Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 450: Breakthrough... (1)

Chapter 450: Breakthrough... (1)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Martial law was still in effect, even though there were no soldiers armed with guns patrolling the area. To prevent civilians from wandering into military-sealed zones, all the necessary provisions were sent by AI robots right to the houses. The city government advised the citizens to not leave their homes before the war was over, so the streets outside were completely silent. Other than the occasional cleaning robots, there was no one else. Even though there were no crowds to dirty the streets, the robots were still working according to their programming.

When the two women rushed out of the house like crazy, a robot came over to offer them help instantly. Of course, this was another way of telling them not to leave the house. In reality, the two women had already called the hospital, Jacko at central command, and even the medical team attached to second defense line’s Black Star Trooper base. However, even so, they couldn’t wait anymore, as they wished to send their children to the hospital immediately.

After all, human beings had passed the human strengthening phase. Physically speaking, even the women and elderly were healthier than Old Earth’s Special Ops soldiers or Iron-man champion. They were immune to all Old Earth’s sicknesses like the flu, fever, cancer, and so on. Technically speaking, human beings couldn’t fall victim to fevers anymore...

Unless this was not a normal fever but one that so far couldn’t be explained by human technology...

Homo Evolutis awakening!

Yes, Homo Evolutis awakening, the fever could be fatal, and the fatality rate was startling high. Of course, that was if the patient was not given any medical attention. Both women were survivors from Old Earth that had lived through the many Homo Evolutis awakenings on the Hope. They knew how badly human beings would fare if they had no medical attention during their awakening. Furthermore, these were children, and the eldest among them only 9 years old, so they didn’t dare to take any chances.

Both mothers were worried beyond words. Mothers were truly the most powerful creatures in the world when they needed to protect their sons. Even though there were robots blocking their way, the two mothers ignored them, hugging their three children between them, and rushed into the streets.

About five minutes later, the three fainted children were placed in the emergency hovercraft. Inside the vehicle, several doctors were examining the children and applying them the necessary potions.

"The symptoms are very similar..." one of the doctors whispered.

The doctor beside him added, "Yes, the drastic exhaustion of various nutrients in the body, the dehydration, these are indeed the symptoms..."

The group of doctors didn’t seem that old, though they were actually professors at the hospital. They were normally separated into their respective sections, but this time they were all there for these patients because three children were sick with fevers simultaneously. Normal fevers were an obsolete disease, so fevers had become a stand-in for Homo Evolutis awakenings. Even though the news was quite shocking when it arrived at the hospital, with the precedence of Zhang San, it was not that unacceptable, especially considering the situation...

The two mothers, though, were only worried about the safety of their children...

At the same time, at central command, after receiving the call from his wife, Jacko remained in a dazed state for at least 10 minutes after hanging up before he cheered loudly, "My son is becoming a Homo Evolutis? My son is going to be a Homo Evolutis? Hahahaha..."

The people in the room turned to look at him with confusion and surprise. Jacko realized the scene that he had caused, so he coughed and said seriously, "Where’s the report on the preparation of the super-large Energy Storm main cannon?"

The people around him instantly mobilized. Moments later, one of the adjutants replied, "All Genesis, Requiem, and Energy Storm cannons have stopped firing. Currently, we’re only using normal energy cannons. All the related energy channels have been rerouted to the main cannon. The preparation stage has reached 46 percent. Expected 32 minutes more before the cannon can be used."

"32 minutes you say..."

Jacko frowned. In that half a day, he seemed to have aged at least a decade. There were additional wrinkles around his forehead and there was more white in his hair. After some thoughts, he answered, "Have all the human forces at the outer cannons retreat immediately, leave behind only the AI robots. After making sure there are no people within a 10 kilometer radius, have the place self-destruct... Reroute all the energy channels we have to the main cannon..."

Jacko thought about it, but he didn’t seem like he had anything else to add. The second defense line mobilized following his orders. At the outer ring of the defense line, the unknown fleet had completely surrounded the defense line. In fact, the number of the unknown fleet and the space they occupied had already surpassed the size of the meteorite the base was on.

However, the unknown fleet didn’t overwhelm the second defense line with their firepower. Instead, they set up their own defense line. Other than Energy Storm, even Requiem wouldn’t do much damage to the robot fleet. Under these circumstances, the fleet idled outside of second defense line, not attacking and not retaliating. No one really understood what they were doing.

This situation was even scarier than if they just swarmed the second defense line. With its natural and man-made defenses, the second defense line could hold on for at least 10 days before it fell. However, this kind of radio silence was disconcerting. Plus, the enemy was an AI civilization, so they couldn’t be reasoned with or predicted. What if... they were preparing for an ultimate weapon?

Therefore, instead of waiting to find out what the robot civilization was planning, Jacko, after discussing it with the strategy department at the second defense line, decided to strike first. Their weapon of choice was the large Energy Storm main cannon. There was only one of those at the entire second defense line, and it was built right at the middle of second defense line. Technically speaking, this main cannon wasn’t meant for human-use... or to put it into another perspective, it was not something that should be available to humanity, at least at its current technological prowess. This was something designed by Bo Li and was nothing more than a prototype. Its internal structure was built entirely out of the alloys created by the alien plant. In other words, this main cannon was similar to the Steel Ball in the way that they were beyond the comprehension of normal level 3 space civilizations.

Just like that, 10 minutes passed and the charging of the main cannon was completed. With an order from Jacko, the main cannon started its final energy condensation process...


Instantly, an energy ball with the brightness of the sun shot out of second defense line towards the fleet not far away from it...

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