Book 4 Chap 9 – Shocking and sad news

The next day at dusk, the 4 of them arrived at the sentry post just inside the Zhao border and outside the city of the Zi district. By now Zhao Qian has dressed up as a man, masquerading as Jing Jun’s younger brother and because none of the generals outside has ever seen this beautiful 3rd Princess, so as long as they’re out of Handan, no one will be able to reveal her real identity.

The guard on top of the city walls called out to the 4 of them to stop and when he saw it’s Xiang Shaolong, the guard immediately opened the gate to let them in without even waiting for his superior’s instruction. His attitude was extremely respectful, which shows how well respected and famous Xiang Shaolong is within the Zhao army now. The truth us when Xiang Shaolong sent back the heads of the thieves he killed, the weapons and war horses back to Zhao after each victory, the first to know are usually these guards, so naturally they have a very high opinion of Xiang Shaolong.

Under the escort of the Zhao army, Xiang Shaolong and the rest rode towards the city of Zi. Zhao Qian’s horse riding skills are quite good and sitting high atop the horse, looks like a handsome young man. Before they reach Zi, suddenly there was a team of Zhao soldiers riding towards them. The 2 groups slowly got closer to each other and Xiang Shaolong recognized the 2 leaders. One of them is the general in charge of defending the city, General Wa Che, and the other is shockingly his great enemy Zhao Mu. Zhao Qian and Xiang Shaolong’s expressions changed. But by now it’s too late to avoid them so they can only grit their teeth and move forward.

Zhao Mu hastened his horse and came forward with Wa Che hurrying to keep up with him. The 2 groups met and all of them dismounted. Zhao Mu saw Zhao Qian dressed as a man and immediately recognized her, his eyes shone with greed as he knelt down and paid his respects, “The Marquis of Julu pays his respect to Third Princess!” This shocked Wa Che and the rest so much that they hurriedly fell to their knees in respect. Xiang Shaolong was secretly lamenting that Zhao Mu’s sudden appearance has spoiled what he thought was a perfect arrangement, and now he has to deal with the outcome if Zhao Qian is found to have lost her virginity. Zhao Qian was surprisingly calm as she said, “Marquis of Julu, please rise!”

This time it’s Xiang Shaolong, together with Teng Yi and Jing Jun’s turn to pay their respects to Zhao Mu. The 2 of them already knows the relationship between Xiang Shaolong and Zhao Mu so they pretended to be extremely respectful but of course were cursing the ancestors of this conniving fiend in their hearts.

Zhao Mu instructed Wa Che, “The 3rd Princess must have endured a lot of shock and suffering along the journey, send her quickly back to the city to rest.” Zhao Qian was quite obedient and without even taking a look at Xiang Shaolong, followed Wa Che back.

Zhao Mu and Xiang Shaolong rode alongside each other and he complimented, “Lady Ya and Cheng Xu has already told what happened in Daliang to his Majesty. His Majesty is extremely pleased with how Shaolong reacted to the situation and your intellect. The only problem is that muddle headed King Anli sent an envoy to blame his Majesty that he has not even set eyes on 3rd Princess and you’ve already kidnapped her. This matter is quite troublesome and it seems that more will come.” Xiang Shaolong pretended to fully trust him and loyal as he said, “I hope that Marquis will say a few nice words in front of his Majesty for me.” Zhao Mu replied insincerely, “That is but of course!”

He also asked about Teng Yi and Jing Jun. Xiang Shaolong replied, “They’re Hans who have helped me and I have accepted them as my family servants.” He did not mention anything about Xiao Weimou. Zhao Mu asked quietly, “Did Shaolong meet with any enemies on the way back?”

Xiang Shaolong’s intuition told him that Zhao Mu’s words are not as simple as it seems. Besides with Zhao Mu’s status, why would he come here especially to wait for him? Or could it be that Zhao Mu and Xiao Weimou have some secret relationship? At the same time he remembered that Xiao Weimou once said that Zhao Qian must not be harmed, it could be because he promised Zhao Mu that he’ll hand her to him.

He replied, “I met Xiao Weimou, and also chopped off his head!” Zhao Mu was stunned and asked hoarsely, “What?” Xiang Shaolong is all the more certain of his guess. If Zhao Mu is not sure of Xiao Weimou’s ability, why else would he be so shocked. After he heard Xiang Shaolong repeat his words again, Zhao Mu was silent for a moment before he turned his head and stared at him, saying “According to our spies in Daliang, that night when you escaped from Prince Xinling’s residence you were surrounded by Xiao Weimou and his men, but someone later saved you and sent you out of Daliang. Who is that person?”

Xiang Shaolong is all the more certain that Zhao Mu is in cahoots with Xiao Weimou. Because at that time things happened so quickly, and the residents there dared not witness the fight for fear of getting trouble on themselves. Besides, onlookers would not know that they were surrounded by Xiao Weimou and his men, they would think that they’re Wei soldiers. But now Zhao Mu is so certain of what happened, the only reason is that the news came from Xiao Weimou.

He was secretly cursing but on the surface he pretended to be nonchalant as he sighed, “I’d like to know who was that hero who saved me as well, but he left after taking me and the Princess away from danger, not even leaving us his name.” Zhao Mu furrowed his brow, “Weren’t you seriously injured then?” Xiang Shaolong was secretly chortling, thinking that evil fiend has finally let the cat out of the bag. If not for Xiao Weimou telling him, how would he have known that he was seriously injured. He pretended to be puzzled and looked at him, asking “Who told you that I was seriously injured, it’s just all superficial wounds!”

Zhao Mu knows that he has revealed too much and coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment. By now the team has entered the city walls of Zi. Xiang Shaolong thought to himself: Just come! Let’s see who shall be the ultimate victor.

The next morning Xiang Shaolong, Zhao Mu and the rest started the journey as soon as it was bright. Following the official path they reached Handan 2 days later and entered the Palace immediately to see the King of Zhao. He arranged for Teng Yi and Jing Jun to return to the Wu family first. The King of Zhao received him in the Politics Discussion Hall, and Zhao Mu was the only one accompanying him.

After respects was paid to the ruler, King Xiaocheng walked down the stone steps from his dragon throne and with his hands clasped behind his back, commented, “Shaolong! Tell me how I should deal with you? You successfully stole ‘Lu Gong’s Secret Manual’ and killed Hui Hu, eliminating a troublemaker for our Great Zhao and achieved great accomplishments. But you did not wait for my instructions and brought the 3rd Princess back on your own accord, making me go back on my words towards the Weis. Tell me! Should I reward or punish you.” Xiang Shaolong pretended to be astonished as he knelt down and said, “Your subordinate knows he’s made a mistake, but I was really forced by circumstances, the Weis were...”

The King of Zhao interrupted him, “No need for more words, whatever you wanted to say, my royal sister Lady Ya has already told me. But ultimately you did not accomplish the mission I gave you. If King Anli goes back on the marriage agreement, then just let him go back on his words. But now it has turned out that he is putting the blame on me, tell me how should I account for this?”

Xiang Shaolong felt fury rising up and almost wanted to strangle King Xiaocheng. A father who does not care about the happiness of his own daughter, how can he be fit to rule a country. He controlled his temper and removed the bag on his back which contained the head of Xiao Weimou and said, “Your Majesty can return Xiao Weimou’s head to the King of Wei and he will know that we have found out about his collaboration with Xiao Weimou, then he will no longer pursue this matter!” The King of Zhao looked at the bag in surprise, then looked at Zhao Mu, not quite knowing what to do with Xiang Shaolong’s suggestion.

Zhao Mu pretended to be the good guy and said, “Shaolong, you’ve made a very bold suggestion. But the King of Wei can always deny his relationship with Xiao Weimou, or even say that you’re setting him up. Hai! Shaolong is still inexperienced indeed.”

Xiang Shaolong expected that this conniving thief would say this so he said with a smile, “Both they and us are just looking for excuses! Your Majesty need only tell Anli that I was trying to save the Princess, that’s why I escaped back to Handan in order to hide from Xiao Weimou’s pursuit. It’s simply not safe within Wei’s borders. If the Weis want to marry the Princess, then ask him to send someone here to escort the Princess, let’s see what he will do?” Zhao Mu did not expect Xiang Shaolong to come out with such a plan and for a moment had no argument.

The King of Zhao was stunned for a moment before nodding his head, “This is a good idea to round things up. We’ll do just that and see how that old man Anli is going to react?” He then told Xiang Shaolong, “For now I’ll take it that your accomplishments have atoned for your mistakes and you can keep your current position. Rest well for the next few days! If there’s anything else I will summon you into the Palace.” Xiang Shaolong was relieved and hurriedly bid his leave.

Xiang Shaolong had just stepped out of the Palace gates when Cheng Xu came up. However there was no joy of meeting after a long absence and instead he lowered his voice and said seriously, “Lady Ya is waiting for Commander Xiang.”, followed by a sigh. Xiang Shaolong feels a dark omen and taking a deep breath, asked, “What happened?” Extreme sadness shot out of Cheng Xu’s eyes as he gritted his teeth and said, “Lady Ni is dead!” Xiang Shaolong was stunned, “What?”

Cheng Xu said dejectedly, “It happened on the 3rd day after you left. When the maid went to her room that morning, she saw her holding a sharp dagger. Her belly had a fatal wound and the bed was stained red by her blood.” Xiang Shaolong felt as if he is falling from Heaven straight into hell, the blood in his body turning cold, his chest felt as if it has been pounded by a thousand kilo force, his breathing difficult and all the strength in his body suddenly disappearing. He staggered and almost fell to the ground if not for Cheng Xu supporting him.

His face turned as pale as paper and tears fell uncontrollably down his cheeks. He thought of Lady Ni’s love and elegance, yet such a horrible death befell her, is there justice in the world? After Cheng Xu steadied him on his feet, Xiang Shaolong said through gritted teeth, “She certainly will not commit suicide, don’t those maids know anything?” Cheng Xu sighed, “That’s all we know upon our return. Now all those maids have been dismissed and we can’t even find one of them to question. Those in court are fearful of Zhao Mu and dared not ask too many questions. His Majesty is now totally under Zhao Mu’s control and will not object to anything he says.”

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed hoarsely, “Zhao Mu?” And he slowly understood. Zhao Mu saw that Lady Ni has given in to him and was extremely jealous so he secretly went to rape Zhao Ni. Zhao Ni was distraught after the shameful ordeal so she used death to wash off her shame. That conniving thief Zhao Mu, who is worst than an animal! A sudden stab of pain and sadness rushed to his heart and Xiang Shaolong finally broke down and wept bitterly.

Xiang Shaolong hugged Zhao Ya tightly, as if he’s afraid that she will suddenly disappear like Zhao Ni. Lady Ya cried hot tears together with him and wailed, “Xiang Lang! Brace yourself, all the more Zhao Mu will not let you and the Wu family off. If you don’t pull yourself together we’ll all die under his hands sooner or later.” Xiang Shaolong asked, “Where is Xiao Pan?”

Lady Ya replied, “For now he is under the care of my royal sister. This child is indeed strange, after crying for a few days, he kept quiet and has not cried since, only saying that he wants to wait for your return.” As she spoke the last words, Zhao Pan’s voice could be heard screaming madly from outside, “Teacher!” Xiang Shaolong pushed Lady Ya aside and hugged Zhao Pan who had ran into his arms.

This little lad has lost a lot of weight and he cried bitterly, “Teacher! It’s Zhao Mu that conniving thief who cause Mother to die, I feel such deep hatred in my heart!” Xiang Shaolong became calmer instead and asked, “Tell me what happened that night.” Zhao Pan replied, “I don’t know anything at all. That day his Majesty sent someone to bring over some snacks and I fell into a deep sleep after eating it. When I woke up Mother is already dead and even her body had been moved away. Mother is so pitiful!” and he cried bitterly again.

Lady Ya couldn’t control her sadness and leaned on Xiang Shaolong’s back and sobbed uncontrollably and a cloud of despair surrounded them. Xiang Shaolong reached out to hug Lady Ya and said quietly, “From today onwards, Xiao Pan you will follow your royal Aunt Ya. We must certainly avenge your mother, but we cannot act rashly or else it’ll only give that conniving thief an excuse to deal with us, understand?” Zhao Pan nodded his head vigorously, “Xiao Pan understands totally. All these time I have been practicing my swordplay everyday as you have instructed. I want to kill Zhao Mu personally.”

Xiang Shaolong told Zhao Ya, “Ya’er, take good care of Xiao Pan. For now Zhao Mu will not dare to do anything to you and Qian’er, but it’s still better to be careful. Will you be able to get Qian’er out of the palace to stay with you at your residence outside the palace, and at the same time tell Zhao Da and the rest to increase defenses and not give Zhao Mu any opportunities?” Zhao Ya replied, “Although Imperial brother usually does not bother himself with Princess Qian’s matters, now because of her marriage agreement with the Weis, it might be a bit difficult to get her out of the Palace. But I will think of a way. After I retrieved the ‘Secret Manual’, Imperial Brother has regarded me highly, maybe I can persuade him.” Xiang Shaolong thought of something and after telling Zhao Pan to leave first, he told Zhao Ya that he’s already having a physical relationship with Zhao Qian.

Zhao Ya’s expression changed, “What shall we do? Zhao Mu will certainly coerce Imperial brother to give orders to check if Zhao Qian is still intact. If they find a problem, they’ll definitely not let you off.” Xiang Shaolong replied, “Zhao Mu is extremely distracted right now and may not think of this point for now.” He continued with a furrowed brow, “Just how do you determine if Qian’er is still a virgin?” Zhao Ya replied, “Mainly is to see if her hymen is still intact.”

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought so that’s the case and asked, “Who will do the inspection?” Zhao Ya replied, “It should be the empress who inspects personally, because of Zhao Qian’s royal status, no one else is allowed to touch her body.” Xiang Shaolong thought of the Zhao empress and a thread of hope filled his heart as he said, No matter what, try to get Qian’er away from the dangerous Palace first, then we’ll think of how to deal with Zhao Mu.”

By now Tao Fang has arrived with Wu Tingfang and Ting Fangshi and after the long parting, the reunion is certainly a joyful one. If not for the death of Lady Ni, this would be the happiest moment in his life, but now it’s a different matter altogether. In the secret chamber in the Wu family stronghold, they held the first important meeting since Xiang Shaolong’s return. Besides Master Wu, Wu Yingyuan and Tao Fang, there’s also the leader of the family soldiers Wu Zhuo. Now he has become Xiang Shaolong’s closest and most reliable battle mate.

Master Wu first expressed his admiration towards Xiang Shaolong, “Shaolong has outdone himself in Wei and his actions have caused quite a stir. Now everyone regards Shaolong as Zhao’s most promising person. But at the same time it has aroused the jealousy of Zhao Mu’s gang.” Wu Yingyuan said, “Now we have no other choice but to throw in our lot with the Qins. That’s the only chance of surviving, or else we’ll just be sitting and waiting to die.” Everyone’s heart was heavy. Besides Qin and Zhao, of the remaining 5 states, Wei and Qi all hates Xiang Shaolong to the core, Yan has trouble protecting herself and is currently under attack by Lian Po while Han is weak. The remaining state of Chu is too far away and they don’t have many connections with the Wu family as well. Therefore the only way out is to join Qin.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly laughing bitterly to himself. When he came to the warring states period on the time machine, he had intended to ally himself with Emperor Qin who has fallen on bad times here but later troubles kept coming one after another and he did not even have time to take a breather. He did not expect that after all the twists and turns, he’ll ended up back on this old road. Wu Yingyuan continued, “I just made contact last month with the man Tu Xian sent.” Looking at Xiang Shaolong’s lost look, he explained, “Tu Xian is Lu Buwei’s best family warrior, having both brains and bravery with excellent sword skill. He’s on quite good terms with me.”

He continued with a sigh, “According to Tu Xian, although Qin’s King Zhuangxiang* ascended the throne, but because everyone suspects that he killed King Xiaowen with Lu Buwei and King Zhuangxiang has been staying in Zhao for a long period of time, it’s very difficult for Lu Buwei to become the premier for now.” Tao Fang’s expression paled, “If Lu Buwei is thrown out, it’ll be the end for us too.” Master Wu said, “We’re now secretly helping Lu Buwei in various ways. Luckily this person is very experienced and cunning, he’ll not be kicked out so easily. As long as King Zhuangxiang stands on his side, there will be a way.”


Wu Yingyuan said, “This is the most important point. The woman King Zhuangxiang loves most is Zhu Ji (Concubine Zhu) and the son he pampers most is Ying Zheng. As long as we can send mother and son back to Xianyang, we’ll be able to capture King Zhuangxiang’s heart tightly. We’re the only ones who can accomplish this matter, although it will be a difficult task.” Tao Fang was afraid that Xiang Shaolong would not understand and explained, “Zhu Ji was originally Lu Buwei’s beloved mistress and in order to make King Zhuangxiang happy, he gave her to him to become his wife.”

Master Wu said, “This woman’s beauty can rival a country and is very good in flirting and handling men. She’s also extremely loyal to Lu Buwei, so if we have her next to King Zhuangxiang, we can guarantee that King Zhuangxiang will not be against Lu Buwei.” Xiang Shaolong can’t help but ask, “So is Ying Zheng the son of Lu Buwei or King Zhuangxiang, how old is he this year.”

Wu Yingyuan was stunned, “I’m afraid the only person who knows is Zhu Ji. Ying Zheng was born before the battle of Chang Ping, so he should be more than 13 years old now, most likely between 15 or 16 years old.” Xiang Shaolong was perplexed, according to history books, Emperor Qin was only 13 when he ascends the throne a few years later. How can it be possible that the history books are so wrong.

Wu Yingyuan said, “I’ve made an agreement with Tu Xian and will try to send Zhu Ji and her son back to Xianyang in the shortest time possible. So the most important task at hand now is not to kill Zhao Mu, but to try and make contact with Zhu Ji and her son to see how we can stealthily take them out of Handan.” Xiang Shaolong asked somberly, “How many useful men do we have on hand right now?”

Wu Zhuo replied, “We have 2 groups of warriors under us, one group are the good fighters we attracted from the various states but these people are not reliable and may very well run away when something happens. The other group are the orphans I adopted for Godfather from various places and the blood relations of the Wu family, which amounts to about 2000 men and they are all trustworthy, willing to even lay their life down for the Wu family.” Xiang Shaolong asked, “If we want to move Zhu Ji and her son away, what would be the biggest obstacle?”

Tao Fang replied, “It’s still that conniving thief Zhao Mu, the biggest problem is that he’s made Ying Zheng so happy that he totally listens to him.” Xiang Shaolong gritted his teeth, “That conniving thief again!”

Master Wu said, “Do not belittle Zhao Mu. Not only has that fellow controlled King Xiaocheng, he’s also joined forces with Guo Zhong, so the largest Warrior Association and Mohist group here will be on his side. Even Lian Po and Li Mu, generals who hold military powers in their hands dare not step too much on his toes. Shaolong now you’re a thorn in his flesh, so you must be careful all the way or else you will die any time.” Xiang Shaolong was stunned, “What is the Warrior Association?”

Tao Fang replied, “It’s a place which specializes in training professional warriors. The Zhao Warrior Association’s leader is Zhao Ba and he’s extremely highly skilled. You have to be careful when you meet him, he is very powerful in Handan!” All of them discussed the finer details a little more before Xiang Shaolong returned to his Hidden Dragon Abode.

Tao Fang accompanied him as he walked, “Our men went to the valley you described at Mulberry Village. The house is still there but they’ve waited until now and there’s still no sight of Mei Canniang. But don’t you worry! I’m trying my best to find her.” Now Xiang Shaolong has another thing to worry about. It’s been more than a year since he came to this era and he’s falling deeper both in terms of relationships and feelings. Sadness and happiness came at him alternatively, making the 21st century moving further away from him.

Sometimes it’s difficult to differentiate, between these 2 eras, which seems more like a dream. Or maybe life is just a big dream. Time is just an illusion, and the time machine is something that allows one to experience different illusions. Maybe even Crazy ma, who invented the time machine, has no answers to such confusing questions.

Tao Fang said, “I’ve arranged for that 2 friends of yours to stay at the courtyard next to your Hidden Dragon Abode. Heh! Jing Jun and Teng Yi are the exact opposites, his eyes gleamed when he sees beauties whereas Teng Yi has no interest in them at all, how strange!” Hidden Dragon Abode was just ahead so Xiang Shaolong stopped and summarized to Tao Fang the tragic fate that befell Teng Yi before he parted ways with Tao Fang and went to see Teng and Jing.

Jing Jun was hugging a pretty maid and enjoying himself but when he saw Xiang Shaolong he was startled and jumped up, looking a little lost. Xiang Shaolong laughed, “Enjoy all you want! No need to bother about me!” and he went into the inner hall to look for Teng Yi. Teng Yi was sitting quietly alone on the rug in deep thought, and might be thinking of his dead wife and family again. Xiang Shaolong sat next to him and explained to him the current situation.

Teng Yi replied after listening, “If there are 2000 death warriors, it won’t be a problem to break out of the city, but it’ll be more difficult to deal with pursuing soldiers. If possible, I’d like to personally train these 2000 people.” Xiang Shaolong thought about it for a while before replying, “Let me discuss this with Wu Zhuo.” Teng Yi said, “Just say I’ll be his assistant! When it comes to military and wars, I once spent a lot of effort researching old and new military tactics. When I was a commander in the past, I’ve spent long periods fighting the Qins and Weis, so I have some insight and experience in this.”

Xiang Shaolong knows that this person is not one who boasts so if he can say this out, he must be very confident. He said happily, “Then we should not delay! We’ll go and discuss this with Wu Zhuo immediately.” Teng Yi greatly admires Xiang Shaolong’s way of putting action to words and gladly agreed. Xiang Shaolong brought him to meet Wu Zhuo and the 2 of them hit it off immediately, having discussions about military and battles and both lamenting that they should have got to know each other earlier.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly glad and afraid that Wu Tingfang would blame him for ignoring her, he left the 2 to their talk and left on his own. Lady Ni’s death re-ignited the hatred he felt towards Zhao Mu and at the same time he learnt the importance of striking first. The most important task at hand is to make connection with Ying Zheng and after that it will be the time to escape from Handan. Once he thought of this, he can’t help but start to miss Mei Canniang.

Heaven has already been very cruel to him, and he hopes that nothing unfortunate will happen to her. He should also learn to control himself, unless he really have the ability to protect the women he loves, or else he really shouldn’t involve himself in more relationships. For those who knows Xiang Shaolong very well, they would know that this change in his thoughts can be quite unbelievable.

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