Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 16: The Road Ahead


“How much longer will it take to reach New Moon Town, Elder Brother?” Liu Jin asks Xiao Nan.

It is already the second day of their journey. The afternoon sun still shines brightly in the sky. Eastern Port City is nowhere to be seen. They left it behind a long time ago. There is nothing but gently rolling hills as far as the eye can see. The road ahead of them stretches for miles with no end in sight.

“I believe it would take me a full day to get there on my own,” Xiao Nan replies, stroking his chin. “Since Little Brother is with me, it will probably take five days provided we keep this pace.”

Liu Jin knows Xiao Nan well enough to know there is no ill-intent in his words. The difference in ability between them is just that big. There is little point in pretending otherwise. It would not surprise Liu Jin if Xiao Nan could reach New Moon Town in only a few hours and is just being modest.

“If we sped up, we could probably halve that time,” Liu Jin notes. Though nowhere near as good as Xiao Nan, Liu Jin is still a cultivator. Even if the Inner Realm is the second-lowest of all cultivation realms, maintaining a decent running pace for half a day is not beyond Liu Jin.

Right now, Liu Jin does not want to be an obstacle for Xiao Nan. It is already enough that Xiao Nan is taking him along on this journey. Liu Jin does not want Xiao Nan to be late because of him as well.

“If we did that, we would not be able to appreciate the sights, Little Brother,” Xiao Nan says. The teen smiles as he gestures at the grassy plains around them. “You need to take the time to appreciate the little things. If I cared about getting to New Moon Town as fast as possible, I would have carried you there over my shoulder already.”

Liu Jin pictures it for one horror-filled moment. It’s too embarrassing. That Xiao Nan is not only completely capable of it but also wouldn’t even bat an eyelid when doing so only makes it scarier. Liu Jin wisely shuts his mouth.

“Although,” Xiao Nan suddenly says, “if Little Brother knew Ground Contraction, we could easily reach New Moon Town in just three days.”

“Ground Contraction?” Liu Jin echoes, cocking his head to one side. It takes him a moment to recognize the term. “That is the Xiao Sect’s signature movement technique, is it not? That technique is only taught to Inner Disciples and above, not Outer Disciples like myself, Elder Brother.”

Xiao Nan sighs.

“Little Brother should not pay so much attention to those restrictions. Stealing techniques is a perfectly fine thing to do as long as you believe you can get away with it,” Xiao Nan explains. He raises a finger as if to underscore his point. “Although Ground Contraction is only taught to those who are Inner Disciples or higher, the technique is not particularly hard. In fact, it is ranked first among the most stolen techniques within the Xiao Sect.”

Liu Jin blinks. “There is a ranking?”

“Of course, there is, Little Brother. I made it myself.” Xiao Nan says, clearly pleased with himself. “Void Fist is the hardest to steal while Ground Contraction is the easiest.”

Occasionally, Liu Jin sees Inner Disciples of the Xiao Sect sparring. Outer Disciples would usually flock around those spars. Ground Contraction is a fairly common sight in those spars. Void Fist, however, is not. Void Fist is a technique Liu Jin has only heard about in whispers. Supposedly, it is taught only to the Xiao Sect’s Core Disciples.

“Ground Contraction is a fairly simple movement technique when you get down to it,” Xiao Nan says, shrugging. As soon as he says it, Xiao Nan disappears only to reappear 3 meters away from Liu Jin.

“See,” Xiao Nan says as he reappears at Liu Jin’s side just as easily. “It is nothing special. The Yun Sect has something very similar to it although the name is different. Most major Sects and Clans in the Empire have at least one movement technique. Those who don’t will steal one soon enough and claim they came up with it.”

Xiao Nan demonstrates Ground Contraction again.

“I bet Little Brother could pick it up easily enough. You would merely need to pay attention to the flow of my Qi as I do it.”

And again.

“I am sure Little Brother would only need to see it a couple of times to understand it.”

And again.

“After that, it is only a matter of practice.”

“Elder Brother,” Liu Jin says, his tone serious. “I am content to follow the rules of the Xiao Sect. Do not feel obligated to circumvent them for my benefit.”

Xiao Nan clicks his tongue. “Little Brother is far too serious and honest. If you lightened up a little and made some friends, someone would have already taught you the technique. Really, you and Xiao Fang are the same that way. He also needs to learn how to make friends.”

There is not much Liu Jin can say to that since the words are coming from his one and only friend. “Putting the words aimed at me aside, Xiao Fang is always surrounded by people.”

“Of course, he is.” Xiao Nan nods. “Xiao Fang is the heir to the Xiao Sect, Little Brother. It is only natural for him to be surrounded by people at all times. However, those people follow Xiao Nan due to his position. That is the only thing they have acknowledged about him. If we are speaking about people who have acknowledged Xiao Fang as a person, then Xiao Fang has no one like that.”

Xiao Nan’s words give Liu Jin pause. As long as Liu Jin can remember, Xiao Fang has been someone in an enviable position. Power. Wealth. Respect. Xiao Fang always had all those things. While Liu Jin stood alone, Xiao Fang always had someone behind him.

However, when Xiao Nan puts it like that, Liu Jin cannot help but find it a little pitiable.

“Don’t get me wrong, Little Brother,” Xiao Nan adds. “There is nothing wrong with having people who are loyal to your position instead of your person. In fact, people loyal to your position can be more useful than people loyal to your person depending on the circumstances. However, to succeed, a man must have both. Until Xiao Fang understands that and makes an effort, the Xiao Sect won’t be able to compete with the major Sects in the Empire.”

It is the second time Xiao Nan brings up Sects outside Eastern Port City. Perhaps, it is because leaving the city has encouraged Xiao Nan to look at things from a broader perspective. Nevertheless, the words jog something in Liu Jin’s mind.

“That’s right,” Liu Jin says, remembering. “Elder Brother, you went to a tournament outside the city, right?”

It is one of the reasons why Liu Jin has not seen Xiao Nan for the past couple of months. Xiao Nan has not been in Eastern Port City. The Xiao Sect sent him to a tournament in the capital. Liu Jin managed to overhear enough excited whispers around the city to know that.

“A tournament outside the city?” Xiao Nan laughs. “Little Brother sure knows how to put things mildly.”

“Was it that important?”

“Extremely so.” Xiao Nan nods. His face grows uncharacteristically serious. “Every four years, the Emperor holds a grand tournament at the capital. Only those under 21 are allowed to compete. It is by far the grandest tournament in the Empire. Every major power sends their best to compete. Our tiny Eastern Port City Tournament cannot dream of comparing.”

“The grandest?” Liu Jin asks. He does not doubt Xiao Nan. A tournament of the greatest youths in their generation is something Liu Jin can scarcely imagine, yet he cannot help but find it odd. “Would not a tournament with older participants be a grander spectacle?”

Xiao Nan is strong. Liu Jin knows this well. However, between Xiao Nan and Xiao Zheng, there is not a single doubt about who is stronger. It is the way of things. Older cultivators have had more time to become strong. Xiao Nan may be the strongest of his generation in Eastern Port City, but there are some who are stronger than him among the adults.

“Such a thing would indeed be a far grander spectacle, Little Brother, so grand I cannot even begin to imagine it. However, there is no such tournament,” Xiao Nan says, drawing a surprised look from Liu Jin. “Think about it, Little Brother. If someone like Uncle were to fight someone close to his level in the city, then the city would disappear within 5 moves even if Uncle was exceedingly careful. As strong as Uncle is, he’s not the strongest in the Empire. Uncle would not like me saying this out loud, but he wouldn’t even be within the top 10 or even the Top 50 of the Empire.”

Liu Jin reflects on Xiao Nan’s words. He tries to think of the strongest person he knows and shivers as his mind brings up the image of Nine-Headed-God. No, even if someone with just a thousandth of his power were to fight, destroying something like a city would be all too easy. If one gathered thousands of people like that in one place and told them to fight, the Empire might very well end up destroyed.

Xiao Nan sees Liu Jin shiver and nods. “Scary to think, isn’t? That is why the Crimson Cloud Tournament only allows those under 21 to fight there. All major factions within the Empire send their best there. It is a relatively safe way to establish who is strong and who is weak. Naturally, I was chosen by the elders to represent the Xiao Sect.”

Xiao Nan thinks about it, then lifts two fingers. “Well, there were two others, but they were there to fill the space. They did not make it past the second round of the tournament. The disciples of the top Sects all have a very high level.”

Xiao Nan pauses for a moment. Liu Jin uses the opportunity to ask a question. “How did Elder Brother do?”

Liu Jin does not ask whether Xiao Nan won or not. Had Xiao Nan won, the Xiao Sect would have wasted no time letting everyone know it. The knowledge would have reached the ears of even the poorest of beggars in Eastern Port City. However, that had not happened which means Xiao Nan had not won the tournament.

Xiao Nan is someone who has won every single Eastern Port City Tournament he has participated in. He is strong. There is no doubt about that in Liu Jin’s mind. However, what is the difference between someone who is strong in Eastern Port City and those who are strong in other parts of the Crimson Cloud Empire? Liu Jin now feels a burning curiosity regarding the subject.

Xiao Nan chuckles. “Little Brother really doesn’t hold back with the tough questions.”

Liu Jin blushes and looks down. “I am sorry. It is fine if Elder Brother doesn’t an-”

“I placed within the Top 100,” Xiao Nan cuts in. "That means that, for now, the Xiao Sect is among the 100 strongest factions in the Empire.”

“Elder Brother, that’s amazing!”

In Eastern Port City, the Xiao and Yun Sects reign supreme, but there are dozens of smaller factions within the city. How many more Sects and Clans are there in the Empire? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Even more?

How many people did Xiao Nan have to defeat to climb that high?

“It is certainly a good result for the Xiao Sect but do not read too much into it, Little Brother. That I was able to get into the Top 100 says more about my luck than anything else. If I were to participate again, I am not certain I would be able to replicate the result. That’s just how tournaments are.”

Liu Jin blinks. “But doesn’t making it so far mean Elder Brother is amazingly strong?”

“In a way, but there is more to tournaments than just strength.” Seeing Liu Jin’s confused expression, Xiao Nan decides to elaborate. “Let me explain. Strength is important in tournaments. However, when there are people of similar or greater strength participating, luck is much more important. Under an unfavorable match-up, it is not an exaggeration to say I would have been knocked out in the first round.”

“You, Elder Brother?” Liu Jin can scarcely believe it. Still, Xiao Nan nods.

“Just imagine if, in the first round, you end up having to fight one of the strongest participants. Even if you were to win that fight, your performance in the next round would be severely hampered due to the effort. Even fighting those weaker than you can be a problem if they are still strong enough to put up a fight.”

“I see.” Liu Jin nods as he digests the information. “So under an unfavorable match-up, Elder Brother would not have reached the Top 100.”

“Indeed, under the most unfavorable outcome, this Xiao Nan would not make it past the first round. With the right match-ups, I may barely make it to the Top 20. This time, I managed to put the Xiao Sect among the Top 100. That is a good thing, but there is no guarantee the same will happen next time, not that I will have a chance to participate then.”

Liu Jin hums in thought. Among the young disciples, none is as strong as Xiao Nan. Certainly, many would grow over the course of four years, but would that growth allow them to reach the level of the current Xiao Nan?

Liu Jin doubts it.

“If that is the case, does that mean the Sect rankings are always wildly changing with each tournament?”

“In some cases, yes. A few are rather stable,” Xiao Nan replies. “For example, the Top 4 Sects are always the same. Certainly, which of the Top 4 spots they claim vary, but you can be certain those four Sects will always be there.”

“Always?” Liu Jin echoes. In order for the Xiao Sect to be in the Top 100 every tournament, they would have to produce disciples on the level of Xiao Nan every four years. For these four Sects to always take the top four spots would mean they can consistently produce disciples of a level even beyond that. The resources and talent required for such a feat must be immense.

“Always,” Xiao Nan says. “Eternal Flame Clan, Infinite Mountain Sect, Divine Frozen Palace, and Eternal Raging Valley. Those are the Top 4. Of those four, our Xiao Sect has managed to establish friendly relations with the Divine Frozen Palace. Perhaps Little Brother will get to meet them one day.”

“Divine Frozen Palace,” Liu Jin whispers, even as his mind makes sure to memorize the names of the four major powers in the Crimson Cloud Empire.

Although Liu Jin does not know it yet, his path will undoubtedly cross with theirs in the future.


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