Chapter 27

Evangeline was laying in her bed thinking of her chance meeting with Alex . At first it started like any novel like meeting, where the two protagonist who haven’t met for years suddenly meet in the most unexpected place . Then he the male lead slowly approached her the female lead the next part was suppose to be a kiss, but what happened was he pointed out a security flaw! ’If only I met him first when he came to school, then it would’ve been me beside him not Rachel . ’

Evangeline was regretting not being their when Alex transferred in . As she laid in her bed she was looking at Alex’s file that was sent to the school . ’It says here that he should’ve gotten into class A which was my class, but before he could do so he was transferred to class B . Obviously he decided to transfer to Class B, but why? Is it really because of Rachel?’ Evangeline had her doubts, since base on her understanding of Alex, he wasn’t the type to fall in love at first sight .

Evangeline was troubled on how to strike Alex’s heartstrings since he doesn’t even look her way, those dreamy emotionless eyes of his are only looking at Rachel . She wanted to investigate more about Alex, but when she saw his last name she restrained herself . Alex’s last name was Samarita, there was only one family with the last name Samarita in this city and its the most powerful family in the whole city .

When Evangeline learned Alex was a Samarita she started wondering why he worked as a mercenary when he was a kid, and why he was attending a public high school now?

’Could it be that this is a test set up by his father? That does explain a lot of things, a powerful family like his must have a harsher test for inheritance than my family . ’

Evangeline kept on speculating and thinking of Alex even after she entered the realm of dreams .

. . . .

The following day when Rachel and Alex reached school, they were informed by their schoolmates that the Newspaper Club had disbanded, the reason being something like they lost their passion for writing . It happened a few minutes ago, first thing in the morning all the club members stormed the student council room and passed a letter claiming their unanimous wish to disband . The student council president somehow didn’t question their wish to disband and simply accepted it .

Oliver saw the two entering the front gate and greeted them . When the three were heading inside of the school someone called Rachel .

"Hey Rachel it’s been three days I guess that’s enough for your honeymoon right?" An upbeat voice greeted the trio . It was a girl with brown eyes and blonde hair tied up in two neat pigtails with black ribbons, with a height of 161 cm she stood a few centimeters taller than Rachel but it was not noticeable . She was pretty cute but not on the level of Rachel and Evangeline . On her back was a bag carrying something like a bamboo sword .

Seeing that the woman had a weapon at her back Alex stood in front of Rachel blocking the girl from approaching her . Seeing this action the girl raised both her hands and whistled . "Wow, your husband over here is super overprotective . "

"He is not my husband okay, he’s not even my boyfriend yet . Alex no need to be on guard this girl however implausible is my friend . " The girl did a peace sign in front of Alex and Oliver .

"Heyo, my name’s Sayaka I’m fifteen years old and the best friend of the ice princess over there . Nice to meet yah especially you . " Sayaka slowly approached Oliver and started touching his stomach, Oliver surprised by the action backed away .

"Nice abs, your muscles are definitely toned to the max . Well your my kind of guy . . . How about we start dating? Since your best friend and my best friend are together won’t it be good if the two of us start dating too?"

"What?!" Rachel exclaimed in shock, Oliver wanted to do the same, but since he was dead set on maintaining character he didn’t shout out loud, but in his head he was screaming . ’WHAT!?’

"I’m just kidding of course, we must get to know each other first alright?" After hearing the first half of her sentence Oliver and Rachel sighed in relief but hearing the second half of the sentence got them riled up again .

"Hahahaha, you should see your face Rachel . Of course I’m not going to date someone I just met . Still his looks are my ideal type, hmm well whatever I hope we get along . " The girl called Sayaka seems to be operating in a different pace from them .

Rachel could only sigh at her energetic best friend . "So Sayaka that’s not all you wanted to talk about right?" As if remembering something Sayaka tapped her head .

"Oh right how was she? Did she cry her first time?" Sayaka asked Alex seriously, Alex hearing her question couldn’t understand it . "First time?"

Rachel restrained Sayaka, and screamed . "Don’t bother with her stupid question! You too Sayaka what the hell are you spouting?!"

"Hehehe, it’s just a joke since I wan’t able to fool around with you for the past three days, that’s punishment for ignoring your best friend . " Sayaka giggled as she was released by Rachel .

"What the hell do you mean ignored you?! Weren’t you the one who suggested to give me some space or something like that?"

"Oh really? I forgot, well whatever . "

Rachel looked at Sayaka a bit tired . This was one of the reasons why Rachel was a bit tolerant of Alex and Oliver’s weirdness, it’s because her best friend was also kind of weird .

"So back on topic, didn’t you text me that you needed help in the kendo club?" Rachel asked .

"Oh right! Yeah, our ace is out sick today, and the arrogant pricks of Hillman High School are coming over . I need one of you guys to replace our ace to fight an exhibition match . At first I thought that it would be impossible for you guys, but getting a look at Oliver’s bulging muscles, I have newfound expectations of you guys . " Sayaka looked at Oliver with the eyes of a predator looking at her prey . Oliver maintained a serious expression on the outside, but was freaking out in the inside . ’What the hell is wrong with the girls in this school?! Why are all of them the strong type?!’

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