Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 85: The Red Crystal of Truth


Qing Jin.

The spear on his back, he’s gotten used to. The red hair, he barely notices. The name, however, still feels foreign to him. No matter how many times he hears it, there will always be a pause, a moment in which he has to remind himself that is his name now. It is something he needs to fix. A clever person will almost certainly pick up on it.

Well, Liu Jin doubts he has to worry about that sort of thing when dealing with Huang Shing.

“Qing Jin! Look!”

He seems… simple.

“They are starting!” Huang Shing points up ahead, where a man in red and white robes is walking down the steps. “Let’s go!”

Liu Jin sighs as Huang Shing eagerly walks into the mass of people. Crowds are not something he enjoys. Not in Eastern Port City. Not in Five Bats City. And most certainly not here. All those stories about great masters who removed themselves from civilization to achieve eternity probably neglected to mention they also did so because dealing with too many people at once is exhausting.

Liu Jin thinks about it for a moment and nods.

Yeah, that sounds right.

“You have come from lands far and wide,” the man in red and white robes says once he reaches the lowest step. His Qi reveals him as someone in the True Realm, the fifth Realm of cultivation. “Doubtlessly, you have endured many hardships on your way here. However, to join our Eternal Flame Clan, that cannot even be called the first step. We have no use for the weak!”

That draws many frowns from the crowd. Angry whispers are suddenly aplenty; a few even shout.

“Oh?” The man raises an eyebrow. “You say you are not weak. Very well, you have, after all, come here to prove your strength. Far be it from me to deny you the opportunity. Those who have courage, step forward and be judged!”

He snaps his fingers. People stumble back as a large rock rises from the ground.

No, Liu Jin quickly amends. Not rock, crystal. It is a beautiful red crystal in the shape of a wild flame. It rises until it is as tall as three men standing on each other’s shoulders, towering over the crowd.

“You will stand in front of the Red Crystal of Truth. Touch its surface, and your age and cultivation stage will be measured. Those who are not found wanting will pass to the next stage!”

The atmosphere changes. Eagerness is replaced by apprehension. It is not a person but an artifact that will judge them. Their names will not sway it. Neither will their charisma or deeds. Their age and cultivation level will be the only factors taken into account, which means they will pass or fail by those alone.

Amid this tense atmosphere, a derisive snort rises.

“Hmph! Is that all? It seems the Eternal Flame Clan is much kinder than I thought.”

Bei Hong walks out from the crowd with confident steps. He does not ask for further clarification or even looks at the examiner. He boldly touches the Red Crystal of Truth.

The crystal glows with red light, and flames erupt from its surface, causing Bei Hong to take a step back in surprise. He need not have bothered. The flame flies straight up and bursts into fiery letters.

Spirit Realm, Third Level. Fifteen-Years-old.

Huang Shing curses under his breath. He had probably hoped his senses were fooling him back then, yet it is not so. Bei Hong truly is in the Third Level of the Spirit Realm. Indeed, Huang Shing is far from the only one moved by this reveal. Even among people as gifted as these, to reach the Spirit Realm at such a young age is noteworthy.

“Good.” The examiner nods approvingly. “You will be transported to the next testing area.”

Bei Hong only has a moment to look surprised before a red circle appears beneath him. He is engulfed in red light and vanishes.

“What was that?” Huang Shing asks.

“Transfer circle,” Liu Jin replies, his tone far more casual, yet that does not mean he is not impressed. It is, after all, the first transfer circle he has ever seen.

Transfer circles can connect two different areas, yet there are limits to how far apart they can be. Even if this is the Eternal Flame Clan, he doubts its range goes past the Summer Forest.

“Most likely, he was taken to the next testing area.”

“Who will be next?” The examiner shouts, his voice asserting itself over the crowd.

There is a pause. Bei Hong, unfortunately, and perhaps deliberately set the standard too high. He passed the first stage while being in the Spirit Realm. Does that mean only people in the Spirit Realm can pass? Everyone is wondering that. The pressure of having to walk in front of everyone only to fail and return home a loser is too much for many.

Huang Shing, after a few moments of internal debate, suddenly straightens his back. He takes a step forward.

And runs right into Liu Jin’s arm.


“If you go up there right now, I’ll have to go as well. I’d rather see the other participants first.”

It will give him more opportunities to see how the crystal works.

Huang Shing shoves his arm out of his way. “But what if we wait too much, and they run out of spots?”

Liu Jin shakes his head. “There is no quota to be filled. The Eternal Flame Clan will not turn away those who are strong. There are only those who can finish the test and those who can’t.”

Something Huang Shing would know if he had spent any amount of time in Ember City. Occasionally, disciples from the Eternal Flame Clan would pass by. Most would tell horror stories to scare away those hoping to join, but a few would let important details slip out. “Look, there is another one.”

Indeed, someone else has worked up the nerve to take the test, a girl this time. She touches the crystal, and the flame reveals her level.

Nascent Realm, Eighth Level. Fourteen-years-old.

It takes only two seconds for the transfer circle to appear beneath her, yet the crowd hangs in suspense throughout them. Many sigh in relief once she is judged worthy.

After that, volunteers start coming in earnest.

Nascent Realm, Fifth Level. Thirteen-years-old.

Nascent Realm, Ninth Level. Fifteen-years-old.

Spirit Realm, First Level. Fifteen-years-old.

Huang Shing glares at Lu Mei as she easily passes the test, a confident smirk on her lips as she vanishes in a flash of red.

Liu Jin, however, is more concerned with those who had yet to take the exam. There are a few that—now that they have been faced with their own inadequacy—are quietly drifting to the back of the crowd. They’ll probably leave without ever touching the crystal, already understanding they are not strong enough.

Others recklessly rush in, hoping against hope.

Nascent Realm, Third Level. Fourteen-years-old.

The youth who stepped up to the challenge waits as the seconds drag on painfully, his face flushing with shame. More than one person snickers at his failure.

“Fail,” the examiner cries out, further cementing his humiliation. “Stand back so others can take the test.”

“Ouch,” Huang Shing says. Liu Jin cannot help but agree.

Yet, that is not the most embarrassing thing to happen to someone.

Nascent Realm, First Level. Fifteen-years-old.

“What?” The teen who has just been judged glares at the examiner. “Is this a joke? I am clearly in the Sixth Level of the Nascent Realm. Has the Eternal Flame Clan been testing us with something faulty?”

It is true. The Qi surrounding the teen is that of someone in the Sixth Level of the Nascent Realm. However, the examiner is unmoved.

“Do you think me a fool?” The examiner asks coldly, his Qi pressing down on the complainer. The outrage flees the teen’s face, quickly replaced by fear. “The Red Crystal of Truth is a relic of our Eternal Flame Clan. It is impossible for it to be fooled. People like you, who think they can lie their way into our most honorable Sect by disguising their cultivation level, are as common as dirt! A potion. An amulet. It does not matter. Such things cannot fool the Red Crystal. Begone!”

The examiner waves his hand in the teen’s direction and sends him flying. The crowd parts for him and watch as he is expelled from the premises.

He will not return.


The selection continues. Thankfully, with fewer surprises, but that does not mean there aren’t any.

Nascent Realm, First Level. Eleven-years-old.

“Hey,” Huang Shing says as the child is engulfed in a yellow transfer circle. “Why is he accepted? And why is his circle different?”

“He’s younger,” Liu Jin replies. “Surely you did not expect the standards would be the same for every age. The older the person, the higher the standards that need to be met.”

Huang Shing frowns. “And the circle?”

“Different testing area, most likely.” Liu Jin shrugs his shoulders. “Putting older and younger participants through the same test would be counterproductive.”

“Lucky brat.” Huang Shing clicks his tongue. “I shouldn’t have waited so long to come here then. Look at that one! He’s a little kid. He’ll probably have it even easier.”

Liu Jin follows Huang Shing’s pointed finger. Indeed, there is a kid there, even younger than the last one. From this distance, he can only make out his black hair. The kid is already stepping up to the Red Crystal to be tested. The moment he does, Liu Jin’s thoughts come to a screeching halt.

Nascent Realm, Third Level. Eight-years-old.

Liu Jin stares.

He is not the only one doing so. The entire crowd is left stunned. Bei Hong being on the Third Level of the Spirit Realm at the age of fifteen was shocking. However, this is even more so!

That child has reached Nascent Realm at the age of eight!

What type of prodigy is this child? What place could produce someone like this?

If he is already this strong as an eight-year-old, how much stronger will he be in the future?

No one has any chance to ask him that. He disappears in the glow of a gold transfer circle. As he does, Liu Jin cannot help but notice the nervous look on the examiner’s face.

“No way.” Huang Shing looks perfectly defeated. “When I was at that age, I was barely in the…I… how?!”

A good question. Liu Jin’s lips thin, suddenly feeling more aware of the spear on his back.

“I think... we have seen enough.”

Huang Shing looks at Liu Jin, still shaken, and nods.

“Yeah.” He breathes in deeply, taking a moment to compose himself. “Let’s go!”

Seconds later, Liu Jin touches the Red Crystal of Truth and disappears in a red glow.


Liu Jin expects to be dropped off in the middle of the Summer Forest and then have to make his way to the Eternal Flame Clan’s compound. Instead, the transfer circle merely takes him to another section of the Ash Road. There are endless steps in front of him, and a glance back would show him much the same. An examiner stands in his way, his hands folded behind his back.

“Congratulations on passing the first stage,” he says even as Huang Shing starts materializing beside Liu Jin. “However, that was only the first step. If you wish to join the Eternal Flame Clan, keep moving forward, but be warned. While Spirit Beasts are not usually able to step into the Ash Road, we have loosened the restrictions on the barrier for the sake of the exam.”

Huang Shing grins and cracks his knuckles. “So run and kill all the beasts? Good, I was getting worried I’d be something hard.”

“There may be other obstacles,” Liu Jin points out. The examiner nods.

“There might be.”

“Will you tell us what those are?” Liu Jin asks. The examiner just smiles mysteriously.


Huang Shing snorts and takes off running. Liu Jin follows.

It says a lot that even after a full minute passes, the two seem no closer to reaching the end of the Ash Road. Liu Jin and Huang Shing are in the late stages of the Nascent Realm. Even though they have yet to use any movement techniques, their speed is not one that can be taken lightly. It is a testament to how large the Summer Forest is.

“This is boring. I thought there were supposed to be Spirit Beasts here?”

As soon as Huang Shing says that, a massive creature bursts through the trees, its maw wide open as it seeks to swallow them both in one gulp.

Ground Contraction.

Liu Jin vanishes from the beast’s path and appears right behind it, swinging his spear at its leg. It bites into its flesh and draws blood. Despite that, Liu Jin clicks his tongue in annoyance. The cut is too shallow.

Even though he has been practicing with Lei Kong, he still has much to learn.

“What is this thing?” Huang Shing’s voice comes from somewhere up above. He is on the beast’s back, struggling to hold on as it bucks wildly all over the place. “Is it a dragon?”

He almost looks eager at the prospect.

“Lizard,” Liu Jin corrects him. “Yellow-Crowned Lizard.”

Indeed, the creature is an enormous green lizard with thick scales and a yellow underbelly. Yellow spikes grow from its head, mimicking the shape of a crown. The beast screeches, its long tail swiping at Liu Jin with speed well beyond that of sound.

Liu Jin leaps over the attack and brings his spear down, slicing the tail off in a single swing. The lizard screeches in pain, giving Huang Shing the opening he needs. His fists glow with power as he brings them down on the beast’s back with devastating force.

It buckles and falls. Liu Jin blurs as he aims his spear right at its head. This time, there is no flaw in his form.

His spear hits its mark, and the beast dies.

Huang Shing cheers and slaps his hands together. “That wasn’t hard at all! This test might be even easier than I thought!”

As soon as he says it, more Yellow-Crowned Lizards start coming out of the forest. There are at least two dozen of them. All in the Nascent Realm.

Huang Shing stares.

“I need to stop tempting fate.”

Liu Jin cannot stop himself from nodding.


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