Chapter 133 Seriously, not this again... please?

Black Dragon Gate Arc

End of Vol. 3


(POV: Akashic Records)

In the distance, the echoes of armored knights rushing toward their location could be heard.

Barodius turned to his comrades. "We must make our move," he said.

Barin scoffed. "We could easily dispatch them, couldn't we?" he suggested, his tone seeped in confidence.

Barodius shook his head, his gaze fixed on the approaching knights. "No, Barin. It would be wiser to conserve our mana. We should use our mana only when it's essential," he explained.

Draknis nodded in agreement. "You're right. We shouldn't waste our energy on small skirmishes," she stated.

The trio sprouted their magnificent dragon wings, their scales shimmering under the sun.

Barodius? wings were black.

Barin?s were bright red.

Draknis? was emerald-green.

With a powerful stroke, they soared into the heavens, leaving the ground behind. Before departing, Barodius gratefully grasped the Black Dragon's Gate Core, knowing they would need it in the future.

When the knights finally reached the clearing, confusion emanated from their ranks. "There's no one here," one of them muttered, frustration tainting his voice.

Another knight fixed his gaze on the devastated forest and gasped in awe. "What could've caused such destruction?" he wondered aloud.

Just as they began to despair, a cry pierced the air. "I've found it! The Holy Sword!" one knight shouted triumphantly, relief washing over him.

His companion, his voice trembling with gratitude, responded, "Thank the heavens! Quickly, let's secure the sword and search the vicinity for any sign of life."


While soaring through the skies Draknis got curious.

"King Barodius, where are we heading next?" she asked, excited.

Barodius smiled. "I've procured enough funds for our journey to the Dragon Continent," he revealed, his voice tinged with a touch of pride.

"But I thought your entire fortune was in the Dragon Continent," Barin interjected with surprise.

"Indeed, but during my time in Drakoria, I was a betting analyst." Barodius nodded proudly.

"Eh?" said Barin and Draknis in unison.

Barodius chuckled deeply. "Indeed. It's as if I excel in everything."


In the the Silva Citadel, Lumiere, Serena, Stellaria, Isadora, and Fasit gathered in Serena's room within the expanse of the health center.

Serena, her eyes downcast, began to recount the events of that fateful day, her voice filled with remorse and confusion.

"I... I don't remember much of what happened," Serena confessed, her voice shaking slightly. "But after I witnessed what I thought was Lirien killing Lord Lumiere, something snapped inside me. I was consumed by a raging fury, ready to strike her down."

Isadora, her eyes narrowed in curiosity, raised an elegant eyebrow. "And then what happened, Serena? You mentioned something about a voice," she prompted, her tone inquisitive.

Serena nodded, her voice trembling as she continued her tale. "Yes, it's true. In that moment of darkness, a voice echoed through my mind – the voice of Valtara's heart. It told me to absorb it, to take its essence into myself."

Stellaria floated above them in a peaceful slumber.

Then, stirred awake and chimed in with her usual playful tone. "Oh, come on, little sis. Isn't it obvious? You wanted to become stronger, just like me, your big sister," she exclaimed, a mischievous smile curling her lips.

Serena's expression grew stern as she frowned at Stellaria. "No, Stellaria, that wasn't the reason," she rebuked firmly.

Fasit, wearing a kind smile, quickly interjected, seeking to dispel any tension. "Now, now, Stellaria, let's not make assumptions about Lady Serena's motives," she gently admonished.

Stellaria rolled her eyes but fell silent, knowing Fasit was right.

Lumiere, his normally bright eyes now clouded with an uncharacteristic silence, observed the exchange without uttering a word.

Serena, feeling a growing unease, sought solace in Lumiere's presence, desperately hoping to ease the weight of her confession.

"Lord Lumiere... I... I didn't know what came over me, I-" Serena faltered, her words caught in her throat.

Isadora was equally concerned about his silence.

Lumiere remained silent, his heart heavy with emotions that were difficult to express. His silence bothered everyone who surrounded him, their eyes filled with concern. However, after a moment, Lumiere's expression transformed into one of quiet determination. With slow, deliberate steps, he made his way towards Serena, who anxiously awaited his response.

"I'm sorry," Serena murmured, her voice laced with genuine regret.

Lumiere stood before her, his silence echoing through the room.

Serena took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to continue. "If you wish to terminate our engagement because of this... I won't hold it against you," she confessed, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

Isadora was on the verge of interjecting, her concern for Serena evident in her eyes. Yet Fasit, sensing the gravity of the moment, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, silently urging her to give Lumiere the space he needed.

Lumiere crouched down, meeting Serena at eye level. Placing a hand tenderly upon her head, his touch shocked her, momentarily stealing her breath. And then, a soft, warm smile graced Lumiere's lips, illuminating the whole room. "You don't have to say anything," he whispered gently, his voice like a soothing melody. "It doesn't matter anymore."

Tears welled up in Serena's eyes as she searched Lumiere's gaze, desperately trying to find reassurance in his unwavering affection. Yet, before she could voice her concerns, he interrupted her, his voice filled with unwavering love. "You're precious to me, Serena. That's all that matters," he declared, his words enfolding her in a comforting embrace. "Just because you made one mistake doesn't change how I feel about you."

Time seemed to stand still as Lumiere leaned forward, planting a tender kiss on Serena's forehead. A rush of warmth surged through her, causing her cheeks to bloom into a hue of rosy red. In that moment, the weight of her worries felt lighter than air, washed away by Lumiere's unconditional love.

It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes.

Fasit applauded enthusiastically, while Stellaria rolled her eyes at the spectacle unfolding before them.

With a mischievous grin on her face, Isadora slyly said, "Charming as always, Master."

In a blink of an eye, she disappeared, her form dissipating into a cloud of darkness, only to reappear behind Lumiere. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she leaned in teasingly and began to gently nibble on his ear.

Lumiere sighed deeply, already knowing what was about to follow. "Not this again," he groaned, resisting the tantalizing allure Isadora presented.

Undeterred, Isadora purred softly, her lips brushing against Lumiere's ear. "Wouldn't you like to have some fun with us?" she whispered seductively, her eyes filled with mischief.

Fasit couldn't resist chiming in. "I would very much like to please Great Lumiere," she added enthusiastically, her voice thick with innuendo.

Stellaria raised a single, enigmatic eyebrow. "Sounds fun," she commented.

Amidst the playful banter, Serena, her eyes sparkling mischievously, directed her gaze towards Stellaria. "I would be more than happy to share Lord Lumiere with everyone, except you, my dear 'big' sister," she said, a teasing smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

Stellaria arched her eyebrow higher and matched Serena's gaze.

"Is that so?" she retorted sarcastically. "I highly doubt that Lumiere feels the same way."

Unfazed, Serena shot back confidently. "Then let's ask him," she suggested.

Exhausted by the ongoing commotion, Lumiere let out a heavy sigh, his frustration evident in his tone as he shouted, "Seriously, not this again!"

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