Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1066 - 1066 Chapter 51- Reece – A Threatening Phone Call (VOLUME 6)

1066 Chapter 51- Reece – A Threatening Phone Call (VOLUME 6)




As I sat there, looking at the caller ID and wondering if this was truly a coincidence, I heard Reagan call out to me.

“Dad? What is it? Who is calling?” I looked up at him as I lifted the phone toward me.

“It’s agent Orson. I guess he wants to try and trick the information out of me. Sit down and listen if you want, but neither of you are to make a sound. I want him to think that I am alone.”

I swiped the screen to answer the phone and put it on speaker as I greeted the man on the other end of the line.

“Hello?” I didn’t use his name, even though I had known of him, and it was on the caller ID as well.

“Mr. Reece Gray?” The man spoke calmly as he greeted me.


“Yes. And who might I have the pleasure of speaking to?” I asked him, knowing full well who was on the phone.

“Did you not check the caller ID?” The man asked me scornfully. “Do you really not know who I am?”

“I saw the caller ID, but that doesn’t mean that I am speaking to the owner of the phone. You could be borrowing a phone. It could be stolen. How am I supposed to know that for sure? I have never met anyone by the name of Harrison Orson, and I know that I have never given my phone number, which is unlisted, to anyone by that name. Obviously, you must know me, otherwise you wouldn’t have my phone number.”

“Well, Mr. Gray, there are ways of looking up an unlisted number. All you need is a connection to law enforcement, and no phone number is out of reach.” Orson spoke angrily as he responded to my accusatory words.

“So, do you have a connection with law enforcement? I know that I have not committed any crimes, so I don’t see why anyone from any branch of law enforcement would be contacting me like this.”

“Worry not, Mr. Gray.” Orson sneered at me through the phone. I had never seen the man, but I imagined what he might look like, and it wasn’t all that pleasant. “I am Special Agent Harrison Orson of the NSA.”

“The NSA, really? And what can I do to help you today?” I looked at Reagan and Darrol as I spoke and saw that they were both grinning widely. They clearly liked the way that I was making Orson be overly blunt with me. It was fun, I had to admit that. However, to let Orson know that I knew anything would be an admission of guilt, and I adamantly refused to do that.

“Well, Mr. Gray, I am calling to inform you that the noose is tightening.” His voice was angry as he said this.

“Is that a threat, Mr. Orson?” I deliberately didn’t use any title for him.

“AGENT Orson.” He nearly screamed the first word as he corrected me. “And it is not really a threat, Mr. Gray, merely an observation and statement of fact. You are going down Gray, and soon.” He dropped the Mr. part of that at the end of his growled words. Although, his growl was pathetic and weak. I could have shown him my growl, but I didn’t want to scare the poor NSA man. He would be too scared to call and play with me again.

“I am sorry, Orson.” I deliberately left off the title again. “I don’t know what it is that you are talking about. Why is it that the NSA wants me to ‘go down’?” I put emphasis on the last two words, letting him know that I didn’t really take him seriously.

“I know what you are, Gray. I know that you aren’t human. You made too many mistakes recently, and the biggest one was getting involved in that damned investigation. You exposed yourself to my inquiry, and now I get to find out what you are. I have the DNA from one of your people in my system right now. We are still analyzing it, but there was something curious about it. Would you care to explain why this girl had extra chromosomes? And why did she have plant DNA in her blood?”

“Well, it sounds to me like someone messed up in the lab. I mean, if they can’t separate plant DNA from human DNA then they are very substandard.” I was smiling right now, and I was really glad that Orson wasn’t here to see me.

“I don’t think they messed up. And not only that, Gray, but how did the girl get extra chromosomes?”

“Well, Orson, I am not sure if you are aware, but that happens to people from time to time. You know, extra chromosomes are responsible for different birth defects, like Downs Syndrome and others. So, there are reasons why she had an extra one or two of them.”

“Yes, but why did she have three more of them?” He growled again and I nearly laughed.

“Oh man, did that tech of yours mix two people’s blood together? I mean, what other reason would there be for someone’s results being so messed up?” Now I was laughing. I had to tell him how ridiculous that I thought that it was. “Look, first you tell me that they mixed plant DNA into the blood, now you say they had extra chromosomes, which I am guessing that these extra parts of the DNA didn’t come from the plant that they mixed in there. You know, in my opinion, I would get a new lab tech. That person sounds like they are a liability waiting to happen.”

“I don’t think that they are.” Orson’s voice was back to sneering at me. “You know what I think, Gray?”

“Not a clue.” I told him breezily.

“What I think is that you know all about this already. You know because you spoke to Otsana. And she told you about my visit with her last month. And now you are just messing with me. You know that I am investigating you, and why I am investigating you. And now you think that you can just pretend to be calm, cool, and collected and that it will fool me. No, it won’t Gray.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I told him. It was a perfectly stable lie. I knew that he wasn’t going to call my bluff.

“Maybe you don’t, maybe you do. Either way, Gray, let me tell you this. I will find out the truth. And I will take you down. I will see to it that you and the others like you will rot in hell. You aren’t human, Gray, I know that. And I will prove it to the world. One way or another. And I won’t let you suck anyone else’s blood.”

“Blood?” I spoke incredulously. “Eww. Why would I want to suck blood? That is just disgusting.” And that was true for me. I wasn’t a vampire, so in my opinion it wasn’t appetizing.

“Uh huh, sure it is. I will learn the truth soon enough, Gray. And then I will expose it to the world.”

“Does your boss know what you are doing? Do they know you are wasting tax dollars on this?”

“Shut up.” He yelled at me. “I will not let you threaten me. This is my threat, not yours.”

“So, this is a threat.” I confirmed with him. “You know, Orson, I can go to the authorities with this.”

“I am the authorities, you moron.” He screamed at me. “And I will be using all my power to take you down. Just remember that.” He was pissed at me, and here I was still talking relatively calmly.

“Whatever you say. I just wonder what my lawyer will have to say about this.” I wanted him to feel threatened, like he would back off or something. Hopefully it would work.

“They can’t touch me, Gray. I am the powerful one here. And you are going down. Have a nice day.” He made his voice sickening and sweet there at the end before he hung up. It was annoying, but I actually felt good about throwing the man off.

I was still smiling in satisfaction when I set my phone aside. I wanted to laugh again, but I wasn’t. Now just didn’t seem like the right time.

“Uhm, Dad?” Reagan called out to me. “Th..that didn’t sound very good.”

“It was fine, Reagan. He was calling to try to get me to entrap myself. He knows that he doesn’t have much on me. He is getting frustrated that his investigation is moving so slowly.”

“If they have to resort to tactics like that, then should we go through with the reveal?” Reagan looked a little excited about the prospect of not having to do this right now.

“Yes son, we need to keep moving forward. They might catch a lucky break. And even if they don’t get the information right now, I assure you that they will continue to investigate. Even if they were told not to or if they came up empty handed this time around, they wouldn’t give up. This Orson guy, he would be like a dog with a bone. He would gnaw on it until he was done with it. He wouldn’t stop pestering us and trying to get things until we admitted what we are and what we were planning to do with the human race. He is scared, Reagan, and scared men are the ones that you need to be afraid of.”

“But why? Wouldn’t a scared man be too scared to do something to you?”

“Yes, and no. A lot of scared men turn their fear into rage. And they use that rage to destroy nations. Fear is the biggest destroyer in the world. When someone doesn’t understand another type of people, they become scared, and then we get massacres like there were with the indigenous people of this country. That was entirely fueled by fear and misunderstandings. I don’t want that, Reagan. I don’t want to let anything like that happen again. And I refuse to let anyone on this planet suffer because of our differing species. We are all people, and we will continue to live as we always have. We just won’t be in the shadows anymore.”

“I get it now, Dad, thank you.” Reagan nodded at me. “We won’t change our plans at all. And now that we know that Orson is grasping at straws, I feel like we have a lot more that we can focus on. We don’t need to worry just yet. We still have time before the reveal, and the NSA isn’t a threat right now.”

“Exactly.” I nodded at him and crossed my arms in front of me on the desk. “We will continue as planned. The reveal will be on the twenty-first.”

The three of us sat in silence for a few moments after that. The gravity of the situation was sinking in with every second that passed us by. There was nothing to worry about at the moment, and that was a good thing. The NSA wasn’t going to make a move anytime soon.

I would go and tell my Little Bunny about this conversation in a few moments, but not until I was sure that Darrol and Reagan were good. They needed to be calm and to stop worrying about what was going to happen next. We needed to focus on the moment and their tasks at hand. Yes, that was a little counterintuitive at the moment, because we were preparing for the future and all that, but there were things that were more important at times. And sanity was one thing that they needed to be able to work efficiently. And as a good king, I would make sure that I took care of them in this way as well.

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