Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1080 - 1080 Chapter 65- Various – During the Reveal Part 3 (VOLUME 6)

1080 Chapter 65- Various – During the Reveal Part 3 (VOLUME 6)

*** More scenes from other people as the reveal was happening. ***

*~~* Colorado Springs, Colorado *~~* (Third Person POV and negative reactions)

The men were sitting home with their families. Matthew Parker, road construction worker. Blake Townes, investment banker on vacation for the holidays. Emmet Sanders, architect. Franklin Edwards, gun shop proprietor. These men and many more. They were home for whatever circumstances that they had, but they were all watching that broadcast when it started. And the moment that things started to come to the light, their anger flared.

These men were just a few in the hunting group that was run by Franklin Edwards. They would hunt in massive gangs every season. They all frequented the various shops that Franklin owned. And they would attend meetings about what it meant to be a true believer.

A believer in what? Well in the way that America should be, that’s what. They had reluctantly stopped fighting the race war in their country. There was no way to get the purity of their land back, but they weren’t done with their hate. Not by a long shot. They still talked about what they were going to do to free their lands once more.

Now though, as they were watching this monster bitch on the television broadcast, every single member of the PAWs was outraged. The PAWs, also known as the Proud American Warriors, knew that they had to cleanse the world of these nonhuman mongrels that were broadcasting to the world this very moment.

Not all of the PAWS were within range to attack the stadium, but Franklin, Blake, Emmet, Matthew, and several more, were able to make it there within minutes. The call went out and all militia that were able to respond were urged to attack the monsters and the sympathizers that were there with them. They all needed to die, every last one of them.

It took them only minutes to get the first car there. Franklin, living in the downtown area where the stadium was, arrived first. And he didn’t stop. He drove his Jeep into the side of the building over and over again until it was no longer drivable. He was making progress though, and by the time that the others were there, they just pulled his ruined Jeep aside and continued to break into the stadium.

Finally, after a little while, they were able to get through the outer wall, and surprisingly, there were no guards or security personnel that were stationed on the inside. The cowardly little monsters that were hiding within were too scared to face them. Of course they would be, everyone knew that the PAWs was an elite group that was not to be trifled with.


The progress forward was halted though, when they threw open the doors to the stands and rushed forward, only to be stopped by some invisible barrier.

“They must be using their Satan magic to stop us from getting inside.” Franklin called out to them. “Keep pushing forward. Eventually, we will wear out their power and make it through to them. We will destroy those monsters and save the world. We will be heroes today men, we will be legends.”

“YEAH!” The cry of agreement went out loud and long among the other militia men.

On and on they fought to get through to the other side, but the barrier, whatever it was made of, just wouldn’t give in. They weren’t able to make it through no matter what they did. Some of the men grew angry and frustrated. And more than once Franklin heard the sound of gunshots ring through the air.

Each time there was a shot fired though, another man cried out in pain, the bullet rebounding and hitting him somewhere on his body.

“They are attacking us.” Blake called out. “They have shot three of our men so far.”

“Hold your fire men. Save your ammunition until we get through. We will get in there, and we will destroy those heathens, those monsters, those abominations.”

“YEAH!” The cry of agreement sounded once again, even as the wounded were dragged out of the way and left to die on their own.

Franklin could see into the stands and onto the field, even if he couldn’t get through. And what he saw angered him even more. Those monsters, and the monster loving humans, were disappearing into the thin air. They were leaving the stadium, and they wouldn’t be able to get through to them before they were all gone.

Then, thankfully, when one last monster bitch remained, the one that was hosting the broadcast, the barriers fell down. And that was when he noticed that the bitch was running through the air, literally floating and running on nothing at all. And she was running toward a girl cowering in the stands. He was going to kill them both. He was going to make sure that they both died. And then he was going to walk through that arch that the others disappeared through, because he was sure that he was going to get to them as soon as he stepped through it. Get to them and kill them all.

His plans didn’t go according to plan though. The bitch managed to save the sniveling snot nosed brat and ran with her to the arch. Together they disappeared, just before Franklin’s bullet could follow after them.

“DAMMIT!” He screamed into the now eerily silent stadium. “They got away.”

“But you won’t.” A man yelled at him. “All of you put down your weapons. You are under arrest.” It was at that moment that Franklin noticed the five or six dozen police officers that were filing in around them all.

“Who the fuck are you?” Franklin snapped at the cop in the lead, whose gun was aimed right at Franklin’s head.

“Captain Devon Scott, CSPD.”

“You need to arrest the ones that were here, Scott.” Franklin snapped at the police officers. “They are monsters. They aren’t human.”

“The only monsters I see here, are you people. Drop the weapons, now.” Captain Scott commanded them. For a moment, just a brief one, Franklin thought about telling his men to open fire, there were tainted pieces of trash among the officers here, and they should be purged as well. However, he thought better of it and decided to drop his rifle on the ground.

“Drop them, men.” He ordered the others. “We haven’t done anything wrong. We will be home by dinner time.” He was grinning happily, the gravity of the situation not yet sinking into his thick skull just yet.

*~~* Colorado Springs, Colorado *~~* (Third Person POV)

Dustin Jones was working at the same desk that he always worked at. He did the same work that he always did. And he was surrounded by all the same people that he was usually around. There was no deviation in what he usually did. The only thing that ever really changed in his daily routine was what he had for lunch, and who the clients that he did the work for. Those things changed regularly, but everything else was predictable and boring.

He wasn’t upset about that though. He liked the life that he lived. And the fact that his work life was so predictable was fine for him. He didn’t have to stress about different things at work. He didn’t have to worry about something unexpected happening to him that would throw a wrench into his otherwise meticulously planned day.

He wasn’t this anal about his life outside of work. He liked adventure and all things exciting, but not when it came to work. He felt that work was enough of an uncertainty in this day and age, that the most calm and predictable it was the better.

So, when every computer in the office started to display the same broadcast at the same time, effectively ruining the peaceful and predictable day that he was having, his nerves shot through the roof. He was certain that there had been some sort of emergency. There had to be something that would warrant an emergency broadcast like this, right?

Quietly, Dustin just sat there and listened to what was being said. He watched what they had to show him. And he processed everything that he could. At first, he didn’t believe it. This couldn’t be happening, right? This had to be a hoax. There wasn’t really werewolves, witches, vampires, and all those others things in the world, was there?

Dustin knew that this had to be fake and that someone was just pulling an elaborate joke on the office. That had to be it. However, right before he started to laugh, he heard the sound of the car crashing into the building. He heard it first outside the window next to him, and then again echoed on the broadcast. There was a slight delay, maybe a second or two at most. Then he heard the sound again. Boom. Boom. The echoing through the office after the real sound outside.

Dustin sprang from his seat and looked out the window. He saw that there were people attacking the stadium that was across the street from his office. The stadium that he knew the people in the broadcast had filmed in. And there was no way that this was prerecorded if the crashing sounds were happening right now, in real time.

“What the?” He looked at the men swarming the stadium. “Th..they’re going to kill someone.” He was speaking under his breath as he watched the many men with rifles running toward the scene of the crashes. They weren’t done either. They were trying to crash their way through the wall and gain entry to the people in the broadcast.

Turning back to face the images, Dustin saw how scared the people were, and the werewolf, witch, Fae queen that had been talking was making a magical door to save them all.

“Look. She’s helping them.” A woman, maybe Diana, called out as she looked at the screen. “They are good people. She is saving them from those men attacking the stadium.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Others agreed. “Look at that. They are good people.”

“Do you believe this?” Someone else asked, but Dustin was too distracted to pay attention to who was talking at the moment. “Is it real?”

“Y..yes, I think it is.” Although he didn’t know who he was answering, Dustin gave his honest opinion. “This is real. And they are real. Werewolf, witches, vampires, Fae, shifters, they are all real.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

At that, Dustin looked around the room. Were any of them not human. Were any of his coworkers one of those people?

“I..I think that this is a wonderful thing. Not that they are being attacked, but that these people showed themselves to the world. Obviously, they’ve all been here for a long time. And we didn’t know about them. That means that they aren’t bad people. If any of you aren’t human, I have no problems with any of you.” He saw several shocked faces, but he didn’t know if that was because they were happy that he accepted them, or if they were humans that couldn’t believe what he said.

He had meant what he said though. Why should he be upset with these people? If they’ve been here all along and they never knew it, then there was no reason to be scared or angry now. Admittedly, Dustin might look closer at his surroundings now, and he might wonder if his friends are all human, but he wasn’t going to change anything about his life just because he knew the truth now. Nothing had really changed, just his knowledge of it.

Dustin wasn’t the only one that was accepting them either. All over the world there were people that would think the same thing. If they really have been here since the beginning, then there was no reason to be scared of them, now. They were just going to be who they had always been, right? Just no longer hiding it.

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