Chapter 77 Bluestella?s objectives?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc


(POV: Bluestella)

The Holy Sword Festival was just around the corner, and as expected, my first child, Jericho, had planned to participate.

Honestly, that boy.

It was a tournament that welcomed participants of any gender, but Lora and Lana, being ladies of class, were not interested in joining an event that they deemed beneath them.

Ayisha's child, Genevieve, on the other hand, seemed to lack common sense - for a member of royalty to choose to be a knight was an unexpected and unwise decision.

But it wasn't my place to interfere; I was just thankful that Lana had recovered from her unfortunate poisoning ordeal caused by my scheme to remove Arthur from power.

Speaking of which, I had never intended for my daughter to be hurt, and her suffering was a bitter pill to swallow.

Lumiere, Grey's bastard child, had somehow managed to lift the curse from her body - a feat that I couldn't understand.

After all, royalty and nobility possessed the highest levels of mana, so it led me to wonder if Lumiere's mother was of royal or noble status.

But knowing some of Grey's poor choices in women, I wasn't optimistic.

Out of his four wives, I was the only one who could be considered beautiful and perfect.

However, I couldn't help but think that he treated Ayisha better than me.


That bastard had even obtained a magic airship.

I had heard he planned on starting his own business, but I refused to believe that he could have more prospects in the business field than my own children.

Ah, but I digress.

All of this was irrelevant.

What mattered most was getting Ayisha's son out of the picture.

It was annoying...

I was the second wife, Jericho was the second son and Lana the second daughter.

The thought of it was nerve-wracking.

And Ayisha...

She was too blind to see how blessed she was; the first wife, the crown prince for a son and also the eldest child for a daughter.

How distasteful.

Surely, Duke Veltuor would be displeased by how spectacularly the plan failed.

Still, what were the Duke's true motives for plotting the removal of the crown prince.

Maybe he was aiming to cultivate a powerful alliance with me, as the mother of the new crown prince?

After all, if things went well then I'd possess a significant voice in the court and could potentially exert my influence in favor of the Duke.

Moreover, he'd have considerable control over me and my son, indirectly ruling through Jericho's legitimate claim to the throne.

Still, I was doing this to enrich my children?s futures.

Never again will they be born as second best, no, I wouldn't let them.

My children deserved more.

They deserved everything that Ayisha's children had, and by everything in me, I would make it happen.

"Not anymore," I said, seated on my bed.

As I sat in my chambers, I heard the muffled sounds of my maid arguing with someone just outside. Curious, I stepped out to investigate and found her in the midst of a confrontation with Lumiere, the infamous bastard child.

"What's going on here?" I asked my maid, to which she replied "Master Lumiere wants to speak with you, but I'm trying to tell him you're busy."

I turned to Lumiere, "As she said, I'm preoccupied." My eyes narrowed.

But then, Lumiere's voice cut through the air like a knife and he spoke, "I'm not asking." His voice was cold and intense, and his glare left no room for negotiation.

It took me aback - was this the same Lumiere who had always been treated as a mere platform for royal bloods to trample upon?

How had he gained such confidence?


I decided to allow Lumiere into my chambers and closed the door behind him. As I walked over to my chair and sat in silence, he presented me with an unusual grin - one that made me feel uneasy.

I braced myself. "What do you want?"

He remained silent.

"Are you expecting a thank you for saving Lana? If that's the case, then you have it - you may leave now." (Bluestella)

To my surprise, Lumiere's grin widened, and he stepped closer towards me. "You misunderstand, Your Majesty," he began, but I cut him off before he could finish. "The only thing I misunderstand is why you have the audacity to stand before me like you belong here."

Lumiere's expression didn't waver, and he replied calmly, "I belong wherever I choose to be, isn't that obvious?" I scoffed at his arrogance and returned to my seat. "Your time here is up, Lumiere. Leave."

However, he didn't leave; instead, he approached me deliberately, coming to a halt just a meter from where I sat.

His amethyst eyes glowed like purple flames, and a fierce energy radiated from him as he glared at me.

This was not the quiet and meek Lumiere I had grown accustomed to.

He was someone else.

"Bluestella," he called out my name, his voice tight with anger.

"You see, Lana's special to me," Lumiere said, his words cutting through the silence. "She's like a sister to me, and I'll do everything in my power to protect her. That includes putting you in your place."

The room went silent for a moment. Then his cold voice broke the silence, "You crossed the line when you tried to kill Arthur. He's done nothing but good for our kingdom, and you were willing to let him die for your own selfish gain."

My stomach turned when he mentioned Arthur "W-what're are you saying?" I stammered.

"Don't play dumb with me," he went straight to the point.

I flared up. "You must be cr—"

"Shut up. I know you're the one behind Nerbas' actions," he interjected.

My face twisted from a contorted one to a vexing grin.

He knew, there was no use hiding it. How tiresome.

"So?" I felt a surge of anger rising in me. "You have no idea what I've been through," I spat out.

"I don't need to know," Lumiere countered, his voice rising with each word.

This arrogant bastard believed he was in control.

The mere thought of hearing him speak so disrespectfully to me twisted my stomach. It was sickening.

"You were willing to gamble your own daughter's life and even trade Arthur's life to enrich your future. You're sick..." His voice became more steely.

I stood in front of Lumiere, my heart pounding in my chest.

I was cornered, and yet I refused to go down without a fight.

"Do you really think I'm doing this for my own future?" I asked him, my voice edged with desperation. "No, I'm doing this for my children's future. I won't sit by and watch them play second fiddle. That fate isn't meant for them."

Lumiere remained silent, his amethyst eyes fixed on me.

I saw this as an opportunity to assert my dominance. "You don't have anything to prove that I'm behind it," I sneered cynically.

There was no reason to worry about Nerbas... she wasn't a problem.

Out of nowhere, Lumiere's voice cut through the air. "I'll never start a fight, but if you touch my brother..." he trailed off, and a fierce look flashed across his face. "...then you'll unlock a new me."

I felt a chill run down my spine at his words.

For a moment, I thought his eyes had actually flashed red, but I could have been mistaken.

"Your pursuit, it's not worth it," Lumiere said finally, his voice low and measured. "But if I ever catch you stepping out of line again..." he left the threat unspoken, but I knew what he meant.

I backed away slowly, watching as Lumiere turned and walked away.

This bastard child of a nobody... he had become an obstacle.

He'd dare step on the lion's tail. He'll regret that.

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