Chapter 1095 Scouting

Chapter 1095 Scouting

The discovery and the problems it entailed didn't slow down Khan's travel. He kept steering the ship toward Coravis, occasionally stopping to check what the dark space held.

Those stops further confirmed Khan's hypothesis. He found fainter energy currents traveling through space, and their number increased as he approached Coravis. Their state also improved the closer Khan was to the planet, and they all shared that pale green glow.

Needless to say, Khan's worries increased, culminating when the scanners finally spotted the blue planet. The trip had taken slightly longer than two weeks due to the many stops, but the ship had eventually reached its destination, and studying it filled Khan with something he didn't experience often.

Khan wore a rarely-seen concerned expression while staring at the blue planet directly through his glowing eyes. Space's deadly effects crept over him, gradually piercing his innate defenses, but his gaze didn't waver while his mind experienced an eerie dread.

It was strange for Khan to feel actual fear. In recent times, only the Thilku Empire's Emperor had come close, but the experience didn't involve anything as primordial as what hovered before Khan now.

Coravis was indeed as blue as the data reported, but Khan saw waves of a different color flowing around it. Rivers of pale green mana flowed over the planet, occasionally stretching past its atmosphere like solar flares. Part of their energy also detached itself from the source, shooting through space as if driven by a predetermined purpose.

The scene didn't end there. A different emotion rang in the back of Khan's neck, speaking to a subconscious part of his mind. He could hear the Nak's call from outside the Coravis' atmosphere, clearly telling him to land on the planet.

Theoretically, that last part didn't make sense. Khan believed only the azure star system could generate a call that could ring through space. Mere remains required Khan to be inside the planet's atmosphere or relatively close to its source.

However, Coravis had proven Khan wrong, and adding everything he had gathered to the equation painted a grim picture. Khan didn't think he had reached the end of his journey, but whatever Coravis held could very well mark that point anyway.

Khan's body eventually reached its limits, forcing him to snap back to reality and reenter his ship. He retracted the mana barrier and sealed the vehicle while his lungs devoured breathable air, but his legs never stopped moving, quickly bringing him to the bridge.

Khan had already performed a deep scan but prompted the ship to redo it multiple times. The results never changed, but Khan's mindset grew sterner while studying them. The screens told a story that conflicted with his senses, and Khan knew which to believe.

The scanners obviously couldn't capture the Nak's call but also failed at spotting the pale-green energy, which didn't make sense. After all, those waves were nothing more than mana, but even his state-of-the-art ship couldn't see them, and he had a hunch the matter was intentional.

The primordial fear, the ability to hide mana from scanners, and the power to send lumps of energy into long trips through space pointed at a single, terrifying conclusion. Khan couldn't confirm whether Coravis held something alive in the general sense. He only knew that, whatever it was, it was powerful.

Khan sat on the pilot's seat, grabbing a half-finished bottle in the cup holder. He knew he shouldn't drink now, but the situation looked dangerous enough to make him ignore those precautions. If that were to be Khan's last day alive, he wanted to taste booze one final time.

'I can't do it,' Khan eventually thought, his eyes fixed on the blue planet past the canopy. 'I can't even imagine being strong enough to do it.'

Khan was strong and knowledgeable. He often underestimated himself and was blind to many of his virtues, but that didn't prevent him from evaluating himself with a relative degree of impartiality.

That evaluation placed Khan far below whatever occupied Coravis. He couldn't cover an entire quadrant with his influence, let alone a whole planet. The same went for sending waves of mana through space. Khan couldn't even fathom what kind of entity he would have to become to achieve all that.

To make things worse, according to Khan's hunch, that released mana wasn't simple energy. He would test that before even considering starting the landing procedures, but his initial inspection had already revealed much. Khan couldn't see any mana returning to Coravis, probably meaning that the planet's entity was aware of whatever it touched.

'I'm really relying on many ifs and probably,' Khan thought. 'But …'

Most of those answers still only existed on a theoretical level. Khan hadn't actually proved anything yet. However, his paranoia-fueled instincts were rarely wrong, especially after the evolution. Moreover, the primordial fear he had experienced couldn't be a lie.

'If I add my luck to it,' Khan considered, 'Coravis is bound to be the nest of a massive Tainted monster or something along those lines.'

The bottle was empty by then, but Khan didn't stand up. He summoned the star map, browsing through it to look for alternatives. Part of Khan had already accepted the helplessness of the situation, but deeper reviews couldn't hurt.

Truthfully, the area had much to be explored. Khan could spend months in those quadrants and still have things to study or check.

Yet, all those points of interest looked worse than what Khan had found on Chuwei. The latter's desert had preserved some semi-intact ships, while the nearby quadrants only had leftover junk. Studying it could still provide answers or perfect what Khan had already gathered, but nothing had the potential to be revolutionary.

There was also another issue. Khan could tread the safe path to bide his time and continue growing stronger, but his imagination had failed him. He didn't believe he could come closer to whatever Coravis held, even after a full year of intense training. Moreover, the call was there.

Waiting and playing it safe wouldn't improve Khan's odds, and his main target couldn't be clearer, so he closed his eyes, making his peace with the situation. He didn't know what to expect, but one thought popped into his brain before it went into full battle mode.

'I'm glad I made a will,' Khan thought, standing up to reapproach the ship's side doors. It was time to say hello to Coravis' ruler.

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