Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 440 Cathulhu Resolves Karma (1)

Chapter 440 – Cathulhu Resolves Karma (1)

Xiaomao stood in the middle of the boss's room, where everybody used to gather and fooled around.



One after another, portals opened. Queen Ant Rennala, Party Queen, Mimir, and Mary came out. When they found Xiaomao, everybody smiled and rushed toward him.

Mimir laughed, "You're back early! I thought we had to come to you!"

Xiaomao also laughed, "My job's finished early. Well, Solomon is dead. Pangu is gone. It's over."

"HAHAHAHA! This is great news! We have to celebrate! Oh, wait. The Song Family and some of our dungeon's people haven't returned yet. I think they're still trapped in one of Solomon's game worlds. By the way, I ran into players from Pandemonium Guild in W-20. I'm sure there are others."

"Are they troublesome?"

"Not really. Just annoying since they use unpredictable game items, cash items, and cheating system skills. Once I got rid of their resurrection perks and healers, they fell apart."

"You sounded like you had a lot of fun."

"Of course! Beating those cocky bastards invigorates me! Look at my face. My skin is so smooth after I stole their dantian crystals."

Xiaomao had a wry smile on his face. He inspected Mimir again.

Indeed, he looked young. His skin was no longer wrinkled, and some of his hair turned black. It was as if he regressed 20 years in time.

"Kikikiki (Welcome home, master)"

"Squeak! (Welcome home, master!)"

The two queens deeply bowed and spoke in their tongue language. Xiaomao turned toward them and noticed a major change in their physiques. 

Party Queen was still a faceless monster that relied on blood to paint her face as usual. However, her sexy figure and curvy hips stunned him. She reminded him of the Ballerina twins from a certain game and the metal mannequins.

Ant Queen was also unique. She looked like a sexy Arachne in anime. However, her humanoid body was in her birthday suit, revealing everything from her chest to human thighs.

Xiaomao shook his head and looked away from the sensitive parts, no longer being tempted by naked women.

"You guys too. Welcome home."

The team high-fived. Shepherd and the other guys also came out to celebrate their victory.

While everybody had fun, another portal was opened. However, the visitor was a stranger. As soon as the person stepped out of the portal, everybody froze.

A middle-aged Oni in samurai armor gazed at Xiaomao. He looked at the people in the boss's room. Behind him, the portal revealed a wooden room of a ship's deck, where one of the teleportation magic circles was hidden.

The samurai fixed his gaze on Xiaomao. While expressionless, he pulled out a white katana from his inventory.

Mimir, Party Queen, and Ant Queen looked at the level indicator of the intruder. Then, they sneered.

Wei Cao, the Oni Samurai, Level 9,999

Had it been the past, they would have been in a panic. However, the trio was now deities, so they weren't afraid of Wei Cao. Moreover, Xiaomao's strength surpassed everybody here.

Xiaomao, the Cathulhu Sage, Level 999,999 (???????)

Everybody wanted to see what this intruder would do to Xiaomao. They took a step back and let Xiaomao deal with him.

Meanwhile, Xiaomao took several deep breaths and looked at the katana.

"Are you here to revenge for Pangu, grandfather?"

Wei Cao shook his head. He unsheathed his katana and stabbed it to the ground. Then, he placed the scabbard next to it and sat on his knees. He looked up.

"I'm here to atone for the sins in my previous life."

Everybody in the room was confused. They looked at Xiaomao, wondering what this Oni was talking about.

Xiaomao crossed his arms, "You are visiting the wrong person. Wei Huang, Wei Xiong, and Wei Feng have already been reincarnated. You should have gone to see them, not me."

"You're right. That's why I've come to you."

Again, Wei Cao confused everybody. Even Mimir couldn't patch the puzzles or figure out their backstory.

Xiaomao, on the other hand, let out a long sigh as he could guess Wei Cao's intention. He rubbed his forehead, "I'll contact Mu-Nyang. I don't know if I can get them to come here to see you. Also, mom is not here."

"I know. But since you're here, they will return to this place eventually. That's why I'm going to wait for them here."

"So they can kill you?"

"If they wish, so yes."

Xiaomao shook his head. He found this former grandfather corny and cliché. But when he thought about karma and the consequences of Wei Cao's actions in his previous life, he understood why he needed to do so.

After all, Wei Cao's karma was pitch black. He couldn't become a deity unless his negative karma was resolved. However, the only way to resolve this grudge was to ask for the victims' forgiveness or punishment.

"I see. If that's your choice, then stay. Let's wait for them together."

"Thanks… Xiaomao."

Xiaomao left Wei Cao alone. He turned around and gestured for the others to stand down. He then switched his attention to the large monitor in the room and picked up a remote. Then, he pressed a button, turning it on.

A live broadcast appeared on the TV monitor, showing the scene of Earth. A certain female dragon stomped a Statue of Liberty while a hundred superhumans surrounded her.

The leaders of the superheroes, Lee Jinyong, Jungwoo, and Bianca coordinated their attacks and struck the dragon's neck.

"Isn't that Ran Tae?" Mimir remembered the guy.

"Yeah, that's our little protagonist and his allies. I guess their true story's settings are on Earth," Xiaomao commented.

Xiaomao and Mimir watched how the trio took down the dragon. For some reason, Xiaomao felt like he had seen the dragon before. He narrowed his eyes and looked closer to check her name indicator.


"Ah, the bitch."

Xiaomao and Mimir exclaimed in unison. They recognized the mother of Cernun. Although Mao Miaomiao took her in, she betrayed his trust and joined Solomon's side. Thus, she deserved to get spanked.

The fight soon ended as the trio pulled out the soul orb of the dragon, ending her life for good. The superheroes raised their arms and cheered as the strongest invader was taken down.



Shepherd gazed at Xiaomao with a bitter smile. He felt useless and irrelevant in this grand war.

He was depressed.

'I wish I were stronger. I could have been more useful to him.'

Shepherd looked at the ground, depressed. He deeply sighed. However, he suddenly heard the whisper of his sponsor.

[Joshua]: "You did everything you could, Shepherd."

'But I didn't get to contribute anything for him.'

[Joshua]: "No, you couldn't. It was not your time."

'What do you mean?'

[Joshua]: "Protagonists' stories start at a different time and place in the universe. You might come across the other protagonists, but it doesn't mean you have to take the key role in someone else's story. This time, you witness your master's story unfold."

Shepherd froze and frowned. He thought of the memory that Joshua shared with him and wondered what Joshua tried to imply.

'So, my story hasn't even started yet? Is that what you mean?'

[Joshua]: "It might have started, but it hasn't concluded for sure. Your journey has just begun while your master's story is about to end. You should be prepared to take the next stage as the main character."


A portal was opened behind Shepherd. The latter turned around and found his sponsor on the other side.

The place beyond the portal was a sky full of white clouds. At a distance, a long-haired, full-bearded man in white robes stood there, smiling at Shepherd.

[Joshua]: "If you're lost, how about a new adventure with me?"


Shepherd gulped and hesitated. He didn't want to leave Xiaomao.

Suddenly, Xiaomao muttered and spoke directly to Shepherd. The voice transmission echoed in Shepherd's mind.

"Go, Shepherd. If you keep sticking next to me, my fate will always overshadow you."


"You're a clone of my clone. Technically, you're my grandson. Go learn from your father and become the messiah you always wanted to be."


Shepherd's eyes were moist. He stood there for a minute, contemplating his life choice. He then gazed at Andrew, James, John, and Peter.

The terrible squad noticed the gaze of their leader. Then, they noticed the portal behind Shepherd.

"B-Boss, are you leaving?" John was stunned.

Shepherd didn't answer. Instead, he invited them.

"Will you come with me if I go on a new adventure?"

"Where to?" James was interested.

Shepherd looked back at Joshua. He smiled.



The others also checked the place beyond the portal. Then, they found a mysterious bright place full of clouds.

James hesitated. He still thought of Cardachion. However, he took several deep breaths and slapped his face. Then, he declared, "Wherever you go, I'll go with you, boss!"

"Me, too!" John laughed.

Peter and Andrew also smacked their chest, telling Shepherd that they also wanted in.

Seeing how the boys dying to leave, Xiaomao reminded Shepherd, "Make sure you take care of your girls, boy. I won't resurrect them for you. Do it with your own power."

Shepherd brightly smiled. He then looked at Magdalene and Yuan Hua.

"Let's go, Maggy, Hua'er."


Magdalene and Yuan Hua were reluctant to leave. They still worried about Titania and Qidia's soul orbs. But since the orbs were with Shepherd, they had no choice.

"Fine. Make sure to bring Qidia and Titania back, alright?"

"Of course!"

With Shepherd as the leader, Magdalene, Yuan Hua, Andrew, James, John, and Peter entered the portal to the new world. After Shepherd had crossed the portal, he looked back and cupped his fist, saluting Xiaomao.

"Grandfather! Thank you for giving me a soul! I promise I'll become as strong as you!"

Xiaomao waved his hand, "Go. I'll be waiting for you in the higher realm."

The portal was closed. For a brief moment before the portal disappeared, Xiaomao saw the brightest smile of Shepherd as if he had enlightenment.

Xiaomao deeply sighed. He thought of the day he created Shepherd. He never thought that fate would play tricks on him and end up creating a clone of Joshua, who was also Xiaomao's clone.

"Fate is weird sometimes."

Mimir shook his head, "Only yours, Xiaomao. Only your family is weird."

"Well, I guess. Hahahaha!"

Xiaomao turned his attention to the TV monitor. He changed the channel, and it showed the fight between Nian and Zeus.

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