Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 141 I’m in the aftermath of it all? (II)

Chapter 141 I'm in the aftermath of it all? (II)

(POV: Akashic Records)

The moon hung high in the velvety night sky, its ethereal glow casting a beautiful luminescence over the surroundings. The air was filled with the melodies of lively music and joyous laughter as the festivities continued unabated.

The clock was ticking, the hour growing late.

"So, what do you plan to do now?"

Lirien's red eyes met his own, her expression calm and composed.

"...What do you mean...?" she asked.

Lumiere took a breath, mustering his courage as he clarified his question.

"I mean, what's your next move? Will you return to Vyndariel or perhaps seek a new path elsewhere?"

Lirien's gaze shifted, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

"I can't go back to Vyndariel," she admitted, "I've failed him. Our interests no longer align."

A gentle smile Lumiere's countenance.

"I see," he replied.

Lirien's eyes searched his face, sensing something more beneath his response.

"...I'll just wonder aimlessly, and at some point, I'll surely find a new purpose in like, and hopefully... atone for my sins..."

She dropped her mug.

"( In other words, she has no idea what next to do... )" (Lumiere)

Suddenly, the suggestion slipped from Lumiere's lips before he could fully comprehend the weight of his words.

"Lirien," he took a step closer, "this is only a suggestion, but what if you were to serve under me and become my subordinate?"

Lirien's voice, as always, held a dullness to it as she echoed his words.


"Yes, subordinate."

Lumiere closed the distance between them, his eyes shining with sincerity.

"I may not have much to offer, but I can provide food, clothing, and shelter. And, most importantly, you'll have the chance to stay with Isadora once more."

Hearing Lumiere mention her sister, Isadora, Lirien's heart wrenched, swirling hope and trepidation.

She took a deep breath before finally vocalizing her doubts to Lumiere.

"I'm not sure Isadora would look at me the same way she used to," she confessed, her voice hiding sadness behind it. "And Serena... she hates me."

Lumiere's eyes softened, filled with empathy as he assured her, "I'll talk to Serena. As for Isadora, I believe she still cares for you deep down. She doesn't have it in her to truly hate you."

Lirien's red eyes met Lumiere's, latching onto the flicker of assurance in his gaze.

"Do you really think so?" her voice akin to a whisper.

"I know so," he replied.

There was an uncomfortable silence after.

"( Crap, I should say something. )"

Sensing her internal struggle, Lumiere hesitated before continuing, "I'm not doing you just a favor... it's also a favor to myself."

Lirien lifted her head, confusion etched on her face, "A favor to yourself? How?"

"You're strong, Lirien. With the problems that have been arising lately, our little domain is in trouble. Your addition to our ranks would only benefit me in the long run. And if you ever find yourself in trouble, you'll have our support." (Lumiere)

Lirien's head bowed even further, overwhelmed by his words.

Lumiere stepped closer, sincerity in his voice, "I'd never abandon a friend... I won't abandon you."

Her red eyes shimmered with unshed tears, "I'll... think about it."

Lumiere nodded.

"Take all the time you need," he reassured her gently.

As he turned to leave, Lirien remained rooted in place.

Before she knew it, Lumiere had walked past her, bending down to pat her head gently.

With a soft smile, he said, "Fasit might need me to try out some new dishes."

Placing both hands on the area Lumiere patted, Lirien closed her eyes.


Her voice dull yet emotionally inspired.


The festivities carried on throughout the night.

As everyone enjoyed their hearty meals and sipped on frothy mugs of beer, Isadora's gaze shifted discreetly towards Lirien, who had wandered off to a quieter part of the Central District. Determined, Isadora rose from her seat and followed her sister, finding her standing in the moonlit night, lost in silent contemplation.

Isadora approached softly, stepping towards Lirien's side.

Together, they gazed up at the luminous moon, its soft glow casting a gentle light over their faces.

Breaking the silence, Isadora asked, "How was the food?"

"It was... fine." Lirien continued staring at the moon.

Nodding, Isadora took a deep breath before asking, "Are you considering Lumiere's offer?"

Lirien's eyes quivered a bit, her gaze however, never leaving the moon.

"How'd you know?" she questioned.

Isadora's lips curved into a slight smile, her eyes fixed on the moon as she answered, "It's typical of him to try and turn his enemies into friends. So, of course, he'd extend that chance to you."

Lirien let out a soft sigh, her dull features softening.

"You're still as perceptive as ever, Isa," she remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Isadora's smile grew warmer as she replied, "Well, I learned from the best." Her eyes flickered towards Lirien, a silent implication falling between their gazes.

In that moment, beneath the moon's radiant glow, the sisters shared a brief connection - a mixture of longing, understanding, and a glimmer of hope.

Feeling a soft breeze brush against her skin, Lirien settled herself on the lush grass, her gaze instinctively drawn skyward. Beneath the moon's tender glow, she contemplated the weight of Lumiere's offer, mulling over her own worthiness after the mistakes she had made.

"...what do I do now...?"

Isadora joined her on the ground, her eyes filled with gentle understanding.

"It's only by asking yourself that you'll truly know, dear sister," she whispered with a delicate warmth.

Lirien's eyes remained fixed on the heavens as she admitted, "I can't help but doubt if I deserve such kindness. But I guess... I won't find the answer unless I allow myself the chance."

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Isadora's lips. "Perhaps you're right, Lirien," she confided.

As the sisters lingered on the ground, a thought sprung forth from Lirien's heart. She turned to Isadora, the moon's gentle glow casting a halo of light around them.

"...the baby..."


"Have you thought about the baby? What will you name them?"

Isadora's hand instinctively settled upon her flat belly, a radiant smile gracing her features. "I haven't decided yet. I believe that chance will reveal the perfect name, one that Lumiere and I will cherish."

Lirien remained seated, her eyes brimming with emotions.

"Chance seems to favor you, Isa," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the night. "Meeting Lumiere has brought such joy and good fortune into your life. Seeing that fills my heart."

A genuine smile adorned Isadora's face, a reflection of the love she held for her sister. "Thank you, Lirien," she expressed, gratitude radiating from her very being.

Lirien shook her head gently, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

"No thanks are needed. It's enough for me to witness your happiness."

As Isadora turned to leave, her steps carrying her away, she paused, a sudden realization lingering in her heart. She looked back at Lirien, her eyes filled with unwavering affection. "No matter the path you choose, just know that... I love you."

She took her leave.

"...I love you too... Isa..."

A tear rolled out one of Lirien's eyes, and down her cheek.

"...thank you..."

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