Chapter 333 How to cheer him up?

Winter Break Arc


(POV: Akashic Records)

Aldnoah Magic University.

The cafeteria.

Lucilia slumped in her seat while venting her frustrations to Stellaria.

Outside, heavy snowstorms raged on, trapping students on campus despite their break time.

Lucilia couldn't help but complain about Lumiere's recent odd behavior, unable to comprehend the reason behind it.

Normally, no one would be this worried about it if he told them why. Maybe then, they'd give him some space. But as he hadn't told them the reason for his depression, it ultimately left them curious to know.

Leaning over a steaming bowl of hot soup, Stellaria delicately scooped a spoonful before blowing on it softly.

She appeared completely calm; not a worry in the world.

"I just don't understand why he's acting this way," Lucilia grumbled, she was exasperated.

Stellaria raised an eyebrow, her expression calm.

She blew on her spoonful of soup once more before responding, "And? What's the big deal?"

Lucilia's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? You don't believe me?" she exclaimed, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

From her perspective, she believed Stellaria had already concluded that Lucilia was exaggerating about Lumiere's current state.

Shaking her head gently, Stellaria took a sip of her soup, carefully choosing her words. "No, I believe you. There's no point in lying," she replied, her voice even and devoid of judgment.

An uncomfortable silence hung between them, the noise of the cafeteria serving as a backdrop. Lucilia found it hard to believe it was actually Stellaria who made these statements, to her it came as difficult to comprehend.

Stellaria eventually broke the silence, asking, "So, what'd you want from me?"

Lucilia looked at Stellaria intently. "Shouldn't you try to console him? He's clearly feeling down and in need of someone's support, anyone's," she pleaded, hoping Stellaria would understand.

Stellaria took another sip of her soup, her gaze distant. "But what would be the point? Even if I were to summon Serena through a portal, she might not be able to do much to uplift his spirits," she mused.

It was obvious she opted for the more emotionally logical approach— which was to let him sort it out himself.

As for Lucilia, she insisted on the emotionally suitable approach— to help him get through it.

Lucilia's eyes widened. "But you have to try!"

"I should, but that doesn't mean I'll go out of my way to do that... It's too stressful... and besides, I warned him." Stellaria yawned.

"You what?" Lucilia asked.

"Not important..."

"You like Lumiere, don't you? Don't you care about how he feels?"

Stellaria slurped the remaining soup from her spoon, her lips curling into a sardonic smile. "Yes, I do like him, but only when he's in his right state of mind. I just want to tease and have fun with him then. I'm not the touchy-feely type," she admitted.

If anyone was good at that, then it was definitely Serena.

Lucilia's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at Stellaria, struggling to find the words to respond to her tactless remark. Stellaria, seemingly unbothered by the shock she had caused, let out a yawn before nonchalantly scooping up another spoonful of soup.

"Is that seriously all you brought me here for? I have better things to do, you know."

Stellaria slurped the soup and then was about to stand and take her leave.

Feeling heavily frustrated, Lucilia pleaded with her, "Wait, Stellaria. Please, just give me a moment."

Stellaria rolled her eyes and dropped the spoon back into the bowl. Stretching her arms languidly, she contemplated whether she should indulge Lucilia any further. Finally, she let out a heavy sigh and regarded her companion heavy annoyance.

"Alright, but make it quick. You're definitely testing my patience here."

Lucilia mustered her courage and decided to share her true intentions.

"I was hoping you could at least reach out to Serena. Lumiere could really use some cheering up right now."

Stellaria nodded, a begrudging compliance lingered in her eyes. "Sure, fine. I'll do it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have plans with some friends to attend to."

As Stellaria departed, leaving Lucilia alone with her abandoned bowl of soup, she was completely disappointed. She found it inconceivable that Stellaria would prioritize having fun with friends over helping Lumiere in his time of need.

Still, she was still determined to make things right.

Standing up, she placed her hands on her hips and let out a heavy sigh.

"If only I didn't leave things on such bad terms with Lumiere. Perhaps then, I could have reached out to him again."

She contemplated heading out of the cafeteria and straight to his hostel, but hesitated. After a moment of reflection, she decided it'd be best to exercise patience and allow some time to pass.

"He might still be angry, I'll give him some time..."

Taking a seat back on the bench, Lucilia immersed herself in deep thought, weighing her next move carefully.


On the vast expanse of snow-covered fields on campus, Stellaria strolled leisurely, her hands tucked warmly into the pockets of her coat. The snow glittered under the sunlight. Softly whistling a tune, she tried to enjoy her surroundings, but even that proved too "stressful" for her.

"Jeez, can it get any brighter here..." Stellaria lazily remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

She continued her walk.

Of course, she had to meet with Fanatio and Genevieve today, but nevertheless her movement seemed like an aimless wander than a purposeful one.

Then, she unexpectedly stumbled upon Lucretia and Simone engaged in a deep conversation. Intrigued, she halted in her tracks, her blue eyes narrowing in curiosity.

"Hm?" she uttered, leaning in slightly to eavesdrop.

The "topic" interested her.

Lucretia sighed with a heavy heart. "I don't know what to do anymore. Lumiere must seriously hate me now," she looked depressed.

"So that's the reason you didn't eat this morning..."

Slight embarrassment carved on her face. "Y... Yeah, I guess so."

"So you think he hates you?"

"Well yeah, why not? You saw what he said to me..." Lucretia?s shoulders slumped.

Simone pondered the statement for a moment before countering, "Is that really a possibility?"

Confused, that was how Lucretia felt, she leaned forward. "Go on."

"Well, Lumiere doesn't strike me as the kind of person who could hate anyone. He's far too kind-hearted for that," she suggested.

Lucretia paused, her hand gently rubbing her chin as she contemplated Simone's words. Eventually, she said, "Is that really possible?"

"It's only my opinion of him from the little I've seen..." Simone bowed her head gently.

An awkward chuckle escaped Lucretia's lips. "I guess I don't know Lumiere that well either. We only met that one night, but for some... I don't know, magical reason, I felt an undeniable connection with him."

"So, what'd you plan to do now?" Simone asked.

"Gosh, I don't know," Lucretia sighed again. "It'd be too weird to talk to him."

Simone cleared her throat before responding thoughtfully, "True, you may be engaged to the Goldcrest Earl, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends with Lumiere."

Lucretia nodded slowly. "I suppose you're right," she admitted, a faint smile gracing her lips.

Simone mirrored the smile, reassuring Lucretia, "Most of the time, I certainly am."

"Jeez, so humble." Lucretia smirked.

A proud look remained on Simone?s face. "Of course," she bowed her head again. "I learnt from the best after all."

Lucretia laughed a bit and they started walking again.

"Maybe I should make him something?!"

"Uh, Lady Lucretia, no offense, but you're not really the best chef..."

"The Earl likes my cooking though."

"Not your cooking, he likes you."

"Same thing."

Watching them leave, Stellaria dressed the hair bangs that were hanging out of her warm winter cap. She looked at them for a bit and then forward.

"He has enough people to help him already, mine wouldn't make a difference..."

She kept walking.

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