Chapter 126

Kallistus Kal. I had heard that name repeated quite a lot ever since I arrived here in Vacuos. He was apparently a very important person— the King of the Kingdom of Kal. A [Hero] who had been summoned from another world.

He was an otherworlder just like me, and just like Xakor. Even if our circumstances were vastly different, Kallistus was still not a native of Vacuos.

And so far, I have yet to hear anything good about him— anything heroic about the things he had done. He sounded more like a warmonger to me. He invaded other countries to expand the borders of his nation, and I highly doubted he was going to even stop once he conquered all of Laxo. Whether or not he did it for power or for glory, I didn’t know.

I just knew that he didn’t conform to my own idea of what it meant to be a hero. In fact, he fit the classical definition of it— to be strong and courageous and whatnot.

So I mostly left him alone. Because… well, I wasn’t planning on getting involved with the wars of this world. The whole world was at war always, and I really didn’t want to have to deal with all that crap.

I just wanted to live a peaceful life. And I had finally succeeded in doing so— I opened up my own restaurant, and while things were rather… exciting from time to time, I much preferred dealing with my own problems than solving other people’s problems.

But now, Jax had hunted me down all the way to Wolfwater just to tell me that Kallistus Kal had been blessed by the Void’s power— that the [Hero King] was a member of the Sect of Abyssal Thorns.

I sighed as I rubbed my temples. “Are you really sure it was him?”

“I saw it with my own eyes,” Jax explained as his gaze darkened. “I watched the battle play out between the [Hero King] Kallistus Kal and the Elder Dragon Grat-ra’zun. There is no mistaking it— he has been touched by the Void.”

“And he went after Grat-ra’zun too…” I murmured.

I felt bad for the Elder Dragon— first he had to deal with… me. Which, granted, we were both at fault for our brief altercation. I had been seeking him out for some advice, while he had assumed I was an intruder coming after his treasures. Fortunately, no one got hurt. But now, he had to deal with some insane, power-hungry idiot.

“Then what happened?” I asked as I crossed my arms. “Where’s Grat-ra’zun now?”

“I intervened, and we got out of there. But he’s hurt.” Jax lowered his head. “I don’t know what kind of power the Void granted the [Hero King], but his magic is cursed.”

“Cursed?” Noele frowned, speaking up for the first time in a while. “What do you mean by that?”

Jax shook his head as he leant back in his seat. “Grat-ra’zun hasn’t been able to recover from his injuries— all because of Kallistus Kal’s twisted Void magic. That is why it took me so long to find you.”

“I mean, I wasn’t exactly hiding or anything.” I gave him a shrug. “But what did you even want from me, anyways?”

He blinked, and I gestured vaguely at Guardian Angel Z357.

“If you want someone to deal with this [Hero King], Z’s your guy. Not me.”

“Z?” Jax asked with furrowed brows. “And what exactly is this… thing?”

In response, Z tilted his head back at the elf. My designation is Guardian Angel Z357.

Jax paused. “An angel? Are you kidding me?”

“Nope, Z’s definitely an angel.” I shook my head. “He’s also my waiter, though.”

“He’s your… what?” The elf blinked a few times. He stared at Guardian Angel Z357 for a moment— he looked up and down, studying the metallic, machine-like body. “That’s—”

And Jax caught himself. I watched as he took in a deep breath, steeling himself. Noele just rolled her eyes at his reaction, while Z remained unmoving.

The elf’s reaction was expected. At least, his current reaction. Everyone else reacted this way— after all, seeing an angel working at a restaurant was quite the surreal sight. But this was Jax. He was the Forsaken Archer. The very same one who had challenged me to a duel… about a hundred times, even when he knew he was thoroughly outclassed.

His eyes flickered as his lips curled up into a smile. He rose to his feet, taking a step forward as he peered at Z. “Very interesting. I have never seen an angel in person before. What do you think of doing a little spar?”

“Please don’t damage my restaurant,” I said flatly.

“Worry not.” Jax smirked as he thumbed towards the exit of the room. “I’ll make quick work of this tin can outside of your restaurant.”

“You’re supposed to be working together.” I pinched the bridge of my nose as I sucked in a deep breath. “Z’s literally here to help you deal with the Void.”

Jax snorted as he waved a hand dismissively. “That is why I offered to spar him, not to duel him to the death.”

“Well, Z will also probably kick your ass, so…” I grinned back at the elf.

“Oh, really?” Jax only seemed more interested in the idea now.

“Don’t encourage him, Amelia.” Noele closed her eyes.

“Anyways, you should deal with that,” I said as I turned to face the angel. “You’re going after the Voidgod, right? This is a lead for you to follow.”

Z didn’t visibly react. He just stood there as one of his twelve eyes flickered towards me. Jax just folded his arms simply.

“If you want to go after the [Hero King], you can probably find him at—”

No, Guardian Angel Z357 said abruptly.

“Wait, what?” I blinked. That took me by surprise. I would have expected him to jump on this opportunity right away. “Isn’t this what you’ve wanted the entire time?”

I shall pursue this lead later. He shook his head mechanically as he took a step forward. He stood a head taller than Jax, and he looked down at the elf as he spoke simply. First, tell me where I can find this Elder Dragon.

Jax exchanged a glance with me. He looked at me quizzically, and I gave him a helpless look. I didn’t know what Z wanted half the time— he was a literal enigma to me.

“Grat-ra’zun?” the elf asked. “I left him back at the Frozar Mountains. He is not in any condition to travel right now.”

Affirmative. Z raised his head. And where are the Frozar Mountains?

“It’s, like, to the northeast of Wolfwater,” I said as I gestured vaguely in the direction of the mountain range. “More north than east.”

I had been there once before. Back when I had saved Nolan and Nicole from the Fallen Wyvern’s Keep. That was where I met Saros, Deon, and Skye for the first time too. It was located at the northernmost territories of the Astrad Kingdom.

“You can probably find a map somewhere at the back—” I started, but Z shook his head.

There is no need. That is all the information I need to know. He strode past me as he walked towards the door of the restaurant.

Bucky perked up from the corner of the room. She tilted her head as she clucked. “Bawk?”

“Wait, where are you going?” I called out, echoing the chicken’s sentiments.

Guardian Angel Z357 spoke simply. I shall be taking my leave now.

He unslung the apron he had been wearing, before tossing it onto the counter of the bar. I frowned at him.

“You’re leaving?” I asked, and he glanced back at me fractionally.

I have upheld my end of our deal, and you have already employed a replacement worker. Our agreement has reached its conclusion. I will now resume my duties to the World System.

He pushed the door open as I watched him go. Noele blinked and rose to her feet. She turned to me, before looking back towards the angel.

“Wait, you can’t just—” the blonde girl started.

And Z took off. He spread his wings wide as he flew up into the night sky. I watched him go. Bucky got to her feet and ran up to the door. She looked on as she clucked dejectedly, and I pursed my lips.

“There goes my restaurant’s main attraction…” I muttered under my breath. I shook my head as I sank back into my seat. “Well, at least he’ll deal with that annoying [Hero King] for me. Now I don’t even need to get involved…”

It was a sudden departure, and I couldn’t lie and say that I wasn’t taken by surprise. But I had been expecting it for a while— I didn’t even think Z would have returned to the restaurant after I stopped him from killing Arthur back at Arelioth’s Pass.

“Unfortunately,” Jax piped up as he turned back to face me, “you are very much involved in this matter, Amelia.”

“What do you mean by that?” I narrowed my eyes at the elf. Noele blinked at the size, and even Bucky glanced back at him.

He took in a deep breath as he held my gaze. “Kallistus Kal has attacked Windrip— he has seized control of the city because of you.”

And I blinked. “What…?”

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