Chapter 289 Two “sisters” alone? (III)

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Lumila gazed at the tear-streaked face of the little girl.

There was a strange familiarity aching in her heart.

The quaint gazebo they stood in seemed to trigger a memory buried deep within her mind.

As she pondered, a flicker of recognition crossed her features, and she whispered, almost to herself, "This gazebo... it reminds me of the one..."

She paused, her eyes fixed on the child before her, and a sudden realization struck her.

"She... she looks so much like Elise," she murmured.

Lumila crouched down, her eyes level with the girl's, and studied her intently.

"If anything, this child is..."

Her hand extended, trembling slightly, as she attempted to touch the girl. But her hand passed through the ethereal figure, a mere illusion that appeared so hauntingly real. "As I thought, just a mirage," Lumila said, her voice calm despite the situation.

She raised her slender fingers to her chin, lost in thought as she observed the delicate features of the child. A question lingered in her mind, musing over the reason for the girl's tears.

"Why're you crying? It seems you're always crying... did you wet the bed again?"

Lumila's gaze hardened as she glared at the little girl before her.

"Crying won't solve anything," she told her plainly.

Expectedly, there was no response from the little girl.

Under her breath, she muttered, "I wish I could just slap some sense into you."

But despite Lumila's harsh words, the child continued to sob, seemingly unaware of her presence. Lumila, however, refused to be deterred. She spoke to the child as if she could hear every word, her voice gentle yet firm.

"Stop crying, for goodness sake! Expressing your emotions in such a foolish manner will get you nowhere. There's never any reason to shed tears over anything."

It was then, in that moment of despair, that the little girl slowly raised her head, her glassy eyes meeting Lumila's gaze. With trembling hands, she wiped away the remnants of her tears and whispered.

"Lu... Mila..."

Lumila's eyes widened.

The surprise in her eyes as the little girl locked eyes with her and spoke her name.

"Wait, you can see me?" Lumila questioned.

But before the child could respond, a voice suddenly chimed in from behind.

"Elise, you're always crying. What happened now?"

Lumila turned, her gaze falling upon a smaller version of herself, resembling her when she was around seven years old.

The little Lumila pushed past Lumila, her tiny figure casting a shadow upon Elise. Folding her small arms, she looked down at her sister and friend.

There was a steeled look on her face.

"Why are you crying?" the younger Lumila asked.

Elise, still seated on the grass, wiped away more tears and managed to speak.

"I... I... I was scared... I was scared that those goblins hurt you more than what your mother said... And it was all because you were keeping me safe... I'm sorry..."

Lumila watched this. Then, she recalled.

"Oh yeah, that's right... We did come across some goblins in the forest around that period. If I remember correctly, I almost broke my arm."

The little Lumila flashed a proud grin, revealing numerous bandages wrapped around her arms and face, covering cuts and bruises. Her tomboyish appearance became evident through her rugged attire and spirit. Reassuring Elise, she flexed the muscle on her slender right arm and proudly declared her strength.

"Don't worry, I'm strong, hehe," she reassured with a confident grin.

Elise watched, a small smile forming on her face as she admitted, "I want to be strong like you, Lumila. You're always protecting me, but I don't want that. I want to be strong too."

The little Lumila crouched down, gently patting Elise on the shoulder.

With a tender voice, she assured her, "You can't force becoming strong okay...? That comes naturally, you'll get stronger when you've made the choice to become stronger, and those choices come at their own time..."

"Their own... Time...?" Elise asked.

Little Lumila tapped her chin finding a better representation of what she was saying.

"I mean, you'll decide to get stronger when you've seen someone you're ready to protect..."

"But won't people hate me for crying too much?" Elise asked.

The younger Lumila clenched her tiny fist.

"No one will judge you for your shortcomings... Anyone who does will get a beating from me," she declared.

Elise's determination shone brightly in her gaze as she declared her newfound resolve.

Lumila, taken aback by her sister's strong resolve, uttered a soft "Hm?"

Little Lumila then smiled calmly but with confidence.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" she asked.

Elise's eyes widened.

With a smile that reached her eyes, she revealed her decision. "I've made up my mind," she said.

And then at the same time, Lumila and Elise said these words:

"I'm going to get stronger... So that I can also do my best to protect you...!"

Little Lumila's heart skipped a beat, emotions flickering in her eyes as her cheeks turned a rosy shade of red.

She gazed deeply at Elise for a moment before quickly looking away, her own embarrassment evident.

And then our of nowhere, she lightly knocked Elise on the head with her tiny fist.

Elise, taken aback, placed her hands on her head, eyes looking up at her sister. "Why'd you hit me? That was mean," she said, her voice wavering as tears welled up in her eyes.

Little Lumila stammered, feeling a pang of guilt and embarrassment herself.

She finally found her voice and explained, "It's because you're a cry baby. Cry babies aren't strong enough to protect anyone."

Elise's eyes filled with both hurt and confusion.

"But you said no one would make fun of me for crying too much," she retorted, her voice breaking. "But you're doing just that..."

Little Lumila folded her arms and looked away for a moment before turning back to face Elise.

"B-Baka! Just because I say it won't happen doesn't mean it won't," she replied. "But you know what you should tell them when they make fun of you?"

Elise, curious yet uncertain, asked, "What should I tell them?"

Little Lumila leaned in, and whispered into Elise's ear. "Tell them that you're sorry," she said.

That was an absolutely confusing thing to say to someone who made fun of you.

Confusion marked Elise's face as she asked, "I should?"

Little Lumila nodded confidently.

"Yes, telling them 'I'm sorry'... It'll be our secret code. It means that your best friend and sister, me, will kick their asses when I catch them making fun of you," she declared.

"So cool..." Elise replied.

"Well of course," little Lumila smiled. "I'm awesome of course, just make sure you don't forget it..."

"I promise, I won't!"

Lumila's face saddened even more.

Little Lumila knelt down in front of Elise.

"Don't worry, Elise. No matter what happens, I'll always protect you," she vowed.

Elise's head lowered, a hint of sadness in her voice as she shared her thoughts.

"It's not fair," she whispered softly.

"What do you mean?" Little Lumila gently asked.

Elise raised her head, her eyes shining with an earnest desire. "I want to protect you too," she confessed.

A radiant smile spread across Little Lumila's face as she stood up, reaching out to pat Elise's head lovingly.

"Someday, you'll have that chance, my lovely sister," she encouraged. "But for now, let me be the one to protect you."

Elise hesitated for a moment, her gaze wavering before she finally nodded. "O... Okay," she agreed.

Little Lumila's eyes sparkled as she suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, that reminds me," she exclaimed, tossing a black scarf to Elise.

"Hm?" Lumila uttered, watching.

"Since you're always shy, you can use this to hide your face and avoid direct contact with others. You can also use it to clean your tears or hide your face when you're sad or unhappy."

Elise looked at the scarf in awe, her hands clutching it gently.

She hugged it to her chest. "As long as it's from you, I'll cherish it."

Little Lumila giggled. "Actually, I didn't buy it," she confessed. "It originally belonged to some fat rich kid of an Earl who got bullied. He cried just like you did."

Elise pouted. "You're making fun of me again, aren't you?" she accused.

Then, little Lumila held her hands up defensively, laughter bubbling in her voice. "No, no! Just making a little observation."

As the two sisters laughed and bantered, Lumila watched them from a distance. Crouching down, she rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her palms, a tender smile gracing her face.

But then she remembered...

The scarf Elise had kept for almost twelve years, was what Lumila ripped.

"I'm... The worst..."

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