Chapter 39: I've established a council?

After defeating Fenghis Rhan, the urgent need to plan the next move couldn't be neglected.

I quickly summoned a council meeting that included representatives from both the Grygan and Minotaur sides.

The Wyvern Pass served as the perfect space for discussion, and since it was neutral ground, none could claim ownership or power, removing all forms of bias.

As the meeting started, my attention was on Fasit, chieftess of the evolved Grygans, and Skarz, new Minotaur Lord of the Andarbani territory.

They were the ones who would lead each side's representation.

I watched as Skarz was accompanied by two Minotaur elders, and Fasit was assisted by Old man Martini, a wise and respected elder.

I could feel the tension and silent battle of wills as the two sides sat across from each other on the earth platforms provided for them to sit on.

The Minotaur elders (Bazirta & Kumiga) were intimidating in their massive, muscular build, and their grip on their weapon was steady.

Fasit's voice was calm and controlled as she spoke, but I could sense her pride and determination.

Serena sat next to me, steadfast and unwavering, a tangible force ready to support me whenever needed.

I glanced in Sangria's presumed location, she was scouting from a distance with her [Enhanced Vision], giving the meeting an increased level of security.

I, Lumiere, stood at the forefront of what would be the most defining moment for the future of the Beast Domain's north-east.

Fasit, chieftess of the evolved Grygans, leaned forward and asked if we could commence with the meeting.

"Yes, please proceed," I said with a nod.

My first order of business was to address the issue of the minotaurs.

As the new ruler of the north-east, I could not take sides, but I had to be fair to both parties.

I announced that the minotaurs would not be punished for their insurrection, and that Fenghis Rhan's death would suffice as payment for their sins.

The Minotaurs, both relieved and grateful, nodded in agreement, while the Grygans, being benevolent as always, showed their agreement with nods of their own.

But despite the resolution, I continued, the fact remained that many minotaurs had lost their lives in battle.

No amount of rewards could bring those heroes back.

I then stressed the root of their problems was poor communication and lack of cooperation.

I explained that my goal was not to gain any reward that came with ruling both the grygans and minotaurs lands.

It was to promote peace between the two sides.

"We can't bring back the dead," I said sincerely, "but if it takes getting the herd and herdsmen talking again, and working together, then I won't hesitate to make that happen. Working together is the only way we will build a prosperous future for everyone."

Bazirta, one of the elder minotaurs, looked at me quizzically and asked, "Is that all, High Minotaur Lord?"

I thought for a moment and then answered, "No, it is not. You all must understand something: I cannot be dedicated to one side at the expense of the other. That is not justice. Instead, I propose that we create a council of the Grygans and Minotaurs that will guide me in making the best decisions for both parties. Each side will have equal representation on the council, so there will be no bias on my part."

As I said this, I hoped it would be enough to create peace between the two factions.

But deep down, I knew that this was just the beginning.

The politics of the north-east were far from over.

As the conversation continued, Serena muttered to herself, clearly bored out of her mind.

I couldn't help but sympathize with her, but I knew this was important.

I stood up and explained my plan: "I'll be promoting myself from Grygan Lord to the High Grygan Lord. This will allow me to pass on the title of Grygan Lord to Fasit, and Old Man Martini will become the chief of the evolved Grygans."

Fasit and Old Man Martini nodded in agreement, happy with the proposal.

Kumiga, always eager for more information, cleared his throat and asked, "But how will the council come into play?"

I smiled, "With me becoming the High Lord of this region, I'll also become the leader of the council. From there, I'll hand my family name to Skarz. This will give all the minotaurs a chance to evolve."

The minotaurs cheered at the news, overjoyed at the prospect of evolving.

Fasit and Old Man Martini, who had been against the minotaurs evolving before, couldn't help but smile at the display of happiness.

I knew this had been a long time coming, and I was glad to have been able to facilitate it.

Serena sighed loudly a few times, clearly still bored out of her mind.

I turned to her and said, "This is the beginning of a new era, Serena. I know it might seem tedious, but this is important for everyone's future."

She looked at me skeptically, but nodded. "Alright, I'll try to pay attention," she said.

With the formation of the council, the grygans and minotaurs could finally work together and make decisions that benefited everyone in the region.

"I have another proposal," I said, my heart beating fast.

Skarz and the other minotaurs looked at me curiously. "What is it?" Skarz asked.

"Could you offer us some of the herbs that grow on your part of the region?" I asked. "And some of the iron ore you have? We noticed your weapons and armor are made of iron, and they seem sturdy enough."

Bazirta was initially reluctant, but Skarz quickly agreed. "Of course we can offer that. We're happy to contribute to this alliance."

"But that's not all," I added, my nerves kicking in. "We were wondering if the minotaurs could offer some labor services to us. We're planning on building some structures for our people, and we'll need all the help we can get to make sure everything runs smoothly. It would be beneficial for both our races."

Kumiga spoke up, "You're being biased towards the minotaurs, Lord Lumiere. They're already offering so much."

I shook my head, "No, I'm being generous. We'll still be supplying the minotaurs with medicines, and we have the best ones in the Beast's Domain. Plus, we'll be providing more security to the region than the minotaurs since we're currently stronger. It's only fair that they pitch in where they can."

Kumiga seemed to consider my words before finally backing down. "Alright, I see your point."

Skarz smiled. "We're happy to work together with you, Lord Lumiere. Together, our two races will be unstoppable."

Sure, I might be with the minotaurs too, but I'd always belong to the grygans.

I smiled back at Skarz, feeling a sense of relief now that we had reached an agreement. "Thank you, Skarz. And thank you to everyone here for taking the time to meet with me. I'm glad we were able to come to a mutual understanding and work towards a better future for both our races."

After a moment of silence, Skarz spoke up. "Would you like us to show you more of our land, the resources and trades we can offer?"

I nodded eagerly. "That would be fantastic."

As we made our way out of the pass, I was excited.

The possibility of working together with the minotaurs and exploring new lands was thrilling.

It was a step forward towards creating lasting peace in the Beast's Domain.

I turned to Skarz, "I hope this is just the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership."

Skarz nodded, "As do I, Lumiere. As do I."

The council was made up of,

1. Lumiere - The council's head, advocating for peace and understanding between the two races in the north-eastern region.

2. Serena - The council's second-in-command.

3. Skarz - The leader of the minotaurs, representing his people and their interests in negotiations with other races.

4. Fasit - The leader of the grygans, representing his people and their interests in negotiations with other races.

5. Kumiga - The chieftain of the minotaurs, providing insight into the needs and wants of his people.

6. Martini - The chieftain of the grygans, providing insight to his people's needs and wants.

7. Bazirta - A minotaur trader, merchant and elder who utilizes his vast knowledge of commerce and valuable resources within the Beast's Domain.

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