Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1109 - 1109 Chapter 94- Trinity – Interrogations Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

1109 Chapter 94- Trinity – Interrogations Part 2 (VOLUME 6)




I spent another thirty minutes talking to the man that was sitting in the holding room. I asked him repeatedly about the people that had helped him with these bombs. Where had he got the materials to make them? Why was he targeting the school? Who was he working with? Where their headquarters were? And so many more.

I asked him all of these questions multiple times, but he still refused to speak. He was tight lipped and kept silent. That isn’t to say that he was just brave enough to not speak. He was scared, that was easy to tell. And the more that we revealed that we knew about him, the more scared that he seemed to become.

It just didn’t matter though. Even with all that I had been able to deduce about him already, he still wasn’t speaking. I knew that I needed a break though. I needed to get out of that room. I needed a breather before I went back to talking to that man.

Even though I left the holding room, I didn’t go far. I went to the observation room that was just on the other side of the wall. There was, of course, a two way mirror that connected the room. I would be able to see into the holding room still, but Gerald Ramie wouldn’t be able to see me. I liked it that way. I wanted to make sure that I kept my eyes on him, even if I wasn’t the one that was interviewing him at the moment.

Reece didn’t leave with me. And neither did Vincent. Rawlynne did, though. She also needed a break from that stalwart ass clown of a man. He was just so frustrating to deal with that neither of us wanted to be around him any longer.

As we watched from the observation room, I saw Reece begin to talk to the suspect while Vincent and Devon watched on from the back wall. In all honesty, Vincent and Devon, being on the same wall as the mirror, almost felt like they were right next to Rawlynne and myself.


What was strange though, was the tone that Reece took when he started to speak to that suspect. It was almost as if he was giving the man a chance to show that he was right. He sounded almost understanding, if that made any sense at all. What was he doing? What was happening?

And what was even stranger, was that it seemed to be working. The man was almost instantly less guarded as he heard Reece’s voice.

“I am sorry about that, you’re probably a little overwhelmed right now.” He was sounding almost as if he was sorry about me and my interrogation tactics, yet I had seen him go harder at a suspect before. He was not usually known as a gentile when it came to interrogations.

“That woman is really your wife?” The man spoke in a soft and barely there voice. It was as if he knew that I was listening in on him and Reece, and he didn’t want to let me hear him.

“Yes, that is my Trinity. She can be a bit brash at times.”

“That is an understatement.” The man spoke again, this time his voice was a little louder, and rising until it was normal with each word that passed through his lips. “Women should not be allowed to do things like that. They do not have the right to question men. They belong at home, caring for children and making meals.”

OH! MY! FUCKING! GODDESS! Did I just hear that man correctly? I am not really sure if I did. I mean, if that man said what I think he just did, then the term ass clown was entirely too meek for him. He needed something worse, something more intense, but I just couldn’t think of something just yet. I would though, when the time was right, I would find the proper insult for him.

“Yeah, I agree.” Vincent said in a tough guy voice. “It’s hard having to see women in power.” He was such a bad liar that I knew the asshole had to have seen right through him. However, it appeared that the man was as blind as he was stupid, because he didn’t notice how blatant that lie was coming from Vincent.

Finally, I understood what Reece and Vincent were doing here. They had seen, during the time that I had attempted to interview the man, that he was not going to speak to me, mainly because I was a woman. He was a pig as well as an asshole. No, that was insulting, pigs were better than him. Unless he was just a particularly nasty part of a pig, that would count for him.

“I feel sorry for you men. Having so many women around you that are in such powerful positions. It isn’t right, but you three have to deal with it every single day. You should fight back. You should be more like us and fight against the injustices of the world.”

“Yeah, but I fear that your group would have a thing or two against us.” Reece joked with a laugh.

“Yes, they would. And it won’t be long before you perish. All the more reason for you three to stand up for yourselves now. You should make the last of your time worthwhile. I mean, you don’t want to die while being a slave to a dumb bitch, do you?”

I could see a twitch in Reece’s shoulders, a tightness in his lips that was unmistakable. He was pissed. That was obvious. He was angry at the man that was saying such rude things about his mate, but he had to just grin and bear it, if he was going to get this man to speak to him.

“Yeah, you might be right. I mean, I used to be the Alpha. I was the man in charge. I was the one that captured her when she tried to run away. I was always the one with the power, until she became the Queen. That was when everything changed.” With that, Reece heaved a big fake sigh that wouldn’t have passed even an off Broadway audition, not even an elementary school play audition.

“You should be the one in charge. Men are the ones that lead the world, it’s a fact. That’s why the Colonel won’t let women into the ranks. They have no reason to fight. If a woman comes to us wanting to help, they are sent to make uniforms, cook meals, and keep the headquarters clean. They are not to know a single thing about the mechanism that is the Colonel’s a-.” He stopped there. He seemed to come to his senses, realizing that he was about to say something that he shouldn’t. Dammit! I wanted to hear the rest of that. We needed all that info and more, if we were going to stop these people.

“Yes? What was that?” Reece prompted him. “The Colonel’s what?”

“Never mind about that.” He shook his head and tried to wave his hand in the air. He couldn’t though, as he was handcuffed to the table. “That isn’t important right now. I don’t want to talk about that. The Colonel has nothing to do with this.”

“Who is the Colonel though? Obviously, he is someone important, otherwise you wouldn’t have mentioned him.” Reece tried to press him to speak more on the topic, not too hard but with a gentle tone and a nudge with his words.

“No. The Colonel doesn’t have anything to do with this. He wasn’t a part of this. I did this on my own. I made the bombs on my own. And I was the one that decided to target the school. This was all on me. It has nothing to do with the Colonel.”

“Why did you target the school though?” Reece asked him, the man was able to speak to him easily, that was good. And I felt like Reece was somehow making the man forget that he was not human. He was feeling comfortable with Reece for the time being, and that helped a lot.

“Isn’t that obvious?” He asked as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I targeted that school because I wanted to get rid of those things that go there. The school is infested with monsters. And the only thing to do with a monster, is to destroy it. I was doing the world a favor.”

More tensing from Reece. More anger at this man that just so openly admitted that he was going to kill our children. He was the monster, not us. He was the one that would have taken innocent lives. He was not a person that should be allowed to walk the world freely. He was a threat to all of society.

“There were others targeted too. Why did you target more than just the monsters?” Despite the rage that must be burning inside of Reece, he was pushing through this interview as best as he could. He was much better at it than I would have been. I was about ready to jump through the glass and strangle the man for trying to hurt my family.

“The others that were targeted were suspected of either being monsters themselves, or sympathizers. We cannot stand humans that allow those things to impose on our lives. They shouldn’t be allowed to live among us humans, we perfect creatures.”

“Is that so? Even with how long those people have already been here? I hear they’ve been living among the humans for millennia now.”

“That is impossible. They cannot have gone unnoticed for so long. It is not fathomable, to have lived with things so monstrously hideous and not have known about it. I don’t believe that lie for a second, and neither does the Colonel. They have to have been a recent thing, in the last decade or two at the most. Possibly some sort of alien invasion or something, I am not sure about that, but they aren’t natural to this world.”

This man was full on stupid crazy. He was an idiot that didn’t know anything, he was just letting charismatic and powerful people fill his head with whatever ideals they wanted to. He was like a sponge that soaked up nothing but stupidity and insanity. In a way, I felt bad for people like him, so woefully misinformed about everything in life that they can’t see what is right in front of them. They weren’t open to the concepts of the truth and what was real. He was so blinded by the misinformation and the hate that it was ruining his life.

“I think that I am done talking now. The Colonel won’t like me speaking to you more. He won’t leave Benkel-.” He stopped mid sentence and then shook his head. “He won’t leave the headquarters for me. In fact, I am sure that he won’t even know that I have been arrested. I am not particularly high up in the group. I was actually trying to gain his favor with this stunt of mine. As I said, I acted alone.”

“Though you got the bombs, or the materials for them, from the Colonel, isn’t that right?” The man’s eyes gave him away, but he didn’t say anything at all. “You’re truly not going to answer me?” Reece asked him.

“No. I just remembered that you are the enemies. You are monsters, and I do not converse with monsters. You are good though, I will give you that. Your disguise is almost believable. I almost thought that you were truly human. You are not though, and that means that I cannot speak to you any longer. Leave me be.”

This was not ideal, but we had gotten some good information from the man, whether he had known it or not. We would be able to work with some of that information. And we might come back to talk to him later. At least we had something to discuss when we started to analyze things again.

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