Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 38: Challenge



“Yes, the man coughed right on my face, so I could see how bad his cold was. As it turned out, he didn’t have a cold at all. He did, however, have lots of spit.”

Liu Jin’s voice and face are as flat as they have ever been.

“It was gross.”

Xiao Shuang collapses into giggles, her obvious joy a contrast to Liu Jin’s grim countenance.

“I never imagined people in the outside world could be so silly!”

It has been three weeks since they first met. Since then, Liu Jin has been visiting Xiao Shuang at least once every two days. The young child has slowly become a common sight in the main house.

“Some people tend to become overly concerned when it comes to their health,” Liu Jin explains, already resigned to this fact. “They see illness and death where there is none. Their minds turn coughs and sneezes into deadly diseases. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to turn away paying customers.”

“It is funny,” Xiao Shuang says, still smiling. “A cold. I’ve never seen one before.”

For a moment, Liu Jin wants to laugh at her joke. Then he realizes it is not a joke at all. Xiao Shuang has been inside the main house her entire life. Those who are allowed inside these walls are cultivators of great skill. Their bodies are not something common illnesses can touch. The same cannot be said of the servants, but Liu Jin doubts a sick servant would ever be allowed near Xiao Shuang.

Xiao Shuang has probably never seen a sick person in her entire life.

The thought leaves Liu Jin unsettled. It is yet another reminder of how different their lives have been. To be hidden from the rest of the world and live confined to a single room, Liu Jin can scarcely imagine it.

Yet, Xiao Shuang does not seem to resent her upbringing.

“I truly must thank you, husband.” Being called husband does not affect him as strongly as it did before, but Liu Jin would be lying if he says he has gotten used to it. “Your stories remain the highlight of my days. Things have become so boring lately.”

“Oh? I thought things would be quite hectic around here due to the wedding.”

Xiao Shuang pouts.

“It is because of the wedding, husband. I am being instructed in protocol every day although I am at a loss as to why. I am only expected to stand there and go through the rituals, yet the servants seem to think I must oversee their every choice. Did you know I must pick a fan? Apparently, I must cover my face during the ceremony. It is tradition, I am told, but I cannot see any point to it. You have already seen my face, husband. I wonder. Does that make me an unfit bride?”

It is curious. Considering all the manpower the Xiao Sect has at its disposal, preparing the wedding should be a simple matter. If Xiao Zheng wanted to, he could have the wedding ceremony ready in one day. However, it seems like it will take at least a month for things to be prepared.

If things are taking that long, it must be because Xiao Zheng wants it that way. Of that, Liu Jin is certain. After all, the longer the wedding preparations take, the more time Xiao Zheng has to spend with his daughter.

“Father also has…” Xiao Shuang stops for a moment, her face a little uncertain. “Father has also been instructing me on what I should expect from the Divine Frozen Palace.”


Just like that, the atmosphere turns awkward, an invisible weight pressing upon both of them. Of course Xiao Shuang is worried. Once everything is done, she will have to leave all she knows behind.

“I am glad my stories, simple as they are, can brighten your days, my lady. I cannot imagine they compare to the tales you must have heard in the past, yet if you enjoy them, that is more than enough.”

“Husband should not say things like that,” Xiao Shuang says with a serious look. “It is true your wife has grown up hearing many great tales of heroism. Father has told me many stories of his youth. So has Cousin Nan. The tales of my ancestors are even recorded in the family archives for me to read. This one has lost count of how many times she has read about her great-grandfather’s feud with the Thunder Blade Fortress.”

They are all tales that would not be out of place in a book of legends. Liu Jin is sure of it.

“However, that is the thing. I have grown too used to hearing such things. Husband’s tales may not have great battles in them, but they contain people, ordinary people the likes of which I have never met.”

The earnest honesty in her eyes leaves Liu Jin unbalanced.

“Besides, Cousin Nan has told me that husband is definitely not lacking in heroic tales. He sang praises on how well husband handled himself in New Moon Town.”

New Moon Town.

Hearing that name spoken so suddenly is enough to make him flinch.

“Heroic tales?” Liu Jin wants to laugh. “No, my lady. I do not think I can call them that.”

In the stories, the hero is always brave and strong. He had been neither. He had been weak and scared of dying. In the end, mere luck had saved his life.

How could anything about that be heroic?

Perhaps sensing it to be a sensitive subject, Xiao Shuang does not prod further. Awkward silence is left between them once more. Liu Jin knows he must do something to start the conversation again, yet he struggles to find something to say.

Perhaps unfortunately, his bride speaks first.

“By the way, it is alright if husband takes a concubine or two.”

Had Liu Jin been drinking something, he’d undoubtedly have sprayed it all over the place. As it is, he merely chokes and coughs. Xiao Shuang’s words just now caught him more unprepared than any punch.


While there are no laws against taking multiple wives, the truth is most people simply cannot sustain more than one. Thus, concubines are something only people of means have.

However, Xiao Shuang bringing up the matter just like that is the last thing he was expecting!

“Well, it makes sense, does it not?” She shrugs as if she does not understand what a shocking statement she just made. “I am afraid we will not be together long enough for me to perform my wifely duties. Alas, we are too young for such things.”

Liu Jin considers it a victory he does not choke again.

“That means that when husband reaches the age in which he will need to sate his urges—”

Liu Jin flushes scarlet.

“I will not be there with him. I am not so cruel a wife that I will condemn my husband to chastity. That is why, when the time comes, it is alright if husband takes one or two concubines.”

“That’s… that’s...” Really, what can he even say to this? “It seems you have given the matter some thought, my lady.”

“Naturally,” Xiao Shuang replies. “Father and Cousin Nan always tell me it is natural for men to have several women. Brother also says it, but he seems to think you will cheat on me. However, it is not cheating if you have permission. He is surprisingly immature when it comes to things like that.”

No, if anything, Xiao Fang might be the normal one this time.

“I will… I will keep that in mind, my lady.”

Really, what else could he say?

Xiao Shuang smiles, pleased.

“Please do, husband.”


Later that day, Liu Jin is making his way out of the main house, mentally tired from interacting with his betrothed. Xiao Shuang is pleasant to be around, yet there are certain gaps in her common sense that keep catching him off guard.

Someone her age should not be so comfortable discussing such topics!

Is that what happens when one grows up around high-level cultivators?

Come to think of it, Xiao Nan had casually talked about such things with him in the past. Scary as it is to think about it, Xiao Fang might be the most normal one of his family.

“There you are!”

Almost as if summoned by his thoughts, Xiao Fang’s voice calls out to him. The servant escorting Liu Jin freezes next to him.

“Young Master,” Liu Jin says, turning around to meet Xiao Fang’s scowl with a stoic expression. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Instead of answering, Xiao Fang looks at the servant. “Leave us.”

For a moment, the servant doesn’t seem to know what to do. He looks between the two children, torn. Ultimately, there is only one answer. It is unthinkable for a servant to pick Liu Jin over the Xiao Fang. With an apologetic look, the servant bows and retreats, leaving Xiao Fang and Liu Jin alone.

“I have wanted to talk to you for some time,” Xiao Fang says in an imperious tone. He crosses his arms, looking down at Liu Jin.

“Young Master knows where I live, and he knows I often visit my betrothed around this hour. If Young Master wanted to converse with me, then I truly cannot understand why he waited so long to do so.”

Xiao Fang’s eyes narrow.

“You enjoy this, do you not?! To marry into our great family?”

“Young Master, the wedding is not something I have control over. Surely, you understand your sister will benefit from it as well?”

“My sister may have to marry, but it should not be to someone like you!” Xiao Fang hisses, stepping closer to him. His Qi spikes, and Liu Jin tenses. “My sister’s husband should be a great man, not a mere Outer Disciple. Marrying her to you is like throwing pearls before swine! To think you have someone like… To think you are still in the Inner Realm in spite of it all!”

Ah. Liu Jin’s eyes widen in understanding. He catches what Xiao Fang managed to avoid saying.

If you have someone in the Emperor Realm helping you, why are you still in the Inner Realm?

Certainly, it is something to ponder about, especially because Xiao Fang does not know of his circumstances. While Xiao Zheng definitely knows, he doubts either him or Xiao Nan have told Xiao Fang about it.

From Xiao Fang’s perspective, he must be doubly unfit to be his sister’s husband.

However, Liu Jin is not about to speak of Nine-Headed Snake God here.

No, more importantly, Liu Jin does not feel like having to excuse himself. Not this time.

“Young Master, regardless of my status or skills, the wedding is not something I have control over. Please, feel free to show your ire towards this Liu Jin, but neither of us is in a position to change anything.”

“I think differently.”

Liu Jin raises an eyebrow.

“The wedding needs to happen. Of that, there is no doubt.” Xiao Fang sounds angry that he even has to say it. “However, nothing says you have to remain married after that. Once you are married and my sister is taken away, you can undo the engagement. There is nothing wrong with that. Is that not so, Elder Hui?”

“Ho, well, that is an interesting suggestion, Young Master.”

Liu Jin is not sure when Elder Hui arrived, only that he is suddenly between the two of them. The old man strokes his beard in thought.

“Certainly, it is only important for it to be known that your sister is married before she goes to the Divine Frozen Palace. If the marriage were to be annulled secretly once she left, there’d be no way for them to know.”

Even as Xiao Fang aims a victorious smile his way, Liu Jin wonders what Xiao Zheng would say to that reasoning.

“You heard him. If you understand you are not fit to marry my sister, then you should do the right thing and annul the marriage once she leaves.”

To that, there is only one thing Liu Jin can say.



“No,” Liu Jin repeats. “I see no reason why I need to go along with this, Young Master, and out of respect for you, I will not mention this conversation to anyone.”

If he annulled the engagement, it’d be like slapping Xiao Zheng in the face.

Liu Jin is not that stupid.

“You dare!” Xiao Fang’s face grows red with rage. “You are someone who cannot even last three moves against me, yet you think you are good enough for my sister!”

"And what if I could?”

Liu Jin speaks without thinking, yet the idea that starts taking shape in his head is not one he dislikes.


“What if I could last three moves against you, Young Master?”

Xiao Fang scoffs. “Ha, that is too much even for a joke! Shall I demonstrate the reality for you right now?”

“Young Master,” Liu Jin says. “You have waited almost one month to speak to me. You are also willing to wait until the preparations for the wedding are done, then stand me being married to your sister for a month. That is already three months. If I asked you to wait three more, would that be beyond Young Master's patience?

Elder Hui looks like he is about to say something yet Xiao Fang beats him to it.

“No, that much is not beyond my patience!”

Of course, it isn’t. Liu Jin tries not to roll his eyes. Due to their respective positions, Xiao Fang cannot just beat up Liu Jin like he surely wants.

Xiao Fang is simply too strong.

If someone like Xiao Fang were to force Liu Jin to fight against him, it’d be seen as simple bullying. It’d be different if Liu Jin weren’t part of the Xiao Sect, but he is. Furthermore, since Liu Jin is now his sister’s betrothed who has been acknowledged by Xiao Fang’s father, a fight between them could cause complications.

However, if Liu Jin is the one who issues the challenge, that’s another thing entirely. In that case, it is nothing more than a weak fighter asking for guidance.

In other words, this offer might be the best chance Xiao Fang will have to fight Liu Jin without receiving any negative backlash.

“Then, perhaps double that. If I told Young Master I needed that much to mentally prepare myself, would that not be understandable?”

“Yes, that would be understandable."

"That means Young Master is willing to wait a year. Would it then be too much to ask for half a year more?"

"A year and a half," Xiao Fang says, face made out of stone. “That and no more.”

Something that feels like victory courses through Liu Jin’s body.

This is petty. He realizes that.

Yet he does not feel like backing down.

“In that case, I’ll do my best not to disappoint Young Master when the time comes.”


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