Chapter 147

“So this is the famous kebab pilaf I have heard so much about,” Rowland said as he inspected the skewer of meat resting on top of the rice bowl. He turned to another plate steaming with three layers of flatbread. “And this is the famous pita…”

“Respectfully, Sir Rowland, but this is just flatbread,” Wyn sighed, shaking his head. “There is nothing extraordinary about it. Not everything in this restaurant is an infamous dish crafted by a high-leveled [Chef].”

Unfortunately for the [Knight]-lieutenant, his captain wasn’t paying attention. Instead, Rowland was stuffing his face with all the dishes they had been served. And they had ordered a lot.

“Not that any of these dishes were crafted by a [Chef] at all…” Wyn murmured as he raised his head.

He swept his gaze around the room, seeing the happy faces of all the customers visiting Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant. This establishment had a reputation for the quality of its food— certainly, because it was owned by the world-renowned Patron of the Culinary Sciences himself.

However, taking a quick look behind the curtain of the kitchen would reveal that Xakor played no part in this restaurant’s menu. It was all cooked by their level-less chef— a brown-haired woman named Amelia.

Wyn had done plenty of research on her before he came here. He knew that she wasn’t a real [Chef]. He knew that Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant merely advertised itself as being owned by Xakor. And most of all, he knew—

His eyes flickered as he saw the brown-haired woman emerging from the kitchen. She nodded at the [Bartender], before walking up to the table of the [Knights]. She crossed her arms as she addressed them.

“How’s everything?” Amelia asked as she gave them a polite smile. She turned to Rowland, curious. “Where’s your nephew?”

“That boy said he wasn’t hungry and went back home,” Rowland said gruffly. “His pride was probably in tatters because I forced him to apologize in public. But he will never learn unless he is properly educated.”

The brown-haired woman gave him an approving look. “Harsh. But very fair, I guess. Anyways, how’s the food?”

“It is fantastic— you have exceeded all my expectations! I have never quite had cuisine like this before! Isn’t that right, Sir Wyn?” the [Knight] Captain exclaimed, turning to his partner.

“Unfortunately, while I believe that the food here is excellent, I cannot concur with Sir Rowland,” Wyn said as he massaged his temples. “His statements are far too hyperbolic for me to agree with in good faith.”

“You’re far too uptight, Sir Wyn!” Rowland chuckled as he leant back in his chair. “Are you seriously telling me you’ve had food as exquisite as this before?”

“In the southern nations, yes.” Wyn sighed again. “Before they fell to the Kingdom of Kal.”

Rowland just nodded. “My last excursion to the south of Laxo was to the Morius Empire over a decade ago. To meet with the great [Hero] they summoned… who now so happens to be waging war on us.”

Amelia glanced between the two [Knights] as they went on a tangent. She backed away, trying to excuse herself from the conversation.

“Well, as long as you’re enjoying the food, that’s all that matters…” she started.

But Rowland shook his head. He rose to his feet as he turned to her. “Wait, Ms Amelia! I have a request!”

“A request?” She paused, frowning at him. She suspiciously looked him up and down. “What is it?”

“You do not have to worry, it is not a big request.” Rowland smiled reassuringly at her. “Your server— Harlan, I believe was his name— told me that one of your special menu items is currently unavailable. If it is not too much to ask, I would like to order it directly from you.”

Wyn couldn’t help but shake his head at the boldness of his Captain. Fortunately, Amelia didn’t look offended by the request.

“Sure, what is it?” she asked as she raised a brow.

“Your special ‘bastion curry’,” Rowland said as he raised the menu. “It is marked as spicy, and I am a big fan of spicy food myself.”

“My bastion curry?” Amelia blinked. “Wait, what’s wrong with it? Why isn’t it available.”

Wyn pursed his lips. “We’re the ones… asking you that?”


Wyn couldn’t lie and say he was impressed by Amelia or her restaurant thus far. He had been skeptical of everything he heard about her at first, so his expectations were already quite low. But she had somehow underperformed even what he thought she would be like.

Irresponsible and uncaring. That was how he would describe her. For whatever foolish reason, she decided to reject an incredibly large sum of money, even though it was a gift. It was enough to change the lives of most people, but she said no.

And now, she didn’t even know that one of her menu items was currently unavailable, even when she was meant to be the head chef.

The only chef.

Wyn shook his head as he followed her out of the restaurant. Rowland walked by her side, nodding along as she gestured towards a stone structure— almost like a monument— built onto the side of the small building.

“...there really shouldn’t be a problem with supply, since we harvest the curry right here. So why is Harlan saying that we’re out?”

Amelia took a step forward as Rowland peered over her shoulders.

“You grow spices in this damp cave?” He narrowed his eyes.

Wyn furrowed his brows. The [Knight]-lieutenant knew that something was amiss. This couldn’t be right. There was no way to grow spices indoors— not without magic. And last he checked, Amelia wasn’t a [Mage].

He had a bad feeling about this. For whatever reason, he couldn’t approach the small alcove without shuddering. His hair stood on end as he reached for his blade at his side. But Rowland uncaringly looked inside.

“I don’t see any spices in here…”

Amelia just shook her head. “I don’t grow spices. I grow honey.”

“Honey?” Wyn raised a brow.

And she corrected herself, “Well, I don’t grow the honey. But they do.”

Rowland blinked. “Who’s they?”

All at once, both [Knights] heard the cacophonous buzzing from within the small alcove. They backed away as dark, winged figures zipped out of the entrance. Wyn instinctively drew his blade. He saw the red glint— the eyes of monsters.

But before he could take a swing, Rowland stopped him.

“Look,” the [Knight] Captain whispered. “Bastion bees.”

And Wyn’s eyes grew wide. He watched as the striped monsters hovered in their air, their wings moving so quickly it was like a blur. He had never seen a single bastion bee before in his life, but he had heard about them, and they matched the description.

“But… they’re sacred monsters. What are they doing here?” Wyn slowly sheathed his blade.

“I told you, they make honey,” Amelia answered his question simply. She took a step forward, patting one of the bastion bees with a smile. “And I use their honey to make curry.”

“W-wait, you’re using the honey of a bastion bee to make… food?” Wyn sputtered as he turned to the brown-haired woman. “You do realize that their honey is sought after by [Alchemists] and [Herbalists] all around the world, right? It has powerful magical properties that can counteract the effects of many curses and poisons!”

In response, Amelia just shrugged. “No, I did not know all that. And yes, I do use their honey to make food.”

“I—” Wyn opened his mouth, before catching himself. Even if he was in shock, he couldn’t forget his manners. He was a [Knight] of the Astral Order— a lieutenant. He steeled himself. “I was under the impression that bastion bees were hostile towards humans.”

“Indeed,” Rowland said as he strode forward. He placed a hand on his chin, eyeing one of the floating monsters. “I have encountered a hive once before— when I was passing through the Vox Forest. They attacked us for even daring to approach their hive. And yet, here they are, refusing to attack you.”

Amelia drew back as the bastion bees flew higher into the air. “It’s a long story. More importantly, what’s been going on with the hive? Have you guys been producing your honey?”

She peeked into the alcove as the bastion bees buzzed a reply. Rowland and Wyn exchanged a glance. Neither [Knights] knew what to say. They just looked on as the brown-haired woman narrowed her eyes.

“What is… wait—” Her eyes went wide as a shadowed figure crawled out of the hive. She took a step back, and Wyn gaped.

“That’s—” He paused. “A chicken?”

“Bawk bawk bawk!”

A plump chicken waltzed out, covered in glowing green goo. Its wings seemed to stick together, and many of its feathers were clumped up from the honey. It stared up at Amelia, and the brown-haired woman glared back.

“Bucky? Are you seriously the reason why we’re out of honey?”

The chicken just huffed, shaking its head. “Bawk bawk bawk!”

“I see, I see.” Amelia nodded slowly.

“So this is Bucky,” Rowland said as he approached the chicken. “So are you the real owner of the restaurant?”

“No— no she’s not,” Amelia said flatly.

The [Knight] Captain chuckled as he bent over, nodding at Bucky. “It was a joke, of course. I saw your sign— we’re not supposed to feed her, but it seems she’s made a feast of your so-called ‘curry’.”

The brown-haired woman sighed. “I know… and I literally told her not to do that…”

Bucky clucked, waving her wings angrily in response. Wyn just stared as the chicken gestured towards the hive.

“That chicken… how does it have levels?” he whispered to himself. His eyes flickered to Amelia. “She’s not a [Beast Tamer]. So the chicken shouldn’t…”

It made no sense to Wyn. While he didn’t have [Appraisal] as a Skill himself, he could roughly gauge the levels of those he encountered thanks to his [Discerning Eyes]. That was how he knew that Amelia had no levels.

But for whatever reason, the chicken had levels. It was baffling— confusing. Wyn pinched the bridge of his nose. He had done his research on Amelia, but he never heard anything about this.

“First a hive of bastion bees, now a chicken with levels… what else do I need to know about?” he murmured to himself as Amelia paused right by the entrance to the alcove.

She scratched the back of her head, before turning back to Wyn and Rowland.

“Well, if you really want to know… I guess the hive is going to have a queen now,” Amelia said as she glanced back towards the hive. “Or it already has a queen? Honestly, I don’t know how it works.”

“What are you talking about—” Wyn frowned as he walked up next to her. The bastion bees hovering overhead buzzed dangerously, and he paused.

His gaze landed on a group of wriggling figures inside of the hive. He opened his mouth as Amelia shook her head.

“The eggs have hatched.”

And Wyn just stared. “...what eggs are you talking about now?”

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