Chapter 94 Ties don't bind?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc


(POV: Akashic Records)

In the bustling marketplace of Zarbon city, Lirien, donned in a flowing black robe, walked through the throngs of people.

She held her sheathed sword tightly in her hands, its blade concealed within the folds of a cloth, securely fastened with belt straps.

As she turned into a dimly lit alley, three unsavory men suddenly materialized before her, their intentions unmistakably malicious.

"....Huh? Did I do something wrong....?" she asked, her voice dull.

The first man, leered with lecherous eyes.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A pretty little thing walking all alone in the darkness." (Man 1)

The tantalizing glimpse of Lirien's smooth, exposed thighs, were visible beneath her robe.

The second man, grinned wickedly.

"Care to join us for a little fun?" (Man 2)

"....I don't think we've met before...." (Lirien)

Her expression was concealed beneath the hood of her robe, her voice - dull and husky.

Her dull red eyes, staring unflinchingly at them, sent an inexplicable chill down their spines, the likes of which they had never experienced.

" guys just want to have sex with me.... right...?" she asked.

The men's pulses quickened with excitement.

They could barely contain their arousal.

"Hell, I've never met a woman quite like you before!" (Man 1)

".....well, you can have sex with me if you tell me where my sister is....?" she spoke with an emotionless voice.

"Alright!" (Man 3)

Without a flicker of desire or pleasure, she allowed one of the men to reach beneath her robe and fondle her plump breast.

He sensually groped her breast, their shape molding with his arm like they were connected.

Now, in-between his fingers was her nipple. The gentle squeeze he applied on it hardened his cock.

However, Lirien remained unfazed.

Another man eagerly caressed her buttocks, while the third seized her remaining bosom.

All three continued their carnal pleasures.

"'re all scum....." said Lirien with a velvety voice dripped with disdain.

A wave of darkness materialized around her, engulfing the alley in an ethereal mist.

In the blink of an eye, time seemed to stutter, freezing the men in their tracks.

And in an instant, it happened: blood splattered the walls, staining the grimy alley with its crimson hue.


All three men let out agonized screams, the sound of their pain echoing through the desolate alleyway.

Their arms, severed from their bodies, fell to the cold ground, spewing forth sprays of arterial blood.

Their faces contorted in absolute horror, the men stared down at the stumps where their appendages once were.

The shock of the brutal amputation was etched on their features, frozen in a twisted mask of pain and disbelief.

".....well, goodbye then, I hope you don't bleed to death...." (Lirien)

She left, ignorant of the violence she'd just unleashed.


Lumiere and Arthur.

Two brothers seated at a quaint table just outside a restaurant.

Arthur, with his vibrant blue eyes, had a glimmer of excitement in them as they awaited their meal.

Lumiere, however, had just received urgent news from Umbra, one so crucial that Arthur had to know about it.

"Lumiere," Arthur said, breaking the silence, "I have to leave soon to pick out my attire for the main event of the Holy Sword Festival. I hope everything's fine?"

Lumiere, donned a serious demeanor.

"Brother Art, what I'm about to tell you is of utmost importance. But I can only disclose it under one condition." (Lumiere)

Curiosity piqued, Arthur leaned forward, his voice filled with anticipation.

"What's the condition, Lumiere? I trust you implicitly." (Arthur)

"Good. Then believe me when I say that Bluestella is trying to kill you." (Lumiere)

"Eh?" (Arthur)

"I said Blu--" (Lumiere)

Arthur burst into laughter, the sounds reverberating through the bustling streets. Lumiere, however, remained silent, his expressions unchanged. The moment of mirth gradually faded, and Arthur's laughter subsided. The jovial light in his eyes dimmed as he realized Lumiere's serious demeanor.

"You're... you're not kidding, are you?" Arthur asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"No. I would never jest about something so dire." (Lumiere)

Arthur's laughter ceased abruptly, his brows furrowing in disbelief.

"I can't believe this.." (Arthur)

"When I heard it... I couldn't either." (Lumiere)

"No." (Arthur)

"Hm?" (Lumiere)

"What I... I can't believe is - how you could accuse Jericho's mother so casually?" (Arthur)

Lumiere's face flushed with anger.

"Do you truly believe," he seethed through gritted teeth, "that I would stoop so low as to fabricate such a story?"

Arthur let out a deep sigh, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"Lumiere, it's becoming painfully obvious that this is fueled by jealousy. You can't stand the fact that you don't have a mother... so you resort to sabotaging someone else's." (Arthur)

The words struck Lumiere like a lightning bolt, his face contorting with anger as he slammed his hand onto the table.

"Jealousy? What absurdity! How dare you accuse me of such baseless emotions!" (Lumiere)

"Isn't it clear already? You're lashing out because deep down, you're envious. You don't have someone to call mother, and while I don't want to call you a bastard, it's apparently what you are. Accepting that fact will really help you grow as a person." (Arthur)

Lumiere remained silent, refusing to offer any defense or justification for his actions.

He hadn't even gotten to tell Arthur the Duke was also in on the plan.

Arthur's frustration softened into resignation as he slowly rose from his seat.

"I'm leaving. But before I go, let me assure you that despite all of this, I still love you as my brother. I won't breathe a word of our conversation here today to anyone."

Lumiere remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the table as his black hair cascaded over his face, hiding his emotions from view.

He didn't say anything, not even a farewell.

Arthur walked down the streets, his destination - the place he'd pick up his attire for tomorrow's big event.

"Honestly, Lumiere. What's gotten into you?" (Arthur)


Some hours later, Lumiere wearily trudged back to the inn, his footsteps a heavy echo on the dimly lit streets. Though the moon cast a soft glow on his path, his eyes remained dull, his earlier encounter weighing heavily on his soul.

Genevieve, sensing his melancholy, emerged from her room just as she was about to head to the dining area for a meal.

"Lumiere," she softly called out, concern lacing her voice. "What's wrong?"

He forced a weak smile and murmured, "It's nothing, Genny.."

Genevieve was far from convinced.

She stepped closer to him, gently placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Please, tell me. Let me be there for you." (Genevieve)

"I said, I'm fine!" he snapped, his frustration tinged with sadness.

And with that, he trudged past her, his steps slow and heavy.

Stunned, Genevieve stood there in the corridor, her heart breaking.

She watched as Lumiere retreated to his room, his figure swallowed by the shadows.


As Lumiere pushed open the door to his room, the dim light streaming through the window revealed Isadora standing there.

She was smiling.

Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she eagerly opened her arms, ready to share news of her pregnancy.

Ignoring her, Lumiere walked over to the bed and sat there. He almost looked traumatized.


Isadora, sensed his sadness.

Normally, the usual routes for solace, was either Serena's comforting presence or Lumiere's own resilient spirit.

But, both of that seemed futile.

Gently, she closed the distance between them and reached out, her hands cradling his head as she pulled him into an affectionate hug.

His weary head found solace against the tender curve of her bosom.

"What troubles you, my love?" Isadora asked, gently stroking his hair.

His voice trembled with an unspoken pain. "I... I don't want to talk about it, Isadora."

"It's fine, just know that I love you." She smiled compassionately.

"Thank you, Isadora."

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