Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 95: A Quiet Trip


Their transport flies at least a mile above the ground. Its flaming wheels leave streaks of flame in their wake, soaring through the skies like a comet.

“Incredible!” Huang Shing says. He has his face pressed up against the window, his expression alight with childish wonder. “Absolutely incredible! The Eternal Flame Clan is the best!”

Out of the four, he’s by far the less composed, but that doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t shared by the others. Even Lu Mei and Bei Hong, who come from esteemed Sects, cannot help but be awed by the Eternal Flame Clan’s flying vehicle.

Bei Hong tries to appear unmoved. He sits with his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face, but his eyes betray him. They keep darting to the right, trying to look over Huang Shing’s shoulder. His body follows suit, slowly inching closer to the window. Lu Mei doesn’t have this problem. By choosing a window seat from the start. She’s free to look as much as she wants.

Liu Jin is no different.

The multi-colored trees of the Summer Forest have faded away. Now grassy hills and plains stretch for miles below them. It is nothing Liu Jin hasn’t seen before, yet the altitude makes all the difference. From this high up, even entire towns look so small Liu Jin feels he could scoop one in his hands if he were to just reach out and grab it.

“To think people in the Heaven Realm get to experience this all the time! So lucky!”

“Ha! Don’t mistake things!” Bei Hong tells Huang Shing, using the opportunity to move even closer to the window. “Certainly, those who enter the Heaven Realm are no longer bound by gravity, but you cannot compare their flight to this. As amazing as flying like this is, people in the Heaven Realm are far more amazing!”


“Of course! Think about it, right now, we’re inside this wagon.” Bei Hong taps the window for emphasis. “The sights we can see through the window are impressive, but that’s just it. We can only look through the glass and no more. However, when you’re in the Heaven Realm, you have no need for things like this!”

Bei Hong makes a fast, sweeping movement with his arm, which causes Huang Shing to jump back a little.

“If you’re in the Heaven Realm, you can experience the rush of air on your skin! You can go as high as you want, as fast as you can! You can even let yourself fall! Even Sister Mei’s flying carpet can’t compare to that. The feeling as your body speeds up and the earth grows closer is the best!”

“Oooh! I never thought of it that way! It’s almost like Brother Hong is speaking from experience!”

“I am!” Bei Hong puffs his chest with pride. “When I was in the Golden Fist Sect, I convinced an Elder to carry me on his back. That way, I got to experience how flying felt like!”

“I am so jealous of Brother Hong right now!”

“He’s telling the truth, you know?” Lu Mei tells Liu Jin. There is a fond smile on her face. “It was quite a sight.”

“I did not expect an Elder would concern himself with such things.”

Lu Mei’s smile takes on an impish quality. “Well, when said Elder happens to be your grandfather, it is only natural. Of course, Bei Hong was hardly the only one to enjoy that privilege. Elder Bei loves spoiling his many grandchildren.”

“Hey!” Bei Hong calls out. “Do not say spoiled. It was a special privilege I earned through many great deeds.”

“Oh, of course. Clearly, I misunderstood,” Lu Mei says with mock seriousness. “As a young child, holding your arms up to your grandfather must have been quite hard. What I took for childish glee was actually a monumental effort on your part. How ignorant of me.”

Liu Jin smiles. Huang Shing covers his mouth with his hands to try to hide a snort.

Bei Hong starts turning red.

“If we are talking about being spoiled, then why not start with the time you—”

“Excuse me.”

Whatever anecdote Bei Hong is about to share never gets the chance to leave his lips. A servant enters their wagon and kneels before them. He is of average height and androgynous looking. Liu Jin is quick to identify him as the one who held the door open for Feng Zhi.

“Master Feng Zhi wishes to speak to you,” the servant says, keeping his head bowed. “He bids you present yourselves before him.”

The announcement causes the four of them to trade concerned looks. Feng Zhi had never once tried to approach them while they were in the Eternal Flame Clan. Even though he had been placed in charge of them for this trip, he never once seemed to acknowledge their existence.

Did he wait until now because he no longer has to worry about what the Elders may say or do?

It is a worrying thought. Huang Shing, in particular, looks rather stressed. Knowing his history with Feng Zhi, it is easy to understand why. Feng Zhi may not have recognized him yet, but that can change if they keep interacting face to face. They can only hope that enough time has passed since their last meeting to render Huang Shing unrecognizable to Feng Zhi.

After all, it is not as if they can decline his invitation.

“Of course,” Liu Jin says, standing up. “We would not dream of inconveniencing the Young Master.”


The flying vehicle is made of five interconnected wagons. The first wagon contains the control mechanisms. The fifth wagon is for the servants. The fourth is for luggage, and the third is for Liu Jin and the others.

The second is for Feng Zhi’s personal use.

Just entering it is enough to appreciate the difference in status between them. The wagons may all look the same from the outside, but the same can clearly not be said for their inside. Feng Zhi’s wagon has much more space.


Feng Zhi’s wagon is far bigger on the inside. Compared to their wagon, this one has at least twice as much space yet is arranged in a way that makes it clear it is meant to be used by fewer people. The seats are larger, but they are also less. There is a table with a couple of empty plates, evidence Feng Zhi has eaten a meal before calling them. Next to him, there is a tea kettle and a cup of steaming tea.

There are no teacups for them.

There are also no seats. They have all been moved to Feng Zhi’s side of the table, leaving the four of them standing in front of Feng Zhi.

“Sit,” Feng Zhi says regardless. With the way the room is set up, he is essentially telling them to kneel on the floor.

They do so.

Feng Zhi takes a sip of tea, then another one. He does so slowly, letting the silence hang over the room. Only when he has finished his tea does he actually speak.

“I didn’t imagine I’d find myself in a situation like this. I merely wanted to enjoy the sight of the Spring of Clear Insight. Now, due to the actions of you bumbling fools, I am saddled with the four of you. That is what the precious wisdom of the Elders has dictated.”

Sixty breaths go by. No one says or does anything. Feng Zhi just stares ahead, not even looking at them.

Finally, he sighs and shakes his head.

“I will not lie. There is a part of me that wishes to throw the lot of you out of this vehicle.”

The four of them stiffen.

“Not to kill you, of course. I have been reviewing your records. Even though you are all new disciples, your performance so far has been commendable. I have every confidence in your ability to survive the fall should I throw you.”

Their records? So he has been investigating them.

“It would just be a nice way of working out my frustrations over this matter.” Feng Zhi takes a deep breath. When he releases it, some tension seems to drain away from his body, leaving a less stoic person behind. “Unfortunately, if I did something like that, the Elders would get angry at me and punish me in some other way.”

He clicks his tongue.

“I will be frank. I do not enjoy the notion of having to babysit you. The idea that this is the best use of my time is one I find tremendously insulting.”

There is not anything they can say to that. On this matter, Feng Zhi has every reason to be annoyed. He did nothing wrong, yet, by making him responsible for their punishment, it is as if he were being punished as well.

For the Young Master of the Eternal Flame Clan to be treated like this is bound to be annoying.

Well, Liu Jin muses, the reason he’s being treated like this is probably because he’s not the only Young Master.

He had heard about it in Ember City, and Khong Hu’s impromptu lesson had shed more light on the matter. The current Patriarch of the Eternal Flame Clan has two sons. The youngest of the two is already a century old.

That son is Feng Zhi’s father.

Feng Zhi is not the Patriarch’s son. He’s the Patriarch’s grandson. Although his position in the Eternal Flame Clan is high, it is not as if his chances of inheriting its leadership are high. In fact, since the first son is the one most likely to inherit control of the Eternal Flame Clan, it is unlikely he’ll ever do so.

“Unfortunately, we are stuck with each other, and so, must bear each other’s presence.” Feng Zhi sighs dramatically. “In the interest of you not making fools of yourselves, tell me, what do you know of Night Phantasm City?”

“Night Phantasm City is located outside the Crimson Cloud Empire,” Lu Mei answers. Her tone is devoid of her usual playfulness and teasing. “To be more specific, it is located in the Night Forest Nation, which is to the west of the Crimson Cloud Empire.”

Night Forest Nation. Its size cannot be compared to that of the Crimson Cloud Empire. Neither can its wealth or resources. Night Forest Nation, Green Fort Kingdom, Pure Oasis Country. There are many small nations like those located in the west. They create a buffer zone between the Crimson Cloud Empire and the Dead Plains.

In fact, one could say the reason those countries exist at all is that the Crimson Cloud Empire has no interest in expanding in that direction. Even the Dead Plains can be said to be a buffer between the Crimson Cloud Empire and the lands that lay on the other side.

These are all things Liu Jin had learned from Old Jiang a long time ago.

“Good, you at least know that much.” Feng Zhi crosses his arms and looks at the rest. “What about the rest of you? Do you know why it is that I must go in person to a minor country such as the Night Forest Nation?”

“The Eternal Flame Clan has an alliance with the Bright Phantasm Sect. To be more specific, they are one of our subordinate Sects,” Liu Jin replies. This is something he had learned only through Khong Hu. The older disciple seemed determined to drill knowledge of the Eternal Flame Clan’s many alliances into his head.

“The area contains many resources that are not commonly found in the Crimson Cloud Empire, making it valuable. In exchange for protection, the Bright Phantasm Sect shares many of its resources with us.”

Shares is perhaps a kind way of putting it.

The Bright Phantasm Sect may be called an allied Sect, but it wouldn’t be wrong to say they are just caretakers hired by the Eternal Flame Clan. The only reason they can enforce their hold over Night Phantasm City and the area surrounding it is because the Eternal Flame Clan exists. In exchange, the Eternal Flame Clan receives the lion’s share of the resources the Bright Phantasm Sect harvests.

“Correct,” Feng Zhi nods approvingly. “The area surrounding Night Phantasm City is strong in Yin Qi. Due to that, mirages and illusions naturally appear, making the land hard to control. It is easy for people to get the wrong idea and think they can go and take what isn’t theirs. That is why I am here.”

Feng Zhi is a Young Master of the Eternal Flame Clan. His high rank and strength are meant to act as deterrents towards those who would think of stealing from Night Phantasm City.

“Our duty is a simple one. We are to go there and remind everyone the Bright Phantasm Sect is under the protection of the Eternal Flame Clan. We’ll attend a few banquets, patrol the area, and make sure to be seen by the people.”

Feng Zhi laughs, unamused. And really, why shouldn’t he be? He is Patriarch Feng’s grandson, yet he’s being used as a simple scarecrow, something meant to scare away scavengers and pests. It is hardly something that can be called a dignified task. Worse still, he’s being made to do this while having to take care of the four of them only because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

“As long as you keep your mouths shut and don’t cause any trouble, everything should proceed smoothly. Any questions?”

“None, Young Master,” Lu Mei replies for all.

“Good. You can return to your wagon now. Trust me when I say it will all be laughably tedious. With any luck, we have two boring weeks ahead of us. I look forward to them ending, so that I may no longer deal with any of you.”

On this matter, they all hope Young Master Feng Zhi is right.


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