Book Eater

Chapter 186: Quickening of the Northern Continent (3)

Chapter 186: Quickening of the Northern Continent (3)

Veronica and Sylvia...

Theo’s mind went blank for the second time that day at the unexpected appearance of the two women. He didn’t know why they were chatting with his family.

No, he could understand Sylvia’s presence, since she had met his family before. The Miller family had no connections in a place like the royal palace, but they would feel comfortable if they were with familiar people.

Then why is Tower Master...?

However, Veronica was different. She was the master of the Red Tower, an integral part of the kingdom’s martial might. While nobles might be weak, they were second only to the Tower Master of Meltor. Yet even dukes didn’t dare raise their voices in front of Veronica.

Yet she seemed to be calmly chatting with the Miller family, who had been living in the countryside until not long ago.

However, Theo’s thoughts on this matter didn’t last much longer.

“Let me hug you once, my son!” His mother hurried to embrace him. Fortunately, she was doing better than before, since she seemed stronger than before. Still, why did she seem tiny compared to three years ago?

Theo held his mother quietly and smiled inwardly as he realized why.

No, I’m the one who’s changed a lot in the last three years.

Theo had gone through many things in the last three years, but the most impactful one had been acquiring Battle Song, which made him taller and increased his physical abilities. In these few years, he had grown big enough to tower over his mother. He could remember a time when he wasn’t even tall enough to look her in the eye. However, he was no longer that boy.

Theo’s father, now Earl Miller, watched the emotional reunion and said, “It really has been a while, Theo.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t visited more often.”

“Uh, don’t apologize. In this world, what parent would hold onto the ankles of their child? It is also thanks to you that we can enjoy all the luxuries of the royal palace.”


Theo couldn’t help laughing. It was funny that his father, who always wore shabby clothes, now had a gorgeous robe covering his pudgy belly. His mother scolded his father sharply, but Dennis was still happy.

The atmosphere of the room became lighter. Theo forgot his usual solemn expression, while Sylvia and Veronica couldn’t help smiling softly at the family’s open affection for their son. It was a side of Theo that people didn’t know. The satisfaction of seeing this scene decreased the two women’s hostility toward each other.

“Ah, and Theo. There is one person who really wanted to see you again.”


After his mother finished scolding Dennis, she turned back to speak to Theo. It had been three years since she had seen her son. She was proud that Theo was an important person in the kingdom, but as his parents, she and Dennis couldn’t help feeling a bit lonely. So, they came to Manavil and prepared a proper family reunion. But the person who wanted to see Theo the most was his younger brother, who had turned six this year.

“B-Brother,” a nervous voice rang out from behind the sofa where Veronica and Sylvia were sitting.

‘Ah.’ Why was it that the moment Theo heard the voice, an unknown emotion filled his chest...?

The presence of Veronica and Sylvia had blocked his senses, making this a surprise. A young boy walked out from between the red and blue robes. He had the same black hair and blue eyes as Theo.

Leonardo Miller, the spitting image of Theo as a child, looked up at his brother with a wide-eyed gaze.

“... Leo?” Theo called out.

“Yes, Brother Theo.”

“You have become bigger.”

It was awkward. Theo had only seen his little brother when Leo was three, and he hadn’t seen him again for another three years. Leo was just a child, so he wouldn’t be surprised if Leo didn’t remember him. However, Leonardo knew. He knew that the person in the gorgeous outfit before him was his older brother.

Leo lunged forward. “Brother!”

Theo grunted. “Uh, don’t tackle me all of a sudden. It hurts.”


Leo had heard a lot of stories. His brother who saved a beautiful elf, his brother who bravely defended their home, his brother who gained many merits... In Leonardo’s mind, Theo was already a fairytale hero.

The boy had another thought as he snuggled into Theo’s arms. Theo was followed by beautiful women! The sisters here were so beautiful that the women from Leo’s village were like pumpkins compared to them. Leonardo’s thoughts were still childish, but in some ways, it was an amazingly precise interpretation of the situation. Had he been born with a brain like Theo’s?

Then Leonardo suddenly recalled what he’d heard about the banquet.



“Isn’t there a big party tonight?”

The word banquet was more suitable, but Leo was only six years old. Theo smiled at Leo and nodded. That said, Leonardo had a good brain for a six-year-old. He was able to formulate a question based on what he’d heard from his parents and from what he’d seen in stories.

“Which sister are you bringing with you?” Leo’s innocent question shattered the unspoken armistice between the two beauties.

“... What?” Theo uttered.

“I saw it in a book. A man and woman will go to a big party together and dance. So, I thought that you would go with one of these pretty sisters...”


Leo just shook his head innocently.

This was truly a surprise! Theo started sweating nervously as he faced the cliff before him. He knew his brother wasn’t being malicious, but it was fatal in this situation. Unsurprisingly, someone else spoke before Theo could reply.

“Yeah, kid, who is your partner?”


She subvocalized, “Just call me Becky. I introduced myself as your senior because I didn’t want them to be uncomfortable.”


Theo realized. Veronica hadn’t revealed her identity so that the Miller family could talk comfortably. They would’ve been far more stiff if they’d known that she was the Red Tower Master.

Veronica naturally grasped his left arm and whispered into his ear, “So tell me, who will be your partner?”


“You aren’t going to kick me away, are you? Yes?” Her hot breath and low voice tickled his ears, making him feel dizzy.

The heat coming from his left arm made him feel like he was melting. At that time, something cool wrapped around his right arm.

“No matter how rushed you feel, you shouldn’t cause him pain. Right Be-cky?” Sylvia dragged out Veronica’s nickname as she glared at her opponent.

Then she whispered in Theo’s ears, “Come with me, Theo. You shouldn’t go with a middle-aged woman.”

“M-Middle-aged...?” Veronica’s eyebrows twitched, but she soon recovered and launched a counterattack. “Hrnn, can you speak so proudly when you haven’t even grown up yet? This kid prefers women like me.”

“N-Not grown up...?” Sylvia gaped.

Veronica let her robe slip open, revealing her sensual body. It couldn’t hide how voluptuous she was. Sylvia looked down at herself, but she couldn’t see her natural beauty. However, she didn’t know yet. She wouldn’t know what Theo’s taste was unless he said it himself.

The two women reached the same conclusion and focused on Theo.

“Theo, who is it?”

Theo gulped and took a deep breath, feeling more tension than when he faced the Empire’s Seven Swords. Of course, he would be happy with either woman; however, he currently wasn’t free to choose a partner. Kurt III had asked him to escort Ellenoa, and he couldn’t ignore Ellenoa who had come to the distant Meltor.

“I’m sorry.” With that apology, Theo refused both of them. “His Majesty has asked me to be Ellenoa’s partner. I don’t have a choice for this banquet.”



Sylvia was devastated, while Veronica thought it was ridiculous. The two women had different types of beauty, and even their actions were the opposite of each other.

“... Yes, I’m sorry to ask something unreasonable.”

“It’s nothing. I was glad to hear Tow- no, Becky’s suggestion.”

“Thank you for the answer. I’m gonna go talk to him.”

“Yes… Huh?”

Talk to who?

Theo stayed silent until Veronica left the room. He could guess, but would she really do that?

“Oh...” Meanwhile, Sylvia sat back down in her chair.

“Oh, my. Don’t be so upset.”

“But Mother...”

“Our Theo has been popular since the old days. Even back home, Julia next door..”

Theo could hear it all. As his mother’s words soothed the crestfallen Sylvia, Theo gazed at Leonardo like he had committed a big sin. There was no malice, but Leo was the one who had created this mess. However, his brother was still looking at Theo with a bright expression, unaware of what he had done.

“Hah...” Theo was exhausted before the banquet had even begun.


Seven hours later, the doors to Meltor’s palace swung wide open. The nobles, magicians, and foreign dignitaries let out sounds of admiration as they crossed the threshold.

“Ohh! So, this is Meltor’s royal palace!”

“From the pillars to the stairs and fountains, they’re all magical products. I’m afraid to look away from anything.”

“It is a pity that I can only come once a year!”

It was as they said. In keeping with the title of Meltor as the magic kingdom, the interior of the palace was covered with artifacts. There were even Living Armors acting as security to catch unauthorized intruders, as well as fountains to control the ambient temperature.

Most of the foreign guests were from the Central continent, so they never enjoyed the use of such advanced artifacts. In fact, the bleak North felt like another world. The guests walked a few more steps while salivating with greed, and soon arrived at the ballroom.

There were so many guests that a temporary banquet hall had been made in the spacious front garden. The Yellow Tower magicians had used their prodigious skills to complete it in one and a half days.

“T-This big building is just a temporary banquet hall?” Dennis had been in the capital for less than a month, so he couldn’t hide the tremble in his voice.

A building which should’ve taken a year to construct had grown right before his eyes. This didn’t even take into account the royal motifs and symbol of the magic towers carved on the walls? It would take a dozen skilled sculptors at least a month.

For those who weren’t accustomed to magic like Dennis, magic of this magnitude was almost a miracle. Thus, Vince’s words surprised him.

“Yes, that’s right. It seems that the Yellow Tower has been working hard these past few days. Usually, the construction of a national building like this would take a few weeks or months.”

“Magic is truly great. Thanks to Professor, I’ve seen new horizons.”

“You’re overpraising me, Earl.”

As Theo’s master and a Prime rank magician, Vince Haidel had volunteered to escort the Miller family. He had been planning to participate in the banquet anyway, and it wasn’t too hard when it came to the family of his disciple.

“We are lucky to be with Theo’s master. Hahaha!”

“It’s nothing. He is my student after all.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

The Miller family’s attitude, who didn’t act like they were earls or senior nobles, was refreshing. Vince smiled softly as he saw where Theo’s upright nature had come from.

After the crowd had a chance to mingle a little, the lights dimmed, and a beam of light shone down on the podium. A pair of purple eyes gleamed, as Kurt III, king of Meltor, walked forward.

“Fill the cups.” Without a single word of greeting, Kurt held up his cup and gave an order. For some reason, his voice sounded worse than usual, but it added a sense of weight.

He exuded an overwhelming charisma. The participants of the banquet all took a cup from the tables. For a moment, the banquet hall was filled with the sound of drinks being poured into cups.

Kurt waited until the last person was done before continuing.

“Today is a good day,” he said.

Why was it a good day? Hundreds of eyes filled with this question as they followed Kurt’s gestures.

“Is it because today is the day that the Annual Magic Contest begins? No.”

Some people hid their confusion

“Is it because we are enjoying good drinks, food, and song? Wrong.”

Kurt III completely dominated the atmosphere in the ballroom. No one could take their eyes from him or stop listening. A monarch required the ability to lead, and Kurt had been born as a monarch.

“Then why is today a good day?”

No one answered. He didn’t want them to answer. The magic kingdom had been fighting the sword empire for half a millennium. Kurt III’s presence wasn’t something that the nobles of the Central continent could stand up to.

Finally, Kurt III raised his cup and said, “Everyone might’ve heard about this. The story of the high elves who enrich the world and the hero of Meltor who rescued them!”

Someone nodded. Someone else looked down. Another person sighed. Someone’s eyebrows twitched. Everyone reacted differently, but they all knew the story. There were those who thought Meltor was simply spreading propaganda, while others suspected it was an exaggerated truth.

Kurt III’s charisma embraced the crowd, and the banquet hall started to heat up.

“Please bless us! Please be glad! Don’t hesitate to raise the first toast to their beautiful reunion!”

Suddenly, the number of lights increased. The direction of the light was aimed to the left of the podium, and all eyes naturally shifted to its center

... Once again, the world was silent. No one could make a sound at the wonderful sight. Their lips parted, but no sound was made. Their eyes widened as they tried to engrave the miraculous sight before them into their minds. They all had the same reaction when they saw Ellenoa. The lighting illuminated her beautiful face, which had no makeup, displaying a beauty that was out of this world.

Remarkable... Well, I can understand their reactions.

Theo, who was forgotten by everyone, stared in amazement at Ellenoa’s profile in front of him. With eyelashes that seemed like dew would form on them, skin that seemed blessed by sunlight, and hair which was like a fresh leaf... She looked like a goddess of the forest.

Theo and Ellenoa were holding hands but it seemed like she could disappear at any moment.

Theo unconsciously opened his mouth and said, “Ellenoa.”

“Yes, Theo.” She didn’t look back but smiled kindly.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to ask you one thing.”

“Yes, you can ask me anything.”

“... Have you found a companion?”

He had once heard from her that a high elf could decide to become a woman or a man, depending on the sex of their companion. The last time he saw her, she had definitely been neutral. However, Theo remembered. Ellenoa’s hands had felt thinner when they stood on the world tree.

... What if he wasn’t mistaken?

“Yes.” Ellenoa’s answer was clear. She was already a woman.

He had another question after the answer. No, Theo already knew-

“He is right in front of me.”

Turning away from the crowd, Ellenoa’s eyes shone brightly as she faced Theo.

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