Chapter 81 I talked to a king?s 8th daughter?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc


(POV: Lumiere)


That was the name of the Shield Kingdom's royal family.

So this blue-haired lady was Aurora Velve— ahem, she was the 8th daughter of Shield's royal family.

And yet there she was, lying on the ground, twitching in agony.

I ran over to her aid, panicking, "Are you okay?!"

She slowly raised her head to me with a pained expression and whispered, "I'm fine. This happens all the time."

I extended my hand to help her get on her feet when I noticed her nose was bleeding.

My goodness, did she really eat dirt?

I grabbed her in my arms and placed her on a boulder.

"Please, have a seat." I asked her if she had an injury, but she replied with a big "No, this is normal."

Not as elegant as I thought.

I got a kerchief from my pocket and wiped off the blood.

"T-thank you... so wha- achoo!" she sneezed. "Sorry," she bowed her head apologizing.

I dabbed her nose with the kerchief again. "It's fine." As long as she didn't sneeze on me.

"So, what's your name?" she asked, her blue eyes igniting.

I told her it was Lumiere.

She raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Lumiere, that's a girl's name."

My brow furrowed, "I'm aware, you don't have to say it out loud."

She giggles and said, "Alright, Lumiere."

I smiled at Aurora who was now brushing the dirt off her dress. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and smiled. She was actually cute, well, when she wasn't falling down.

"Hey, Aurora," I said with a grin. "What are you doing out here?"

Aurora hesitated for a moment, her lips forming a string of "er" and "umm" sounds, as if she didn't know what to say. Finally, she blurted out, "I got lost."

I raised an eyebrow. "Lost? In a forest like this?"

Aurora lowered her head and scratched at her hair. "Yeah, as you already know... I'm a bit of a klutz."

I chuckled. "That's an understatement."

Aurora pouted at me and stuck out her tongue, but I could see a hint of a smile on her face.

"So, what about your guards?" I asked.

Aurora whimpered a bit and looked even more embarrassed. "I got separated from them when I tripped on a vine... I tumbled and ended up here."

"Gehaha...!" I burst out laughing. She reminded me of a short, squat, egg-Iike being who fell from a wall and broke. Well, even he fell only once.

Aurora looked like she was about to cry, and I immediately felt bad. "Sorry," I said, trying to stop my chuckles. "I just can't believe you've fallen like two times today."

Aurora folded her hands and rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not funny."

I grinned at her then shrugged, "Yes, it is."

Aurora pouted at me, "You're mean."

I reached out to pat her head, "And you're a klutz."

Aurora blushed and looked away, "Whatever, I'll forgive you... just this once."

I nodded, "Why thank you, milady."

"So, do you work in the royal estate?" she asked.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Nope, not really my scene."

Her eyes narrowed as she suspiciously looked at me, "Then are you a knight."

With a sigh, I brushed it off. "It doesn't really matter."

We sat there for a few more minutes, talking about nothing in particular, before Aurora finally asked, "So, do you know where my guards are?"

I scratched my head, "No idea, but we can look for them together."

Almost immediately, a series of clinks and clanks cut through the trees. It sounded like metal was ringing against metal. I looked up and saw a group of knights hastening towards us. Their silver armor was blinding in the sunlight, making me squint for a moment. From the engravings on their shields, I recognized them as guards from the Shield Kingdom. I watched them with interest, curious as to why they would be charging towards us so frantically.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" one of them asked Aurora, his voice full of concern.

Aurora's face lit up with recognition as she realized that these were her lost guards. "Oh, thank goodness you found me," she said, relief evident in her voice.

The knights all bowed their heads in deference. "We are sorry for losing track of you, Your Highness," one of them said apologetically.

One of the knights locked eyes with me and thanked me for taking care of Aurora. "We are grateful for your assistance, sir," he said politely.

"It was no big deal," I reassured him, smiling.

"We have to be quick, Your Highness. The king is about to leave for the Duchy of Drakoria." The knight adjusted his sword.

That was the place the Holy Sword Festival would be taking place. One of the largest coliseums was there.

Aurora gasped and hopped up to her feet. "Fiddlesticks! I have to join him!" she declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

We all panicked, worried that she would trip again, but she merely folded her arms assuredly and told us, "Ugh, I won't fall again, don't worry."

I chuckled and said, "Somehow, I doubt that."

She retorted with a "whatever" but with a smile on her face.

As she turned to head into the forest, I couldn't help but feel a little dejected that our conversation was so swiftly interrupted.

Suddenly, she tripped on a vine and fell flat on her face.

"Oh no! Your Highness!" (Knight 1)

"She fell again!" (Knight 3)

We all rushed to her side, the knights helping her up and dusting her off.

"Aurora, are you okay?" I asked, concern etched in my voice.

She groaned and rubbed her forehead where she had hit the ground. Blood trickled down her nostrils, "I'm fine, I'm fine," she insisted, though her face was flushed with embarrassment.

Sigh, Aurora was truly the epitome of a klutz, and everyone knew it.


After several hours of meticulously searching through the lush greenery of the forest, I resolved to make my way back to the opulent abode of the royal family.

However, a revolutionary thought ignited my mind.

"Wait a minute!"

Despite my admission as a Mage, I could conceivably participate in the renowned Holy Sword Festival if I reclassified myself. With a swift deployment of my accumulated skill points, procuring a specialist class could be a possibility.

A spontaneous clapping of my palms, and the vocalization of "status" caused a cobalt, diaphanous board to materialize, providing me with an intricate display of my statistics. Upon allocating a sizable 5,000 skill points to the relevant class category, a diverse arrangement of classes became attainable for me to select.

『 Available classes to switch to:




[Magic Knight]



[Magic Lancer] 』

I selected [Magic Knight] as the appropriate choice for me and commenced the selection process. To my chagrin, I discovered that the expense for this conversion wasn't the expected 5,000 skill points, but rather a pricy 5,500 skill points to confirm my selection.

"Well that kinda sucks.."

Nevertheless, I remained adamant and procured an array of advantageous, supplementary skills exclusive to Magic Knights while still retaining my regular Mage skills.

Naturally, this course of action should have been completely unattainable, yet the influence of both [Higher Full Potential] and [Lord of Theorems] permitted a favorable outcome.

--- Status Update ---

Newly acquired skills: [Sword Mastery] (Rank F), [Magic Sword Mastery] (Rank F), [Aura of Protection] (Rank E), [Blink Strike] (Rank F), [Boost] (Rank F), [Elemental Blade] (Rank E), [Flash Step] (Rank F), [Enchanted Blade] (Rank F)

Physical Strength: +20 ---> 60/60

Newly unlocked magic series: Elemental, Spirit, Cursed and Arcane Sword Magic Series.

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