Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 448 Villain Cultivator 2.0 (2)

Chapter 448 – Villain Cultivator 2.0 (2)

The path toward the fortress was well protected. A swarm of a billion butterfly drones with cat faces patrolled the area, sending buzzing hum sounds everywhere.

Miaomiao looked at the roof of Mu-Nyang's cabin. There was a large butterfly drone sitting on the chimney, sitting and staring at him.


It also meowed like the house owner. However, its fake red eyes created laser pointers beams, pointing at Miaomiao's forehead as if a sniper was aiming at him.

They were not hostile to Mao Miaomiao. However, it simply gave him an unspoken warning – "If you do something stupid to this house owner, I'm gonna blast your head."

Miaomiao wryly smiled and saluted at Mu-Nyang's house. He bid his benefactor farewell.

"Thank you for everything, Mu-Nyang. I'll be off."

Like a filial teenager moving out of his parent's house and starting a new life, he shed a tear of gratitude and sadness. He turned around, wiping his face, and gazed forward.

Miaomiao departed from the cabin and walked toward the main road 500 meters away. He followed the road toward the giant fortress at a distance.

The stone road seemed well-maintained. No weed, moss, or dirt was on the path as if it was newly paved. Following the way, Miaomiao reached the checkpoint of the fortress.

At the checkpoint, a squad of four lion-sized cats sat there, yawning and laying on the ground. They were all Siamese bred, but everybody had a pair of grey feather wings.

Their noses caught the unique scent of Miaomiao. Their pupils dilated, and they looked up. Upon discovering the black-winged angel, they exclaimed.

"A stranger, munya!"

"Unidentified intruder, munya!"


One of them sprinted behind the wall. A few seconds later, a loud siren echoed. Patrolling butterfly robots beamed their laser pointers at Miaomiao's head while the sentry guns turned toward him.

Miaomiao wryly smiled. As he didn't want to cause trouble in the new world, he raised his hands, surrendering.

"Don't shoot! I've come in peace. I'm Miao Xiaomao's father!"

The cats deeply frowned. They were offended, "How dare you disrespect our emperor, munya! ARREST HIM!"


The big cats pounced on Miaomiao and tried to pin him to the ground. However, Miaomiao didn't budge. 

Miaomiao was surprised. They were weaker than average sages in Mu-Nyang's dantian universe.

'Eh? Aren't they supposed to be stronger than the common sages in the lower realms? What happened to this universe?'

As Miaomiao had no intention of provoking the cats, he pretended to be weak and fell to the ground. The big cats cheered and cuffed his wrists with thin straps. Then, they threw him on the back of the biggest cat, who brought him into the fortress.

The cuffs were just a few pieces of plastic and tape. Miaomiao slightly exerted his force, but it almost ripped in half.


Miaomiao roughly touched the half-broken part and sealed it with his Qi. He didn't want to cause any misunderstanding at the moment. After all, he learned a harsh lesson when he visited Devil's Kingdom in the past and almost got himself in trouble.




The Siamese cat threw Miaomiao into a dungeon cell. Then, he puffed his chest in elation.

"Stay there, munya. You will be judged according to our galaxy laws, munya!"

Miaomiao bitterly smiled, "Who will be the judge? Your emperor?"

"Of course, munya! Since you dare to claim that you're his father, his majesty will judge you himself, munya. According to the Criminal Code Section 112, it is illegal to defame, insult, disrespect, or threaten the emperor, munya! Criminals will be sentenced between five years to life imprisonment, depending on the gravity of the violation, munya! However, the emperor has the final say on the verdict, munya!"

"Oh, neat."

The Siamese cat left the prison area and handed over the duty to the local warden.


Miaomiao only stayed in prison for two hours. A small black catopus hopped toward his cell and opened the door.

"Come out, prisoner. The emperor is ready to give you the verdict, munya."

Miaomiao got up and followed the little catopus.

30 minutes after going through a dozen checkpoints, the black catopus pointed at an enclosed interrogation room. A tinted one-sided glass window in the room caught Miaomiao's attention. A steel chair and a table were at the center. On the ceiling, four barrels of sci-fi guns pointed at Miaomiao's head.

"Get in, munya."

Miaomiao shrugged and entered the room. He leisurely sat on the chair and faced the tinted glass window.


The steel door was slammed shut. The catopus outside locked the door.

Just like that, Miaomiao was left alone in the room. He wondered what kind of verdict he would get in this place.

After sitting still for five minutes, a speaker in the room sounded.

"Hey, pops. Why did you cause trouble the first day you got out?"

It was Xiaomao's voice.

Miaomiao was relieved. He broke the weak cuff and scratched his wrists. Then, he complained.

"Mu-Nyang evicted me from the dantian universe. Now, I'm homeless. At first, I'm planning to visit you to see if you can provide me and your mothers a place to stay, but those cats arrested me."

"For what charge?"

"They said something about lese majeste bullcrap. Anyway, can I get out?"

"Oh, sure."


The tinted window slowly ascended, revealing the other side of the room. A handsome young angel who seemed to be in his mid-20s sat on a couch and crossed his legs, leaning back comfortably. Two adult-sized humanoid furry cats in knight armor stood behind him, guarding their emperor. Another cat-man in a modern suit and pants also stood next to the window, but he held a pen and a book. He seemed to be a clerk that was in charge of recording this case.

Despite being an emperor, Xiaomao wore a casual t-shirt, shorts, and flippers. No jewel or crown decorated him aside from the seven plain gold wedding rings on his fingers.

Miaomiao bitterly smiled. After five million years, Xiaomao didn't change much. However, his eyes were deeper than in the past.

Xiaomao deeply sighed and picked up the wooden hammer on the table in front of him. He knocked on the wooden plate, after which, he declared his verdict.

"This case is dismissed. This man is my real father. Release him."

The two bodyguards gulped and saluted Mao Miaomiao. The cat clerk sweated profusely and immediately ordered the people outside the free the prisoner.


The metal door behind Miaomiao was opened. The warden earlier rushed in to remove the cuff, only the find that the restraining tool was already broken.

Miaomiao patted the black catopus head and giggled, "Keep up the good work, kitty."

The cat couldn't stop shaking. He looked at Xiaomao in the other room.

Xiaomao didn't say anything other than gesturing with his head, telling the warden to hurry.lightsnovel

lightsΝοvel "Y-Yes, munya!"

The black catopus and the other soldiers ran around in frantic. They opened all doors, allowing Miaomiao to pass through. The idle workers also stood at the side of the hallways, saluting and paying respect to the emperor's parent.



Several minutes later, Miaomiao got out of prison. As per Xiaomao's instructions, the soldiers guided the black-winged angel to the inner palace of the fortress, where Xiaomao and his wives lived.

Entering the residence, Miaomiao was reminded of the Forbidden Palace in China. Although it lacked color, most of the palace's layout was the same. The next differences were the servants here as everybody was either catopuses, cathulhus, or humanoid cats.

Cats were everywhere!

The servant guided Miaomiao to the throne room. He entered together with the guide and found hundreds of 1-meter pedestals, supporting black and white orbs on them. They were arranged by the walls, serving as decorations in the throne room.

"Your majesty, please stay here. His Majesty is busy at the moment. He will be back shortly."


The servant excused himself, leaving Miaomiao alone in the mysterious throne rooms with orbs.

Having nothing to do, Miaomiao walked toward the pedestals and checked the things. When he was in front of the volleyball-sized crystals, Miaomiao recognized them.

They were dantian crystals, the oversized ones!

"What the hell is going on here?"

Miaomiao frowned and took a closer look. He could see countless galaxies in the crystal in front of him. Then, he lowered his gaze to read the label sign on the pedestal.

[Universe of Orcs]

"Orcs? Are they a bunch of orcs in here?"

Miaomiao scratched his head and moved on to the next crystal. He found another dantian universe with different galaxies. However, this one's space was pure white.

[Universe of Goblins]


He started to see a theme. He looked at other crystals.

[Universe of Vampires]

[Universe of Werewolves]

[Universe of Incubi]

Miaomiao's imagination ran wild as he fantasized about himself in a universe full of these creatures. He wondered if beautiful elves or human towns existed in there, waiting to be raided.

While Miaomiao was checking the dantian crystals, Xiaomao walked into the throne room, followed by his humanoid cat servants. When he noticed that the black-winged angels were interested in the crystals, he gestured for his men to leave them alone.

After they were alone, Xiaomao approached his father.

"Want a guide?"

"Oh, you're coming at a good time," Miaomiao waved his hand, calling Xiaomao over. "What are these? Why are you collecting them?"

Xiaomao walked toward the crystal pedestal and glanced at it. He bitterly smiled.

"These are the dantian crystals of the fallen galactic overlords."

"Oh, nice!" Miaomiao was pleasantly surprised. He wondered if he could eat them to regain his lost stars, so he asked Xiaomao, "How strong were they? Can I eat them?"

"I'm afraid you can't, Dad."

"Eh?! Why?!"

Xiaomao sighed and pressed his finger on a label. The pedestal shone and released a string of black karma. The emperor picked it up and showed it to Miaomiao.

"First of all, the overlords have been reincarnated. Secondly, they entrusted these orbs to me to protect them. And lastly, you should read the karma. You'll understand."


Miaomiao sent his Qi into the black karma string. Then, flashes of memory entered his mind. Several events from the distant past narrated an epic of a grand war between the overlord's followers and the insurgents. However, what shocked Miaomiao was the war's result.

The dantian crystal owner lost to his creations, namely a protagonist! He was killed in the aftermath!

A protagonist in the dantian killed the universe's owner!

Xiaomao gazed at the crystals in the throne room and explained.

"You see, father. After I've gained power and influence in this universe, my responsibility increases. Many overlords from other galaxies now worship me as their lord and surrender their territories to me. Then, their problems become my problems… and it leads to this."

Xiaomao pointed at the Universe of Goblin and continued.

"For example, this goblin universe once belonged to the Goblin Overlord. He captured human cultivators and bred humans as livestock for his children and followers in the universe. However, the humans rebelled and fought back against the native goblins. They stole the native's heavenly fate crystals and became protagonists. Well, you should be able to predict the result."


Miaomiao was stunned. He looked at the goblin universe again.

Xiaomao pressed on the label and the orc universe pedestal printed a black karma. He passed it to his father.

"You can read the karma. The detail is in there."

Miaomiao read the two karma strings in his hand.

The second one belonged to the orc universe. Similar to Xiaomao's story, the orc overlord raised elves and humans as livestock. The female elves and humans were used as orc's seedbeds while the male became their food. However, the humans and elves rioted and killed the majority of the orcs. Then, they stole the universe. Moreover, their champion, a protagonist, gained absurd strength by monopolizing the universe's fate crystals. He sealed the universe and separated the dantian universe from the overlord, killing him in the process.

The goblin's story was similar. After humans rebelled, they quickly gained independence and multiplied. Many goblins tried to suppress and capture them, but protagonists banded together and vanquished them. Deity goblins managed to vanquish most of them. However, a human protagonist learned the secret of the universe and destroyed the Samsara River of the goblin overlord, weakening the universe owner. The goblin entity died a year later as he couldn't access his Qi or control his dantian universe anymore.

They all had one thing in common. The minority races that they kept as livestock became too strong and harmed the owner's karma strings.

Miaomiao remembered how Mu-Nyang got injured after Pangu was killed. He was sure that Solomon could have killed Mu-Nyang back then, but that man spared Mu-Nyang's life on purpose because he wanted to claim Mu-Nyang's body. 

He started to understand the general situation. Had Mao Miaomiao eaten them, the residents would have been transferred to his dantian universe, and they might cause several issues. But if he could remove the native first, he could digest this.

"Say, Xiaomao. If I kill all the residents, can I eat them?"

"That's impossible for you. The ceiling of these universes is far higher than Mu-Nyang's. The highest realm you can achieve is the True Celestial Stage. Oh, by the way, it's two major realms above the entity stage."


Above the sage stage was the entity stage. Beyond that, the transcended stage served as a roadblock, filtering protagonists from regular entities. However, Xiaomao just revealed that there was another stage above them.

Mao Miaomiao was reminded of Xiaomao's progress. He asked his son, "What's your cultivation base now? I can't measure yours."

"Nirvana Celestial, a stage above the True Celestial."

Mao Miaomiao's mind was blown. He paused for several seconds. Then, he clicked his tongue, "If you're so mighty, why can't you erase those protagonists and the natives?"

Xiaomao sighed and reminded Miaomiao, "The owners asked me to keep watch. They have been revived, but they're reincarnated into their own dantian universe. They said that they will hunt down the protagonists and fate bearers themselves."

After mentioning the protagonist-hunting-related topic, Xiaomao remembered something. He widely grinned, "Speaking of which, you said that you are a pro at hunting protagonists."

Miaomiao narrowed his eyes, "What do you want, son?"

"Right now, I'm busy hunting the remnant protagonists inside these stupid dantian universes with my clones. But since you're here, I can withdraw my clones and use my nirvana authority and rewind the time of these dantian universes. While I'm manipulating the time flow here, can you jump into those universes and help me hunt down the protagonists? If we can kill those troublemakers, the overlords can change their fates and reclaim their dantian universe."

Miaomiao just heard something interesting. He also sensed a déjà vu.

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