Chapter 53: I've acquired an Apex Skill? (R-18)

Isadora's nimble fingers explored the depths of my pants, caressing and teasing my throbbing cock with a deft touch. She pulled away and I watched as she rubbed her clit with expert movements, her juices flowing freely over her fingers.

A devilish smile spread across Serena's face as she crept up on my left, while Fasit's piercing gaze caught mine from the right.

My body trembled with anticipation and desire, but I knew I had to hold back – my companions were like hungry beasts, driven by an insatiable lust that threatened to consume me.

I wasn't ready for this.

I summoned my [Wind Magic], using its power to push them back as I retreated out of the cramped little room.

Serena called out to me, "Lord Lumiere?!" her voice thick with desire, while Fasit begged, "Stay Great Lumiere, we'll take care of you."

Isadora simply sighed, lamenting the loss of her newfound pleasure. "Just when it was getting fun," she licked her fingers.

As I sprinted past the bewildered Skarz and Martini, my mind raced with amazement.


After a much-needed reprieve from the intense moment shared with Isadora, Fasit, and Serena, I now found myself in the quaint little house. Resting beside me was Serena, while I perused my status board to check on the progress of my skills.

It was then that I unlocked a new section, known as Skill Points - SP and the board showed that I had gained about 800 skill points from spanking my three companions.

As I pondered the meaning of SP, I couldn't help but wonder if these points could be allocated to develop my skills, which would make me even stronger. Then, as I mulled it over, I realized that if this was the case, the strongest person in the world would be none other than the Demon Emperor.

I didn't know his real name and neither did Isadora, but the rumour is that he has nine wives, which is a true testament to his strength.

Deep in thought, I rubbed my chin before letting out a sigh. Although the thought crossed my mind, I decided it was best not to dwell on it.

Suddenly, Serena's melodic voice snapped me back to the present "Are you okay, Lord Lumiere?"

I smiled, stroking her hair gently as "It's nothing important, don't worry about it.."

With a purr and a smile, she nestled closer to me, content in her trust and comfort in my arms.

『Skill Points: 800』

Deep in thought, I stroked my chin, wondering how best to use my 800 hard-earned or rather "hard while earning" skill points. I pondered this for a moment before realizing that I should approach this task with prudence and frugality.

I decided to activate [Higher Full Potential], a sub-skill of 『Beginner's Luck』, which would allow me to increase the number of points I received once my skills were updated. While the effectiveness of this ability was merely theoretical, I was confident in my aptitude to put it into practice.

To my surprise, [Lord of Theorems], another sub-skill of 『Beginner's Luck』, helped to transform my theories into a tangible principle. This incredible ability would permit me to double the number of skill points I earned.

That means my 800 skill points could potentially increase up to 2000 skill points! The power of my Unique Skill, [Beginner's Luck], was unmatched, offering me unprecedented good fortune.

I grinned at Serena, "I think I just made a break through!"

Serena asked, "Really? So, what will you do with the 2000 skill points?"

After some consideration, I realized that I could upgrade my Unique Skill, 『Creator』, with the added skill points.

As I transferred the 2000 skill points to 『Creator』, my status window suddenly shut down.

"What's wrong?" Serena asked with an elevated brow.

I was equally confused. "I don't know, I just put the skill points and it shut down.."

"Maybe you shouldn't have put 2000 skill points into one?" (Serena)

My eyebrows furrowed, "No, that can't be it.."

After a few moments of confusion, my status window returned, and I noticed that I had acquired a new ability.

My Unique Skill, 『Creator』, had transformed into an incredible Apex Skill known as 『God of Creation: Urupein』.

『 --Status Update--

You have acquired the Apex Skill 『God of Creation: Urupein』.

『God of Creation: Urupein』is an Apex Skill that can only be obtained by those who have reached the pinnacle of their respective classes, as it requires the mastery of multiple skills and abilities.

The skill allows the user to channel their spirit and life force into pure energy, which they can then use to create and shape reality itself. With this ability, the user can manipulate the fundamental laws of the world and reshape matter on a molecular level. This means that they can create anything they desire, from simple objects to entire worlds and even gods.

The power of 『God of Creation: Urupein』 is only limited by the user's imagination, willpower, and overall strength.

Additionally, the user can imbue their creations with their own life force, granting them sentience and allowing them to act independently. These creations can also be imbued with various abilities and skills that the user possesses, making them extremely formidable.

However, it should be noted that the use of 『God of Creation: Urupein』 requires a significant amount of energy and can be draining on the user. 』

Stunned, I stumbled backward, completely overwhelmed by this unprecedented power.

I buried my face in my hands, not entirely happy with this level of strength, and sobbed. "Why? Why did I get such an incredibly potent skill? I wanted something new, but not something this mighty."

Serena looked at me with concern, "Is everything alright?"

Still, reeling from the revelation, I nodded, "Yeah, everything is alright. It's just that 『God of Creation: Urupein』 is a god-like ability that puts immense power at my fingertips. I can create anything I desire."

As my status window shut down, Serena's also beeped, indicating that she too had unlocked a skill. "Hey, look at that!" Serena exclaimed. "Seems like I've got a skill too!"

I nodded. "It's not surprising since you're my summon."

Serena smiled, and I could tell she was relieved that we could share this moment together. However, my stomach churned with unease. I regretted gaining this power from All-Father. I hoped it wouldn't lead to any ill consequences down the line.

"You know," Serena said thoughtfully, "I'm kinda glad you got that power from daddy. Now we're together."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Serena tilted her head, looking at me curiously. "You don't seem too bothered about gaining a skill that allows you to create entire worlds."

I shrugged. "I haven't met the requirements to access the skill yet."

Serena rubbed her chin. "Ah, I see. You'd have to become the equivalent of a god to use it."

I nodded slowly. "So, like a Curse King, Demon King, or Demigod?"

"Exactly," she agreed.

I sighed. Becoming a god was easier said than done.

Serena then informed me that All-Father also had an ability similar to 『God of Creation: Urupein』. However, his was called 『God of Creation: Brahma』, and it was an Apex Skill bestowed upon him by the gods of the Welkin Continent.

"That's interesting," I remarked. "When I met him, I appeared in a white room of nothingness. Was that one of his creations?"

Serena nodded. "Yes, that's where daddy usually meets people."

I frowned. "If my Apex Skill is anything like All-Father's, then I can't take back whatever I've created. That kinda sucks."

Serena nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, but on the bright side, you can always create something new!"

I grunted. "True, but what if I accidentally create something hideous?"

Serena grinned. "Don't worry about it! I'll always be here to help you clean up your messes."

I smiled, feeling comforted by her words. "Thanks, Serena. You're the best."

She winked. "You're damn right I am."

Honestly, I wasn't sure how All-Father would be if he discovered his precious daughter was using the word - "damn". Then again, he did want her to get more accustomed to our world, so technically I was doing my job perfectly.


『God of Creation: Urupein』

Description: This Apex Skill allows the user to create anything from scratch, such as creatures, objects, and entire worlds.


- The user must have a very high level of mastery over magic and the essence of creation.

- The user must be in a peaceful and calm state of mind in order to create something.

- The user must have attained god hood.

System of Activation:

- The user must focus their magic and essence of creation towards a specific area, intending to create something.

- The user must then use a verbal command to define the parameters of what they want to create, such as its size, shape, and abilities.


- The user cannot use this skill to bring back the dead or undo past events.

- The user cannot take back what they have created, as it becomes real and permanent once created.

- Creating something too large or complex can drain the user's magic and cause physical exhaustion.

- Creating something that goes against the natural laws of the world can cause unforeseeable consequences.

Variations and Sub-Skills:

- [God's Eye]: The user gains the ability to see everything within a certain radius, giving them a comprehensive understanding of the environment and any threats they may face. Look at it like omniscient spectacles that analyzes everything within the realm of existence.

- [Godly Resonance]: The user can infuse their creations with a portion of their own power, enhancing their abilities and creating a mental link between the user and the creation.

- [God's Blessing]: The user can imbue their creations with a specific blessing, such as a healing ability or immunity to certain types of damage.


『God of Creation: Brahma』

Description: This Apex Skill allows the user to create entire worlds and alter existing ones at will.


- The user must have a very high level of spiritual energy and mastery over the essence of creation.

- The user must be in a state of meditation in order to properly use this skill.

System of Activation:

- The user must focus their spiritual energy and essence of creation to a specific area, intending to create or alter something.

- The user must then use a mental command to define the parameters of what they want to create or alter, such as its size, shape, and characteristics.


- The user cannot use this skill to undo past events or bring back the dead.

- Creating or altering a world can deplete a significant amount of the user's spiritual energy.

- Altering the natural laws of a world can cause unforeseeable consequences and disrupt the balance of nature.

- Creating or altering a world requires the user to have a deep understanding of the world's history and the interactions between different aspects of the world.

Variations and Sub-Skills:

- [World Creation]: The user can create an entire world from scratch, including its history, geography, and inhabitants.

- [World Alteration]: The user can alter an existing world, changing its geography, natural laws, and history.

- [Divine Protection]: The user can grant certain blessings or protections to a world or its inhabitants, such as immunity to certain types of damage or natural disasters.

So, this explains why Lumiere has the Sacred Benefaction called All-Father's Crest of Guidance. [Divine Protection] made it happen.

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