and their morale was sky high.

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