Chapter 10: The Offer

After his day's class, Michael waved goodbye to Psylemon and headed to his part-time job at the restaurant. He was surprised to see Robin waiting outside, busily trying to attract customers with a large menu in hand. Catching sight of Michael, Robin motioned for him to come over quickly.

"Michael... Ms. Catherine has been waiting for you for like two hours. What did you do to make her wait for you that long? Don't tell two are—" Robin began, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"No," Michael cut him off firmly, not in the mood for Robin's usual jokes. "We are not what you think we are. Honestly, I have no idea why she's waiting for me here."

Robin shrugged, seemingly accepting Michael's response. "Well, regardless, she's been very specific about wanting you to serve her. She refused service from anyone else. Here, take the menu and see what she wants," he said, passing the menu to Michael.

Michael took the menu with a slight frown, still puzzled about Catherine's unexpected presence and insistence on being served by him. He made his way inside, preparing himself for another encounter with the often-imposing Catherine Estolas. As he approached her table, he noticed her engrossed in a book, looking every bit the part of a diligent student.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, welcome to Racks. I'm Michael and I'll be your server today," Michael said, maintaining his professional demeanor. He placed the menu down in front of Catherine, who briefly glanced up from her book.

"Michael...I want to offer you something," Catherine said with a serious expression.

"Well, before you reveal that offer to me, let me take your order first. I'm sure that you are hungry after waiting for me for hours," Michael replied and continued. "By the way, I would also like to recommend some of our best sellers here at Racks. Our BBQ pork ribs are a favorite among many of our customers, and the seafood pasta has been getting rave reviews lately. Would you like to try any of these today?"

"Michael...can you be my personal tutor?" Catherine revealed, ignoring what he just said.

"Eh?" Michael tilted his head to the side, confused. "Me, as your personal tutor? Why?"

"Because you were a good teacher...and the assignment that you helped me with yesterday..." Catherine paused as her expression shifted to serious from dreamy. "Made me stand out in class."

Before Michael could talk back, Catherine continued. "You see, this morning, my professor in Differential Equations praised classmates and...friends were amazed. I was never that good in math, but today, I was able to explain a complex problem just the way you taught me. It was... empowering. For the first time, I felt confident in class, and it was because of your help."

As Catherine spoke, Michael noticed a change in her demeanor. The usual ice-princess facade was replaced by a genuine smile, her eyes lit up with a newfound confidence and excitement. It was as if she was reliving the moment right there in the restaurant, her enthusiasm infectious.

Michael found himself captivated by this different side of Catherine. Her excitement was palpable, and the way she carried herself was both cute and lovely, far from the stern image she usually projected. He listened attentively, nodding and smiling at the right moments, genuinely happy for her achievement.

"That's really great," Michael said warmly. "I'm glad I could help, and it's impressive to see how you applied what we discussed."

Catherine's cheeks flushed slightly. "Thanks, Michael. That's why I want you to be my tutor. I think with your help, I can really improve myself."

Michael was touched by her request and the trust she placed in him. However—.

"I don't think I'll be able to tutor you," Michael said.

Catherine's warm expression faded, replaced by a look of confusion. "Why not?" she asked, clearly taken aback.

Michael sighed, trying to find the right words to explain. "My schedule is really packed. In the morning, I have classes, and right after that, I come here for my part-time job. Then in the evening, I usually have to study and complete any assignments I have. I barely have time for myself, let alone fit in tutoring sessions."

Catherine's face fell slightly but lit up as she thought of an idea. "Look, how about you quit your work and work for me instead as my personal tutor? How much is your salary here? Nine thousand pesos per month? I'll double it."

"Look, Ma'am."

"Call me Catherine, we are about the same age and I don't like being called a ma'am," she interrupted.

"Look, Catherine. Even if you double my salary, I don't think there'd be consistency. Like, in my current job as a server, even if my salary is low, at least I earn it every month. But from teaching, which is generally considered freelance work, it might not be consistent. And I have commitments to this job and my studies," Michael explained, trying to convey his situation as clearly as possible.

Catherine appeared to ponder over his words and spoke. "How about this? We write a contract stating that I'll give you a monthly salary, allowances for your transportation, and extra for any additional sessions we might have. This way, you'll have a guaranteed income, and it might even be more than what you earn here."

Michael paused, considering her offer. The idea of a contract with a steady income was tempting. As he was about to give his reply, a notification on his system popped up.

[New Mission: Apprenticeship: Share the knowledge that you gained from the system by accepting an apprentice.]

[Rewards: Feature unlock, Wheel of Fortune.]

Michael read that notification and a smile spread across his lips. How convenient.

With no hesitation, Michael nodded. "Okay, I accept, I'll be your personal tutor."

Catherine's face lit up with excitement. "Really? That's wonderful, Michael! Thank you so much. I'll have my lawyer draft a contract which he will send to us in three days. I will also talk to the manager about your resignation."

Michael simply nodded. It's cool to be rich, you are able to do whatever you want because of your status. It's so convenient and those below them have no option but to accept.

"Fine," Michael agreed, masking his mixed feelings. "We'll work out the details when the contract comes."

"Oh, as for your suggestion earlier. I'd like pasta," Catherine said.

"Very well, would that be all?" Michael asked.

Catherine shook her head. "No, that'll do."

Michael nodded as he noted her order. "I'll be right back."

[Notification: The mission of "Apprenticeship" will end successfully if the contract is signed.]

"Guess I have to wait three days before I get that Wheel of Fortune," Michael chuckled.

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