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Chapter 26: In the Forest


The next day, Xiao Dong and Liu Jin set out for the Forest of Deceitful Whispers.

They bring two guards along with them, though they are there mostly for show. The guards may be older, but their cultivation level is not too different from theirs. According to Xiao Dong, there are no creatures in the forest that pose any threat to them. However, as the Young Master of the local branch, he is required to take them with him whenever he leaves the town limits.

Liu Jin guesses there’s no problem with this. If there was, Xiao Nan would have probably warned him about it the night before when Liu Jin told him he was going to the forest with Xiao Dong. Instead, the teen just wished him good luck.

While Liu Jin had crossed the forest on his way to New Moon Town with Xiao Nan, the two never strayed from the main path. It is only now that Liu Jin can appreciate the forest's vastness. Steel-Skinned Trees rise high into the sky, and their leaves form a thick canopy that barely lets in any sunlight. Consequently, the ground is mostly devoid of vegetation, making it easy to walk on.

“Senior Brother Dong,” Liu Jin begins as a question pops into his mind.

“Senior Brother Liu! There is absolutely no need for you to call this one Senior Brother. The title is wasted on me!” Xiao Dong immediately objects. The guards look at their Young Master with surprise. Evidently, this is far from normal behavior from him.

Liu Jin sighs. He does not agree with Xiao Dong, but trying to fight him on this would only be a waste of time. He has learned that much from interacting with Xiao Heng.

Although their positions in the Sect are radically different, it seems like the two brothers are equally stubborn.

“Why is this forest called the Forest of Deceitful Whispers?”

For an instant, Liu Jin feels the urge to look to his side. When he does, he finds nothing. The forest is empty.

“I am actually not sure, Senior Brother Liu,” Xiao Dong says. “As far as I know, it has always been that way, but I have never bothered looking into the reason. The name never made much sense to us, so we started calling it the Whispering Woods in our reports to the main branch.” He turns to one of the guards. “You! Do you know why the forest is called the way it is?"

The guard quickly shakes his head in negative. The other is quick to follow suit. Xiao Dong frowns and strokes his chin. “I see. Well, if you don’t know, you don’t know. Continue as you were.”

The expressions on the guards' faces make Liu Jin want to smile. They cannot believe what is happening. Who is this person? Their faces seem to be asking that. However, Liu Jin’s smile dims when the same weirded out gazes turn to his person and deepen.

Who is this person who can change the young master so?

That’s what those looks are saying.

“Even if you look at me that way, I can’t explain it either,” is what Liu Jin wants to say. He doesn’t, though. Considering his luck since arriving here, that would probably intimidate them somehow.

“I am sorry, Senior Brother Liu,” Xiao Dong says. “It seems I cannot satisfy your curiosity.”

He sounds so genuinely apologetic, Liu Jin regrets asking the question now. “It is fine. It was just idle curiosity. Nothing more. I was just wondering if it had something to do with the tradition we are taking part in right now.”

Xiao Dong’s face brightens. “Oh, if it is about the tradition, I can tell Senior Brother Liu all about it!”

Liu Jin just asked about it to waste time, but now it feels like he can’t just say that. He motions Xiao Dong to go on.

“As I am sure Senior Brother Liu knows, the forest is rich in Steel-Skinned Trees. They produce very durable wood which our branch sells. We also distribute the wood to other branches of the Xiao Sect. That is our major contribution to the Sect.”

Liu Jin wisely refrains from mentioning Xiao Nan had called this branch’s contributions immaterial.

“However, sometimes a Steel-Skinned Tree will grow to be a Gold-Skinned Tree! If you compare them to Steel-Skinned Trees, then Gold-Skinned Trees are superior in every way. It is the difference between Heaven and Earth! A single branch from a Gold-Skinned Tree can be sold for a lot of money.”

Like that, everything clicks in Liu Jin’s mind.

“Ah, so that’s how the tradition started.”

“Yes, that was my thought too.” Xiao Dong nods excitedly. “In the past, there was probably a groom who went out into the forest, found a Gold-Skinned Tree, and sold one of its branches. With that money, he was able to provide for his wife and family. People got the idea from him and started doing it as well. Eventually, it became common sense that ‘a groom who manages to find a Gold-Skinned Tree and presents one of its branches to his bride ensures a happy marriage.’ That’s probably how it began.”

Traditions are curious things that way.

“However, if that’s the case, there is no need for us to search for a Gold-Skinned Tree,” Liu Jin points out. To his surprise, Xiao Dong nods.

“It is as Senior Brother Liu says. Someone like me has no need to do so. As the local branch’s young master, I have all the wealth I need. Nevertheless, I want to abide by the traditions of my home. I want to make my bride happy. That is all there to it.”

Xiao Dong smiles as he says this. Liu Jin cannot help but think it is a pity his bride does not seem to care much for him.

Should he tell him about that?

As he contemplates what to say, a thrown knife travels through the air and lodges itself in Xiao Dong’s chest.

For a moment, there is silence as all four people try to comprehend what just happened. Even Xiao Dong looks at the knife in his chest in complete incomprehension. He cannot believe it is actually there.

It is not that the knife moved too quickly to be reacted to. Liu Jin clearly saw it passing through the air. It was not going so fast that it was beyond Xiao Dong’s ability to block.

Xiao Dong just couldn’t believe such a thing was happening. The act was so sudden he couldn’t comprehend it. Just who would dare attack the heir of the branch sect? For him, the notion was unthinkable.

A massive fist collides with Liu Jin.

It is a single second of perfectly clear intuition that allows Liu Jin to call forth his Qi and bring his arms up just in time to block. Even so, the impact knocks him back several meters. A large Steel-Skinned Tree cracks as his body collides with it.

Liu Jin gasps as he hits the ground. He struggles to get up. His vision is swimming. He hears fighting. He hears people.

What has happened?

What is happening?

“Well, well, well,” a familiar voice says. “Truly, the Heavens are kind to me. To think I would have a chance to take my revenge so soon!”

The one that speaks is a large man with a prominent beard. However, it is his Qi that jogs Liu Jin’s memory.

The man’s Qi is in the Nascent Realm.

“Did you think you could afford to humiliate the Black Bear Group’s Fifth Commander and get away with it?” The bandit asks. He cracks his large knuckles, a cruel grin on his face. “That guy is not here to save you this time.”



The questions pass through Liu Jin’s mind in less than a tenth of a second. However, now is not the time for them. In front of Liu Jin is a cultivator in the Nascent Realm. Even if he tries his best, he cannot hope to defeat him. The difference between their respective realms is that big. This is not something that can be overcome by skill.

Liu Jin runs.

It pains him to leave Xiao Dong and the two guards to an uncertain fate. He hears fighting which means they must be busy with their own battles. However, if he tries to help them, the Fifth Commander will go after him and kill him, then kill everyone else. The best thing he can do right now is run.

Liu Jin manages to cover about five feet before the Fifth Commander overtakes him. A solid blow lands on his stomach. It is so strong Liu Jin collapses to his knees and throws up.

At that moment, Liu Jin knows he is only alive because the man held back.

“Did you think you were funny?” The Fifth Commander slaps his face. The only reason the blow doesn’t send his body to the ground is that the Fifth Commander’s other hand has him by the scruff of his shirt.

“Did you think you were clever?”

This time he backhands him. Liu Jin feels his brain bouncing against his skull.

“Did you think you could afford to make a fool out of me and not face any consequences!” The man roars. This time he punches him in the face. Liu Jin hits the ground.

“Get up!” The Fifth Commander says. “We’re not done yet!”

This… Is this happening because he and Xiao Nan did not take the bandits seriously enough? No, in that situation, it was Liu Jin’s choice to not do anything to the bandits but leave them tied to a tree without their weapons. With Xiao Nan helping him, they could have easily brought them to New Moon Town and handed them to the local authorities.

Liu Jin just… hadn’t taken them seriously enough to consider it.

Is this happening because of him?

Weakly, Liu Jin starts to get up. He tastes blood in his mouth and struggles to maintain his Qi under control. He cannot die. Not yet. Not here. Not like this.

“Oi, what’s going on here? Don’t tell me the Fifth Commander is still not done with a brat that’s only in the Inner Realm?” A new voice cuts in. Liu Jin despairs when he feels the man’s Qi. He is also in the Nascent Realm.

“Don’t interrupt me, Fourth Commander!” The Fifth Commander barks out. “This is my business. Go do yours.”

“That’s already done,” the Fourth Commander says. “The boy and the guards are dead already. With three of the Black Bear Commanders here, there was no way it could have ended otherwise. You’re the one wasting our time.”

As the two talk, they give Liu Jin a moment to gather himself. It is then that he finally notices that in addition to the Fifth Commander and the Fourth Commander, there is one other person in the Nascent Realm. In addition to that, there are about fifteen other Qi signatures nearby.

None belong to Xiao Dong.

None belong to the two guards.

Tears form in Liu Jin’s eyes. He… he doesn’t even know their names.

“Crying already?” The Fifth Commander taunts. He motions Liu Jin to come at him. “Come on. I’ll give you one move before killing you. Try your best, brat.”

One move.

Just one move.

At that moment, Liu Jin is confused. He is afraid. He is guilty, and for the first time, he loathes himself.

Even so, he doesn’t want to die.

Even so, he cannot give up yet.

There are too many hopes placed on him for him to die. His life is not something he can give up on. That would be a disservice to everyone who has helped him.

Slowly, weakly, Liu Jin stands up. There is only one path available to him. He knows this.

The Fifth Commander laughs as Liu Jin rushes at him. He welcomes Liu Jin’s attack with open arms confident there is absolutely no way an attack from someone in the Inner Realm can hurt him. Liu Jin focuses all his Qi and takes one last step forward. The name of the technique flashes through his mind.

Art of the Roaming Thief.

At that moment, for a single instant, Liu Jin vanishes from the Fifth Commander’s sight. The man looks around confused before he feels a prickling pain in his arm. Growling, he turns around and manages to grab Liu Jin by the throat. Even as he does, he starts to feel his arm going numb.

“You little brat!” He yells, slamming Liu Jin into a tree. “What did you do?”

Liu Jin is crying as he looks at him.

“I am sorry,” the child says.

The Fifth Commander puts more pressure on Liu Jin’s neck. By now, his other arm is just hanging at his side, motionless. “Begging won’t save you! What did you do?”

Liu Jin manages to shake his head. He is still crying. “That’s not it. I knew. I knew one needle wouldn’t be enough. I knew one movement technique wouldn’t be enough. I knew I couldn’t win any other way… so I took it off. I am sorry.”

The Fifth Commander’s face scrunches in confusion.

He is confused as his vision starts to blur and his grip on Liu Jin starts to weaken. He is confused as blood fills his mouth and darkness claims him. Behind him, the Fourth Commander is undergoing similar symptoms. No, not just him, all the bandits are collapsing. They die one by one, unable to comprehend what is happening.

The trees around Liu Jin rot and die.

Even the ground beneath him dies.

Liu Jin looks down with tears in his eyes, his pendant on his hand instead of his neck.

“I am so sorry.”


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