Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 408 Cathulhu Uses Ninjutsu?

Chapter 408 – Cathulhu Uses Ninjutsu?

The dragons were in dismay. They asked each other what to do next as their leader suddenly submitted to Xiaomao, whom they were supposed to either capture or kill.

While every dragon was confused and panicked, a massive 9-headed hydra arrived. It was over two kilometers tall and five kilometers long, and every head was over 200 meters in diameter. All heads came in a different color – Black, chrome, pink, grey, purple, red, blue, yellow, and green.

The black dragon head furrowed his brows when he saw the adultery scene below. He glanced at the chrome head, which was the leader of them all.

"Clem. It seems the demon general has betrayed us. What to do next?"

Clem, the Chrome-Head Hydra, aka the second Yamato no Orochi, dully stared at Amon. Then, she scanned through Xiaomao's status menu with her exclusive system abilities.

"That's Mao Miaomiao's child. None of Solomon's dragons is his match. Signal everybody to keep their distance and wait for Amon to dispel the barrier domain. Once the barrier is down, tell all dragons to use their strongest long-ranged attack on him once and quickly retreat."

"Huh? Retreat? Why retreat?"

Clem clicked her tongue as she reminisced about the past when she interacted with Mao Miaomiao in his dantian universe. She explained, "Every protagonist has a unique cheat ability that makes them superior to others. We don't know what kind of protagonist specialties he has, but he is Mu-Nyang's favorite. Until we acquire enough intel on him, avoid a direct confrontation at all costs."

"… Okay."

After Clem's order was passed down, the dragons stopped panicking. They formed an array, surrounding Xiaomao from two kilometers away. They also wrote magic circles in the sky, getting ready to launch their supreme dragon magic and domain abilities upon them.

The eight dragon heads solemnly watched Xiaomao even though all of them were over level 10,000. Clem, whose level surpassed Meowmeow and Amon, also didn't let her guard down.



While the dragons prepared for the assault, Xiaomao secretly looked up and saw a massive hydra in the sky. He scouted the name of the newcomer.

Chaos Dragon Clem, the Second Yamato no Orochi, Level 35,000

Another stronger foe appeared. Xiaomao's heart sank as he doubted if his new abilities would be effective against the deity dragon.

"That wench. She really betrays us," Lilith's voice cracked. She seemed mad.

"Do you know her, munya?"

"Clem is Cernun's mother. She's also your father's concubine, but she's a latecomer. Also, she was a criminal in her previous life. She slaughtered mortals and destroyed multiple planets to harvest their Qi and souls. When she raised Cernun, she forced him to kill his own siblings to break him."

"She… what?"

"In short, the dragons used to hate her. I don't know what Solomon did to tame her, but know this, Xiaomao. She can't be trusted. Your father has given us permission - You can kill her whenever you have a chance."

"As if I can kill a level-35000 deity, munya."

"Who knows? You might have a secret technique or two like your father. He kills several deities when he was an immortal. Maybe you can do the same?"


Because of the distraction, Xiaomao's boner was killed. He stopped pounding Amon.

Amon instantly came back to her senses. She embraced Xiaomao, "What's the matter? Are you out of stamina?"

Xiaomao smiled at the maid. He corrected her glasses and kissed her forehead, "Keep the domain on for a while, munya. I have to get ready for a fight."

"A fight? Oh, simple!"

Amon stood and looked up. She bellowed, commanding the dragons.


Unfortunately, Clem had another idea. She yelled back, "SHUT IT, TRAITOR SLUT! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY LORD SOLOMON!?"

"O-Orochi? Second Orochi, Clem?!" Amon was taken aback when she saw Clem. Her body shivered in fear as she knew about Clem's power and authority.

The conversation between Clem and Amon annoyed some of the dragons. They knew that Clem betrayed Mao Miaomiao for power, and no one trusted her. However, the joint heads of Clem thought differently.

One of the Orochi's heads had an idea. He tried to humiliate her by spitting a fireball toward the dome barrier.


It was super effective. The fireball cracked Amon's barrier, and she coughed blood. The dragonewt raised her arms, repairing the barrier domain.

Seeing that the fireball spit worked, the red dragon head "Firecracker, Level 19,999" opened his mouth wide. He gathered the dragon flame essence and fired a column of fire laser at Amon.


This time, the laser punctured through Amon's barrier. Xiaomao grabbed Amon's waist and kicked the ground. He also shouted.


The laser beam hit the place where they had been standing earlier. They managed to dodge the attack with a hairbreadth. However, the barrier was now gone.

As soon as the surrounding dragons no longer sensed Amon's barrier, they activated their magic circles and domains. Five thousand 100-meter-diameter magic formulas appeared in the sky and rained hell upon the land.

Hellfire pillars, ice tornados, light beams, dark balls, metal rods, massive spearheads, purple fists, colorful gas, black curtains, and massive swords fell from the sky and crushed the shrine and the forest. Countless explosions and dust flew.please visit

Clem also joined the fray. She opened her mouth and fired a black energy ball toward the center of the leveled ground. It expanded and transformed into a black hole, sucking, compressing, and crushing everything around it. Trees, dirt, gas, and dust were distorted and lengthened before they were compressed and got stuck on the black energy core.

For five minutes, the dragons sneered and waited for the barrage to end. However, Clem furrowed her brows and reminded her troops.

"Retreat! NOW!"

The dragons looked at each other, disagreeing with Clem's order. One of them voiced their opinion.

"Ma'am. No cultivator can survive those attacks. I think they're as good as dead by now."

The other dragons concurred, "True. Not even one of us can survive that bombardment. He's dead, ma'am."

Clem was furious. She flapped the massive wings and flew away from the area. Then, she shouted, "MORON! THERE IS NO KILL CONFIRMATION! HE'S STILL ALIVE, AND HE WILL COUNTERATTACK SOON!"


As soon as Clem finished talking, every dragon in the sky but Clem exploded into blood mist. Then, everything in the world turned to grey and stopped moving. Dust, blood droplets, dirt, and light were suspended in mid-air.

Clem and all eight heads recognized this ability well as some of them used to guard one of the time-and-space murals. Firecracker roared and resisted the power of time.

"Time Domain! Xiaomao can use the power of time!"

"I know!" Clem also broke out of the time restrictions. She mustered her power and flapped her wings a dozen times, sending them to space.


While carrying Amon with his left arm, Xiaomao leisurely avoided the raining beams and explosive objects. As everything was in slow motion from Xiaomao's perspective, his movements were so fast that no one could see his movements.

Amon was shocked as well. She thought for sure that they were a goner, but she was still alive. When Xiaomao left the bombardment area and dove into a tree cave, she whispered.

"H-How are we alive?"


Xiaomao maintained the time acceleration domain, which only increased Xiaomao's reflex and perception. He checked outside and rushed out, dragging Amon with him.

After moving 10 kilometers away from the bombardment area, Xiaomao dropped Amon. Then, he closed his eyes, trying to recall the dream.

Amon gazed at Xiaomao in confusion. Then, she looked at the massive crater, where they had been a few seconds ago. She was scared for her life.

After the bombardment subsided, they heard a yell from Clem.


Amon was confused once again. She couldn't figure out why Clem, the mighty Orochi, suddenly ordered her troops to retreat when they had the upper hand.

The answer was soon revealed after Xiaomao opened his eyes. He stood still and clapped his hands. Then, he started shifting his hands, forming hand incantation, which Amon couldn't understand.

As if Xiaomao became a ninja, his hands moved so fast that Amon couldn't see how he shifted his fingers and hands. However, she sensed a dense aura of Chaos Element Essence and karma.

When Clem shouted again, Xiaomao clapped the second time. Then, the unthinkable thing occurred in the sky.

All dragons that had been surrounding them exploded into blood mist!


Amon vaguely noticed it for a brief moment. She sensed something that was neither constellation domain nor mandate domain. It belonged to a higher power, which was out of her reach.

Xiaomao didn't stop there. He pointed to the sky, and his eyes were pitch black as the abyss. He shouted, then he pointed the index finger down.

"Get over here, munya!"


The space and the world trembled. Then, the massive body of the 9-headed hydra fell from the sky and clashed on the ground!

Xiaomao never ceased to amaze Amon. He completed another hand spell.


In a certain cabin, a fishing pole, which nobody could use but Mu-Nyang and his master, suddenly transformed into a streak of light and vanished into Mu-Nyang's dantian universe.

Mu-Nyang snap-opened his eyes in shock. He immediately checked his dantian universe and followed the fishing pole's location. When Mu-Nyang noticed where it went, he couldn't stop his tears.




A fishing pole appeared in front of Xiaomao. It glittered and hummed as if it was glad to see him. Xiaomao reached out and held the fishing rod.

"Let's fish a hydra, munya."

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