Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1086 - 1086 Chapter 71- Trinity – Rise in Incidents (VOLUME 6)

1086 Chapter 71- Trinity – Rise in Incidents (VOLUME 6)




The day before the quads’ birthday, we had gotten the news that there had been several bombings across the country. They had happened in a dozen different locations, but no one had been hurt. That in and of itself was a miracle that we all should have rejoiced for. I thought that, despite what it was that these terrorists were doing, they weren’t actually wanting to hurt people. But that wasn’t the case, was it?

Four days after the bombings, on the third day of the new year, we got word that there had been another riot. This riot was happening in California, in one of the cities where the murders had happened over the summer. I guess that the group that was behind it had thought that because there had been an attack there before, there had to have been several nonhuman people living there.

Well, they weren’t wrong. They had attacked Waterton, California, the place where the Fae girl had been raped and murdered. And at the current moment, Waterton had a ration that was about three to one supernatural to humans. They were more likely to attack a nonhuman being in that city than they were to attack an actual human.

The riot started in a business district that was filled with restaurants and shops. The attack first started at a café that was asked if they would serve a nonhuman. The proprietor, thinking that the ones asking were asking for themselves to see if they were allowed, adapted an accepting and accommodating tone.

“Of course. I won’t deny anyone service for something like that. It wouldn’t be right.” That was the wrong answer. The man that had asked immediately grabbed the woman by the hair and hauled her closer to them.

“So, you are saying that you would serve monsters and beasts that want to murder us all?” He growled and screeched into her ear. “Are you a human? Or are you a monster just like those on the news?”


“Wh..what?” The woman had cried out in pain and fear. “What are you talking about? I am a human. I am a human.” She said it again and again, trying to get them to understand that she wasn’t any different than they were.

“Then why would you turn against your own people? Why would you allow those things to eat here?”

From what we were told, there had been a lot of super naturals that were at the café at the time. They were making their way through their lunch when the scene started. Most of them were merfolk, as that was a popular place for them to reside because of the connection to their clan. However, some of them were wolves and Fae.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!” One man yelled, and he was clearly not human. By the time that he had made it to where the violent men were, he was sporting long canine teeth and glowing yellow eyes.

“LOOK!” An angry rioter shouted. “He’s one of them.”

“Yeah, that he is.” The man let go of the woman and let her sprawl to the floor. At that, someone pulled out a gun and shot toward the werewolf. He managed to avoid the bullet, and at the same time pulled the waitress behind him to safety. The bullet struck the wall with a thwack and embedded itself in the plaster.

“What the hell are you thinking?” The werewolf, a man named Corey Givens, roared at the shooter. “There are dozens of innocent people here.”

“Anyone that eats with a beast like you is not innocent.”

“Oh, yeah?” Another man, this one a Fae that was letting his true colors show through, stepped forward then. “You would kill innocent people just for eating in a diner?”

“Look, it’s another freak.” A man near the door shouted.

“We are people, just like the rest of you.” A Merman with vibrant purple hair stood, his scales showing with his anxiety at the scene unfolding before him.

“Ugh, look at that freak. Is he part fucking fish?” Another of the rioters asked in disgust. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. Let them have this place, we will deal with the others.”

As the group left the café, the super naturals followed them. However, when they were out of the building, they saw that they were vastly outnumbered. There were at least three hundred people that had caravanned to this location, and they were all ready for a fight.

What followed was an attack on every shop that was within a half a mile radius. Dozens of people were injured, but they were all minor. And they were all human. They attackers made it clear that they were after the nonhumans in the area, and anyone that would accept them. Some of the people that were attacked had openly told the attackers that they would accept the so-called monsters over them any day.

“You would accept the monsters?” One of the attackers said angrily. “WHY!?”

“Not a single one of them has ever tried to hurt me.” The man was heard yelling back. “You, on the other hand, are hurting innocent people. And you stand there calling the super naturals the monsters and beasts. You are the monsters. You are the inhuman beasts. Not the werewolves and vampires, but you. All of you that want to hurt people are the monsters.”

The rioters had tried to shoot that man, but he was saved by another nonhuman. The man wasn’t injured at all, aside from some bruises that resulted when he hit the ground, and he wasn’t worried about those at all.

There was nothing stolen from the businesses, just damage done from the rioters before they managed to escape. It had all happened really fast. About a dozen businesses were destroyed or nearly destroyed before the police even made it on the scene. I wasn’t worried that the police were on the side of the rioters in this case. Waterton was relatively a small city, so they didn’t have the largest police force. And they didn’t usually have to respond to riots and things of that dangerous nature. They had needed to get gear that they had never actually used before.

Every single one of the rioters made it out of there without being arrested. They left in their caravan as soon as the sirens sounded in the distance, but that didn’t stop them from doing over a million dollars’ worth of damage.

All of this information was available to the public. It had been aired on national news and available in all of the national newspapers. And let’s not forget about all of those news sites across the internet. It was all that anyone was able to talk about. It was the latest sensation to hit the air since the reveal itself. Well, that and the bombings. These things that were happening, all a result of the reveal, was not helping us to prove to the world that nothing at all was going to change with us being in the open.

“Vincent, when is the first interview?” I asked him as I threw aside the article that I had been reading. I had already watched the footage on the news, but I was determined to get as much of the information as I possibly could.

“We have an interview with Good Morning America tomorrow.” He told me as soon as I asked him. “It was scheduled for next week, but I moved it up because of the bombings and the attack yesterday.”

“Good.” I was already reading another article on the subject. “It seems like most of the papers are on our side. They seem to agree with this man here,” I pointed to the name of the man that had said none of us had ever tried to hurt him, “they say that we’ve been peaceful. Unlike these terrorists that are bombing and attacking people. However, there are ones like this.” I shook an article that I had already read and set aside. “These ones are in the same mindset as the attackers. They say that if it wasn’t for these people being sympathetic to us, there wouldn’t have been any attacks at all. And no bombings either.”

“They’re morons.” Reece said as he took the article from me and read it. It was a printout from one that was posted online.

“I have to wonder,” I said solemnly. “Is the man that wrote this a part of that group of attackers? Or is it just a coincidence?”

“I don’t know.” Gabriel said as he looked over a copy of the same news story. “Judging by how it reads, I would say that he has intimate knowledge of the attack. If he wasn’t a part of it, then he has an inside source.”

“Agreed.” I threw aside another article. “We need to find that man. We need to know who these rioters and attackers were. And if he can lead us to them, then all the better.”

“We will look into it.” Jackson said as he jotted the information down in his notepad. “He won’t be able to hide from me. Not with the skills that Rawlynne and I have.”

“Good. Find him, and fast.” I wasn’t feeling up to letting these things slide. This attack, and all the bombings as well, had me in an almost permanent state of Queen Mode, and no one wanted to know what that would do to me. Or just how ruthless I might get if I was kept that way. Still, I knew that I needed to tread carefully, and not hurt a single human. We couldn’t afford that at all.

“What are we going to do if there are more riots?” Reece asked me in a tone that said this wasn’t a what if question, not really. He was actually meaning to say ‘when’ there were more riots.

“We try to respond as soon as possible. We send back up to them and arrest as many rioters as we can. Our prison that we built will be able to handle them all, and they will get to see that we mean business here.”

“Would we be able to house them there? If they are arrested in a different state, that is?” Shawn asked me with a perplexed look on his face.

“Domestic terrorism is a federal crime. They will be tried in federal court, so it doesn’t matter where they are housed, as the laws that will be upheld will all be the same. We can keep them in our prison until they are taken to the federal courthouse to answer for their crimes.”

“Ooh, I hope they get a nonhuman judge.” Shane laughed eagerly. “I would love for these people to know that we aren’t stupid backwater morons or anything like this. They need to know that we are politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, and every other career you could think about. And they would just about shit themselves if they found out that their judge and jury were predominantly supernatural.” I will admit, I wanted to laugh right along with Shane. It was a funny thing to think about. Still, we had a lot to worry about, so I kept my smiles and laughter to myself.

“On a more pressing matter, what should we do about Monday?” David’s question and tone brought me back to a topic that I had been trying to forget about for the last week.

“Ah, yeah, the kids all go back to school on Monday.” Shane looked at me, he had stopped laughing and looked positively serious now.

“We let them go. We can’t halt our lives because of this. We just need to make sure that we put as much security in place as possible. I won’t rob the children of their childhood.” This was hard for me, because as a mother and a queen, I wanted to protect them all, but I also knew, as a mother, that I had to let them all learn and see the world for what it was. They would be safe though, because someone would be watching all the schools at all times. Not just the ones that we owned and ran, but all the schools in the county. No one knew where the kids went to school, and I didn’t want to risk a shooter going after innocent kids. That wasn’t what I was about at all.

“Understood.” David nodded. “I have assigned all the locations to the knights that we had here. And I am sending at least one man to all the schools that will allow their presence. Every school that we can protect across the entire country will have someone there to protect the children. I am pleased to say that there were a lot of them that were willing to allow this. They just want their kids to be protected.”

“That is good.” I nodded. “That is all that we can do for now. If there is another attack, let me know immediately. And have Darrol monitor the servers. The moment that there is a mention of something that needs us, I will send help their way. Hell, I will go myself.”

Rising to my feet, I saw the solemn yet determined looks on all of their faces. They didn’t like what was happening anymore than I did. However, they, like me, knew that it was all necessary. And we all hoped that it would blow over as soon as possible.

These attacks, and the negative media that was bound to come with them, would only serve to cause a divide among the humans. They would split into groups that did and did not accept us. Those that didn’t accept us might become increasingly more violent, while those that did accept us would become targets to the other group. That was why I needed to make sure that we got as much positive information out there as possible. The more that people knew about us, the less that they had to fear from us.

Well, that was my hope and dream anyway. And I was going to make sure that I did all that I could to make sure that my dream came true. No one needed to be hurt because of this, if they just listened to what we had to tell them. If they would see that we weren’t here to hurt them. If only.

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