Adolescent Adam

Volume 4, 8 - Song of Songs

Volume 4, Chapter 8 - Song of Songs

FeTUS headquarters had been partially destroyed along with the clock tower, Ange and Rapha had used up all their power, and the other three were useless.

With no one left to fight, the battle between heaven and earth had to be put on hold.

On the terms that discussions would be held at a later date, the angels and Mutsuki were released and Lucia had vanished at some point. Mutsuki left with Ange and Rapha during the calm eye of the typhoon.

Rapha had been badly burned by Ange’s flames, so the other three angles took him away. He would need serious healing up in heaven.

Ange was not injured herself, but she seemed very tired and she fell asleep on the way. They made it back to the apartment before long.

Micha had been left in the park, but she was back at the apartment as if nothing had happened.

“Well then.”


“I’m definitely getting a pay cut after putting you in danger and losing to a demon of all things. That new motorcycle I’ve been wanting is looking a long way off now.”

“Ah…ah ha ha.”

“This calls for a drink! Bring out the beer!”

“That has nothing to do with this.”


When he scolded her, Micha puffed out her cheeks and obediently sipped at a cola through a straw.

She was acting like the events in the park had never happened and Mutsuki tried to act normal as best he could.

A lot about all that still bothered him, but this young woman had been an enigma from the beginning.

At the very least, she was still kind to him and Ange. That told him he should still trust her.


It was almost nighttime, so she had prepared dinner for them all. The table was covered in burgers and fries from a nearby fast food restaurant.

After eating enough to fill her stomach, she sighed.

“I spent two months on that seal and you broke it through willpower alone.”


She muttered a complaint and leaned up against his back.

Her breasts pressed down on his shoulders, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and she peered into his right eye.

“I was pretty confident I’d made you mine too.”


He felt weird apologizing for that, but after being taught for over two months that he was no match for her, it left him flustered.

“I guess that just means you made me into your sex slave and I didn’t get anything out of it. Ahh, ahh. How is that fair?”

“Wait. I wouldn’t say slave…”

“Hm? But it’s true isn’t it. You made me cum so many times.”

He wished she would not say anything so embarrassing, so he blushed and hung his head.

His pure reaction cheered her up, so she smiled a little and moved away.

“I’m hungry.”

At the same time, Ange walked in after waking up.

“Are you feeling okay, Ange?”

“I’m fine. I can eat this, right?”

She sat down in the reclining chair and reached for some nearby fast food fries.

She looked a little sleepy, but she seemed healthy enough. The upper arms and thighs sticking out from the shirt she wore had a decent complexion. And she had not been injured in the first place.

Her golden eyes had returned to being blue, so she was her usual self.

And the exhaustion was unlikely to be a problem.

“That greasy stuff isn’t good for you. Let me make you some porridge.”

“I’m hungry because you took too long to make dinner. I’m eating this.”

He tried to help out, but she ignored his offer and started chowing down.

“C’mon, you’re going to give yourself a stomachache.”

“Shut up. I’ll be just fi-…gh. Ow, ow, ow, ow!”

“Didn’t I tell you? Are you okay?”

“My head…my head hurts.”

“That’s because you drank that shake so fast.”

He rubbed her back, although he had no idea if that would help with an ice cream headache.

Micha’s expression relaxed into a smile when she saw those two completely back to normal just three hours after that commotion.

“Since Ange is up now, I have to go give a report.”

She got up.

“Should I go with you?” asked Ange with a puzzled look, but the young woman calmly shook her head.

“Leave all this annoying stuff to the adults. Seeing Rapha now would be awkward, wouldn’t it?”

Frustrated at being so blatantly treated like a child, the girl wrinkled her brow.

However, Micha was right, so she could not argue the point. Rapha was the only one she had badly injured and she had abandoned her duty partway through, so it would be difficult to meet him now.

Micha laughed and nonchalantly swiped a beer from the fridge.

“Nothing else really matters right now, so just think about yourself.”


“Will you leave Metatron’s power as is or will you seal it away? I’ll leave that decision with you.”

Micha left.

A nice amount of steam was rising from the pot on the stove. Mutsuki removed the lid, dropped an egg inside, stirred it a few times, and shut off the gas once it was about half cooked.

“Okay, this is your dinner, Ange.”

He and Micha had just eaten the fast food since there was no time, but he had made sure to make some porridge for Ange since she was still weak.

“This is porridge? I’ve never seen it before.”

“Really? I guess it’s my first time making it since coming here. It’s for when you’re sick, but it’s actually pretty good.”

He moved it to a bowl and carried it to her.

And Ange’s face stiffened as soon as she looked in the bowl.

“Um, wh-what is this? Is it full of nutrients?”

“Well, of course it is. You’re exhausted, aren’t you? I went all out making this.”

“Uuh… I know what happens when you go all out making something.”

The phrase “full of nutrients” filled her with dread and a sour look appeared on her face.

She scooped up a spoonful and tried it.

“~~” (Munch munch)

“How is it?”

“Why does everything you make taste a little vinegary!?”

Unsurprisingly, she was angry.

Mutsuki started apologizing on reflex, but he also smiled bitterly.

He finally felt like the usual Ange was back.

As always, she slowly but surely ate the food despite her complaints.

He loved that side of her like she was family. So…

“Hey, Ange.”


“About what Micha-san said before…”

He gave her a serious look and she stopped moving the spoon in her hand.

Metatron’s power had calmed down for the time being, but they had no idea what would happen with that power to destroy all things, including Ange herself.

Micha had said it was possible to seal it. So…

“Do you really hate humans, Ange?”

He got straight to the point.

“I do.”

She did not hesitate to answer.

He held his tongue and did not ask why.

He had heard a vague description of why from Micha before. She had an unhappy past, so the hatred welled up within her no matter what she herself wanted.

Metatron was the power of hatred toward humans.

The boy frowned and lowered his head while wondering if she truly could not abandon that once and for all.


The girl stole a glance at that expression.

She gave a lopsided frown at the obvious sadness there.

“B-but. Even if I do hate humans…”

She sounded a little nervous.

“I, um, owe Saya for the fried chicken she gave me. Oh, and, um, Ibekusa. I still haven’t settled things with her. I don’t want to just blow her up with Metatron. I hate humans, but I have my pride.”


“So, um…”

Her voice grew quiet and she had difficulty saying this, but she still said it clearly.

“We can seal it.”


Mutsuki leaned toward her.

She leaned back in shock and nearly dropped her bowl of porridge as she nodded several times.

“Thank goodness.”

Mutsuki seemed truly relieved and his face almost seemed to melt into a beaming smile.


Ange’s expression started loosening up as well, but…

“So how do we seal it?”


Her expression immediately tensed up again.

After taking a shower to wash up, Mutsuki entered her room.

This was Ange’s room. He lived with her, but he rarely went in here. His heart was racing a little.

It was decorated in a very girly fashion. The bed and curtains were a light pink and green. She had few possessions since they moved a lot, but there were stuffed animals lined up on the dresser.

Ange only wore a sports bra and spats. That was her Suit. It had been vaporized, but the ultimate angelic material had regenerated in the short time since.

Without putting on any clothes, she sat on a corner of the bed with her knees raised in front of her. Her arms were wrapped around the Lazy Bear body pillow Mutsuki had won her at the crane game before and she used it to hide her blushing face.

Mutsuki’s face was burning too.

With her permission, he sat next to her on the bed.

If Ange had simply been half-naked, he could have kept his cool. Her shoulders and midriff were exposed, but the bra covered a lot of skin and he was used to seeing the spats.


But he could not avoid tensing up when he thought about what they were about to do. He sighed deeply.

He would use the Serpent’s Eye’s power to control all women to interfere with Ange’s body.

The Serpent’s Eye was powerful enough to distort the ownership of a soul. It would influence a woman no matter the situation.

Unless Mutsuki allowed it, she would be unable to choose suicide or self-destruction.

She would never be able to become Metatron again.

The question was how to use the Serpent’s Eye to interfere with her. Mutsuki was still unable to use that unknown power.

He could only think of one way.

As they took turns bathing, they had both built up their resolve, but…

“Th-this is just some work we have to get done. Um, I’m not a child that’s afraid of this kind of thing.”


“I don’t like you, but it’s the only way to seal Metatron. So I’ll put up with it. I don’t like you, though.”


Ange’s voice was noticeably tense with nerves and Mutsuki only answered “right”.

They were both avoiding the word that had been circling through their minds for a while now: sex.

“Um, y-you’re used to this kind of thing, right?”


“So, um, I’ll let you take the lead. I…w-well, if you’re used to it, that should be fine. Um, I’m perfectly fine with whatever you might do to me.”



Ange finally stopped talking when he hugged her.

Mutsuki was hardly a big guy, but even he could easily hold Ange’s less than 140 cm body in his arms.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and held her on top of one leg.

She had fallen silent as soon as he held her close and she was tense to the point of trembling.

He gently rubbed her back.

She only wore her underwear and spats, so he could naturally touch a wide range of smooth bare skin.

While Ange had completely frozen up, Mutsuki was assertive.

If he did not do this, she could be manipulated by the angels again and turned into a bomb meant to attack humans. He was willing to do anything to prevent that.

(I’m going to do it with Ange.)

That thought only made him more nervous.

He had recently been in a physical relationship with Machina, Schwarze and today even Lucia, but he still had monogamous values. He could not have sex out of a sense of duty.

So if he did have to penetrate her, he did not want to just stick his penis in her and call it a day. He wanted to make this a nice memory, especially for Ange.

He did his best to put his heart into the thorough caress he gave her.


He opened his mouth.


“Before when you were injured, I rubbed medicine onto you.”

“Th-that was an awful memory.”

“Ah ha ha. Maybe it was for you. But…”

His fingertips moved along the nape of her neck.

“Ever since then, I’ve thought your skin is so pretty.”


It must have tickled because the girl wrinkled her brow.

Each of her little reactions was cute.

“And your hair is pretty too. …Wow, it’s so smooth. It’s even better than I imagined.”

He had been touching her back then on the pretext of healing her skin, so he had been unable to touch her red hair, but he ran his fingers through it now.

He had never really thought about it, but the carmine red hair was as smooth as silk.

Micha, Machina, and Lucia had curly hair and Black Cat’s had been braided, so this was his first time touching such straight hair.

His heart pounded at the sensation of his fingers sliding from the roots to the tips of the hair.

“It smells so nice…nn.”

He narrowed his eyes at the scent wafting from her hair and kissed the top of her head.

Mixed in with the sweet scent of her hair was the sweet and sour scent coming from her healthy scalp. That was something an adult like Micha had not had.

She had strong sweat.

Simply put, it was a child’s scent.


As Mutsuki lost himself in stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head, Ange’s behavior gradually changed.

The confusion left her vivid blue eyes and a blank dampness filled them.

Her frozen spine also relaxed.

She relaxed like a puppy being groomed and she leaned against Mutsuki.

“Ange, do you like having your head rubbed?”


He asked about what he sensed from the way she clung to him.

She seemed to hesitate for a bit and her eyes darted about with a film of tears over them.

“I-I don’t know. No one’s ever done it before.”

Her voice was scratchy.

No one had ever rubbed her head before. Mutsuki knew about the misfortune in her past that not even she knew about, so that was hard for him to hear.

But he could tell from her body’s reaction that she liked this.

The way she rubbed her face against his chest and looked up at him told him she viewed it positively.

“Then I’ll do it a little longer.”


He rubbed not just her hair but her smooth cheeks, earlobes, and nape of the neck.

Each time, she gained the unfocused expression of a sleepy four-year-old.

The room’s…no, their atmosphere was changing. They were making skin contact out of obligation and they were engaging in foreplay out of necessity all as preparation to have sex.

As proof, proud Ange did not grow angry no matter where he touched her: forehead, eyes, or even lips.

(Ange’s mouth is so soft.)

He tickled her light pink lower lip.

Those lips had a habit of closing up in a mountain shape, but now that the tension had relaxed, they had a fruity complexion and feel.

Simply put, they looked tasty.

(I wonder if she’d get mad if I kissed her.)

He was dying to do it, so he held her cheeks between his hands and slowly brought his face in close.

She had agreed to have sex in order to seal Metatron, but he had not asked about this.

“…? Nn…”

She noticed him moving his face in close, but she did not try to escape.

Her damp eyes waited for him to approach.



He placed his lips over her smooth and pleasantly pliant ones.

This was his first time kissing her, but more than arousal or fulfilment, Mutsuki felt anxiety over whether or not he should have done that.

But that question…

“Nn…a minty smell? Ange, did you brush your teeth?”

…was immediately answered.

“O-of course I did. We’re, um, going to have sex, right?”


That meant she had intended to allow him her lips from the beginning.



He more forcefully scooped up her entire mouth this time.

He sucked on the top and bottom pink lips as if he was providing an intense massage.

“Ahn, ahn, h-hey, wait.”

He stuck his tongue on the line between top and bottom and rubbed it back and forth.

The breaths mixed with Ange’s complaints were surprisingly mature sounding and had a strong floral sweetness.

They led him to move his tongue tip more and more boldly.

“Ahh… Wait, be gentler. This is my first ti-…nnnn.”

She raised her eyebrows in anger, but Mutsuki did not stop. His tongue sank into her mouth through the opened gap and he licked through the inside which was soaked with sweet and sour juice.

The contents of her lips were just as sweet as he had imagined and he was moved that she would allow him to kiss her even if it was unnecessary and unrelated to sealing Metatron. He felt the rational side of his mind losing control.

He licked across each of her smooth, cavity-less, and ideal teeth and across her gums. He scooped up all of her saliva along the way.

“Ahn, ah, nn, nkh.”

She had no experience at all with this, so she had trouble breathing at first. She was at the mercy of the boy’s tongue, her small nose twitched, and breathing was the most she could manage.

But she gradually got used to it and her breathing calmed.

“Nn…nph, kfhh…”

Her entire body went limp. She leaned against his chest as if clinging to him and let him do as he wished with her mouth.

Mutsuki was a skilled kisser after being trained by Micha and Lucia, but more than that, he tended to be very thorough.

He sucked and rubbed all across her gums and he checked the exact shape of her teeth.

“Mhh…hh. Mutsuki…fwaahhh.”

Now that his partner had given in, he moved on to her tongue.

He roughly rubbed the top of their tongues together. After enough time that their taste buds could taste nothing other than each other, he moved to the underside. He poked and tickled at the sensitive flesh and its visible blood vessels.

He finally tightly wrapped his tongue around hers like a snake constricting its prey.


Ange had already seemed intoxicated, but now her eyes were so damp she seemed to be crying.

“Nn… Ange, stick out your tongue.”


When he stickily rubbed their tongues together, she obediently did the same.

“Swallow…my saliva.”

“Nn…ah, gh, gulp, gulp.”

She sucked at his tongue and swallowed the saliva like a nursing baby.


It was such an intense kiss that her breaths were already tinged with pleasure.


The girl broke free of the kiss with a loud wet sound.

She seemed to have gone entirely limp. She leaned weakly against him and curled up in his lap.

“Pant…pant… Stupid Mutsuki”

“Ah…ah ha ha ha . Sorry. I got carried away.”

Ange’s face was so red she seemed to have a fever and she was trying to raise her eyebrows in anger.

The boy smiled at the mismatch of her dignified eyebrows and her seductively damp eyes and he brought a hand back to her hair to put her back in a good mood.

He gently rubbed her head.


She tried to hide it, but she closed her eyes as if she liked it.

(Ange might be a lot like sensei.)

He remembered Miss C, aka Katsuie-sensei.

He had already noticed they both had strong senses of duty and were dedicated to their work, but they also both seemed to be the type to grow dependent on their partner at times like this.


This time, she lifted her slender chin and pressed her lips against his.

It was the same as a gentle kiss between lovers after a long time apart.


He moved his fingertips from her hair to her back and stroked downwards along her spine.

The lengthy and passionate kiss had apparently made her entire body sensitive. The girl arched her back and her slender waist twisted left and right to escape as his fingers continued down.


He had gone for her back on a mischievous whim, but he thoroughly enjoyed her reaction.

He stopped his hand just above her pelvis, tilted his head, and asked her if he could continue.

Ange got down from his lap and lay down as if wrapping herself in the sheets. She must have known what he meant because her eyebrows bent for a complicated expression.

She finally nodded.


Her butt stuck out a fair bit from her slender waist, but she was a small girl and he could easily squeeze both cheeks with one hand.

He rubbed his hand all over the butt so tightly contained in her small spats.

“Nhah…ah, hyah, nnah…your hand is so…dirty…”

Ange protested in a quiet and strained voice.

Regardless, Mutsuki continued digging his fingers into a sensation more supple than soft.

He had rubbed all over her body when applying the oil before, but he had missed out on these more indecent places. He persistently massaged it as if to make up for that.

“Wah, ah, Ange. Your clothes.”

As he massaged her spats, they suddenly came apart like clay. His fingers broke right through.

“Eh…? Oh, it only just regenerated, so it might be weaker than normal.”

Her spats and bra were made of a special material known as a Suit. It was as thin as a film but harder than steel. And even if it was destroyed and turned to dust like today, it would return to normal before long. However, when it was touched by sweat and similar substances, it became quite brittle.

That was especially bad today. The sweat on Mutsuki’s hand was enough for it to break more easily than a thin layer of rubber.

“Can I take it off you?”

He pulled at it from the butt side of the hole.

After removing her spats and bra, Ange only wore a small pair of silk panties.

She lay on her side and pulled over her body pillow to help cope with her anxiety toward the coming sex.

Mutsuki gulped when he saw her.

Her height and each of her individual parts were small, so she looked like a little girl at first glance. She had a childlike face and she was holding what could be seen as a childish stuffed animal.

But the feminine presence he could smell on her stimulated the young boy’s lust.

The red hair wrapped around her naked body contrasted the snow white skin visible through the gaps. She was short, but her proportions were not those of a child. Starting from the gentle indentation of her stomach, soft and curving lines continued up toward her chest and down toward her hips.

She had slender thighs, breasts that stood out given how skinny she was, and a butt that continued the smooth line of her hips.

Her eyebrows normally rose with an indomitable warrior-like dignity, but now they were lowered in worry. The tense redness of her face was erotic.

The boy had also stripped down to only his boxers and his heart pounded at her raw semi-lolita charm as he slowly leaned over her.

“You’re so pretty, Ange.”

“Wh-where did that come from?”

As she faced to the side, he lay next to her and moved in close to her back.

She grew even tenser and squeezed her body pillow.

“You don’t need to flatter me. I know I look like a little kid.”

She sulkily pouted her lips.

“I’m not like Ibekusa.”


Mutsuki tilted his head as he tried to figure out why she would mention Machina here.

She squeezed the body pillow in her arms…as if to hide her chest.

“You seemed so happy fondling her boobs before. You said they were big.”

“What? …Oh.”

He suddenly recalled that Ange had been watching when he had first done it with Machina.

“That wasn’t it! I-I wasn’t happy because they were big. Well, big is fine, but I was glad because they were Ibeku-…”



He had a feeling she was being unreasonable, but he stopped because he sensed that anything he said would only upset her.

Ange made a sullen triangle out of her mouth.

Mutsuki smiled bitterly at how difficult this girl was to deal with.


He embraced her from behind.

“Your body is really pretty too.”


It was just a hug, but after the kiss had increased her sensitivity, it was like a sweet caress to Ange’s weak body.

All the tension immediately left her. And…

“Hyah… Oh, that’s…”

A manly hardness had bumped into her butt through his boxers and her panties.

Ange panicked as this obvious symbol of lust pressed against her.

“Y-you pervert”

Her eyebrows immediately rose, but Mutsuki smiled because the rapid changes between panicked and angry expressions were cute.

“Sorry, sorry. I forgot you hated dirty things.”

“Of course I hate this kind of…um…um…”

“Heh heh. Sorry. But…”

He blew onto her earlobe, sending a shudder down her spine.

“I’m going to turn you into a really dirty girl today.”


He once more stickily licked at her lips with his tongue tip.

Ange briefly tensed up and dug her fingernails into the body pillow, but she already knew the taste of a kiss and soon opened her mouth.

He was only licking around the outside of her mouth, but she stuck her own tongue out.

“Nn, hh… Shtupid…stupid Muchuki…”

As he rubbed her tongue that had fully become an erogenous zone, sweet moans escaped her nose.

(She’s moaning so sexily. Ah ha ha. But I doubt she’s noticed.)

“…? Why are you smiling?”

“No reason.”

He chose not to explain his bitter smile and took advantage of her lowered guard to pass his hand below her arm and between her and the bear pillow.

He grabbed the soft, smallish mound there.


Ange gave a faint shrill cry.

She seemed to be quite sensitive there. He gently pressed down on and massaged it to search out the ideal level of strength.

“Nn, Ange, your heart is pounding.”

The somewhat restless beat of her heart reached him from beneath the soft sensation.

The girl looked a little frustrated that he had seen through her impatience, and finally…

“S-so is yours.”

“Ah ha ha. You noticed? It’s been pounding the whole time.”

“…I see.”

Her back was pressed against the boy’s chest through her silky red hair and she could feel a pulse beating just as fast as her own. Her cheeks softened as if to say it was not a bad feeling.

Now that she had relaxed, Mutsuki began rolling around her sensitive breast once more.

He used enough strength to squish it and used his palm to provide a ticklish vibration to the areola at the tip.

“Ah, wait, Mutsuki… Ee, heeyahn… Ah, hyahh.”

Just as he had thought, her breasts were just as sensitive as Machina’s especially sensitive ones. Ange could not stop moaning.

Perhaps because they were always contained in the tight sports bra, the nipples at the tip had a habit of sinking down into the soft mounds.

(Come to think of it, they were like this last time I saw them too.)

He remembered when she had been violated before his eyes after being attacked by a Springloaded a while back.

She had had inverted nipples back then too.


He squeezed the entire areola and massaged it as if lifting it up.

“Nn, nn.” The girl’s voice intermittently escaped her throat. “Ahn.”

Her voice grew especially loud as the buried point popped out.

“Ha ha. Your nipples are as cute as ever.”

Back when the Springloaded had had its way with her, he had not had a chance to touch her nipples. He had been dying to toy with them ever since then.

He held the nipple between his middle and ring fingers and kneaded the soft flesh.

“Wait, hey, not there… Ah, ah, ahhhh.”

The gentle touch of a warm hand was sensual on an entirely different level from the cold machine’s touch.

But she must have been frustrated with how readily she reacted to the practiced caress. Her mouth flapped open and closed. She wanted to complain, but all she could do was moan.

The nipple grew intensely erect and the pink tip was so tight that not a single wrinkle could be seen.

“Uuh…stupid…ah. Nn, nnn.”

Ange started hating herself for all the pleasure she felt, but she grew obedient when he licked at her mouth to comfort her. Even as she complained, she stuck out her tongue to return his deep kiss.

“Ange, you love kissing, don’t you?”

“Ahn…Eh? No, I don’t…”

“Heh heh. Your body says otherwise. Look, look.”

When she let her guard down, he moved his other hand in on the other side and grabbed both breasts now.

His hands were far from large, but they easily contained the entirety of the pure white milky flesh. He thoroughly rolled them around.

“I am not a dirty girl…ahn, ahhhn.”

Her voice sounded both troubled and horny.

Her entire body seemed to be an erogenous zone.

And her heart was as sensitive as it was prideful. As he groped her body as he pleased, she glared at him with her eyebrows raised angrily, but it did not last long. As an obscene surge of electricity came from her chest, her sharp eyes grew damp and she stuck out her tongue to beg him to kiss her some more.

“See? You are a dirty girl.”

“Sh-shut up. It’s your fault. I just caught your perversion is all.”

“Sure, sure. But however it happened, you’re still a dirty girl now, Ange.”

Once he had attacked her chest until she could stand it no longer, he began moving his hands elsewhere to search out more erogenous zones.

The base of the mounds, the lines of her ribs, her side, and her hot and steamy armpits.

The armpits seemed especially embarrassing because she shook her head and long red hair.

Even so, her look of protest grew weak after a single kiss.

“I’ll be touching you down here too.”

“Ah…ah, nn.”

She put up no resistance when he reached for her most private spot.

He touched the hidden hill that gently lifted her panties between her legs.

After groping her body so much while she wore just the panties, the silk fabric pulled up in a V-shape even more indecent than a bikini bottom. It was enough to see the shape of the young lips below.

He grabbed that fabric that had grown nearly skin-colored and let his fingers sink in.

“You’re already soaking wet.”

“Sh-shut up.”

Ange ended their kiss and looked away in embarrassment.

Mutsuki used his empty hand to pinch at her aroused nipples and roll her soft bust around. He had expected her to be wet, but the amount of nectar still surprised him.

Her crevice was even more childlike than Machina’s and it was so soft that it spread to either side when he pressed his fingers down.

“It’s so hot too. …It’s still a little tense, but…”

Mutsuki massaged the young mound as if he were petting a well-behaved puppy as a reward.

“Nnah. It is not hot… Ah, ah, stop that.”

“The more I touch it, the softer it gets. Can you tell? Your entrance is saying it wants me inside it.”


Deep inside the shell-shaped mound, her shameful palace was putting up a resistance because it was still quite young, but she could tell it was melting with each stroke.

Her flesh was transforming into the ideal form for sex.

“W-wait just a second.”

Ange finally began to struggle.

He had once massaged her entire body in the name of applying medicine. He had also violated her rear hole when controlled by Black Cat (although he did not remember it). But this was the first time he had directly attacked her crotch.

“Eh? What is it?”

“We’re just sealing Metatron, remember? Stop, um, spending so much time on this weird stuff. Let’s just get to the sex and get it over with.”

Mutsuki was confused by this sudden statement, so she flared up with anger and swept his hand off of her most indecent spot.

She had melted from a mere hug and kiss, she had been at his mercy during this intense foreplay, and her mouth filled with drool in its desire for another kiss. She was embarrassed by that side of herself and that seemed to have set fire to her great pride.

“I understand a married man and a woman doing this kind of lovey-dovey thing, but this is just a sealing ceremony. You just have to stick that in here and get it done with.”

Ange blushed and puffed out her cheeks. She sat up and turned her back on him.

Mutsuki was a little confused, but he soon regained his smile.

“But you want to do this kind of lovey-dovey thing.”

He pressed up against her back again.

“It’s true we aren’t married.”


“But I love you, Ange.”



Ange’s head spun around so fast that her red hair slapped against the boy’s elbow a moment later.

“I love you. So instead of just some ceremony, I want to make this as nice a memory as possible.”

“You…eh? You…love me?”

“I do. Huh? Did I forget to mention that?”

“Ehhhh!? Um, wait, you’re kidding. Um, you’re kidding.”


Mutsuki tilted his head as Ange started panicking.

“Wait, why would you say that now? …You were too shy to tell Ibekusa, but you did it so smoothly with me…”

Her red face rapidly switched back and forth between flustered and angry.

“I-it kind of pisses me off it was so easy with me. But you love me… Um…”

“Ange? What is it?”

“Why would you say that now, you stupid idiot!?”


He was worried about her flustered behavior, but then she elbowed him in the gut.

Even if it was out of embarrassment, she was the strongest angel, so her elbow had enough force to send the contents flying out. The boy began choking.

“Ah, sorry. I went too far.”

“Cough, cough. Y-yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, that’s good to-… I was not worried, you moron!”

Just as she started rubbing his back, she yelled in anger again.

This angel had always been quick to anger, but she was especially unstable today. The boy could only tilt his head in confusion.

But he did know not to argue with her when she puffed out her cheeks.

“Fine, fine.”


He lowered his boxers.

“I wish we could’ve done that longer, but let’s get to the main attraction.”

He pulled out a horn-like point of flesh that almost seemed to be threatening the young girl.

She had touched or been touched by it a few times, but she was far from used to it. The anger vanished from her mind and she averted her gaze.

She turned her back again and occasionally glanced over her shoulder at the penis.

The intensity of the erection seemed to be inviting her to have sex with it. As she looked at it, she gained a troubled but not dissatisfied look.


“Y-yes, I know.”

She hesitated for a moment, but finally gave her usual lopsided frown and glared at the boy.

“You love me?”


“Okay. Then…”

She made up her mind and rolled down her panties to remove that last remaining piece of clothing.

“Let’s have sex.”

“L-listen. This is only to seal my power and it doesn’t mean I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“I understand.”

They had both removed their underwear and were now nude.

She lay on her side and buried her face in the body pillow she had let go of earlier.

He had seen her half-naked before, but (as far as he could remember) this was his first time seeing her most precious place. He knew it was in poor taste, but he had her give him a good look.

He had expected her pubic hair to be a beautiful red, but not a single hair had grown in yet so the color was a mystery. From the base of her thighs to the center of her crotch was a smooth young pussy. Machina’s had been the most childlike of the three he had seen before, but Ange’s was even younger than that.

Even Machina’s had been quite tight, so he was a little worried about sticking his penis in here.

But when he took a closer look, he saw an engorged redness within the loosened crevice that spread open slightly. It was a very soft-looking color.

That made the boy think it might work, but he was still worried it would hurt her.

And all the while, he was staring intently at that embarrassing part of her body.


But Ange did not complain.

She was peeking out from behind the pillow to look at Mutsuki’s penis. It raised its head almost all the way up to his navel and that head was spread wide like a mushroom.

Her eyes grew damp and she occasionally let out damp sighs with her face buried in the stuffed animal pillow.

For this girl, that shape was linked to several obscene memories

She had first seen it when it had taken Ibekusa Machina’s virginity. As she had watched on, she had grown horny and gladly run her tongue along that mushroom shape.

She had next seen it when Schwarze had attacked. She had been taught its exact hardness, heat, and shape when it passed through her sphincter and into her anus. Even now, her anus throbbed as it vividly recalled that experience.

And over the past few days, she had thought about its oral and anal flavor again and again. In this very bed, she had toyed with her own embarrassing places.


Today, that shape would finally be planted in her most precious place. What would happen to her then? A sweet fear shook her chest.

“Here I go.”

Mutsuki felt it was his duty to take the lead, so he approached the girl while propping himself up with his arms.

Facing each other would have been too embarrassing, but she was afraid to have him do it from behind. Having the girl lie on her side was unusual, but in a way, it was a very Ange-like way of forming their union.

She held her knees while lying on her side and he lifted up the leg on top.


Her forcibly revealed crotch felt both the chill of the air and the heat from the boy.

Mutsuki took a deep breath as he leaned over her. He was trying to make this easier for her, but his exposed erection had swollen threateningly large. Once he searched out her hidden opening, she wrinkled her brow from the instant of unease that finally reached her.

“I’m going to put it in.”

“Okay… Ahhhh.”

The boy breathed heavily from the blissful arousal he felt when invading the female body with his penis. On the other hand, the girl cried out weakly.

The well-massaged flesh opening had loosened up, but the flesh inside was still innocently tight. Even with all the lubricant stickily covering the red and heated flesh, the spear of flesh still had trouble entering.


“Damn, you’re tight… Are you okay, Ange? Does it hurt?”

The boy stopped his hips when he found her so tight it hurt the head of his penis.

Not only was her vagina young, but even the entrance was closed up enough to tell she was a virgin. He was worried he would damage her sensitive flesh if he kept going.

But the girl answered while digging her fingernails into the body pillow almost hard enough to break it.

“I-I’m fine. Just…keep going.”

The side of her face rubbing against the sheets was red.

“Ibekusa had no trouble doing it, so I can too.”

“Eh? Oh…sure.”

Mutsuki tilted his head as he tried to figure out why she would bring up Machina here.

But mentioning that name ended up helping. Just a few hours before, he had taken Machina and Lucia’s anal virginities.

Even if those had been the rear holes and this was the front hole, he had still conquered those tight holes.

He recalled how he had done that.

“Ah, hh, hh, hhhhh…”

Without rushing or pulling out, he rubbed their sensitive flesh together to let the entrance of her tightly-closed path familiarize itself with the heat of his penis.

There was still a lot of pain in Ange’s voice, but the amount of moisture in her secret garden gradually grew.

Mutsuki was not used to loosening up a vagina this tight, but with how extremely sensitive hers was, it did not take much effort.

The folds of flesh had been hesitant at first, but they soon learned the sensation of a hot male and relaxed. As the tension weakened and the amount of lubricant grew, their union deepened on its own.

Their lower bodies very, very slowly approached each other.

“Ahh…ahhh. Your insides…are sticking to me, Ange.”

The one problem was how his erection grew even larger from the pleasant feeling crawling around the head.

Ange’s vagina was a new type of carnal garden different from Micha’s, Machina’s, and Schwarze’s.

Micha’s and Machina’s had been like a series of flesh rings that rolled his penis around with the layers of folds. Schwarze’s had gone on the attack by clawing at his penis with the thick flesh and small bumps. Ange’s was the midpoint between them.

The flesh had irregular uneven patches and they licked at his penis from the front. It felt like having his penis tickled by the tiny tongues of several little girls at once.

(Every girl is different.)

Just as there were individual differences between penises, every girl was unique. Oddly impressed by that, Mutsuki placed her leg on his shoulder and deepened his penetration.

“Hh…khhhh, hhhhh.”

The skillful movements of his hips allowed him to penetrate her even as the head rubbed against every nook and cranny of her vaginal flesh, but the girl clenched her teeth and endured the unfamiliar sensation of having someone else inside her body.


The boy was too lost in the perfection of her vagina to notice, but the thick head tore through the thin membrane protecting her unexplored holy ground.

The girl sighed at the slight pain and the sensation of becoming an adult.

Sweat covered her slender naked body and her scattered red hair clung to her.

The boy stuck his fingers in that disheveled hair and enjoyed its honey-like smoothness while peering into her beautiful face.

“Ange, does it still hurt?”

He had not noticed when he broke through her hymen, but he had noticed the pained look on her face.

He looked down to the base of her spread thighs and saw his manly cannon halfway buried at the base of her swollen clitoris.

Ange responded to his concern.


For the first time, she looked up at the boy who had become her partner in this unforgettable experience.

Various emotions appeared and disappeared in her deep blue eyes.

Mutsuki did know what she was thinking. No man could know what filled a woman’s heart in this moment.

But he did know one thing.


When you got down to it, Ange was Ange.

“Yes, it hurts.”

She gave another upset groan and arched her eyebrows in anger just like always.

“Uuh… Wh-why did Ibekusa look like she felt so good her first time? Ahh, I can feel it just by talking.”

As usual, she complained like a puppy.

That meant she had at least calmed down enough to be herself. The pain was not unbearably bad and she did not feel like her body was going to split in two.


“But you’re starting to relax down here.”

“What…? D-don’t be ridicu-…”

He began to move back and forth to loosen up the hole.

“Ah, ahn, ahnn…ah.”

As he moved further and further, he started stimulating her entire vagina.

Before long, a sticky extract started clinging to his thick rod.

Her lubricant was proof her body had grown accustomed to the penis.

It was proof that their sex organs had grown accustomed to each other.

“It should start feeling good soon.”

He continued rubbing their lower bodies together and bent his body to bring their faces in close.

The girl was holding the body pillow in a gentler fashion now and she pressed her face against it.

“A-all it does is hurt,” she said in embarrassment.

Mutsuki smiled because his experience living with her for the past two months told him something here.

“Here goes.”

“Ahn, h-hey. Not so sudd-…ahhhahn.”

He started thrusting a little roughly like he did with Micha.

Ange’s voice released the same sort of nasal voice that she had blown into his mouth while they were kissing earlier.

After living with her for two months, he knew the look on her face when she was lying.

“Is it already starting to feel good, Ange?”

“Wha-…? O-of course not. It just hurts.”

She had trouble speaking and her eyebrows arched upwards.

But as the swollen head of his penis moved through her vagina, her eyes could not hide the same hint of sweetness they had shown during the foreplay.

She had no pubic hair to hide her clitoris as it stood erect and throbbing. It seemed unable to endure the surging heat filling it from within.

(Does she like it when it hurts?)

She was definitely in pain. Her insides had yet to grow fully accustomed to his penis and they only hesitantly tightened and relaxed around him.

But as he gently stroked that undeveloped flesh…

“Ah, ah, ahhhn. Hey, I told you…not so sudd-…ahhhhhhhhn!”

Even after that intense shock, the voice escaping her mouth was not pained.

Confident that she was feeling pleasure, Mutsuki felt a throbbing in his chest.

(Is Ange actually an extremely dirty girl?)

Machina, Schwarze, and even Micha had not reacted like this.

The range of sensations people thought of as pleasure seemed to vary a lot from person to person. He recalled that she had also gone entirely limp from the weak stimulus of a kiss earlier.

That dignified angel had been so intent on rejecting any contact with others, but once someone did contact her, she proved incredibly weak to it.


Enjoying himself even more, Mutsuki put his body weight into his hips.

Ange’s small body had the internal structure of a child, so the head of his penis felt rough resistance when he was still not fully buried inside her.

“Huh? I’m at the end already? How are you feeling, Ange?”

He rubbed the tip against the cervix he had unexpectedly reached.

“Ahh, fwahh… I-I feel so full.”

As he repeatedly pounded his penis against her tight vaginal flesh, her usually harsh features melted seductively.

Having her womb shaken brought ecstasy.

“Heh heh. Ange, you hate it when people say dirty things, but you love having those dirty things done to you.”

He could feel her hot juices coating his tightly-wrapped penis, so he could not help but laugh.

This girl had unconditionally hated the indecent power of the Serpent’s Eye and she had been angry about Mutsuki and Micha’s physical relationship. She hated all dirty jokes, so it was amusing to find she was even more lustful than the average person.

“Wh-what are you talking about!? I do not like-…!”

Prideful Ange of course grew angry, but Mutsuki stuck his hand in between the pillow and her skin.

“Hh, hhhn? Wait, ahhhn, wait!”

He dug his fingers into her breasts and pushed the protruding nipples back inside the areolae. Ange’s entire body seemed to convulse.

Her usually dignified voice melted to a hopelessly seductive tone which made the boy’s penis even harder.

“Then I’ll just have to teach you to love it. Turn this way.”

She had looked away to preserve her pride, but he had had enough of that. He grabbed her sideways-facing body and turned her toward him.

They were now in the missionary position. His curving erection rotated ninety degrees inside her and roughly tore at the vaginal layers within, so Ange could not resist.

Before she could hide behind the pillow again, he leaned forward and pressed their chests together.

His chest was far from manly, but it could at least squish her soft bust.

“A-ahn. Stop. Don’t look at my face…”

“Why not?”

“It’s embarrassing. Uuh… I can’t stop the tears.”

“It isn’t embarrassing. You look really cute.”

Ange wanted to turn to the side again, but with his face so close, she could not hide her expression.

He parted the red hair scattered across her face.

Either due to the pleasure or her mood, a wavering film of tears had formed on her angled eyes. He found it cute how the red lips that usually closed in a lopsided frown hung open to allow out her moans.

He wanted to stick out his tongue, so he did so.

“Ah, wait…no…mhh.”

She had already gained a habit of reflexively returning the kiss as soon as she felt his tongue. She shook her head yet still opened her lips.

He stuck his tongue into that garden of sweet saliva and scooped up the soft and sticky sensation.

“No, don’t kiss me. I feel funny when you kiss me.”

With her double eyelids wet with tears, Ange released breaths that inspired masculine lust.

With their entire bodies pressed together, the union of their hips deepened.

His tip had already reached the deepest part, so it lifted up her cervix.

“Kwaaaah. Nooo. My stomach. My stomach is so tight. It’s so tight.”

Surprisingly, Ange’s skinny body conformed to the shock. She arched her spine as if performing a bridge and raised her hips while they writhed seductively in the air.

(Ange… Ange looks like she’s about to cum.)

As the girl lifted her cute pubis a little below her navel, Mutsuki felt his arousal rise to its peak.

That domineering girl was drowning in the ecstasy of their union. He thought that fact alone would make his balls burst.

As he pushed her womb up to further deepen that union, he felt amazing accomplishment when the base of his penis reached her entrance. The sense of unity was far greater with a passageway so narrow.

He began moving his hips more roughly. His erection slid forcefully in and out.

“Ahn. Wait, wait, wait.”

He had finally reached her inborn sexuality which was even greater than the average person’s, so the girl’s entire body writhed about with her hair scattering everywhere around her.

“Does it still hurt?”

Mutsuki brushed her hair aside and brought his mouth to her earlobe.

“O-of course…it hurts…ah.”

“Really? Are you sure it doesn’t actually feel good?”

“Don’t be…ridiculous. This could never…feel good…ah? Ah, ah, yes, there?”

Her modest breasts shook and she seemed to be accepting the penis with her entire body, but Ange still looked frustrated.

That stubborn angel never changed, so the boy smiled bitterly.

“I love that part of you, Ange,” he whispered in her ear.

Even though they were rubbing their hips together, the girl’s face twisted tearfully as if those words had had the greatest impact.

“Don’t…say things like that…right now…”

“But it’s the truth. I love you, Ange.”

“…Stupid Mutsuki.”

With her body pillow gone, she naturally wrapped her arms around his neck.

Despite everything she said, the domineering angel’s body was obedient. Her vaginal flesh tightened around his penis as if to match the embrace of her lithe arms.

The sense of unity between them was approaching its peak. Sweat dripped from Mutsuki and he embraced her slender body.

“Ahhn. There, ahh, yes, there!”

The girl’s voice grew even higher pitched from the perfect unity she felt through her vaginal flesh.

“Does it feel good?”

“~~… Ah, ah.”

Mutsuki entered the last spurt by grabbing her slender waist and adding a rotating motion with his own hips as he pressed his hard gun barrel against her cervix.

Ange’s womb had fully become an erogenous zone at this point, so nodding her head was the best response she could muster.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“It hurts a little. But…I like how it hurts.”

“Ha ha. That’s good.”

“D-don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not a dirty girl. This is…this is your fault for touching me where it feels so good.”

Even now, she refused to back down, but that was just who she was.

“It feels good for me too,” he said. “I’m about to cum. I’m going to cum now, Ange. Ange…”

His love for her amplified the pleasure he felt from the continuous wave-like motions of her vaginal flesh.

The urge to ejaculate was several times greater than normal and it felt like pleasurable fingernails were scratching at his urethra.

“Ahhhhhhn. Ah, nn, nn. You’re rubbing…everywhere inside me?”

As his flesh cannon shifted to an even higher angle, her young flesh helped increase the pleasure by sucking at him so softly he never would have expected it from a girl’s first time.

She felt pleasure easily, she enjoyed pain, and her entire vagina tried to milk the penis when she sensed it was about to cum.

With the sole exception of her personality, Ange’s body was perfectly made for sex.

“Ah, ah, ah~~ Ahhhh~~”

Her pink lips hung open, her adorable tongue dangled out, and moans of ecstasy flowed out.

They were dull moans as if a kitten not yet ready to go into heat had been forcibly brought to arousal. The boy found it adorable, so he used his full body weight to push his penis inside.

“Ahhn, hyahhn. Stupid, stupid, stupid. If you…if you go that deep, my womb will open up. My womb’s entrance…will be forced into your shape.”

“But I’m about to cum. I want to make sure my sperm gets as deep inside you as possible.”

“Stu…pid. You’re still going too far. You’re turning me into too dirty a girl.”

She had trouble speaking as she berated him, but she still lifted her hips to accept his thick penis inside.

He pressed the head of his penis against her somewhat curved cervix to push through to the other side.

Every part of a girl’s body was made to be soft, so even that somewhat hard cartilage-like spot was no match for his forceful masculine hardness.

The lid meant to protect her baby garden opened inwards.


The prideful girl had been restraining her voice so far, but now she released a truly sweet cry as her entire body convulsed.

“Huh? Are you cumming, Ange?”

“Shut…shuh uh…ah…? Ahh~? Ah~?”

She remained prideful even now, but not even she could keep up the act.

Her face grew even more indecently slack than anyone Mutsuki had slept with and she sobbed as she drowned in sexual pleasure.

Her small toes curled up on her feet as she locked her leg around his waist. She also gathered strength in the arms around his neck to embrace him with her entire body.

She may have wanted to press her vagina against his penis as hard as she could, but she also may have just wanted to embrace him on an instinctual level.


Ange showed another sign she was sinking into deep pleasure.

“Ah, wah…”

Something warm reached his lower stomach. He looked down and saw a warm golden liquid forming a pool on the sheets.

“Ahh…? Ah, ahh? I did it again. Mutsuki made me cum…and I peed again…?”

She spoke in a slurred voice and had shamed herself, yet Ange’s beautiful face relaxed as if satisfied.


Mutsuki had never expected to see that look on such a prideful angel’s face. As she wet herself and clung to him, he tightly embraced her below him.

The trembling pulsation of her vagina reached his penis and he could feel her neighboring urethra swelling as it expelled the urine.

They breathed in unison and the head of his penis pressed against the opened entrance to her womb.

That head spewed a great quantity of its extract into her young womb.

“Kwah…ah, hh, ahhhhh…?”

The lid to her most precious place had been pried open and a sticky dampness had been pumped inside the narrow pathway.

Ange could not speak properly as he ejaculated so forcefully it could be heard inside her lower stomach.

“Hkh, hhh…”

Meanwhile, Mutsuki was confused by the fact that he was ejaculating longer than he ever had before.

The selfishness inside him had wanted to use this opportunity to make Ange his. He wanted to fill up her womb and bind her with more pleasure than anyone else could give her.

His pump worked overtime as it filled up her baby room with a milky liquid.

“Hyah…I-I can’t take anymore. My stomach’s…already full?”

Ange’s face was still fully melted as she sobbed.

The pleasure of sex existed to ensure a man passed on his seed, so the pleasure of having her womb filled was too much for her pride to fight.

“…? …?”

By the time his semen ran out, she had passed out.

“I’m…so full…?”

She had the satisfied expression of a little girl who had fallen asleep after eating her fill of a sweet cake.

Mutsuki had known her for over two months, but he realized this was his first time seeing a look of satisfaction on her face.

He pulled back his hips.

When he pulled his half-flaccid penis from her garden, the hole shrank down again almost immediately. The milky liquid it forced out reached his penis.

The girl lay on her back with her limbs lying limply next to her and all of her muscles twitching, especially in her lower body. A white liquid dripped from the one hole and a clear golden liquid dropped from the one above it. The sight nearly got Mutsuki hard again.


At the same time, he felt a fierce sense of accomplishment.

(With this…)

He almost felt more satisfied about conquering her than sealing Metatron.

(Ange is mine.)

“Stop that.”


Mutsuki felt a kick.

Ange had apparently woken up and she was looking up at him with her eyebrows arched upwards. Her thighs were still trembling, but she did not hesitate to kick him.

“That hurt, Ange,” he said while scratching where she had hit him.

“I sensed something wicked inside you. And if I was wrong, then that was for getting carried away.”

She puffed out her cheeks and got up.

She then noticed their sweat and the yellow stain on the wrinkled bed sheets.


The sheets were already stained and aromatically damp and the girl looked about to cry at what she had done.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about the pee. Girls do that sometimes.”

She kicked him again.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

“I-I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll take care of the sheets later.”

“Okay. Oh, but what about the seal?”

“It’s already done.”

She left the room, leaving Mutsuki all alone.

As a testament to angelic leg strength, it still hurt where she had kicked him.

However, that pain had gotten rid of something that had started to grow inside him.

It had gotten rid of that horribly dark feeling that he always felt when having sex.


He was kind of glad for that, so his cheeks relaxed at the pain in his head.

Ange had already removed her clothing, but before entering the shower, she sighed deeply in front of the sink mirror.

(Stupid Mutsuki.)

She reached toward her lower stomach that was still throbbing like there was a beating heart there.

She focused on the warmth of another that had settled in there.

(Stupid me.)

She sighed again.

She was certain this had sealed Metatron.

Mutsuki possessed Adam’s cells, so when he slept with a woman who he had chosen as a “mate”, her libido would grow dramatically. That was what had powered up Ange and Machina a few times. At the same time, it left her unable to use Metatron as it was based in her destrudo. That meant Metatron had been sealed.


“You didn’t have to go that far. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.”

She pulled wildly at her red hair.

There had been no reason to lose herself in lust like that. It was possible nothing more than petting would have had the desired effect. She could not forgive herself for getting carried away and indulging herself.

(It’s all Mutsuki’s fault! He’s the one that touched me, and licked me, and kissed me…)

She shoved all the responsibility onto him.

(He kissed me…)

She remembered something she had not wanted to remember. She wrinkled her brow over the complex feeling inside her and she touched her lips which still seemed to taste like him.

(He said he loves me.)

She formed a lopsided frown.

She was afraid of what look she would see in the mirror if she had not forced that harsh expression.

“B-but I definitely don’t love him. In fact, I hate him.”

She tried her best to keep her voice calm.

(That’s right. I hate stupid Mutsuki. He’s just pathetic.)

She recalled when they had first met. She had saved him from the demons, but he had mistaken her angel’s fire for a real fire and panicked.

He was so pathetic she wanted to laugh scornfully just remembering it.

(Although it is true he saved me a few times…)

But that view of him had been overturned quite a while ago.

She thought back to when he had worked so hard save her during that life-or-death motorcycle chase.

And today, he had approached despite the horrible burns to his body just because he had not wanted her to die.

(Um…oh, right. I hate that he’s such a pervert. There’s no overturning that one.)

She remembered another negative side of him. She desperately focused on that to drive out the memories where he seemed so cool.

That pure girl had looked down on him for unchastely sleeping with Micha and Machina. She hated perverted guys.

And on the very day they had met, he had seen her bare skin in this very changing room.


“Eh? …Waaaahh!”

The door opened suddenly, just like that day, and Mutsuki stepped in like it was normal.

He was not wearing any clothes, but he held the sheets which just barely hid his nudity.

“I decided to bring these in. I’ll be using the washing machine.”

He used his housework skills to begin washing the yellow-stained sheets.

“Wait, you idiot! At least put some clothes on first!”

“Hm? …Oh, sorry. But…”

He grinned as if to say he had nothing to be embarrassed about despite having nothing more with which to hide his nudity.

“I figured I could take a bath with you while I was at it.”


The girl hated perverted things, yet his perverted body part grew erect as he gave her a perverted smile.

“D-don’t be ridiculous!”

Her cheeks grew bright red and she shouted angrily at him.

“Why would I take a bath with you!? We already sealed Metatron, so we don’t need to do any of that d-dirty stuff. And put that away! Stop making me look at it and stop making it so big. Take that thing and…and…”

“…Give it to me. Hurry.”

“Give you what, Ange?”

An obscenely wet sound reverberated around them in the bath.

The boy sat cross-legged on the bath mat and Ange was curled up on his lap almost like a pet cat.

Her red hair was nice and shiny after a shampooing and it waved behind her a bit like a wagging tail.

That was hardly surprising since Mutsuki had been indecently rubbing all over her raised butt for a while now. The somewhat thin yet tasty-looking flesh had been conquered by his fingers down to the bottom of the valley and the engorged crevice produced nothing but the aforementioned indecently wet sound.

“Ahn, come…on. Come on already.”

She was too embarrassed to say what it was she wanted, but the throbbing of her vagina had grown unbearable as he toyed with it.

And the object she wanted was pressing against her curled-up waist near the navel.

Tears of longing formed her eyes and her well-formed butt wiggled back and forth as she straddled his thigh.

“Heh heh. I know, I know. Sorry for teasing you.”


He continued skillfully fingering her young pink flesh as he spoke in an oddly kind tone and brought his other hand to her chin.

She realized what he was asking for, so she straightened her bent back, which naturally brought their faces together.

“~? You’re just like a puppy, Ange. You’re cautious at first, but once I start petting you, you relax.”

“What are you talking about? You’re so stu-…ahn.”

He no longer hesitated to suck at her lips.

They pressed their lips together as if to see how soft they were, moved briefly apart, and this time added their tongues. Their breathing was perfectly synchronized, as if they had been married for years.

(If either of us is like a dog…it’s you.)

Ange’s mind grew blank as he licked all through her mouth with the enthusiasm of a puppy but never so much that she had trouble breathing.

The boy had been oddly energetic since they had finished their first time. It may have started when she had kicked him. He had barged into the bath with her and he had attacked her.

“W-waih. Fhat’s too huch hongue.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Ahn, ahh…nn, hh.”

As they exchanged saliva, he continued tugging at her small breasts and kneading her butt while toying with the central valley.

The kissing increased her sensitivity, so even more heat filled her fingered crevice.

He had pumped her full of two more loads since they had entered the bathroom, so her vagina was filled with the milky liquid. He rubbed at the new sticky nectar she produced and each movement of his fingers brought embarrassingly and seductively sticky noises.

“Can you not stand it anymore?”

He knew the answer, yet asked anyway.

Her mental guard had lowered after he violated her oral erogenous zone, so she nodded.

“Then let’s get started.”

The boy embraced her slender body while smiling as if to say he loved how they were playing with each other’s bared skin.

Ange was at his mercy. She placed her hands on the mat and she only realized what this pose meant when he circled behind her.

“Eh? From behind?”

“Yeah. You don’t want it?”

“I didn’t say that…”

She was anxious because it was her first time in this position, but still supported her body with her arms and legs for a crawling pose.

The boy grabbed her adorable butt as he stared at her back that glistened brightly like it had pure white wings dissolved inside.

He buried the head of his penis inside the layers of salmon pink flesh.

“Nn, nn, nhhhhhhh…”

“It’s going in a lot easier now.”

The many layers of sensitive flesh had learned how to widen to exactly his caliber and they wrapped around his penis perfectly. Her vagina had seemed made for pleasing a man in the first place, so Mutsuki sighed deeply at this additional sweetness.

But while he looked satisfied…

“Ah, ahhh. …No, not this pose… Ahhh, no.”

Ange’s young face burned red, she dug her nails into the edge of the mat, and she cried out even louder than before.

He had only stuck the tip inside, but the throbbing in her sweet flesh had already spread to her womb.

She could not hold her small butt still. She nearly undid their union, so Mutsuki quickly grabbed at her hips.

“Wh-what is it, Ange?”

“Ahh, ahhh. This pose…not this pose. It’s going to drive me crazy.”

Her breasts jiggled as they hung down from her chest. Her entire body was twitching in response to his raging erection. Her shoulder blades were visible in her back as she arched it.

Mutsuki was a little confused, but he concluded she really liked doing it from behind and sent his erection deeper into the bottom of her trembling butt’s valley.

(Ahhn, ahn, ahhhhn. Mutsuki’s…Mutsuki’s really is amazing.)

The curved blade thrust inside her sensitive flesh while turned 180 degrees from before. The fresh sensation of their union filled Ange with a tingling feeling.

But more than that, this pose revealed the hidden side of her sexuality. As the flesh rod slid inside and rubbed roughly against her vaginal flesh, her pleasure was already reaching its peak.

(It’s just like before… It’s just like when he…did me in the butt…?)

Getting down on all fours brought back an obscene and somewhat traumatic memory.

Mutsuki did not remember it, but he had once violated her in this pose before. The Serpent’s Eye had made her horny and he had penetrated her ass.

She had been conquered by his impressive manhood and she had wandered through a sea of blinding pleasure.

That sweet memory had been burned into every pore of her skin and every cell in her body and it all came rushing back when she took this bestial pose.

(No, no, no. It feels even better than back then. I’m even more sensitive now.)

Ange herself had given that embarrassing memory even more power over her.

Mutsuki groping her entire body when applying the oil and him penetrating her ass were two separate sexual events, but she had thought about them both every night while rubbing the most indecent parts of her body.

“Ange, you hate it when people say dirty things, but you love having those dirty things done to you.”

Frustratingly, what he had said earlier was even truer than he knew.

“Ahh… Ahh, no. That’s too good. That’s amazing.”

When she got down on all fours and offered her butt up to Mutsuki, her body seemed to awaken to all that masturbatory pleasure.

All shame vanished from her mind and she cried out sweetly.

“You’re horny, aren’t you? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you feel even better.”

Even if he did not know the details of the situation, he noticed her intense perversion and intensified the movements of his hips by a few levels.

He thrust his hips like a rapid-fire gun and tore at a vagina that had only recently lost its virginity. As he rubbed at the shallow area like that, he sent his erection deep inside her without warning.

“Ahhhhhhhh~~? Y-yes. Yessss.”

“It feels good, doesn’t it?”

The girl closed her tearful eyes and vigorously nodded her head.

Micha, Machina, Schwarze, and even Lucia earlier that day had rejoiced at this technique. Three shallow, one deep. The technique could make any hole a slave to the cock. He had avoided it earlier because he had not wanted to hurt a virgin like Ange, but now…

“Ahn. So deep. The pleasure is coming so deep inside.”

He had built up this sex technique to pleasure an adult woman like Micha, so a girl as young as Ange could barely support herself on all fours.

(How? Ah, ah, what is this? It feels amazing.)

She had not noticed quite as much with the smaller movements he had used earlier, but Mutsuki’s penis had a thick head. It stuck out about a centimeter beyond the shaft, so when he pulled it back, it scraped at the vagina in a way that had easily won over an adult like Micha and an enemy like Schwarze.

The carnality that had brought her to climax as a virgin was raised another notch. Each time he pulled back, white sparks burst in the back of her mind.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you? I can feel your pussy squeezing down on me in pleasure.”

“Ahhhn. Shut up, shut up. Stupid.”

Her hips swayed back and forth in embarrassment.

Seeing the line of her slender back bending left and right gave his male flesh further energy. He rubbed against her lower body at an even greater pace.

(I can’t help it… Not when I have such a hard penis rubbing against my insides so much… Ah.)

An avalanche of pleasure hit her and she could no longer support her upper body, so she started rubbing her face against the mat.

However, she kept her thighs straight and indecently spread to allow the thick rod to enter even deeper. And…


She started moving her butt in a circular motion to rub up against the manhood as it stickily reached her womb.

(No, no. If he keeps doing it with this pose…I’ll…I’ll…)

Having her vaginal cave polished while taking the pose linked to such obscene trauma only worsened the flashing in the back of her mind.

The rational part of her mind was supposed to restrain the pleasure, but it was no longer functioning.

Deep in her heart, even her rational mind was swearing loyalty to Mutsuki’s cock.


A squeezing and sharp surge of electricity that bordered on pain ran through her vagina and the other hole just a bit in front of it.

Just as she felt something warm pass through her urethra, a thick and bubbly extract sprayed onto the mat.

A ticklish tingling remained after the electricity and her body twitched.

“Huh? You already came, Ange?”

“Uuh… That’s because you…you…”

“Ha ha. If you cum that fast, you might have trouble later on. I bet you’ll cum five or six more times at this rate.”

“I-it’s your fault for making me so lewd.”

The girl wrinkled her brow when he readily stated his obscene plans.

(He’s going to show me his love…five or six more times?)

Her womb felt like it was going to cum just thinking about it and waves of arousal began to run through it.

(I…I’m done for. After this, I won’t be able to live without Mutsuki…?)

Her hazy mind could not tell whether that thought scared her or delighted her.

And he continued to make her his with each movement of his penis.

“Ange, you have a habit of reacting here when you cum, don’t you?”

He rubbed his hand up her thigh and reached to her flower petals.

Everything near her womb was writhing from the waves of orgasm, so moving too much would only make her suffer. He only attacked her vagina’s shallow area and entrance.


Her obscene lips were parted in a diamond shape and her fully erect clitoris stuck out from there. He gently wrapped his hand around it and poked at her urethra with his middle finger.

She would pee when she climaxed. If her bladder was empty, she would squirt vaginal fluids instead. He had noticed that inborn obscene habit that she could not change, so she shook her head in protest.

But he had noticed an even greater weakness.

“And here too.”

“Eh…? Ah, not there…”

He spread her plumply presented butt and placed a finger on the chrysanthemum flesh.

That was enough for the pure angel to tense her spine. She jerked hard enough for her wet and thus heavy hair to fly up.

“It was twitching when you came. …Huh? Wow. Your ass is soaked, Ange.”

That flesh had been developed by him and loosened through masturbation, so it had become a secondary fuck-hole and it had grown quite hot after the repeated climaxes.

It had yet to be touched today, but it was already soaked with intestinal fluids.

(No, no. It’s throbbing because Mutsuki made me cum so much.)

Even the indirect crawling pose had been enough for her rational mind to crumble away, so her consciousness started to fade as he stickily rubbed against the source of the trauma.

“Oh? This hole is really sensitive. Ah ha ha. Maybe even more so than Lucia-kun’s.”

“S-stupid Mutsuki. Don’t compare me to-…ahahhhn?”

He did not remember being the one to make her this way, but he quickly noticed how developed that anal zone was and started rubbing at the sphincter.

“Ah, ahn. Wait, Mutsuki. That’s, that’s, ahhhh? I’m going to go crazy.”

He was only rubbing at the entrance, but the memory of being made into an anal slave came rushing back to the angel’s body.

“Don’t look. Don’t watch me while my butt feels so good.”

A sweet tingling filled her limbs and she could only hint at her last bit of embarrassment in a seductively nasal voice.

Mutsuki naturally did not hold back. In fact, when he saw her melting like that, he happily pushed his erection forward.

“It’s fine, Ange. I’ll make sure you feel even better. I’ll fill your entire body with pleasure?”

He skillfully used his scorching manhood to rub at the womb which was confused by the new zone of pleasure.

“Nn, ahhhh?”

Not only did the long shaft fill her nectar garden with its mass, but the thick head searched out the most sensitive areas.

When pulling out, it shook up her G-spot and Ange’s mouth flapped wordlessly.

(How? How? How does his penis know just where to hit me?)

She could not speak. She had never felt anything like this in her previous sexual experiences and the masturbation while recalling those experiences.

Those obscene memories had been bad enough, but now he was digging up brand new forms of pleasure.

As her soft and girly butt danced in time with the hidden pleasure, her anus loosened at the touch of his middle finger and the digit sank in to the second joint.

“What a lewd ass. It’s all wet and sticky from the entrance on in.”

Mutsuki’s cheeks relaxed in a smile as her anal flesh opened and closed like a fish asking for food.

He had guessed at the angel’s hidden sexual talent already, but it was another thing entirely to see it for himself.

“No. You can’t. It feels…it feels too good.”

Ange sobbed quietly as if she had reverted to being a little girl.

She could not have been more embarrassed, but her brain was pierced by even greater pleasure.

(Ahah? Nhah. M-my womb is moving. What do I do? When he fingers my butt, it just turns my womb on more and more? It wants Mutsuki’s cum.)

She felt an intense throbbing deep in her gut just below her navel.

Her heated womb was moving down. It was bumping against the head of the penis to beg for its seed.

“Your womb just lowered. I’m about to cum, so I’ll pump it full, Ange.”


She felt his erection grow even more in response to her womb’s begging, so she shook her head.

Mutsuki excelled at thorough foreplay and he had turned her bones to putty back on the bad. He was doing the same as he fingered her anus, so her internal flesh was being very thoroughly polished and obediently producing a seemingly endless supply of intestinal fluids.

What would happen to her if he came now and made her womb his? She could instinctively tell.

(I-I won’t be able to protect myself. I won’t be able to maintain myself.)

She felt like whatever had supported her existence as “Ange” ever since she was born (or even before she was reborn as an angel?) would be destroyed.

She could not rely on anyone.

She could not open her heart to anyone.

That was the sanctuary of her heart which supported her as an isolated angel, but this would smash that to pieces.

“Okay, I’m gonna cum again, Ange.”

Nevertheless, Mutsuki pushed his hips forward.

The lid of her womb bent inwards again and he took aim inside her baby garden.

He had already won over her womb, so every last one of her vagina’s layers moved around in delight. Her body betrayed its owner’s will and focused on pleasing Mutsuki.

(Noo. Why does it have to be Mutsuki? Why Mutsuki…?)


It did not have the force of the first time, but plenty of his male extract was fired at close range.

“There…it is…ha ha?”

Ange’s body had already been trained to climax when that magma filled her belly, so her face melted in ecstasy.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh? I-it’s happening again. I’m peeing again. I’m peeing and cumming…ah…ahh, I’m doing both.”

A warm pulse ran down her urethra and a thick extract of her own splattered onto the mat over a wider range than before.

But that was not all this time.


Her anus had grown quite moist from his fingering and it tightened down all at once when she came.

The intestinal fluids coming from deep inside followed his finger toward the exit. Her tightened sphincter bulged out a little and some of the hot fluids leaked out from the gap.

Mutsuki’s eyes widened at the sweet smell of a maiden’s butt.

“…? …?”

No girl could maintain their pride after something like that and Ange’s shame had reached the bursting point, so she wordlessly lay down on the mat. The finger and penis left her at the same moment.

Her vaginal muscles had gone limp and did not regain their normal shape for a bit after the foreign object left. It remained wide open as it to show off the nectary layers inside.

Meanwhile, her anus was squeezed too tightly shut and a bit of internal flesh poking out from the sphincter like a nipple. Intestinal fluids continued dripping out.

(H-he saw me. He saw how dirty a girl I am.)

Her rational mind was still numbed, but she still blankly grasped the situation.

(Mutsuki…saw me?)

Oddly, her heart was filled with satisfaction.

“Are you okay, Ange? Are you tired?”

“Nn…I’m fine.”

Mutsuki spoke up after they took a shower and soaked in the tub.

He had not asked her to, but she sat on his lap as if it was expected of her. She leaned back on him as he relaxed.

He seemed worried about her dazed behavior, but…

(Mutsuki…is so warm. I never knew someone else’s skin could feel so nice.)

For the very first time, she experienced the fulfillment someone else could bring her, so she sighed in ecstasy just by pressing against his bare skin.

(This is nice. I can see why Micha got hooked on it.)

She was acting like someone who had eaten too many sweets and had high blood sugar.

In the back of her blank mind, she could see an image of someone from behind. It was a woman who had often faced the mirror and put on heavy lipstick. The woman had always seemed annoyed when she looked Ange’s way.

Ange had no idea who that woman was, but thinking about her made her heart hurt. Why was that?


“What is it?”

“~? Nothing.”

When she called his name, he would answer with a smile and rub her head.

When he was around, her heart no longer hurt. It no longer mattered to her who that woman was.

She rubbed her cheek against his chest which was not very muscular, but had a nice, comforting scent.

Something raised its head once more in response to her unrestrained indulgence in his presence and it poked against her floating breasts.

“Want to do it again?”

Ange asked that while grinning like a girl of four who had been invited to eat some snacks.

“I do, but isn’t it hard on you to do it so many times in a row, Ange?”

He gave a bashful bitter smile and put his concern for her first.

She started to say she was fine, but she held her tongue.

Her embarrassing thoughts shut her mouth. Simply being in his arms and growing addicted to that happiness was enough to numb her sense of shame.

“I’ll be fine, but, um, can I ask one thing?”



“A-are we really going to do it like this?”

“The bath is too small for anything else.”

They were still soaking in the bath and she had shifted her position just a little to straddle him while facing him.

“And like this, I can see your cute face all I want. Okay?”

“W-well, if that’s why…”

She felt even happier than before when he called her cute. She did as she was told and placed her butt above his erection. He held her hips to support her.

“Say what you said before again.”

“Eh? …Wh-why?”

“I want to hear it again. I never thought you’d say something so dirty.”


The hands on her hips moved back to her small butt and sweetly rubbed it.

That alone melted her mind with a perverted nectar, so she said it despite how embarrassed she was.

“I want to do it…in my butt.”

“I can’t hear you.”

“I want your thing in my butt. Stupid Mutsuki.”

At his prompting, she spoke more loudly. The indecent line echoed around the room and embarrassed her further.

Embarrassingly, her butt had entirely abandoned its original role. Just letting the warm water flow in caused her entire stomach to throb and she could feel the sphincter tensing up as if asking to be touched.

“It should be fine since you were always pretty soft here.”

He carefully poked at the dark red color bulging out slightly at the bottom of the valley.

“Ah? Ah? Ah?”

“It just gets softer each time I touch it. Wow, the bathwater is going to get inside.”

Aroused by how sensitive her anal zone was, the boy pressed two fingers against it.

The sticky flesh easily swallowed them up.

“That was fast. Ange, have you been messing with this place on your own?”

He opened and closed the two fingers inside her.

“O-of course n-…ahh, ah.”

She panicked when he casually hit the bullseye, but she could not respond properly when the warm water flowed into her anus as it spread surprisingly wide.

“Ha ha. Yeah. I know you wouldn’t do that.”

Oblivious to the fact that he had jokingly hit on the girl’s trauma, the boy ended his finger attack and shifted the position of his hips.

Frustrated at being teased and feeling like she had received a shallow enema, Ange’s eyebrows rose angrily. But…

“If it opens this wide, there shouldn’t be a problem, but try to relax.”


A flesh rod far hotter than the bathwater kissed the entrance.

That was enough to seal away the girl’s complaints.

(No… I-it’s so much more…than the front…)

It had only touched the entrance and it had only softly kissed her, but her lower stomach was trembling and her hips were about to give out.

The anal pleasure Schwarze had maliciously taught her was like a sweet wound. And far from healing, that wound had spread inflammation frighteningly deep.

The collection of wrinkles was pushed in by the sharp tip.

(Ahhh, my butt is opening on its own…it’s spreading. My butt…is swallowing Mutsuki…?)

It had only been trained the one time and the trainer himself did not remember it, but her asshole chose him as its master.

She tried to close it in embarrassment, but her will never reached the sphincter and it happily swallowed the erection.

“W-wow. It just keeps going in. Are you okay, Ange? Does it hurt?”

He had thought he would need to be gentler like when he had done it with Machina, but Ange actually lowered her own body. He was worried, until…

“Ahahhh? Hahhh? Ah, nyaaahhh? My butt, my butt?”

“Yeah, you seem fine.”

As the rock-hard penis slid stickily in, the girl’s face melted before his eyes. Her generally composed and dignified face was dripping with drool and moaning in obscene pleasure, so he could not help but smile bitterly.

“Do you like it in the butt that much?”

“Sh-shut up. It’s your fault. It’s your fault. …Hyaahh?”


“You made my butt…? You made my butthole feel so good?”

Ange tasted his thick erection as the ring-like entrance swallowed it even more shamefully than her vagina had. She seemed to be experiencing occasional light orgasms because her eyes rolled back in her head and her mind cut in and out.

Mutsuki had no idea what she meant by this being his fault, but he left this in her hands since she seemed to be enjoying it so much. He slid his hips forward and lay back for a position halfway between sitting and lying down. The pose was only possible with the gentle curve of the bathtub to rest on.

This way, even as they faced each other, she could straddle his lower stomach to take in the entirety of his penis.

“Heh heh. Your nipples have been hard this whole time. You might not have inverted ones anymore at this rate.”

Her youthful breasts appeared in front of his eyes and seemed about ready to burst.

He had no idea how much he had fondled them at this point, but he felt a tingling in his fingers when he dug them into the amazing sensation of that small bust. His other hand was empty, so he brought it to her vagina which was opened longingly wide. He filled the hole with his index and middle fingers and used his thumb on her clitoris which now grew erect at the slightest provocation.

He rubbed those erect protrusions while thrusting rhythmically into her anus.

“Ahhhahhhh. D-don’t shake me. Don’t shake me. Don’t tease my boobs and pussy while making my butt feel so good.”

“I’m not teasing them. See? See? I’m showing them my love.”

He adjusted the position of his hips and thrust up from below.

The piston-like motion was somewhat slow in the water, but that just meant her sphincter had more time to feel his penis moving in and out.

(Ahh…ah, amazing… He’s rubbing at…the entrance.)

Pleasure spread through her tight anus.

He was too hard and thick and the especially thick head was attacking the ring-like entrance from within, so it did hurt a little.

(…Ahn, ah…n. But I…kind of like it. …I think I like it when it hurts?)

The girl’s face was dyed with intoxication.

The boy continued massaging her inner flesh with the head of his penis.

“Kyaaaaaahn…? My butt feels amazing. My butt, my butt. You’re rubbing the entrance while pounding on my womb with the tip?”

He targeted her sensitive womb from behind.

She had known what it felt like to have her entire body fondled while being anally penetrated, but not when her newly awakened womb was being attacked too. She was about to pass out.

The sweet arousal from her breasts and the harsh stimulation from her lower stomach provided a vibrato of pleasure. And occasionally…

“Huh? What was that, Ange?”

“Ah…? Ahh…?”

As he fingered her flower petals in the bathwater, something even warmer reached his hand. His eyes widened.

When he realized it was Ange’s climax juices, a look of even greater arousal filled his eyes.

“Ahah, hyahhhh? Wait, Mutsuki. Mutsuki, wait. My butt’s going to go crazy.”

As she orgasmed, her ass sucked at his penis whether she wanted it or not and the head provided further frictional heat.

She felt more fear than pleasure.

Her anus had been tightening and loosening to match the foreign object. It now sucked and rubbed at his penis so much she had serious doubts whether or not it was really a part of her body.

She started to worry if it would ever return to her control even after the penis left. She was worried it would remain loose and never stop thinking about Mutsuki.

She asked for a break, but…

“I’m not stopping. Try cumming again. C’mon, c’mon. Squirt out more of those juices.”

Driven by horny curiosity, Mutsuki thrust his hips and forgot about his concern for the girl.

When Ange climaxed, she always peed or squirted and he wanted to see if he could notice the change in the bathwater.

He gave a thin smile as he thrust his hips and teased her erect clitoris and nipples.

“No, noooo?”

The sensation was amplified in her heated anal garden and it spread to the rest of her body. She cried sweetly and wrinkled her brow.

She could not resist his fingers and hips. In fact, the rhythmic movement filled her with a desire to prioritize what he was doing above all else.

(No. No, no. Mutsuki’s too good. It’s so much different when he does it.)

All the times she had masturbated served to show just how great the pleasure Mutsuki provided was.

All of her cells recorded the quantity of pleasure that only he could produce.

She was gaining a body that had no choice but to submit to him.

(But…that’s fine.)

That lessened the fear of her anus being changed beyond repair.

(I don’t mind if my butt is only there for Mutsuki to use…?)

She stopped struggling and focused on the enjoying the bliss filling her ass. When she tightened the sphincter, the sensation of the hard object was simply incredible.

“Ah, ahhhn? H-hey, Mutsuki.”


“Kiss me.”

“Yes, yes.”

He sat back up and they shared each other’s lips.

The position meant his penis was not quite as deep inside her, but the kiss was much more passionate. They had already exchanged so many kisses that their lips were soaked with each other’s saliva.

“Nph, mfh? Nnn. Muchuki, your hongue is so hweet.”

“That’s your saliva. You’re the one that rubbed so much of it on there.”

“Nph, shtop. Hon’t eat my mouh.”

“Nn, nn. But your tongue is so tasty.”

“Bwahh… No, yours is…?”

They took turns sticking their tongues in each other’s mouth and played around like puppies.

All the while, Mutsuki continued moving his hips. Tasting her happy sweetness made him want to rub up against her.

“Fwah? Ahn, nyannn? I’m cumming, I’m cumming again, I’m cumming.”

Ange’s pleasure reached its climax just from swallowing so much of his saliva. Mutsuki smiled bitterly as the hot juices spraying from her trembling urethra struck his hand.

“I’m going to cum soon too. I’ll fill your ass with my cum.”

He held her hips in both hands again.

The object ruling over her lower body grew even larger, so she narrowed her eyes happily. It was halfway between the look of a spoiled child and the look of a woman melting with pleasure, so it was innocently seductive.

“Ahah? Give it to me. I want it. My butt’s been throbbing for so long because it wants your hot cum?”


He had no idea that “for so long” meant for weeks, but he still thrust his swollen rod deep inside her butt.

The movement was enough to send waves through the bathwater. The sounds of it spilling out drowned out Ange’s lovely sexual cries.


The pleasure of their union and the happiness of their sweet kiss gave her the same sense of accomplishment as after eating one’s favorite meal, so her urethra opened wide again on that thrust.

The fluid that squirted out dissolved into the bathwater, but their lower stomachs were close enough together that he would have noticed.

Mutsuki moved his spear in all directions to loosen up the sphincter. The powerful thrust had targeted her womb from behind. Their kiss continued and he intensely wrapped his tongue around hers while making sure not to bite down.

And just as her mind had entirely melted…

“I love you, Ange.”

He whispered as a surprise attack.

“Wha-…? Ahhh.”

Her rational mind had crumbled from those words before and her eyes widened when he said them again so suddenly.

He was not pressing her for an answer. However, she could tell from their connected lips that he wanted her to say it.

And once she realized that, she could not bear to not respond.

“I-I do…too.”

As soon as she said it, her stubborn personality awoke and filled her with tension. Her lower stomach tensed and her anus squeezed down to fight with the hard penis.

That actually brought more pleasure to her butt, so this was hardly a romantic situation. However…

“I…love you too. I love you…Mutsuki.”


He had not been expecting those words, so his hips gave a surprised jerk.

“Kwah…? Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn?”’

When Mutsuki (from his point of view) unfortunately released the sticky warmth inside her, Ange could only cry out.

Rather than having anal sex, it felt like he had conquered her using the hole that acted as the greatest opening to her heart.

It felt good. She had entrusted her entire being to this orgasm, so it felt like everything from her mind to her soul was melting. And it continued on and on.

As she raised an animalistic cry, she felt someone else’s flavor rising within her ass and intense waves of motion ran through her hips and belly.

The ecstasy spread not just to her urethra, but also to the pathway leading to her womb. The vagina pressed against the boy’s lower stomach was overflowing with sticky and somewhat frothy extract.

Love juices erupted from her vagina and she finally collapsed into his chest.

Her slender body was still stiff and the waves of orgasm had not receded.

She continued indulging in this boy who was the first person in her life (and in her previous life) to accept her entire being.

“Ahh…? Ahhh…?”

“…Ha ha.”

Her anal flesh continued to writhe and lick at his penis. The tickling sensation brought back the pleasure of ejaculation, so he trembled a little.

He gently embraced Ange as her mind cut in and out after cumming so many times.

(So she only said she loved me the one time.)

Midnight had likely already passed. That day of upheaval was over.

He felt some slight regret about just that one point.

The next day.


“Good morning, Ange.”

The two of them woke up shortly before nine in the morning.

It had been past two the last time they had checked the clock, so they had gotten a little more than six hours of sleep at the most. That was too little for Ange’s exhausted body, so she was a little groggy.

Mutsuki had woken five minutes earlier and had stared at her sleeping face, so he was already fully awake.

Her face had been pretty enough to watch for five minutes without growing bored and it grew even more coquettish in her sleepiness. His cheeks relaxed as he watched her.

Lost in the fact that they had awoken naked together like lovers, he gave her a good morning kiss.


Ange’s expression relaxed too.


“Heh heh. Good morning, Ange.”


“Did you sleep well?”

“Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What are you doing, you perverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt!!!!!!”


She knocked him away.

He rolled off the bed, rolled along the floor, and slammed into the wall.

Ange got up, realized she was naked, wrapped herself in a sheet, and looked around.

“Huh? Eh? Why am I in Mutsuki’s room? …Ah!!”

She seemed a little confused, but she finally remembered what had happened. Her face grew bright red and she collapsed limply on the spot.

“Ahhhhhh~… Ah~~~~~~~~~~~”

She held her head, mussed up her hair, and writhed about.

“Ah ha ha. C’mon, Ange. Calm down.”

“H-h-h-how am I supposed to calm down!? What…what have I done…? Gyahhhh!”

Mutsuki approached to help calm her, but he was naked and she just yelled at him further.

The night before, he had suspected she would probably end up like this once she calmed down, so he could only smile bitterly.

“It’s not so bad. We fully sealed Metatron, didn’t we?”

“Only the first time mattered for that, stupid Mutsuki! Uuh~ Why~~?”

She must have also felt self-hatred for giving into her lust so greedily. She looked on the verge of tears.

“You don’t need to worry about it so much. Um…oh, I know. Just think of it as making sure the seal worked.”


“Doing it more than once might strengthen the seal. So that’s why we did it.”

“Y-yes, that’s right. I was only making sure the power was sealed away.”

“Right, right.”

She seemed to have found a mental compromise.

“Although I’m not sure there was any real reason to do it in the butt.”


But she turned to stone a moment later.

He found it cute how her expression kept changing instead of just settling on anger like usual, so he could not help but tease her.

“Not to mention when we did 69 after getting out of the bath, when we had an endurance race to see who would cum first, or when I messed with your pee hole because you absolutely insis-..”


“Wah, wah, wah! Not the sword! Not the sword!”

But he immediately stopped once real anger flared up inside her.

The sword was shorter than usual and the flames inside it were weaker (Was it damaged and being repaired?), and Ange quickly returned it to its pendant form and sat down on the spot.

She must have realized blaming Mutsuki was not going to make her feel any better. She looked to the clock.

“Huh? It’s already nine? But it’s so dark out.”

She compared the time to the window that was not letting in any sunlight.

“The typhoon is still passing through. They say it won’t leave until midday.”

“I see. …Oh, then what about school?”

“We can’t get to school with all the wind. If this keeps up until eleven, they’ll probably cancel school for the day.”

He grabbed his cellphone and checked the weather forecast. Their region had “Strong Winds” written in red.

“I see…”

A complicated look came over Ange’s face.

Most likely, she was worried about FeTUS and the clock tower she had blown away, but she was still tired and wanted to rest.

Mutsuki knew he had a lot to think about concerning the future of the angels, demons, and humans. He set down the phone and spoke.


Still naked, he approached the bed where Ange sat.

“Micha-san apparently can’t get back for a while due to the winds, so we’re all alone.”

“Eh? …Uuh.”

Ange grimaced when she saw the body part raising its head as if the previous night’s marathon had never happened.

“Wait. Are you stupid? We had a reason yesterday, but why would we do it today too?”

“Why wouldn’t we? You might be satisfied after yesterday, but I’m not.”


He had said he loved her throughout the night, but he had barely heard her say the same about him.

The stormy night had passed, but he was going to use the last bit of time the typhoon gave him to stubbornly get the angel to say she loved him.

“C’mon, c’mon. Wait too long and the winds will leave. I’ll do everything you love?”

“Are you stupid!? W-wait. Stay back! I’ll hit you!”

“That’s fine. I’ll smack you right back on the ass.”

“Wha-…? Wait, I told you to stay back!”

“C’mon, let’s kiss.”




“Stick out your tongue.”


Perhaps as a side effect of a hole being blown in the clouds the day before, the typhoon sat over the town until well past eleven.

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