Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1094 - 1094 Chapter 79- The Dalton Series Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

1094 Chapter 79- The Dalton Series Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

This is a series of articles that were written by the reporter, Elijah Dalton, of the New York times. He had a special that featured the members of the super natural community and the nonhumans that live among us. He researched in detail as much as he was able to about these people, and has done all that he could to provide that information to the world at large.


In today’s article, I am going to speak about some notable members of the community that is known as the ‘super naturals’ or the ‘shadow community’. There have been a lot of these people over the years, and they have gotten into some very prominent positions. Some of these people, who I have the full permission of, are extremely well respected and loved. These people have all reached out to me and offered to tell their story so that they can show their solidarity with their King and Queen that have been in the spotlight for a month now. And most of these people are no stranger to the spotlight at all.

Keanu, the first that I will be mentioning, has been in the spotlight since the late nineteen eighties. As we all know, that was over fifty years ago. And given that, according to his most recent biographical information, he was born in the year nineteen sixty-four. He would have been in his twenties when he started to act. And by now, he would be almost eighty years old.

Now, there was an ‘accident’ that occurred back in thirty-one. That was when Keanu, who still looked no older than thirty, if that, was supposedly killed. At the time of his ‘death’ Keanu would have been in his late sixties. However, this was all just for show. As we all likely remember, there was talk about how young he looked at all times. How he had to have had work done, but that wasn’t how the down-to-earth Keanu was. He wouldn’t have had surgery unless it was absolutely necessary. And then, not long after that, he ‘died’. Or did he?

As it turns out, he is a part of that community with Trinity and Reece Gray. However, contrary to some of the articles that started to surface in the early two thousands, Keanu is not a vampire. Actually, he is a Warlock. He has been a magic user for a long time, and they had already enjoyed longer life spans. He was actually born in the mid eighteen hundreds and has lived several lifetimes as different people. He loved his life as an actor though, and plans to return to it as soon as possible. Now that the world at large knows about his people, he has nothing at all to hide. And he is thankful for his King and Queen for giving him this opportunity.

Apparently, Keanu was getting quite bored of his isolation that was required for him to wait until his ‘son’ started to take his place in the world of movies. He is also wanting to start work on a new ‘John Wick’ movie and hopes that the directors will be open to identifying John as a Warlock, and explaining that this is why the man has lived for so long and is so good at what he does. I for one cannot wait until the day that John Wick the Warlock comes to theaters.

There are others that are prominent as well. The current Prime Minister in the United Kingdom is a member of the community. She had admitted that Trinity and Reece Gray had approached a lot of the prominent members of their community to get assistance with securing the safety of their people. Miss Westmont was all too happy to help them, and has successfully made it so that all nonhuman beings living in the United Kingdom have the same rights as the humans. They cannot be mistreated just because they are not human, no matter what species they are.

The current Prince in Japan, Prince Hishahito, married a wolf shifter as I mentioned before. And the family and government there were all too happy to give the same rights to their nonhuman citizens. They believe that they are all people, just like the rest of us. And they will enjoy all the same aspects of life, as long as they are law abiding and tax paying citizens, they will not be persecuted. And since these people have been there for a long time, there is no reason to think that they would all of a sudden decide to stop being decent people.


There are also several politicians here in our own country that are not human. They were elected to their office by their peers, many of them have been elected several times. There are senators, representatives, mayors, even governors. And these people have done amazing jobs, according to their constituents. They have never had scandals, and they are willing to do what they need to in order to protect the American people. I will not release their names, as it is up to them if they want to expose themselves. I just want you all to know though, that if you can’t tell already, then it doesn’t matter, does it?

There are also a lot of notable singers and musicians that are not human. Pink, who has been a big star and remains popular even now after forty years, is an eternal being from the Fae community. Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, The Weeknd, and Rhianna are also members of Trinity and Reece Gray’s community. They are various shifters that gained their immortality when Trinity Gray herself took the essence and souls of three gods into her body.

Also, Adele, Dua Lipa and Bruno Mars are all members of the Vampire community that is aligned with Trinity and Reece Gray’s community but is run by Dietrich and Shawn Conrad. There are others, I am sure of that, but these are the ones that have chosen to expose what they are in solidarity with their magnanimous rulers.

As we can all see, there are several people that we have all known and loved for many, many years that are a part of this community. They are all around us, they have been here for a long time, and they aren’t going anywhere. I for one am very happy to have the chance to know who these people are, and what it is that they can do for our world.


Today I want to talk about the good that the nonhumans have done for our community at large. And no, this isn’t just more about the philanthropy that has been displayed by the Gray family time and time again. No, this goes above and beyond that.

Did you know that some of the most important discoveries in history came at the hands of the nonhuman community? The discovery of penicillin, and therefore the saving of a lot of people that needed medication, came from a Scottish Warlock that focused on alchemy. This Warlock was none other than Alexander Fleming. He was a more advanced alchemist though, and he knew that it wasn’t alchemy he was doing, but rather it was chemistry.

In fact, Fleming had been around when Friedrich W?hler and Justus von Liebig discovered and explained functional groups and radicals in relation to organic chemistry. These three men, big names in the historical scientific community, were all Warlocks and wanted to focus on more of the positives that research and study could have on the world.

Not all of the discoveries and inventions were scientific in nature though. Notable inventor, and werewolf, George Washington Carver had done quite a number of amazing things in his lifetime. He helped to bring understanding about the depletion of soil nutrients into the world, and knew how to fix it. In his efforts though, there ended up being an abundance of less profitable crops, such as peanuts and soybeans. It was with peanuts that GWC would have some of his biggest advancement.

In all, he developed more than 300 food, industrial and commercial products from peanuts, including milk, Worcestershire sauce, punches, cooking oils, salad oil, paper, cosmetics, soaps and wood stains. He also experimented with peanut-based medicines, such as antiseptics, laxatives and goiter medications. It should be noted, however, that many of these suggestions or discoveries remained curiosities and did not find widespread applications.

He did not, as people often say, invent peanut butter. That was actually a sad thing for me to learn when I did my research. That old myth was so powerful that it had been part of history for so long. Still, the man did a lot of good for the world, and if he had been an immortal at the time, I can imagine that he would still be inventing and researching to this day.

There are other notable discoveries and inventions that came from people that were human, but these here should be enough to help you understand, they have never wanted to destroy humanity. They have helped us find cures for diseases, and they have found ways to fight soil depletion. If it weren’t for these men, these nonhuman men, we might not have survived as a species. And it would be down to the super natural beings alone. In truth, we should be thanking them for all that they have done for us.


Lately, I have seen a lot of rumors and negativity go out into the media and on the internet about the nonhumans of the world. These claims are blatantly false. And I want to tell you all that there is no good that will come from trying to disparage them.

I do not mean to say that these nonhumans are going to retaliate against us or anything. No, that isn’t like them at all. However, putting this negativity out there might have another effect. It might invigorate the wrong people.

There are groups in this world, in this country, that are filled with rage and hate. And all those people need is a focal point. If we keep putting this misinformation out there for them all to see, they might find a place to release that pent up energy of theirs.

It has already started actually, but I am sure that the truly horrendous of those people have yet to get involved. So far, there has been little done other than minor bombings and threats. There have been some injuries, but nothing major. There have been entire communities threatened, but they are still standing at this time.

In fact, just today, several members of Trinity and Reece Gray’s community, including their own children, have gone out to Oregon to save some of these people that were suffering at the hands of these misguided people. They were able to diffuse the situation and help the local police arrest each and every member of the terrorist supremacy group that was attacking without provocation.

These nonhuman individuals are showing once again just how wonderful they are, and how much they care about the world in general. Trinity and Reece Gray have even instilled these values in their children, Reagan and Rika. They are wonderful people that have grown into truly amazing adults. I applaud them for all that they have done, and I thank them for being so caring and supportive of the humans that needed them the most.

I am ending this series of articles here, but I want you all to know this. These people have ALWAYS been with us. They have lived in harmony with us since the beginning of humanity, and we have not been eradicated from the world yet. There is nothing to fear from them. They will not try to get rid of us. All they want is to live a life in peace that doesn’t involve hiding who and what they are.

Join me in welcoming them to the light, and thank them for being who and what they are. Without them, there would be far less beauty, entertainment, and happiness in the world. And without them, we might not be here either. Remember, they invented so many life saving things for us. We need them more than you know.

I will be the first to say this here. Thank you, Trinity and Reece Gray. Thank you and everyone else that is in your community. We wouldn’t be the people that we are today if it wasn’t for all of you. Thank you and all your ancestors for making this world a better place for us all to live in. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and I am sure the bottom of many more. This world would not be the same if it wasn’t for you, your family, and all of the people that make up your wonderful communities. We are now and forever better people because you are in this world with us.

This concludes the articles that were written for the New York Times by reporter Elijah Dalton. Thank you for coming back week after week for more news about the nonhuman community.

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