Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 116 I’ve become a Highest tier Ascended Human?

Chapter 116 I've become a Highest tier Ascended Human?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

Curse Kings, feared entities with the power to obliterate entire cities with but a single curse. The Church of the Divine Union classified them as Grade 3 (Damnation rank) threats.

『The requirements for evolution to Curse King has been met. Required skill points have been allocated. Curse King evolution is now complete.』

Gallus, refusing to succumb to his injuries, struggled to find his footing on his remaining leg, his body trembling with pain. He mustered the strength to speak, his voice filled with determination.

"I have dedicated years to training myself, honing my skills for battles like th--"

Before he could finish his statement, Lumiere flicked his fingertip. The black matter coating the right half of his body reacted to his command, surging forward like a deadly blade, aimed straight at Gallus's heart.


A gut-wrenching pain exploded within Gallus as the blade pierced his chest, blood erupting from his lips, staining the ground beneath him. His mind reeled in disbelief. Despite his sharpened senses earned through countless battles, he was unable to react to Lumiere's attack.

"Sorry, but I don't have time for fruitless dialogue.."

With a swift and merciless motion, Lumiere withdrew the blade, pulling Gallus's heart from its cavity. The sight was an onslaught of horror – a crimson organ glistening in Lumiere's hand, a macabre trophy of his triumph.

Gallus, deprived of his heart but still clinging to a sliver of life, crumpled to the earth, his body stained with his own lifeblood.

He mustered every ounce of strength he could find, crawling towards Lumiere with agonizing determination. A mix of blood and dirt stained his trembling hands.

"You... please, give me back my heart," his voice barely a whisper.

Lumiere sneered down at the broken Gallus, his expression cold and merciless. "Give it back? You really are a nuisance," he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "But don't worry, I'll fix that."

With a flick of Lumiere's fingertip, a blade of black matter shot out with horrifying speed, impaling Gallus' skull, severing it effortlessly. Bone and brain matter splattered in every direction, a gruesome display of the blade's merciless efficiency.

Calmly, he watched the life drain from Gallus's shattered face.

But Lumiere's cruelty didn't end there.

「Introducing the new Apex Skill, 『Voracious Queen Adephagia』. With access to various sub-skills through the primordial black matter known as "Eterna Noctis", one of these sub-skills is [Soul Gorge]. By harnessing the insatiable hunger of Eterna Noctis, users can devour souls, absorbing their life force, mana, abilities, and skills. Embrace the power of [Soul Gorge] and unleash the full potential of your stolen acquisitions.」

"That doesn't sound bad."

As Gallus lay lifeless, his soul lingering in the void between life and death, Lumiere's eyes burned with a wicked intensity. With a surge of power, the black matter surged forward once more, wrapping around Gallus's fading soul.

"No!" Gallus's voice echoed in the ethereal plain, a mixture of anguish and despair. "You can't... you can't take everything from me!"

「 From the victim, you've gained:

11,500 MP...

6,300 strength points...

MP & Strength:



After Curse King evolution:



After soul assimilation:



Your current MP capacity is 81,500

Your current strength capacity is 9,300

You have now evolved to Human Emperor...

( Human Emperor > Supreme Human > Great Human > High Human > Human )

This makes you a Highest tier Ascended Human.

Now undergoing reprocessing to display new status...

Estimated time — four days... 」

"I can't blame All-Father this time."

Lumiere turned his attention to Isadora, his approach slow and deliberate.

The once intimidating red glow in his eyes disappeared.

As the blackness on his right side dissipated, Lumiere's figure radiated a sinister aura, a terrifying embodiment of darkness.

But only for a moment.

Soon after, he passed out.


Fanatio, Genevieve, Ress, Garret, and Dr. Samras had just finished loading all the wounded commoners onto the airship, their faces etched with exhaustion and concern.

It was then Skum caught Genevieve's eye, striding through the rubble with an air of purpose.

"Skum!!" she shouted.

Skum turned to face her. "Huh?" he made way towards her.

"What're you doing?!" Genevieve's voice held a hint of frustration as she confronted Skum, her eyes locked with his.

Skum scratched his head, a sheepish smile forming on his lips.

"Well, you see, the danger has passed. It's safe now," he replied.

Genevieve's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"Safe? How can you be so sure?" she demanded, her voice betraying her concern for the injured commoners surrounding them.

Skum paused for a moment, struggling to find an explanation that would satisfy her. "Well, call it a lucky guess," he finally admitted, a wry grin sneaking onto his face.

A heavy sigh escaped Genevieve's lips as she shook her head, her gaze shifting to the wounded commoners being loaded onto the airship.

"We need all the help we can get, Skum. You should be tending to the wounded, not wandering aimlessly," she implored, her voice tinged with frustration yet laced with genuine care.

Skum scratched the back of his head, his eyes scanning the devastation surrounding them. "I'm fine, really," he reassured her.

Genevieve's frown deepened, her concern for his well-being palpable. "I won't feel at ease leaving you behind. Get your ass on this airship," she commanded firmly, her voice brooking no argument.

Skum let out a resigned sigh, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "Yes, ma'am.."

As Skum made his way towards the door of the airship, Ress gave him a warm smile.

"Good to have you on board.." (Ress)

Perched on Ress' shoulder was yet another wounded commoner, whom he carefully ushered into the airship's safety.

Suddenly, Dr. Samras came rushing from behind, panting heavily as he handed Skum a wooden box.

"Hold on, Skum," he gasped, "take this box and make sure it's secured inside. It holds essential medical supplies that we'll need later."

Skum's eyes lit up mischievously as he took the box, effortlessly balancing it on one hand. He slicked his hair back with a flourish, striking a pose reminiscent of a fashion model.

"Fear not, my dear friends," he proclaimed, a hint of theatricality in his voice, "for a task as simple as this is far too beneath someone of my stature. But worry not, I shall complete it with the utmost grace and style."

Exasperated, Genevieve smacked the back of his head. "We don't have all day, you know. Put your theatrics aside and get that box inside the airship promptly, you fool."

Skum rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, his earlier confidence fading. "Right, right. No time for theatrics now," he muttered, quickly darting into the airship to secure the box.

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