Chapter 955: Chapter 140- Reece – Arrests Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




We weren’t wasting any time at all. The moment that we had everything decided, I left with the others to make sure that we got these people. If we waited too long, it was possible that they would expect us to be coming and therefore we would run the risk of missing them. We didn’t need the leaders of this family knowing what we had in mind and stop us. No, heading out now was the best option.

Not only were there those of us that Trinity had chosen to partake in this little operation, but we took the law enforcement agents with us as well. As I was leaving I took Rawlynne, Jackson, Devon, Andrew and a few others. We needed this to look as official as possible.

We were also gearing up to look like the police. Bulletproof vests were being worn, though we didn’t need them. They said POLICE in bright yellow letters though, so that was a benefit for us. We had hats and helmets that we could choose between so that it helped to hide who we were from those murdering assholes.

All in all, I thought that it would be best for us to blend in as actual cops, and the others agreed with me. The least amount of suspicion that was put on me and the non law enforcement members of my team the better. I didn’t need video of this raid getting out and someone recognizing me as the billionaire that thought he could do anything. Nope, that wouldn’t be good at all.


We didn’t head out on foot or anything like that, we weren’t animals. We did, however, take some of the black SUVs that I owned. And those that didn’t ride with me were in the S.W.A.T. truck that Andrew was able to borrow for us. That was also where most of the gear came from.

I think that one thing that was going to benefit us right now was the fact that it was the middle of the night and that meant that most civilians would be asleep. That would keep the media attention down. Over the last ten years or so, Trinity and I have been trying to stay out of the media’s eye. It would be hard to explain how we still looked so young after all these years, so it was best to avoid them altogether.

We rode in relative silence as we went to that hotel that I saw the other day. That one that was in the seedier part of town. This was the type of place that I never wanted to step foot in, but I was going in there now. As horrible as it was going to be, it was for the greater good. Besides, it was just a building, albeit a filthy and likely bug infested one.

“Is everyone ready?” I used the radios that we had borrowed from the police department to contact the other members of the fake S.W.A.T. Team.

“We’re good to go.” I heard Shane’s voice first. He was with a small group of the men in the back of the borrowed truck.

“Let’s get them, Reece.” Riley’s excitement was palpable as he radioed in next.

“Let’s do this.” Carter wanted to end this as well, and that was turning into a level of tension inside of him.

“Alright then, let’s head in. Use your noses to find them.”

“Reece?” Noah butted in.

“Yeah?” I called over the radio.

“How about we go to the night clerk first. We can tell him that we have a warrant for these people that were there, maybe he could tell us which rooms they are in.”

“Good idea.” I nodded. He was right there. It would be easier to find them if we weren’t having to search so hard. “Come with me Noah, you and I will head in there. Rawlynne and Jackson, you two come with us.”

The four of us got out of our respective vehicles and walked toward the front of the building. We had the gear on, complete with guns that were typical of the S.W.A.T. Team. As we were walking, I saw that Noah was using one of those magic pens that Trinity had sent to us.

“What are you doing?” I asked him as he pulled up his sleeve.

“I am putting a persuasion rune on my arm. It will help us to convince him. You should do the same.”

“Good idea.” I nodded as I took the pen from him after he was done. Following my rune, Rawlynne and Jackson added their own runes to their arms. “Alright, let’s go.”

The moment that we entered the building, I saw that the clerk’s eyes went wide with shock. He hadn’t been expecting a police raid during his shift. Though this wasn’t exactly a police raid, we were after criminals.

“C..c..can I you?” The man was practically quaking in fear.

“You have some people staying here. German accents. Recently arrived. Some of the names are Claud, Fritz, Patrik, Jonathon, Marc, Jonathon, Carsten, Phillipp, Christian, Hans, and Pieter.” Noah was the first to answer the man.

“Uh, y..yeah, th..they all checked in the other day. Is something wrong?” The man was looking at each of us and trying not to panic. I was glad that Noah and I were hiding our faces as much as we could.

“I am agent Otsana of the FBI.” Rawlynne held up her badge. “These people are wanted in connection to a recent string of murders all over the world. The twelve that we mentioned are already in custody, but we have been informed that there are ten others currently here in the building. We need their room numbers as soon as possible. For your safety and that of your other guests, we implore you to comply and then take shelter to protect yourself.”

“ I in danger?” The fear tactic was working for sure. The man was definitely scared of the Jaegan’s now.

“It is possible. We thwarted a mass murder by these people earlier this evening, now we need to apprehend the rest of their group. Please, provide us with the information that we need.” Jackson was just as smooth in this as the others were. I wanted to join in with them, however I didn’t want to be recognized by my voice either. So, I decided just to stay quiet for the time being.

“O..OK.” the clerk nodded and went to the computer. “They are under a group reservation. They are on the upper floors, two per room. All the room numbers are listed here.” He was writing them down. “A..a..and here is some master keys, you don’t need to break down the doors.” He reached into the drawer and pulled one of the keys out. He was handing all of the items to Rawlynne with shaking hands. “P..p..please just make sure that my other guests are safe.” The man was at least thinking about the other people that were staying here. He seemed like a good enough man.

We didn’t hesitate once we had the room list and the keys. We radioed the others and had to surround the building. Dietrich, Shawn, Shane, David, Carter, Trevor, Riley, Landon and Valerian joined four of us in the building. I was sure that we would be able to get them all and take them down to the trucks.

Slowly and quietly, we started to make our way up the stairs. I didn’t want to wake the other guests and have them alert the Jaegan to what was happening. There were eleven rooms that the people were in, and there were six rooms per floor. They currently occupy the top two floors with one vacant room on the top floor.

We split into two groups when we got to the ninth floor, half staying there and the other half moving up to the tenth floor. I was among those that went to the tenth floor. Once we were in position, we sent word over the radio.

“On three.” I whispered to them. “One.” The tension was mounting. “Two.” I held up my hand in a fist, as if when I was done I would be pulling a lever and getting us started or something. “Three.” My hand shot down and I stuck the key into the lock. It was go time.

There were two men in the room that I opened. Noah and Riley were on either side of me, Trevor, Landon and Jackson behind me. They opened their doors at the same time and we all shouted into the rooms at the same time.

“DON’T MOVE! POLICE! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!” We had planned this part in advance.

“What the hell?!” One of the sleeping men shouted as he leapt from the bed in the room that I entered.

“What’s going on?” The other man was groggy and didn’t seem to be processing what was happening.

I was being a human cop here, or so they thought, so I was pointing the gun at them. The two men were, thankfully, dressed in tattered looking pajamas. At least they weren’t nude, that was all that I had cared about. And as they woke up and processed what they were seeing, I saw the panic that was spreading across their faces.

“Who are you?” The first man asked in his thick accent.

“Police. You are under arrest.” I repeated as I pointed the gun at him. “Get out of the bed and on your knees.”

“Kris, what is happening?” The other one seemed to be confused still. I swear he looked like he was nothing more than a child. How could the Jaegan make these men do what they had done? That was just not right.

“Get out of bed and on the floor. You are coming with me.”

“Just do as he says for now, Andre, we will be fine. Uncle will get us out soon.” Kris seemed to think that he had no problems at all. He got out of the bed, knelt on the floor, and put his hands on his head. Andre mimicked him and I walked over to cuff them. Noah, who had gone to an empty room, came in and cuffed Andre at that moment.

This all went a lot more smoothly than I thought that it would. We had gotten in and were arresting them with no issues whatsoever. I didn’t think that this was going to be possible, but I guess that it was. These men had been sleeping after all, so they weren’t able to mount a defense against us. Not only that, but we had high powered weapons aimed at them, they weren’t likely to want to go against us with the very real possibility of getting shot.

It took five minutes, that was all. Five minutes and we loaded them all into the back of the trucks. They had all been taken into custody. Now, onto the university for the others.



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