Chapter 32

Ken approached Oliver and congratulated him, the next thing he did shocked everyone in the gymnasium . Ken actually asked Oliver to be one of his disciples . Oliver couldn’t respond to ken’s sudden proposal so Ken gave him his number . Oliver got Ken’s number a torrent of thoughts assaulting him .

Ken then approached Alex, and slashed at Alex using his fingers . Alex who had determined that the slash wouldn’t hit didn’t move at all, his emotionless, indifferent eyes looked at Ken without worry or fear .

The slash using just his fingers was able to cut a bit of Alex’s skin . "What the hell are you doing?!" Rachel shouted at Ken, her body unconsciously moved in between Alex and Ken . Rachel glared at Ken, who simply laughed at her outrage .

"Hahaha so you got yourself a little lass such as this . . . Hmm she’s actually pretty good, her form might be a bit rusty but you can actually still see that her foundation is a solid one . Yet another prodigy, but this one seems to be buried under a large pile of sand . "

Ken made a thorough assessment of Rachel, and with one look he was able to determine a lot of things .

"Lass if you have forsaken the martial path that you tread, then why don’t you and your friend Oliver join me . If you can, why don’t you convince your boyfriend here to forsake his lousy master and jo-" Ken wasn’t able to finish his sentence when he felt something pointing at his neck .

A subtle and sharp killing intent was directed at him . Ken already knew who was doing this, the boy’s indifferent tone drifted to his ears .

"Never insult my Master again, or else I will have your head . " Though Alex’s face had the same emotionless look, a fiery anger could be felt from deep within . Alex grew up surrounded by his masters and all of them treated him like their own flesh and blood, they were family . So the moment he heard someone insult his family Alex immediately acted, if it weren’t for the mission at hand he would’ve killed Ken at this very moment .

Everyone else who was looking at Alex, and Ken thought they were having a little joke . They couldn’t discern the threat that came from Alex’s hand that was pointing at the back of Ken’s neck .

Ken like a ghost, got away from Alex’s hand and stood beside his disciple Setsuna while his hands raised . Even though he was already far away from Alex, Ken felt that even at this distance he was within Alex’s killing range . "A gun user, as well?" Ken whispered under his breath .

"I was just kidding, your master and me go way back . He and I joke like this all the time . So no need to take what I said seriously . " After Ken said that he walked out of the gymnasium followed by the other members of the Hillman Kendo team .

Once Alex couldn’t see Ken’s back he relaxed his body a bit, still staring at the direction Ken and the others went .

Noticing the slight change in Alex’s mood, Rachel held Alex’s hand and said . "It’s alright . " Rachel didn’t know what to say in this situation there was so much she didn’t know about Alex, to properly comfort him . . . For now this was all she could do for him .

Alex feeling Rachel’s warm hand holding his, and hearing her tell him it’s alright somehow was able to calm him down .

Somebody could hear something scratching something outside, everyone thought that this was simply a cat, but in truth it was the student council President Evangeline Kain . Since the beginning of the match she was outside the gymnasium silently supporting Alex from the window . She was hiding from her secretary so she couldn’t afford to show herself inside . Since if other people see her they might report it to that scary secretary of her’s .

So when she saw Rachel hold onto Alex’s hand while there feelings somehow being connected she felt extremely irritated and started scratching a part of the gymnasium .

Sayaka on the other hand didn’t care about the pink atmosphere that was starting to surround the two and announced to the mercenary circle members .

"Thanks everyone from the Mercenary Circle, especially you Oliver . " Sayaka sent Oliver a flirtatious gaze, which made Oliver cringe . Seeing his cute reaction made Sayaka giggle .

"So now that you guys have done your job and helped us which even resulted in us winning the match let’s celebrate . It’s Karaoke time!"

Throughout this whole ordeal Lyner the teacher in charge of the kendo club slept . It was as if he could sleep through anything . All the students left and he was still there snoring .

. . .

The group of four which consisted of Alex, Oliver, Rachel, and Sayaka were walking towards a Karaoke place, Sayaka wanted to go to . Since that particular Karaoke place was serving a very special ice cream she wanted to try .

It was only the four of them since Sayaka didn’t invite the other members of the Kendo club . "Hey, hey, how come you two were so good at kendo? Especially you Alex, the way you move was out of this world! The coach of the other team even said you had a master, you called him your sword instructor right? So that means you didn’t learn kendo you actually learned sword techniques . . . Hey who was your master? Where is he now?"

Sayaka kept on asking question after question like a machine gun her mouth just wont stop flapping . Alex decided to ignore her, since her questioning didn’t seem like it was serious .

"Boo! Your such a bore Alex, I wonder what my bestie even sees in you!" Sayaka said while pouting .

"Hey how about you Oliver will you take that guy called Ken as your Master?" Sayaka asked Oliver who was walking beside her . Oliver who was in deep thought wasn’t responding to Sayaka even though she was already holding his arm nice and tight even actively rubbing her boobs on his arm to get a reaction . Yet despite all of these factors Oliver would only respond with a uninterested yeah .

"What the hell is wrong with you guys! You’re with two cute and beautiful ladies and your not even trying to entertain us! Right Rachel these guys don’t know how good they have it!" Sayaka looked at Rachel hoping she would back her up, but Rachel was in her own little world .

’What the hell was I thinking?! It’s alright? and I even said it while holding his hand! Come on wasn’t I suppose to be testing him, and he was suppose to be chasing me! Why does it look like it’s the other way around!?’

While Rachel was thinking, she was actually holding Alex’s hand without letting go . Seeing her unresponsive best friend Sayaka was at a loss .

"Seriously what’s with you guys!"

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