Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 77: Before the Throne


“This is unexpectedly hard.”

Liu Jin looks at himself in the mirror with a furrowed brow. It is still not right. First, he tried making his features rounder, but that didn’t work. Then he tried making them harder and squarish, yet that felt off as well. In the end, Liu Jin settled for making minor changes. His red eyes are now a light shade of brown. His eyebrows are more pronounced, and his skin—which is usually quite pale and had remained that way even after days of walking under the sun—now possesses a healthy tan.

Beyond that, his face, which has started to lose the roundness of youth, is left mostly untouched. Some would say he is beginning to look like his father, but Liu Jin most definitely hasn’t thought so.

Not at all.

It just so happens that disguise arts are far more difficult than Xiao Nan made them seem.

It should come as no surprise. Xiao Nan made everything look easy.

As soon as Liu Jin finishes that thought, he is assaulted by a sense of wrongness. It is as sudden as it is strong. It catches Liu Jin unprepared, and it takes him a while to realize why it is even there. It takes him time to understand what a foolish thought he just allowed to form in his head.


Xiao Nan always makes everything look easy.

There is no need to think about him in past tense.

“This will do.” Liu Jin stands up, the motion tilting the chair off-balance, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He moves away from the mirror, suddenly not interested in looking at his face. “Now, as for you…”

Liu Jin looks at Lei Kong and points to the chair. Lei Kong obeys, resignation oozing from his every pore. It is a welcome change from the pale-faced fear he showed during the auction but still far from ideal.

“Are you scared?”

“My lord, I would have to be a very foolish man not to be scared. The reputation of the Eternal Raging Valley is known even in the Storm Dragon Empire. Even Murong Bang must tread carefully when dealing with them.”

Liu Jin, who is in the middle of committing Lei Kong’s features to memory so that he can better change them, finds his thought process violently interrupted.

“Must?” he repeats, slowly and dangerously. “Not would, but must?”

“That is so, my lord,” Lei Kong replies, his face perfectly blank.

Liu Jin forces himself to take a deep breath.

“Did it not occur to you to mention that before?”

“My lord implied he did not wish to know more about General Murong and the Storm Dragon Empire, so this Lei Kong kept his mouth shut.”

He is serious.

There is no guilt on Lei Kong’s face. No awareness of his blunder. There is nothing there but an idiotic compulsion to follow orders to the best of his ability.

“I see.” Liu Jin suddenly finds Lei Kong’s neck to be very interesting to look at. His fingers twitch ever so slightly. “There are… a great many questions I suddenly want to ask.”

Yet, would it be prudent to ask them now?

Liu Jin becomes keenly aware of the letter resting on his nightstand, an invitation from Branch Master Ruan. It was brought in by a servant earlier today. Tomorrow, Liu Jin is expected to show up at the Eternal Raging Valley.

Naturally, rejecting such a gracious invitation is not an option.

“Let me ask you one question for now,” Liu Jin says, quickly making up his mind. “Murong Bang’s dealings with the Eternal Raging Valley… do you think they will, in any way, affect what will happen tomorrow?”

Lei Kong thinks about it for a moment and shakes his head.

“I doubt it, my lord. The Eternal Raging Valley was a distant—”

“Enough.” Liu Jin holds up his hand to stop Lei Kong from saying more. “That is all I need to know.”

No need to flee the city overnight. A good thing, he supposes.

“The rest, I will ask you when this is done. Still, I suppose this explains why you are so scared of them.”

“My lord does not need to worry. No matter how afraid I am, this Lei Kong is resigned to this course of action.”

He says it solemnly. Grimly. He is the very picture of a man about to march to his death with pride.

Frankly, it annoys Liu Jin.

“I wonder. Are you trying to make me angry?” Liu Jin clicks his tongue. “We both know my emotions are muted, yet you seem to be making quite an effort.”

Lei Kong has the gall to look puzzled.

“My lord, I merely wish to be respectful.”

“Respect is appreciated. Sycophancy is not. I trust the line between the two is not that hard to grasp. If being useful is your aim then, by all means, speak your mind! I do not need the help of someone who will let me walk off a cliff while inwardly congratulating himself for how useful he is being! If you call yourself a tool, be useful!”

Maybe some people would appreciate someone who’d only follow orders blindly, but Liu Jin has no need for someone like that.

If it were Su An here, she’d already be calling him a moron and…

Liu Jin takes a deep breath.


It is better if he doesn’t let his mind wander too much. Liu Jin has far too many urgent things to keep track of.

“If you fear making me angry so much that you’ll put both our lives at risk, I can only wonder just what it is that Murong Bang did to make you such a coward.”

That gets a reaction.


It is small and faint, yet it’s there—a tiny spark shining in Lei Kong’s eyes for a single ephemeral moment. Is it dangerous? Most likely.

It is also a start.

“I apologize, my lord.” Lei Kong bows his head. “I will do my best to be honest with my thoughts from now on.”

“Good. Let’s try this again then,” Liu Jin says as he returns to working on Lei Kong’s face. “You think this will not end well. You think we might not survive this.”

“You are a person of keen insight, my lord.”

Liu Jin snorts. Some would call Lei Kong rude for saying something like that, yet Liu Jin doesn’t mind. In fact, Liu Jin far prefers that sort of response. He motions Lei Kong to keep going.

“I worry about Branch Manager Bianfu, my lord. If he speaks, the Eternal Raging Valley will know they’ve been scammed by us. Can we truly trust him to remain silent? Does my lord really have that much trust in him?”

“A good question.” Liu Jin nods approvingly. Branch Manager Bianfu indeed knows quite a few things that could place them in danger. Even without mentioning that it was them who bid against Branch Master Ruan, there are quite a few ways in which he could make things troublesome for them.

For example, mentioning his connection to the Seven Leaves School.

However, Liu Jin has reason to believe he won’t do that.

“You are making the wrong assumption. It is not that I trust Branch Manager Bianfu. I merely trust him to look after his own interests. He is frustrated with the Eternal Raging Valley. If things continue as they are, then his auction house will start losing profit at a rapid pace due to Branch Master Ruan’s orders. By doing as I asked, he risked little and gained much. The fee he claimed for the thirty million Crimson Imperial Coins was quite something. It is safe to say his association with us has been more positive than negative.”

Liu Jin tries to sound confident as he speaks. He thinks he halfway manages it.

“Besides, if Branch Manager Bianfu betrays us, we can just reveal it was he who allowed us to bid against Branch Master Ruan. He will try to deny it, but it is not a situation he wishes to be put in.”

“I see my lord has given the matter much thought.”

“But you are still uncertain,” Liu Jin guesses.

Liu Jin takes a step back to admire the work he has done on Lei Kong’s face while also doing his best to keep his inner turmoil as exactly that—inner.

Lei Kong’s face is much chubbier now, hiding his square chin. His hair and eyes are a couple of shades lighter.

“Good enough. Walk slightly hunched to hide your physique, and that should do it.”

“Impressive, my lord.” Lei Kong looks at his face in the mirror. One of his fingers pokes his cheek. “As always, I remain surprised by your breadth of skills… yet I must voice some confusion. Why the disguises?”

“When we are face to face with Branch Master Ruan, do you wish to wear your face or one you can discard?”

“I envy my lord’s ability to plan for the future in light of the circumstances.”

Liu Jin tilts his head to the side. “Was that sarcasm?”

Lei Kon shakes his head. “They are my most honest thoughts. My lord is planning to involve himself with a Sect so strong its name is known in this empire and the next. Yet, you do not plan to die at all. That is nothing if not enviable.”

Lei Kong frowns.

“Even so, my lord, I do not understand this at all. Just… why are we doing this? Why involve ourselves with the Eternal Raging Valley when it is none of our business?”

Liu Jin wishes he could give a satisfactory answer to that.

It is not as if Liu Jin doesn’t have any doubts about what he plans to do. It’d be the height of foolishness if he didn’t. However, does that really matter? Which fool is better? The one who walks heedless into danger or the one who knows about the danger and still chooses to walk into it?

Does having a plan make a difference when the odds of success are so low and the consequences of failing so severe?

Why is he doing this?

No one would like to know that more than Liu JIn.


The next morning, a group of disciples from the Eternal Raging Valley waits for them outside the Five Blessings Auction House. They are tall and dressed in green robes with golden leaves patterns.

They are all in the True Realm.

“Honored guests,” one of them greets them. “We have been sent by the great and wise Branch Master Ruan. It is his dearest wish to make your journey easier.”

The disciple steps to the side to reveal a palanquin. His words are formal and his tone almost deferential. That said, there is no mistaking who is in control. Liu Jin goes into the palanquin, and Lei Kong follows after him. The door is shut, and the palanquin is lifted.

The streets of Five Bats City are usually busy, yet the disciples keep a brisk pace. It only takes a quick look outside to discover why. Just like in the auction house, no one dares get in the way of the Eternal Raging Valley. Some people even bow as they pass by.

The buildings and houses of Five Bats City are all tightly packed against each other. There is nothing like the large manors in the wealthier districts of Eastern Port City. Even the Five Blessings Auction House is not particularly large on the outside despite belonging to such a prestigious group.

The Eternal Raging Valley proves to be an exception.

The walls that seem to go on forever are Liu Jin’s first hint. The large gates are the second. Once they pass through them, it is as if they are not even in the same city anymore. All the noise from outside seems to vanish. The multitude of houses and buildings is replaced by a peaceful garden decorated with stone ornaments and beautiful flowers.

As they are carried further in, Liu Jin cannot help but be reminded of the Xiao Sect’s compound, yet this place might be even more impressive, an opinion that is reaffirmed when they stop in front of a large mansion.

Like many of the buildings in Five Bats City, it is not particularly tall, perhaps merely four stories high. However, unlike most of them, it is quite wide in size. It has green tiled roofs, and the walls and doors are of soft earth tones, though there is a splash of gold here and there.

“Branch Master Ruan is already waiting,” the disciple who first greeted him says as Liu Jin and Lei Kong step out of the palanquin. “Allow us to take you to him. Your servant will stay outside.”

Liu Jin looks at Lei Kong and nods.

To the disciple, he says, “Very well. Let us not keep Branch Master Ruan waiting then.”



It is not the only word that comes to mind, yet it is the most fitting to describe the mansion. The ceilings are high, the halls are wide and almost empty, and light comes in from every window. It is as if the mansion is going out of its way to remind all who visit that in a place as cramped as Five Bats City, the Eternal Raging Valley can afford to have all this space to themselves.

Beautiful, green columns rise from the pure, white floor. Golden chimes near the windows ring softly whenever the wind comes in.

Without a doubt, it is a peaceful place.

Or at least, it would be if the fear in the air wasn’t so readily apparent.

The way the disciples walk is stiff, not at all fitting for people in the True Realm. There is sweat on their faces, and their eyes are constantly darting around. Their nervousness is as obvious as it is surprising. Certainly, Branch Master Ruan’s actions have caused some trouble for the Five Blessings Auction House, but has it gone so far as to cause trouble in his own Sect?

Liu Jin fears the answer is yes.

They reach two large doors with golden handles. No one moves to open them. They do so on their own.


Branch Master Ruan’s voice comes from inside. It is not as angry as it was in the auction house, yet Liu Jin would hesitate to call it pleased or calm. With measured steps, Liu Jin makes his way into Master Ruan’s…

Throne room.

It is a throne room.

It is not at all like Patriarch Xiao Zheng’s office, nor is it like the Xiao Sect’s banquet hall. The room is devoid of almost anything. It has beautiful gold columns and a floor so clean and smooth one could probably see their face reflected in it. There is no furniture of any kind—none except for the structure that waits on the other end of the room. There, a set of marble steps lead to a large golden throne.

Atop it sits the man who must be none other than Branch Master Ruan. From hearing his voice, Liu Jin had expected a tall, imposing person, yet that is not the case. Although he is sitting, Liu Jin can tell he is of average height and build. His features are not hard yet refined and aristocratic.

Had he not heard him in the auction hall, Liu Jin would have assumed him to be a calm, stoic person.


He says so, and they do. The disciples’ knees hit the floor almost instantly.

“You have been invited into my home and been allowed to kneel before this Ruan Goutin. I shall allow you to say your thanks.”

“My lord,” Liu Jin says with his head bowed low. “I can only thank you for your hospitality and generosity, both so great that’d you’d go as far as to allow this one to speak in your presence.”

Liu Jin never imagined spending so much time around Lei Kong would be useful, yet the way Ruan Goutin’s eyes shine with delight tells him his words just now were the right ones.

“Well said. It is good to speak with people who have manners. I am told you were the one who brought the Pill of Bliss to the Five Blessings Auction House.”

“That I am, my lord. I was quite happy to hear it attracted the attention of one so esteemed.”

“The pill was satisfactory. I will have you tell me the name of the one who made them so that I might bring them here.”

“My lord, there is no need for that.”

Someone gasps. It comes from one of the disciples. He does his best to smother it, yet Liu Jin is close enough to hear it.

“You dare question me?” The tension in the room spikes. Ruan Goutin’s Qi simmers around him. It is the same Qi Liu Jin felt in the Auction House.

It is the Qi of someone in the Emperor Realm.

“My lord, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing,” Liu Jin quickly replies. “I clearly misspoke. I meant to say there is no need for such a thing because the one who made the pill already kneels before you.”


Ruan Goutin does not bother hiding his incredulity. It is plain to hear on his face and see on his face. It doesn’t take him long to voice it.

“I can believe that you are a merchant. You clearly know how to speak to your betters. However, do you really expect me to believe a young whelp like you is an accomplished enough alchemist to make that pill?”

“It is natural for my lord to be skeptical. However, I assure you that not only am I a capable alchemist but a capable doctor as well. If my lord wishes to test me, he is more than welcome to.”

“A doctor, you say.” Ruan Goutin rubs his chin. He has no facial hair. His face is smooth, devoid of any imperfections as befits a high-level cultivator. “Very well then, I shall test you as I have tested all doctors who have chosen to come here. Disciple, come forward!”

The order is barked out without mercy, and it is with extreme resignation that one of the disciples stands up and walks until he is right in front of the steps.

“You are ready to serve,” Ruan Goutin states, looking at him with cold eyes. The disciple is deathly pale, yet he nods.

“I am, my lord.”

Ruan Goutin strikes.

The motion is so fast Liu Jin only knows it happened because the disciple is suddenly blown back, landing right next to him. His robes are torn, revealing an indentation in the shape of a fist on his chest. His eyes are wide, his pupils completely dilated, his face deathly pale.

Ruan Goutin’s face is without mercy.

“You say you are a doctor? Fix him.”


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