Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1115 - 1115 Chapter 100- Trinity – A Partnership (VOLUME 6)

1115 Chapter 100- Trinity – A Partnership (VOLUME 6)




“Mrs. Gray, if you are open to the idea, I would like to discuss the opportunity that we have before us.” Mr. Doe’s voice sounded hopeful as he called out from the phone that was sitting on my desk.

“Yes, Mr. Doe, I am very interested in knowing what it is that you have in mind. I wonder now, are you able to come for a meeting in person as well?” I would like to meet this man in person before I decide to put too much trust into him.

“I would have liked to have come with Mr. Clarke, Mrs. Gray, but I am unfortunately unable to get away. I have my job that I cannot leave, and since I work with the Colonel, I cannot get away without him knowing about it. At the current moment, I will be here and Mr. Clarke will be our go between.” The man’s voice did sound as if he was filled with regret and remorse.

“Alright, but what is it that we have to do?” Vincent said as he stepped closer to me. He was putting himself near me because he was my right hand man. At least, that was what I thought he was doing. However, he leaned in closer to me and whispered to me so that the others, and definitely Mr. Doe, couldn’t hear him. “Kirkland Clarke seems to be telling the truth at the very least, but I have never been good with testing people over the phone. It works sometimes and others it doesn’t. Still, I do not believe that Mr. Doe is trying to pull one over on us.”

“That is exactly what I believe as well, Vincent.” I whispered back at him. “I don’t know why, but I think that we need to trust them. This could be the break that we were looking for.”

“Agreed.” With that, he pulled away and stood behind my chair. He was assuming his position that he was supposed to be in at the moment.


“Alright, Mr. Doe. We cannot meet in person, I understand that. So, what is it that you have in mind? How can we help each other?”

“I believe that you would benefit from having inside information. And while Mr. Clarke and I will be doing our best to pass that information along to you, I think that you might have another idea in mind.” He was speaking as if he knew what I had already been thinking.

“You mean a mole.” Dietrich asked him from across the room.

“Precisely. And while Mr. Clarke and I would give you what information that we have, it might not be what you are looking for. I believe that you would see the benefit of having one of your own men infiltrate the DOE.”

“No.” Reece said. “Not to the infiltration, but to it only being one. They will need to have backup in case something happens to them.”

“Alright.” Mr. Doe’s voice sounded as if he understood what Reece was getting at. “How many would you like to send?” I looked at Reece at that moment, wondering the same thing. How many would be the right amount? How many should we send into that place to find out what we can about them?

“Minimum of two. I would prefer more though, five if we can manage it.”

“Five might be a little difficult. We will have to make convincing profiles for them, ones that will stand up to the most rigorous of background checks. It will be easier to have two or three rather than five. I will see what we can do.”

“I volunteer to go.” Shane was already on his feet. “I want to help with this as much as possible.”

“No.” I said at the same time that Reece and Mr. Doe said.

“Excuse me?” Shane was offended, I think that it was the stranger’s refusal that had upset him.

“I know your voice, and that means that I would know your face. You have been on the news with Mr. and Mrs. Gray. You have been seen with them before, and that means that you are not a viable option here.”

“He is right, Shane.” I told him in a calm voice.

“We will find others. Besides, you are meant to be here to guard Trinity.” Reece told him comfortingly, but that just elicited a bark from Shane that made everyone turn to stare at him. And it had also made Clarke jump in fear.

“What is so funny?” Shawn asked him, his eyebrows raised.

“There is no one on this planet that needs to protect Trinity.” Shane grinned at me. “She is the one that is protecting us. We’re just there to deal with what she doesn’t want to do.” Everyone in the room, and I do mean everyone, smiled at his words.

“Be that as it may, Shane, you need to stay here. We will send someone else.”

“I will go.” Landon said as he rose to his feet. “I am not recognizable.”

“I will go too.” Trevor rose to his feet.

“You probably won’t be a good fit. While you have the right look, you would be a little too tall for this job. They will likely think that something is up.”

“What about me?” Carter stepped forward. “We all know that I have a knack for going undercover.” He was making a reference to what he used to do for our pack a long time ago. Not only that, but his ability that he has worked to perfect over the years has made him more chameleon-like than not. He can literally hide in plain sight if he needs to.”

“Alright.” I nodded at him. “You would be good as well.”

“Should we send a woman?” Reece asked as he looked around the room at the few that we had to offer here.

“No.” Both Clarke and Mr. Doe said the word loudly and with vehemence.

“The Colonel would not allow a woman to get info in the ranks.”

“No.” Juniper stood and stepped closer. “But from what Gerald Ramie told Reece, the women are there. They are keeping house and might know more than the Colonel would like to admit.”

“What are you getting at?” Paul asked as he rose as well.

“Just that a woman going undercover might be a good idea. I can go there with them and infiltrate the ladies of the group. I can find out what they know and we can see the information from all sides.”

“If you go then I go.” Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. They were still so very much in love.

“Then that makes four.” Mr. Doe said from the other end of the call. “I can make identities for the four of them and have them ready by the end of the day.”

“We can do that as well.” Rawlynne said defensively. “I might have resources that you do not.”

“No offense, Agent Otsana, but I am sure that I have more tools at my disposal than you do. I will handle this and send it over to you this evening. If you are in agreement, then the four that you wish to infiltrate the DOE will leave with Mr. Clarke first thing in the morning.”

“Are you four OK with that?” I asked them, even though I would have liked to have just agreed with Mr. Doe right away.


“No problem.”

“Sure thing.”

“No worries, Trin.” They all nodded and gave their assent.

“Alright, Mr. Doe, they will leave when the files are ready. What exactly are they supposed to do when they get there?”

“I will let them know about that when I send the files later. I will also tell you where the base of operations currently is. However, I am sure that it will be moving soon. The Colonel is getting increasingly more paranoid. I am sure that there will be a situation coming to a head soon.”

“I think that you are right.” I agreed with him as I thought about what Odin had said.

Perhaps Mr. Doe and Clarke were here to truly help us. Or maybe they were part of the problem that Odin had warned us about. I didn’t know for sure, but I was hoping that they were part of the former. I would like to catch a break here at some point, and not having to worry about the possible end of the world, or whatever else could go wrong in this time of uncertainty, would be a great thing.

I was willing to put my trust in these two men. They were the ones that sought me out. They were here to help us and, and they had asked for our help as well. This was a mutual thing between us. We would, with all hope, be able to see this through to the end and take out that entire group. And everyone that took part in the actual crimes, the bombings and other attacks, would be arrested. Others, like Clarke, would be free to go. He couldn’t be the only one in the group that didn’t want to participate.

I was still lost in thought, writing things down as I went, when Vincent and Gabriel guided Clarke from the room. They were taking him to the front door and advising him where to stay for the time being. He wasn’t comfortable staying in the castle, but that was understandable. He was, however, staying with someone in the compound. He wasn’t getting away from us, just not staying in the intimidating castle.

Now that things were getting started, the rest of us started to talk about what was going to happen when Landon, Carter, Paul and Juniper left tomorrow. We needed to talk about what they should do if they were caught, and what it was that they should be keeping an eye out for. There was a lot that needed to be dealt with, and we only had one night to take care of this.

Later that night, about eight in the evening, Mr. Doe called back and advised that the files were in the system. He asked that Rawlynne, or whoever would be doing the background checks, pull up the names that he had set for them. Landon was going in as Brandon Evans, Carter was now known as William Porter, Paul and Juniper were going in as Travis and Janelle Downs. Mr. Doe had used their real photographs and their real fingerprints. And, for the time being, there was no record of who they used to be. Those files were now hidden somehow.

“This is way advanced.” Rawlynne said as she looked at me. “This is better than I would have been able to do.”

“Do you think that he works for a law enforcement agency?” Shane asked as he looked at the screens and the information that was displayed on them.

“I don’t know, but we can’t rule that out. Whoever he is, he is powerful, and that means that it is best to have him as an ally and not an enemy.” I was having the same thoughts that they were. There was no way that there was this level of information available on these profiles if he wasn’t in some sort of law enforcement. Not only that, but he had known who they all were based on just their first names. And that meant that he knew a lot about me and Reece and the people that were around us.

“This is a little eerie.” Reece whispered as he looked over the information that was in the file.

“Agreed.” Several voices mirrored him as they tried to contemplate what had just happened.

This was done now though. And that meant that the others were able to leave in the morning with Clarke. They would be infiltrating the DOE and finding out all that they could. They had cell phones that were registered in other states, also courtesy of the mysterious Mr. Doe. And they had a means of contacting us if things went wrong. Other than that though, we needed to wait until they were able to set up a meeting like the one that Mr. Doe had done.

Now it was just a waiting game. It was time for us to put our faith in these two men that had come to us for help. I knew that I needed to trust them, and I did, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t at least a little bit leery of them. I was sending in my brother, my best friend who was like a sister to me, and her husband that was a brother by marriage to me, and one of Reece’s best friends and pseudo brother.

These were people that were close to us and important to us. And they were going into a dangerous situation. This was not going to be an easy time for any of us. We were all going to have to do our best though and just try to make it through until the end. Hopefully, we will be able to end this all very soon. The sooner the better.

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