Chapter 65: I'm in a marriage treaty?!

Seated in Lumiere's spacious office in the Central District was the most influential figures of both territories in what looked like a mini United Nations meeting. Every chair around the massive table was filled except for the one at the head which Lumiere sat on. The office featured high ceilings with elegant chandeliers (courtesy of Thrain), and the walls had a unique blend of colored stones that gave the entire office a pristine look. The council members were present too. Serena, Fasit, Isadora, Skarz, Martini, Bazirta, and Kumiga composed the council members' group.

Lumiere had started the meeting with a quick rundown of recent events. He explained precisely what Verpace had come with, how he saved the Grygans, and how he resolved the minotaurs' dispute, claiming and consolidating power over the vast territories. Once he had finished, he apologized that he did not have any drinks but water to offer. But King Kaelin wasn't having any of that.

"You apologized, but no need my boy, that's not why I traveled this far now." He said, pushing away offered water, "I heard a different story from Verpace's ordeal."

Lumiere raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Oh, and what was the story?" he asked.

Kaelin rubbed his chin before replying, "Verpace told me you and your people were savages, who beat him up with underhanded tactics."

Isadora jumped to her feet and pounded her fists on the table, yelling, "That's not true! Master would never stoop so low! And we have no reason to do that to a guest!"

Serena concurred with a nod, adding, "My lord always does the best he can for us all. And besides, Verpace is a filthy liar!"

Eris quietly folded her arms, her mind thinking of a different way to insult Verpace, confirming her submission to their relationship. "I could always see that he was lying through his eyes, father."

King Kaelin nodded and replied, "It seems like all we've had so far is a simple misunderstanding" laughing it off with the councilors and Lumiere too.

After exchanging small talk, Kaelin broached the subject of the treaty they had discussed earlier. Lumiere nodded in agreement, ready to sign on the dotted line, but Kaelin had a more unconventional idea. Instead of a written contract, Kaelin proposed that Lumiere's engagement to Eris would serve as the physical contract and a show of good faith.

"Why me?" Lumiere inquired, puzzled about being selected as the sole representative of the Beasts' Domain.

"Because you defeated my daughter in battle," Kaelin replied with a smug grin.

Lumiere chuckled, scratching the back of his head, "Barely. I mostly negotiated my way to a win."

Skarz nodded, chiming in, "Yes, Lord Lumiere's negotiating skills are second to none!"

Kaelin smirked, "Exactly. As I see it, the fact that you got my daughter to concede shows true excellence."

Eris beamed with pride at the compliments to Lumiere, grabbing her father's arm and declaring, "Lumi is awesome! He's a genius!"

Kaelin explained to Lumiere that entering the treaty would give him even more influence in the Great Forest and an extra plot of land. When Lumiere asked if it was some sort of fief, Kaelin clarified that it was similar but without any obligations in return.

However, not everyone was on board with Lumiere and Eris's engagement. Gaun, Eris's brother, expressed his discomfort with "human scum" marrying his sister. Zerzel, the adviser, agreed with him.

Lumiere's council members glared at Gaun and were ready to defend their leader, but Eris took matters into her own hands. "Don't call Lumi scum!" With one swift punch, she sent Gaun flying out of the Central District and into the skies.

A tremor rocked the entire building.

"Damn it! I wish I'd done that!" Isadora spat.

Eris glared at Zerzel, "You want some too?"

Zerzel squeaked and maintained his silence. He performed a zipping of the mouth gesture to show his composure.

"(Woah, I think I'm gonna like being married to her...)" (Lumiere)

"I wish they'd also do that to Verpace.." Fasit mentioned, nodding her head constantly.

Skarz laughed. "Agreed!"

"Well, that's settled then," Lumiere chuckled, "Let's sign this engagement treaty!"

As the treaty approached, Lumiere gathered his council members for consultation. "What do you all think about signing this treaty?" he asked them.

Kumiga, the chieftain of the minotaurs, replied first. "I believe that signing the treaty will help foster better relations with the Beasts' Domain, which can lead to benefits for everyone," he said.

Bazirta nodded in agreement. "I agree. The treaty could bring about more trade and commerce opportunities," she added.

Fasit engulfed Lumiere in a tight hug, pressing her ample bosom against his face, making him struggle for air. "I think it's an excellent decision," she said, winking at him slyly.

Isadora swooped in, forcefully pulling Lumiere away from Fasit's breasts and against hers. "Fasit, please!" she scolded them.

Aradon, the youngest of Kaelin's children, suddenly chimed in. "Those aunties have really big breasts!" he declared, causing everyone's jaws to drop in shock.

Kaelin quickly scolded his son. "Aradon, that is not appropriate to say. Please apologize," he said sternly.

Aradon shrugged and continued to chant "breasts, breasts, breasts," laughing maniacally.

Skarz and Martini snickered at Aradon's outburst and turned to Lumiere. "How do you manage to attract so many ladies, Great Lumiere? Teach us your ways!" they begged.

Serena smiled contentedly, watching the banter unfold among the council members.

Lumiere turned to Kaelin. "You know, Eris could be my second wife," he joked.

Kaelin rolled his eyes but chuckled. "Even if you made her your tenth wife, she would still say yes," he said, prompting Eris to launch herself at Lumiere and lick his cheek excitedly.

"Marriage will be fun, Lumiere!" Eris shouted.

Lumiere grinned to himself, knowing that Eris had no idea what marriage truly entails.

The momentous moment had arrived, and King Kaelin extended his hand for a handshake to seal the treaty. But as Lumiere, who had his beloved Eris wrapped around him, was about to shake Kaelin's hand, the King suddenly spoke up. "Wait a minute, my dear friend," he said. "Don't you want to name your territory?"

Lumiere looked quizzical. "What do you mean?"

Fasit smacked her forehead with her palm. "Oops, I forgot to tell you! Every other domain in the Beasts' Domain has a name."

King Kaelin nodded, stroking his beard. "Indeed, you must name your domain as well." He began to list off territories and their titles, his voice rolling like distant thunder.

The Lizardmen had the Scaled Domain, the Orcs had the Orcenclad Hold, the Merfolk boasted the Azure Abyss, the Ogres and Trolls had the Giant's Forge, the Dark Elves had the Shadowed Expanse, and the Goblins called the Dusty Precipice their own.

Finally, the Beast Kingdom itself was known as the Feral Dominion.

Lumiere furrowed his brow, scanning his surroundings for inspiration. But no matter how hard he focused, he couldn't conjure a suitable name for his new domain.

"I've got nothing," he admitted, turning to Serena. "You got any ideas?"

Serena looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hmm. How about the Silva Citadel?"

There was a moment of silence as everyone considered Serena's suggestion. Then, surprisingly, Kaelin whooped with delight. "By the stars, that's a perfect name!"

Lumiere nodded approvingly and reached out to shake Kaelin's hand. As their palms met, the treaty was sealed, and Lumiere Del Silva of Silva Citadel became the proud ruler of his very own domain.

"I guess that's how you name a territory," Lumiere quipped jokingly to Eris, who giggled in response.

Thus, the story of Lumiere's engagement to the Beast Princess and his establishment of Silva Citadel came to a close, but the future remained bright and full of promise.

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